Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog -    

Welcome to the NewsLog or Blog of Heiner Benking. A kaleidoscope of insights and impulses collected first in the DaZiBao (Rio) process Seeds of Change Viewsletter of the Club of Budapest since 1995, continually updated ever since. Now available for broader distribution and comments in this blog - enjoy, and come again !

People to Watch:
Anthony Judge
Flemming Funch
Peter Jones
Alexander Christakis


Conference Program

Berlin "Towards a Global, Embodied Covenant"

Re-inventing Democracy

Dialog among Civilizations - Dialog towards Unity in Diversity

Dialogues and Conversations - Participation and Moderation/Mediation: Ways and Means towards Re-inventing Democracy and Good-Governance

Positions and Identities in Global Contexts: Awareness of Self and Others with me, you, we, they and "others" models

Flatlands & Deeplands - a page about maps and models and Earth Literacy

Towards one Possible Global Embodied Covenant: Models, - not just Systems, Signs, Words and Images - Interdisciplinary Conference 2004: The Evolution of World Order - EWOC

Using Maps and Models, SuperSigns and SuperStructures - CODATA 2005

Granularity, Topicality, and Generalization of Information - Reflections about maps and models, orienting generalizations and their possible pragmatic and ethical implications and challenges, CODATA 2005

Oikos-Ecumene-Ecodomy - contribution to a conference on space and sacred spaces. The proposal to share a World House or House of Eyes as part of a cognitive panorama

Panoptic, the need to see big pictures on common jointly explored and discussed schemas or frames


I was asked for kick-start / short access-keys to my BLOG entries or central concepts, sites I often use or URLs I often link to. Here we go:


TU TU WAS - Zusammenhaenge begreifen
governance / 7 points
12 these education - LIFE IS TOO FLAT

EXTENSIONS - Medical-Scientific Network /
Asilomar - sharing Voices/Spaces


ECO-CUBE/KNOW MAP 1) - 2) - 3)
MAP (Mental) 2) - 3)
METAPHORS (Classes of) 2)

IID - Creativity & Cognition,Loughborough **

A Quote I like:

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 Ernst von Weizsäcker: An Environment, Climate, Energy & Policy Pioneer
picture picture picture picture picture 25 Jun 2014 @ 11:35
Celebrating today the 75th birthday of Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker on June 25, 2014, the following book has been published in English: Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (Ed.): Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker: A Pioneer on Environmental, Climate and Energy Policies – Presented by Uwe Schneidewind, Pioneers in Science and Practice, vol. 28 (Cham – Heidelberg – New York – Dordrecht – London: Springer, 2014)

Ernst's 75th brithday is today !!

The celebrations were organized by the VDW and the WUPPERTAL INSTITUT "CHALLENGE SUSTAINABILITY" site:

"Ernst" has been a dertermind man, who took chances, left offices, parliaments, universities, and started from scrath; fresh from square one in unfamiliar terrains, like one would find in California. Professor Töpfer mentioned one of the his key qualities as, leaving old tracks and starting fresh, even though he's moving against the wind and surrounding himself with "aliens"... and friends - like a serving diplomat in view of the stars and visions...

I feel we should speak up on such a great day. We looked deeper into leverage points and challenges that we face when it comes to resources we had and unfortunately lost, misused or applied at the wrong time or in strange places for strange reasons or attractors.

We discuss here conceptual and temporal frames; what important issues...  More >

 EuroDIG 2nd day & Eulogy for Frank Schirrmacher
picture picture 13 Jun 2014 @ 06:33
EULOGY: Frank Schirrmacher [link] the media-doyen who concerned himself very much about the impact and influences of the Digital Age on Democracy - what this means for our autonomy and identity - has gone. He died yesterday, its all over in the National News today here in Germany, read the Newspapers.
I did agree with his concerns about our "Societal Aging" - he called the Methusalem Komplott and some of his other dossies and "urges". I feel his stance on our theme here at EuroDIG is very well founded and should be carefully revisited/reviewed. He was one of the "early birds" in the German media the last 20 years, dying much, nuch to early.
[link] I will try to add here some English voices a.s.a.p.

