22 Dec 2013 @ 08:00, by Heiner Benking
Friday Night was a very special night for much learning for me and I am thankful as I now feel ready for the publication of the "SPOONS Principle", a booklet under preparation since last year. I had to attend to see the learning curve after the first "PEANUTS Sharing" last year in in the Innovation Circle - Berliner Innovationskreis - A gathering for decades in Berlin.
Last night our theme was: "About new Examples, Experiments and Possibilities of an "Economy of Happiness", which are since long no utopia any more. See the invitation below.
Von neuen Beispielen, Experimenten und Möglichkeiten einer Glücksökonomie und von Lebensweisen, die längst keine Utopie mehr sind.
WHAT A TITLE for one event for 4 hours, and what an APPROACH ! This time we did not share COASTERS!, nor STRAWS!, STICKS, CANDELS, SHELLS, SPONGES, small pieces of FUR or STONES or any other kind of tokens (See Magic Roundtable "units" below and how it is as a dialogue format applied as an open, embodied, self-organized, empowering, transparent, surprising, ... approach for small and large gatherings.
Besides: I am always amazed about the symbolic depth of sharing units or tokes, and how it differs in other cultures. Just ask yourselve what it means for you to get some nuts, straws, or spoons !!!
Another question comes up: Is there a "consumption" of time? - are we entiteled" to time? I think this is the essence, we are in a cage of material thinking, time is beyond this, the more you share, the more you have, the more you commit to others you empower others. So Sharing is not about "splitting" but empowering, give voice, .... and not share nuts and peanuts...... Important is agreed frame of time and space, always change and expandable, but good to have commons to trust and negotiate.
Already in Kindergarten we should have leaned that parting and sharing is different - I must confess here, I am a deep fan of Robert Fulghum and his book: EVERYTHING I LEARNED - I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN ! Lumping and Splittering / GIVING & TAKING are quite different and the basics, but it looks like such basic, fundamental learnings were forgotten in the later school or higher curricula. What I had to learn today is that that some people think that taking their part and "slittering" is equivalent to Sharing&Empowering, Co-Creationmindbugs and mindboggles I mentioned elsewhere. and see the mastermind: http://quergeist.net/Warfield/ and also mindprints:
Voting, Deliberating, Empowering, Harvesting, ... jointly putting our acts together is another next step and on another level !!! see sectors, scales, proportions and ways to negotiate:
My Realization again this Friday: that COMMON OBJECTS/MODELS are helpful to translate metaphorically across scales, frames of mind, representaions of (in)tangible issues and mindsets - User Interface Design & Viewpoint Transportation
HAPPINESS and CHANCE are symbilized by a last "STRAW" in my tradition, SURVIVAL; CHANCE and EMPOWERMENT by Spoons you givve to the next generation, as long as you can ...., and PEANUTS your NEGLECT, which are PIECEMEAL, but taste wemm and help getting something to eat and enjoy.... OUR STAR-HIGH title this session is to make a difference ! in Futures to Come (already there ???)
As some of you remember, I am active also at INBAK Institute for Sustainability in Education, Work/Labour, and Culture" and we organise or better facilitate events with in a variety of formats, from open-spaces to see open-forum,. And for example the Innovators Club Rundgespraeche for the German Council of Towns and Regions. check: The recent VIDEO summing up by [link] and some background material: a documentation, hand-outs and videos are in progress. Meanwhile maybe check this "pitch" at the Speakers Corner at the Brandenburg Gate and this little brochure/handout we did at the ENTREPRENEUSHIP SUMMIT in September, where we this year not only did our Roundtable, but made a lot of experiments with Speed-dating, "Design-School pitching" and how to harvest innovative ideas in larger groups, when the young innovators learned to "pitch" (briefly present their idea, terse, in a nutshell. Maybe check this document online, even this is not nicely printed on pergament paper, a thread or cordel for binding and an "attached spoon" as we gave it to special guests and friends: booklet (PDF) it concludes some documentation of Magic Roundtables Events we did since 1995 and Voices and Impressions of participants. More outcome "voices" are available on request.
We are gathering to celebrate Years End and have 2 hosts, Annette and Ute which have a passion for Luck and Happiness and write in many books and journal articles about such themes. Udo Blum is the inspirator and founder of the Circle and believes in empowerment and sharing, so a good "pool" or start position ! Last years "Peanuts Sharing" was also with Anja and Annette have been with us around Magic Roundtables exercises, for example at the "Cradle 2 Cradle" Festival or around the OYA Festival.
My contribution was about SHARING _ CARING _ DARING - and I spoke about An "ART OF GOVERNANCE" where Johan Galtung and me and many others where with RALPH SIU - into not only expansion of Happiness, but also and foremost REDUCTION OF SUFFERING or better INFLICTION OF SUFFERING. I have a text here requested by Horst-Eberhard Richter done at his 80th birthday, so maybe check this 1-pager Increasing the horizon of Compassion & Reducing the Scale of Suffering in the World - Den Horizont des Mitgefühls erweitern & Das Maß des Leidens in der Welt reduzieren
BUT LET ME GET BACK TO BY LEARNINIG I HAD LAST NIGHT. We are often asked if Time-Sharing in Meetings is copyrighted - to make it clear: can everybody do this method with beads or any kind of token, or altered versions, and I always answered: YES, YOU CAN, because I have seen so many methods which are controlled by method-inventors, who make the monies by doing training, selling courses and certificates. I only mention here FUTURE LABs or OPEN SPACE. The question remains how can methods grow and develop further when they are cast in stone!
