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 WORLD KNOWLEDGE II & The Learned Berlin (200 & 300 years ago) and now ?
picture picture picture 30 Dec 2010 @ 17:36
See also WORLD KNOWLEDGE I above: [link]
desperate ! - We have celebrated in Berlin for the whole year "WeltWissen" - World Knowledge - but it looks like we have missed a person who is in the center of the picture of the "Learned Berlin" - Das gelehrte Berlin. His name? CARL RITTER CARL RITTER - [link] - he even had his 150 years celebration of his passing away, when even the kings coach was acompanying him to his grave. I know, difficult times, but you might know some of the names on the picture around him: Alexander v.H. and his brother Wilhelm von Humboldt, Hegel, Schleiermacher, Hufeland, Neander. [link]
You will not be surprised to find von Humboldt and Hegel, and might know the others, but who the heck is in the center ?? and how come he is not centerpiece in this years celebration when he had similar reputation and was over decades teaching at the Humbold University, the war academy and academy of sciences?  More >

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