Digital society at stake – Europe and the future of the Internet check the LifeStream !! follow also the Tweets, Sites, ... (come back)

On now is the State Secretary: Stefan Kapferer
I invite you to check what is up around "CAPACITIES, CAPABILITES, COMPETENCES" and the HUNANE INFORMATION SOCIETY as discussed 20 years ago... this is a contribution when it was already dead, as it was "early early" and we always search for new hypes and jargon. Maybe check GLOBAL LEARN DAY 1998: A Humane Information Society or Information War ? - Reflections about Societies, Cultures, Human Potentials and Tools such as: Filters, Brokers, Agents, Knowbots, and Maps.  More >

 Digital Society at Stake - European Internet Governance
picture picture picture picture 12 Jun 2014 @ 05:12
Germany is the host country for EuroDIG 2014. Hosted by the Association of the German Internet Industry, eco and under the patronage of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and in co-operation with the Federal Foreign Office.

Digital society at stake – Europe and the future of the Internet check the LifeStream

Join the discussions virtually and follow the tweets !
Maybe also check the IGF Internet Governance Forum as blogged yesterday (below)

Secretary (Minister) Steinmeier ist just opening the EuroDIG - He speaks about DIALOG and GOVERNANCE and the experience in Brazil about MULTI_STAKEHOLDER DIALOGES
he speaks about all participants lining up, all !! speaking each 2 minutes and jokingly comments about how difficult that is for some heads of states !! Well maybe we should more speak about time credits in meetings and what we do in the Open Forum since years.

broadly and openly as possible - he mentions review2014
See below (more)-and cehck his manuscript just made available!  More >

 GOOGLE-Factory opening - Challenges - Governance Forum
picture picture picture picture picture picture picture picture 11 Jun 2014 @ 16:21
Plenty of Challenges: Opening the Google Factory, Internet Governance Forum, Technology Possibilities.
I enjoyed and wondered about the exhibition arfound GOOGLE GLASS. Devices abound. Which device should we use? For the fun of it ! ? Or is there more to be considered, more than feasibility, funtions, features, benefits,... benefits for whom !? check #igfd

I first think about "Can implies Ought" Grand Challenges, I cited below from the Virtual Library (enjoy) !

and later we had great Parties in the garden, after the rain..

During the Day: IGF - Internet Governance Forum

It is about multi-stakeholder governance, policy, security, rights and surveyance,.. and and - many players arond World Summit of Information Sciences WSIS
- again a deja vue - days and weeks we spend around Geneva and for Tunis, also in Berlin in the Foreign Office. I think I will add some lessons and views after we sum-up the IFG below.
and more later and tomorrow as we we are just warming up for the EuroDIG tomorrow.

Not to forget Eric Schmidt form GOOGLE was speaking to the crowd in the garden. I will add some pictures a.s.a.p. He will be on television tomorrow, full interview on PHOENIX television 14:00.  More >

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 Cities of Migration - thinking bottom up the who, what,why ...
picture picture picture 5 Jun 2014 @ 18:40
but also including movers and shakers along and across scales .. to make a difference

relevant - oven - out of the box - great crowed
We met in the CANADIAN EMBASSY yesterday and will continue tomorrow. PROGRAMME: [link]

check more tomorow and check the TWEETS...

THE HIGHLIGHT SO FAR: Khalid Koser, Geneva
Only talking to him for a while after his keynote was worth the efforts! amd most fruiteful. So let us see.

The Big Debate: Beautiful Game? Or Racist Quagmire?}
Yesterdays session so close to Rio resonnated with many of us long into the evening.
The Big Debate: Beautiful Game? Or Racist Quagmire?

We talked about the difference of Football WorldCubs and Olympic Games. Comparisons to the Roman Circus came up and I rembered that the Delphi Games and PreIslamic games of the Arts were assemblies without winners and loosers. Souk al Ukaz *****
I also mentioned groupthink, clanthink and spreadthink - that we need Unity in Diversity - I recommend to revisit the Axioms to secure successful Dialogues. Warfield with his Spreadthink versus Clanthink: [link] and Christakis and his "AXIOMS": RequisiteVariety, Ashby - Requisite Parisomony, Miller, Warfield - Requisite Saliency, Boulding - Requisite Meaning, Peirce - Requisite Autonomy of Distinction Making, Tsivacou - Requisite Evolution of Observation, Dye - ... check: [link] and

Today, Friday
Professor, Psychology, Harvard University; Co-Author, Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People, see my tweet: Blind-spots & -frames, Biases... @Banaji #citiesmigration2014 again re group-think and appearance & assumptions. goto [link]

I am exhilerated, such people of such a great, deep alive "callibre" - all my points have been like my Seeds of Change fallen on interested "grounds". I exchange intensively and later made an offer, my my next meeting appointment from Bristol, Martin Person, he works on APPEARANCE RESEARCH and we team up re: NEGATIVE BODY IMAGE RESEARCH. check this blog below ( a month ago ): [link]

there are so many commons if we see minorities, have-nots of all: capabilities, abilities, competences, capacities, access,... we should really look like Mahzarin Banaji into the Biases and Fixations, known and unknown....