As you can see this issue is not only on copy right, copy-left and commons, but also about control, adaptability and income. I always say: "Fair Sharing, Caring, Daring".
Ich sollte auch noch das Format und die Ergebnisse vom letzten PEANUTS SHARING letztes Jahr bei Udo hervorsuchen - CHECK: gibt es ein VIDEO !!? and would like to lead you to the Speakers Corner at the Brandenburg Gate - video which in 5 Minutes covered a lot of ground in a YouTube Video: enjoy - unfortunately my and a few presentations are in German.
Anthony Judge has done a collection of methods and the philosophy behind "TIME CREDITS IN MEETINGS" and see a recent profile of Anthony J.N. Judge to get an idea about the author.
Have also a look: already 20 years ago there was some thought about "fair sharing and how to stop the talkers" and maybe start with the background or OPEN FORUM and 21stCenturyAgora pages.
Some results and videos of the INNOVATOR CIRCLE will be avaialble as always, hopefully soon ! meanwhile the PEANUTS voting and eating - was great in the given, much tooo short time. Lots of analysis and synthesis is open, but we did a great kick-off and maybe learn to not only make BETROFFENE zu BETEILIGTEN machen, sonder uns dem Ziel einer LEBENDIGEN DEMOKRATIE zu nähern !! check this 3 day event with focus on journalism, old and new media and policy making in modern (democratic) times: Chances and Risks of Social Participation - Living Democracy and Civil Liberties in the Digital Age - Writers Against Mass Surveillance
Check some backgroundmaterial and more about what should come after sharing in a circle, we call it STAMMTISCH, see Stammtisch 2.0 and 3.0 (PDF brochure).
Most exciting and rewarding recently where our circles with ANTHONY JUDGE, JOHAN GALTUNG and many other "futurist" celebrating 40 years World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF): Futures Studies - something for a Special & GLocal Interests Group (SIG vs.GIG) ...
check below: Sharing and Sharing 2.0
Sharing and Sharing 2.0
The Peanuts, Straws, and Spoons Principle represents ways to deal, assumptions and approaches to sharing in Society. We can distribute, share, empower, learn, deliberate whilc sharing. Of interest is the approach how and why we share and what happens in the next step.
Do we just distribute any kind of real or virtual units of token? do we also share the intangible cultural artefacts and expressions? and to which end !
A lot of difficult questions late at night. But let us come to our event Friday, which again was a great experience and exercise we are Udo Blum very thankful for.
Any such report I will try here, needs to consider the asumptions, expections, resorurces and aims in space and time ! Time Credits without being aware of time, or just as an offer to give any "unit" as a present and encouragement (qualitative harvesting) without a clear way is nothing but an experiment. In our Peanuts case a nice happening in a social gathering, where people have the chance to speak and meet others, but little more. See the invitation below by Udo Blum !! and read the piece by ANTHONY JUDGE on "TIME CREDITS IN MEETINGS" I mentioned it before, but it is essential to see his collection and thoughts about it maybe 20 years ago. We now have a fundament for comparisons and explorations and might find ways to realize the deeper purpose and perspectives "in the act". Do we share unconditional and selfless, or as a means full of "computations" to certain ends?
Maybe a story here at this point helps to get the idea of what I mean with purposes and how they are asssumed and persons are judged by them: It is the story of a friend. Eva Quistorp's website with the BERLIN DECLARATION. Her work is a major effort towards Peace, at that time anti IRAK war Monday Demonstrations over weeks. With this in mind the journalist's article below in an "alternative newspaper" was a mayor blow and part of efforts to influence zhpolitical agendas. Here the Title: Von Penetranz and Petra Kelly (Penetrance und Petra Kelly) and the subtitle under the picture: Radical Democrat, harassed by the Green Party, Politician without Mandat - Radikaldemokratin, weggemobbt von den Grünen, Politikerin ohne Mandat: Eva Quistorp tells the story behind the article. It is helpful here to know she was co-founder of the Green Party.....
