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 Global Youth 2011 - Forests - Water - Health - Peace in Geneva
picture picture picture 20 Mar 2011 @ 18:26
Geneva just did its 3 day Global Youth Conference - busy preparing for the next 2 days, so please come back.. [link] Programme: [link]
and maybe check the Conference Recordings. check: [link]

It is since last year the "YEAR of the YOUTH", but will it get a voice?, will it use the voice wisely and allow Unity in Diversity?, concert and jam-session of unique differences forming a whole? We have more on the agenda this year ! Some virtual or real meet-ups in NEW YORK ! [link] or at Cyprus the Future Worlds Center [link] where look into deliberation and dialogue design [link] !!

I feel you should check-out both sites in depth !! - carefully, as they are very dear to me and my work and might provide some avenues... for shared possible positive futures... for all decent livening things with needs, but not greeds...

Last not least I mention and highlight in my presentation (start with slide 19) [link] two persons: Wilhelm Ripl and Haiko Pieplow - and have done so elsewhere.... their work reconnects usto WATER and SOIL - most important as you see from the topic at GYC and my work, many entries in this blog.
I recommend regarding Haiko Pieplow my slides !! and this VIDEO from ALPEN TV (unfortunartely in German)

and about Wilhelm Ripl the his AQUA TERRA page and NATURAL SEQUENCE FARMING: [link] The work of Wilhelm Ripl and Hermann Scheer is so important that I need to add some "juice" to it soon !!

May 2011: here an entry about "Willy": [link]
some relevant publications with Hermann Scheer and his EUROSOLAR should be expored a.s.a.p....