Now we attend MIGRATION: MYTHS and MESSAGES. All panelists can really relate "out-of-the box" - I am happy and lucky to be here at such an high calibre meeting of dedicated people, people look into empowering the "non-gifted"...

 Umweltfestival & Brandenburg & DMY / Creative Spaces / Augmented Models
picture picture picture picture picture picture 1 Jun 2014 @ 06:30
what a weekend
Since 19 years we have the Environment Festival [link] - I just posted: next year: 20 years Festival and 25 years GLOBAL CHANGE - see below 24th anniversary.
after the opening I will go the DMY Brandenburg Programme [link] to check the creative links between the Metropol Region Berlin Brandenburg und the Rural... check the programme:

many talk here about Design Thinking, but maybe we should revisit Gestaltung...

check out the Programme of the Brandenburg Day
at DMY and the Design Week:

and enjoy the public in the sun ... and go for RE MAKINGing ! and check the design exhibition / competition: [link]

I only peaked at Brandenburg Gate because the themes this afternoon here are DMY are very close to me and challenging. I am so thrilled that after 20+years some designers and architects (at least) are ready for new frontiers without loosing touch with "old thinking" and good practices in the exact and fine arts".


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 24 years - GLOBAL CHANGE - Challenges to Science and Politics
picture picture picture picture picture 30 May 2014 @ 13:32
I have a very special anniversary today. Exactly 24 years ago was in the German Chancellery the opening of the exhibition "GLOBAL CHANGE - Challenges for Science and Politics. Opening Press Release German - English See a documentation, and an update in English: and some pictures.
Today or maybe for the 25th anniversary next year I would love to see an update of this in my view milestone project in the field of Environmental -Communication, -Management, -Research, -Education. It was the history and objective of such event series to the Chancellery to reach the broader public, to connect industry, media,... not just science and politics. This is why I would like to extend the title for an updated exhibition: GLOBAL CHANGE - Challenges to Science and Politics, the Public, Arts, Media, Industry ... in times of old and new, fast and slow, episodic and epochal GLocal Changes.

On this very special day today, I feel we need to revisit some learnings over the years, about the processes and outcomes, impacts and failures, at least as I experienced it, being now the "Curator" and agent of this exhibition for some years and originally only a contributing partner - as a consultant in a row of many major research institutions in Germany and last not least the German Administration, coordinated by Manfred Lange, National Global Change Secretariat, Eberhard Gockel, AGF, and in partnership with the GLOBAL CHANGE Research Community in many countries, the US Embassy, to only name a few of the contributors.
You understand, this was a milestone ...  More >

  International Design Festival 2014 - DMY & Berlin Design Week
picture picture picture 29 May 2014 @ 17:09
Again at TEMPELHOF ! remember "Raisin Bombers" "Candy Bombers"!? we try now with design instead of placebos or basic needs like sweets only! goto: International Design Festival DMY 2014 PROGRAMME: [link]
After the vote we have now a "people place" at TEMPELHOF!! yes - the people decided: Tempelhof is no place for "developers" !!
The People "won" parallel to the EUROPEAN COMMUNITY elections, and also parallel of the decision about OEYNHAUSEN - a local gardening area "around the block" of my "home". And see, my mother is from "Bad Oeynhausen" - so this might be some place, if you know context and historic settings. So, as you can see, I was involved, entangeled, concerned the last months+ down under with many things....

To be clear: I am all for Living Democracy - not only "Liquid Democracy", but that is another story - ask for it ! - months of efforts on the right levels, with the right partners - but never was the time right, partners and mandates got questions, and times are changing - even beside elections paranoia.....

To be claer: I am all for informed decisions, influence voting, deliberation to wards differnces and commons towards shared, pragmatic, prospecitve liveable and responsibel Futures Creations - see (Time and Spacve Horizion Jonas/Bateson) - but more later (elsewhere)??

