Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - COMPLICITY - Media, Librarians, Hackers, Learners, .. in one & many Spaces    
 COMPLICITY - Media, Librarians, Hackers, Learners, .. in one & many Spaces
picture picture 8 Nov 2013 @ 16:36, by Heiner Benking

Thrilling - awesome, I am with the coders/decoders/ "non-coder" world-makers of cultural expressions looking for fair and bottom-up and top-down harmonious approaches within 3 days. I REALLY REALLY LIKE IT. Great People. Please go to: How can Pirates & Capitalists, Hackers & Journalists, Amateurs & Pros work together? '''COMPLICITY | Berliner Gazette Conference 2013''' | #bgcon13 November 7th-9th at SUPERMARKT | [link]

Join in at the public event tomorrow and follow the [link] and see the public streaming tomorrow around and after "high noon" on Saturday.

As promised to some participants some notes and links below at

Some notes at recommendations for the way:
we just remembered Paul Otlet !! and the Mundaneum, see article from 2013 in the WALL STREET JOURNAL: [link] Encyclopedia of World Problems Has a Big One of Its Own -
and Robert Jungk and his New Encyclopedists, read: in this blog: [link]

See the "New Encyclopedist" mentioned in a late eulogy for Robert Jungk and his "Dolphin Solutions" collection, go find or create some moresolutions whihc make a difference to bent some trends! See also "Shared Mindprints" [link] Please also check the programme of "City of Flows"! [link] and some tweets #cof12 - Facebooköme/

Do not forget some of us will "assemble" again in 2 weeks again in Berlin
as managed by the Portal Ideengeschichte (Ideas-History) at the Uni Marburg and the Jakob-Kaiser Stiftung: Pls. register ! a.s.a.p. as time is running out, timelines narrow and deadlines are approaching for this very small group of dedicated people with a very special programme: [link] Kaiser Stiftung for registration: PDF (German) [link]

For [More-More] maybe check GOOGLE can help to find: (PDF) IEXvol 7- 8.pdf - Jean Gebser Society [link] 7- 8.pdf Heiner Benking & Sherryl. Stalinski ...... ... truth and requires the complicity of all those who know it's a lie to pretend to believe it is true

and our fumblings around groupthink, clanthink, linkthink: [link] and/or digging deeper into John Warfield here: [link]

or see the OCCUPY and SIGN LANGUAGES video (Brandenburg Gate SPEAKERS CORNER) with GOOGLE and and: YouTube (German) [link] and ANNA LINDH SALON and DIALOG & DEMOCRACY or ENCOUNTERs and taking responsibility with space and time horizon (Hans Jonas-Responsibility) and pls. Check: and/or and GOOGLE and INTERNET & SOCIETY: A.& W. Humboldt and C. Ritter: (GERMAN): Slideshare [link]

or check the spectrum of meaning of BIG BROTHER is wathing you: [link]

and maybe follow these selected appetizer recommendations:
publications: Harnessing the Collective Wisdom of the People [link] - Democratic Approach [link] - EuropesWorld Interviews [link] - Collecting, Connecting, Embodying, Transcending - Ignorance or Compassion? (PDF) [link] - ... Supersigns & Superstructures / Generalisation-Granularity(CODATA-MIST [link] and Formal Ontologies (2013 -ISKO forthcomming)
past events: Global Youth Conferences (slides PDF) [link] - New Renaissance (Slides) [link] - Ritter & Humboldt (Internet&Society pitch PDF) [link] - Magic Roundtables; timeline 1995-2013 handout (PDF) ​​ - Stammtisch 2.0 & 3.0 [link] - ...

And check meanwhile the graphic recordings in the gallery of impressions: Graphic Recording – Notion Scribbling – Visual Facilitation – Informationsgestaltung or at his site: [link] Gabriele just uploaded a selection of posters to Flickr, go for it !

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