Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog -    

Welcome to the NewsLog or Blog of Heiner Benking. A kaleidoscope of insights and impulses collected first in the DaZiBao (Rio) process Seeds of Change Viewsletter of the Club of Budapest since 1995, continually updated ever since. Now available for broader distribution and comments in this blog - enjoy, and come again !

People to Watch:
Anthony Judge
Flemming Funch
Peter Jones
Alexander Christakis


Conference Program

Berlin "Towards a Global, Embodied Covenant"

Re-inventing Democracy

Dialog among Civilizations - Dialog towards Unity in Diversity

Dialogues and Conversations - Participation and Moderation/Mediation: Ways and Means towards Re-inventing Democracy and Good-Governance

Positions and Identities in Global Contexts: Awareness of Self and Others with me, you, we, they and "others" models

Flatlands & Deeplands - a page about maps and models and Earth Literacy

Towards one Possible Global Embodied Covenant: Models, - not just Systems, Signs, Words and Images - Interdisciplinary Conference 2004: The Evolution of World Order - EWOC

Using Maps and Models, SuperSigns and SuperStructures - CODATA 2005

Granularity, Topicality, and Generalization of Information - Reflections about maps and models, orienting generalizations and their possible pragmatic and ethical implications and challenges, CODATA 2005

Oikos-Ecumene-Ecodomy - contribution to a conference on space and sacred spaces. The proposal to share a World House or House of Eyes as part of a cognitive panorama

Panoptic, the need to see big pictures on common jointly explored and discussed schemas or frames


I was asked for kick-start / short access-keys to my BLOG entries or central concepts, sites I often use or URLs I often link to. Here we go:


TU TU WAS - Zusammenhaenge begreifen
governance / 7 points
12 these education - LIFE IS TOO FLAT

EXTENSIONS - Medical-Scientific Network /
Asilomar - sharing Voices/Spaces


ECO-CUBE/KNOW MAP 1) - 2) - 3)
MAP (Mental) 2) - 3)
METAPHORS (Classes of) 2)

IID - Creativity & Cognition,Loughborough **

A Quote I like:

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 The Commons as a New/Old Paradigm of Governance, Policy and Political Action
picture picture picture picture 4 Dec 2012 @ 15:54
The Commons as a New/Old Paradigm of Governance, Policy and Political Action
see: “The Wealth of the Commons – A World Beyond Market and State” as published in German as: "Commons. Für eine neue Politik jenseits von Markt und Staat" [link]
Bosch Public Policy Lecture at the American Academy [link]

Presented was not ony the WEALTH OF THE COMMONS form the Commons Strategies Group as David Bollier and the moderator Sike Helfrich are founding members of the Commons Strategies Group. (see also my report beow on the initial meeting in the Boell Foundation in 2009 and the p2p link: [link]
You can also watch the lecture as a live stream: [link] - [link]

It is already some time ago when Lawrence Lessig was in town and I visted him at the Academy. For more about CC see: [link]
Now the new fellow David A. Bollier, co-founder of Commons Strategies Group and
co-editor of the English version of the Commons Anthology
“The Wealth of the Commons – A World Beyond Market and State” will give his lecture. I am eager to report as it not only nicely relates to our GLOBAL COMMONS session a the Global Soil Week last week and the various entries I have done below relating to Elinor Ostrom and her work: [link] and here the Eulogy: [link] maybe also see: [link]

In the Academy I asked my typical "commons" questions:

How to make the commeon concrete, real, embodied, tangible, ... quoting T.S. Eliot. The response was positive, considering the need to reach the people and not to create new "plastic words", but have common commons. Silke even came back to it in her summary, thanks and farewell.  More >

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 Already Beyond - 40 years Limits to Growth revisited
picture picture picture 28 Nov 2012 @ 04:47

Herrenhausen Symposium by the Volkswagen Foundation
„Already Beyond – 40 Years Limits to Growth“
November, 28 and 29, 2012, Hanover, Germany, [link]

Volkswagen Foundation in Hannover doing their: Herrenhäuser Symposium "Already Beyond? – 40 Years Limits to Growth" and the Winter School "Limits to Growth Revisited"

I am preparing some concerns about the event, as I heard about the event maybe a year ago, had hoped to input in the preparation phase, and now I am eager to learn how the event is going. How the Volkswagen Stiftung sees the Methodenstreit from 1970, and what could be done now to make a difference !! Maybe read the interviews I did with Alexander Christakis, to be prepared for the next summary tomorrow. [link]

- on the train:
On the Way to Hannover 4 issues about the Club of Rome exercises I will try to explore:

1) the first figure in the CoR Limits to Growth was about the axis’s of the endeavour. Time Horizons and magnitudes. The appealing message was that this report is about the upper-right quadrant (green), but the focus of individuals is in the lower-left quadrant box. (red). Colours added my me ! So what is the progress on bridging scales? Have the youth in the Winter School been introduced to the term glocal and transdisciplinarity in concrete ways?