So here we have the Youth and Design reinventing Futures to make a difference !!  More >

 Governance: Moving Forward? - the Futures of such (European) Projects
picture picture picture 27 May 2014 @ 12:25
2 days after the European election, very timely there is the May 28-29 International Symposium of a very high level. Check Governance in Europe: Taking Stock for Moving Forward
Governance in Europe: Taking Stock for Moving Forward
Programme:. [link]
goto: #EUweek14

I am presenty in the Dead End or New Vigour? Minister Schäuble speaking up.
For me the morning session: Elections in Perspecctive was really rewarding as I got my pitch about "Liquid versus Living Democracy" ****** as they mentioned Deep Democracy and Deliberative Polling and Hermann Schmitt, University Manchester and from Mannheim summerized the outcomes of the deliberative efforts as have no or little results on the outcomes.
Well I could not resist to speak up as a rep from the Council on Global Issues [link] and Associate of the 21stCenturyAgora group [link] or call it alliance. I asked if the Global Agoras Deliberative Dialogues (Structures Dialogic Design Process - SDDP), also used around Multi-track Diplomacy and Peacemaking were known to the Panel and if the Errornous Priority Effect (EPE) (Kevin Dye). Top people - aware of the exercises in trouble not only in Greece. ***** I need to transcribe - so meanwhile check GLOBAL AGORAS [link] and AXIOMS for success: [link] Note the first requisites: like Requisite Variety, Parsimony, Saliency, .... (8 Axioms to take note!! ) and all the ohter "musts" for successful implementations and maybe the recently published Collecting and Connective Dots, Space, Mindsets, Frames:

- but I also need to talk to these interesting group celebrating 10 years Hertie School of Governance.

So please come back soon ! As now hear about deliberation behind closed doors ***** hear hear - and the stratement earlier - "delibearations have no effects" really need to be revisited ! I have to rush as this is tweeted !!

Participants asked to have links and details. See [More]  More >

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This is Heiner Benking's News Log, a private-public diary presenting events, symposia and happenings in Berlin and elsewhere - my farings, foci, issues and concerns.


The Log links to my work and interests and presents issues and special concern of maybe a very small group of "concerned, engaged generalist" - a Global Interest Group (GIG). This needs to be seen in contrast to the ubiquitous Specialized Interest Groups (SIGs), the "scientific" approach to organize subject areas and specialization and standardization and harmonization! of means, nomenclatures, and modes of thinking. My favorite stories in the WHOLENESS SEMINAR include:
and "IVAN HAVEL: Longing for Unified Knowledge" where a "specialist" runs into the founding session of the early foundations General Systems, mumbling "this is not my field" or where Ivan M. Havel expresses his search for other kinds of knowledge.
As a starter I also recommend to check my MINDPRINT site, where we add the need for HANDPRINTS and MINDPRINTS, as FOOTPRINTS are good to visualize and communicate numbers, densities or consumption per area, but are not sufficient to negotiate and "harmonize" across domains and communicate gains in different cultures, technologies, times,... in short: incompatible but relevant information and our work on dialog, peace, policy-making, and multi-modal, faceted issues and consequences.
What am I? This is a "well-packed" question for which I have not the or a single answer. Some called me an in-betweener, go-getter, facilitator, hub, marvel-hero, trim-tab, bricoleur, bricoleers??? - career designeer, .... Some even "hank" which I disliked or Story which I liked very much !!
I have no single answer as I feel we need to walk the talk and sing and dance Life ! in spectra and fields in multiple embodied spaces.
To nebulous an answer? I am sorry but I do not go for overclaims and oversimplifications, under-complex and over-simplistic approaches with clan-think mindsets about real issues in clear contexts!

Previous entries
  • Old and New Thinking ? for a Better World ! - GLocally !! and not flat !!

  • 2017-03-01
  • Future Day & Festival of Ideas - UN - SDGs and ...

  • 2017-02-16
  • Anniversary blog. 500 quergeist entries: Pledging to go
  • NEW PARTNERSHIP WITH AFRICA - Afrika - Afrique ... Third Future Forum:

  • 2017-02-12
  • Al Jarreau - Udo Lindenberg, Uncle Pö, Eppendorf

  • 2017-01-25
  • ECSA General Assembly 2017 - LandSense and **

  • 2017-01-22
  • G20 Agriculture Ministers' Declaration 2017

  • More ..

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