When I met Eva Quistorp at that time she was weeping and desperate, she had trusted that journalist, he had received a lot of information from her, but in the end he gave the whole story a negative "slant", writing that she was "Driven" (like a Maniac) a "GETRIEBENE". This is very negative, as it pictures a person working with a drive not being controlled, working like an unconscious, driven "puppet". Maybe check first the article and my letter to the Editors of the TAZ, which was not published ! but I have uploaded my letter 10 years ago, have a look: (Diplomatic)Delegate or Driven Maniac? - Gesandte oder Getriebene? - Questions and Remarks concerning the Mandate of Eva Quistorp - Fragen und Bemerkungen zu Eva Quistorps Mandat
The focus is here on personal diffamation making a pubic person small - discrediting purposes and motivations, a suffisant writing that one person operates without "mandate" (Eva was 20 years ago had been Member of the European Parliament - MEP) My letter is in the essence taking up on old diplomatic joke: Er ist ein Gesandter, aber kein Geschickter - and adding that in Eva*s case being called a "Getriebene" - in this case very unfair and absolutely out of context. So I asked in essence what is the difference of people Driven by their own Ego for personal gains, or driven by positive or negative Demons", and individuals Driven to help and Serve and Make a Difference, are put into the same "box". - by the way, I recommend "Masks of Demons". There are very helpful and good Demons, we call them Angels.... and the Difference is wether you are "burning for personal gain or serving and sharing for values and others. But is a service and so you can more easily hurt that just serving personal spaces.
A long story, please read the Article and Websites !! I felt this ego-cultivation and discredting others and their selfless sharing needs tto be further explored, not only in our sharing games... For now only this article on TURNS and TURFS, Positions and Identities in Global Contexts: Awareness as presented at UNESCO in PARIS for the CLub of Budapest Members Meeting 1997 come to mind and I also invite to reflect on Position, Perspectives !!, MODELS and EYES. Positions and Identities in Global Contexts: Awareness of Self and Others, with me, you, we, they and "others" models and including "worms-, fish-, birds-, ... eyes. See more about Sharing Positions and Perspectives later, or better start with System Sciences encyclopedic definitions and descriptions.
Again looking into our Peanuts Sharing:
So what is the difference between TEILEN und SCHENKEN !! ?? PARTING - POWER SHARING - GRADUATION !? Do I want an immediate or later return, is there a calculus and schema, tit for tat ...? Or is it about NEGOTITATING - CARING - DEEP LISTERING - CO-CREATION - looking for surprise, to empower, to give without expecting return !? PARTING - POWER SHARING - GRADUATION .. We called this process of shaaring and augmenting in groups MAGIC ROUNDTABLES - to invite surprise in groups and empower to not only speak up but be aware of when, what how, ..
In the Innovation Circle we were playing joyfully with giving equal beads, and giving interest through intrest voting, but this is only a first step and needing much more time and focus. To underline the differnces I call it "PEANUTS versus SPOONS PRINCIPLE" but in the background lies how we deliberate and go beyond the need to agree to common shared action, mediation, ceconciliation, and making and maintaiing peace. I know this wide spectrum is overwhelming, I can not change that and stick to SIGs and OVERSIMPLIFICATIONS. IIf you did not get lost, I invite to check a recent contribution published a very spcial group around the CHURCHES of the WORLD and People concerned with Ecological Justice, etc... enjoy: Collecting, Framing, Negotiating, and Connecting in Times of a GLocal1 “Problematique” published with the Council of Churches, the Orthodox Academy, Cambridge Scholar, ..:Collecting, Framing, Negotiating, and Connecting in Times of a GLocal “Problematique” - A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO COPE WITH GLOBAL CHALLENGES
but before see different approaches to deal with "Nuts" on the pictures below !!
to be continued ... RUSHED _ WORK IN PROGRESS !!! text text
ADD Yiannis DEMONS and TRAUMA .....
Invitation in GERMAN:
Translation and Summary Needed !
Berliner Inno-Kreis cbdbf6$f671c500$0100007f@Blum.pngLiebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des Berliner Innovationskreises,
liebe Mitsuchende in Sachen Alternativen.
Die Einladung zu unserer Jahresabschlußveranstaltung am 20. Dez . in der Kathol. Akademie Berlin dürftet Ihr bereits erhalten haben.
Damit dürftet Ihr auch wissen, daß unsere Veranstaltung unter dem Thema wird:
Von neuen Beispielen, Experimenten und Möglichkeiten
einer Glücksökonomie und von Lebensweisen,
die längst keine Utopie mehr sind
Die inhaltlich-organisatorische Gestaltung liegt auch in diesem Jahr wieder in den bewährten Händen unserer beiden “Glückssucherinnen“:
Annette Jensen und Ute Scheub.
Während sie im Referatsteil wieder neue Beispiele einer Glücksökonomie als eines höchst praxisorientierten und auf Lebens- und Zukunftssicherung gerichteten Leitbilds vorstellen werden, sollen dann im 2. Teil mittels des Weltcafé Konzepts an jeweils separaten Tischen konkrete Ideen und Projekte im kleinen Kreis diskutiert und mit Vorschlägen angereichert werden.
Da die Aufforderung in der bereits gesendeten Einladung zum 20. Dez. nicht ganz deutlich formuliert war, sich doch bereits im Vorfeld Gedanken über eigene Ideen oder Projekte zu machen, die dann an den Tischen eingebracht werden können,
hier noch einmal die Aufforderung:
Bringt doch selbst Ideen für von Euch gewünschte Projekte mit, die Ihr gerne mal in einem offenen Kreis durchspielen und diskutieren wollt!
In der Erwartung einer wieder höchst lebendigen Veranstaltung und auch regen Teilnahme
grüßt bis zum Wiedersehen am 20. Dez.
Udo Blum