Search Results    
2016-09-16: Object Things and Thinks
2015-09-28: SDG Challenges: linking - connecting - acting - transcending
2015-06-02: MIRACLE (WUNDER) Models, Systems, Signs, Chambers, Spaces, Designs,Architectures
2015-05-20: What after Climate Dialogues ? - Again Global Change Dialogues one day ??
2014-09-19: DATA VOLUMES and HUMAN POTENTIALS - Helmholtz Society Annual Gathering
2014-09-08: IFA+ Summit - NEXT LEVEL OF THINKING
2013-11-12: Big Smart Data - Small, Smart, Wise Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom ?
2013-06-28: Futures Studies - something for a Special & GLocal Interests Group (SIG vs.GIG)
2013-05-01: Environment & Justice and how we solve/neglect Problems
2012-11-28: Already Beyond - 40 years Limits to Growth revisited

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