Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - Curatorial Strategies: Historical Collections and Contemporary Art    
 Curatorial Strategies: Historical Collections and Contemporary Art
picture picture picture picture picture 2 Jul 2015 @ 13:39, by Heiner Benking

The Humboldt Lab Dahlem, checking Laboratory Conceps until tomorrow hosts a symposium dear to my work on bringing difference across cultures together. This Dahlem Lab is located in the Ethnological, African and Asian Museum and a must for visitors not only from abroad. We are in the

THE SYMPOSIUM IS ABOUT ARTISTIC AND CURATORIC STRATEGIES in view of new forms of presentation and how that can be displayed in the Berlin Castle soon. See

It is about the crossing of boundaries between the disciplines, critical interrogations of the categories involved.

I am back on the second day. Interesting talks, very special audience, too little artists, all curators, ... see !? You can see the embodied group-think, how specialst for regions, meet expertise from cultures, arts, ....
Great people struggeling...

The last presentation is about MANGA, Musealizing Manga in Japan: The precedence of"media" over "culture" and "art", very interesting, check out: Jaqueline Berndt, Kyoto Seika University.


Difference is ontologised ...
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