I will show some figures to them….... (see below) they show what the Report 1972 was about according to Fig 1. The second graph shows that the magnitudes and exchanges between the "levels" need to be included, the third how we tried to develop a combination of spaces to map and negotiate interactions along aand across scales, sectors, times, but also extensions, expressions, and presentations. Maybe start with the Presentation at the Konrad Lorenz Institute Summer SChool 1997: Konrad-Lorenz-Institute- Emergence Series: phylogenetic... slides: [link], this presentation at the UNESCO HQ 1998: Positions and Identities in Global Contexts:, and see a figure so present the Cognitive Panorama "grid-model" so allow pointing at and outlining issues from a distance.

2) What is the Progress and follow-up of the Club of Rome “Capacity to Govern” report from Yehezkel Dror? Have the recommendations from the Climate Summit 1995 been revisited and has anyone studied the original report full of footnotes and references and literature? Or only the English, let me call it “executive summary” from 6 years later !? [link]

3) Did the Winter School Students revisited the “Methodenstreit”? The question of the needed Future Creation along the axis of prognostic, but also normative and participative Futures. This question is the most exciting for me as I was after my early 70ies “involvement” thrown again into the matter in 2004 when I met Alexander Christakis and later Walter Bogan, helping me remember the discussions around the Limits to Growth, my study focus on Ecological Modelling, and the work around, before and after the Rio 92 Earth Summit exercise. Maybe start with these Interviews I published in EUROPEsWORLD: [link]

4) How is Dennis Meadows now? The both Pestels and Donella Meadows are not with us any more and they are much missed …. So how about the Leverage points ( where to intervene in systems *** ) is there a discussion about terminologies, Policy and Governance Types?

Many more questions come up – but I have to go to the venue now…..


Joprgen Randers and his shortermis complaint should be discussed ! AND what his results are! Giving Democracy a Dispense!?
Dennis Meadows showed that we need to think aout of the box. But did his presenatation show how to do it !? - see "out of the box thinking - paradigm mapping [link] and see workshop-graphs here: [link] or see a larger series of slides here: [link]

Dennis Meadows tells us we are post-sustainability. But what to do now and what should ahve been done the last 40 years. Where is the FUTURES CREATION Hassan Oezbekhan requested ! where do we link issues, secors scales and overcome segmentation, segregation and ego-elbow behaviour!? I am getting a little desperate here. I had expected more, specially as I have distributed my Interviews with Chirstakis and more material, but none of the the Youth from teh Winter School which I asked had received any info about the MethoidenStreit and on other views on the matter.
In all this nominalistic figth over words and "schools" there is a danger to miss the whole picture there is not only the position of the CoR presenting the "Limmits" and at the other "end" the view of contrarians ignoring limmits and human caused effects, there is also an "end" on the other side. The end which considers the end of obvious "limits" but also the power of creativity and innovation of Future Creations, but also the dangers of re-inforcing rapid feed-backs in highly complex social and cultural "vague subject fields": Read this article by the founding editor of the International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics: Charles François (PART III) "The need for an integrated systemic-cybernetic language for concepts and models in complex and vague subject areas": [link] to get challenges, proportions, consequences and possibilities & dangers in a bigger picture.

The only interesting talk and hope I have is a follow up after excahnging some words with Roberto Peccei ! see [more] !! below.  More >

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 Limits to Growth ! - Crossing Borders - Soils for Life - Engagement Empowerment
picture picture picture picture picture picture picture picture 27 Nov 2012 @ 14:02
After an incredible busy week, 1st International SoilWeek [link] with Klaus Töpfer IASS,[link] TEDxBerlin Crossing Borders,[link], MedLove,[link] Politikaward 2012, - celebrating its 10th anniversary, a very special event this year! and last not least visits of a 21stCenturyAgora Collegue from Toronto looking into: MedLove - Human Centered HealthCare, events with young designers called deople and d.collective doing their first event, the collective session #1 with the title: FROM ENGAGEMENT TO EMPOWERMENT: Citizens as Co-creators of Community Services about Design-Led Civic Engagement in a collaborative workshop touring with Peter between landmarks and visits/meetings... I have to report later, I am now preparing for tomorrow 40 years "Limits to Growth", the very special Symposium by the Volkswagen Foundation in Hannover doing their: Herrenhäuser Symposium "Already Beyond? – 40 Years Limits to Growth" and the Winter School "Limits to Growth Revisited"

I am preparing some concerns about the event, as I heard about the event maybe a year ago, had hoped to input in the preparation phase, and now I am eager to learn how the event is going. How the Volkswagen Stiftung sees the Methodenstreit from 1970, and what could be done now to make a difference !! Maybe read the interviews I did with Alexander Christakis, to be prepared for the next summary tomorrow.

More about Limits and Borders to follow !!
What limits and borders are we faced with as individuals, as a society? Who or what defines these boundaries? What are the results of these demarcations – demarcations as barriers that may even result in scientific and artistic limitations to us as individuals and society as a whole? Are they arbitrarily defined borders or are they erected due to their necessity? Are they obstacles or are they beneficial? And what happens if we overcome these borders?
I had done in preparation and as a proposal for the TEDxBerlin this maybe also of interest in view of the hype around "borders": and also this entry in this blog with the Peace Laureats "BREAKING DOWN NEW WALLS": 3 years [Slides] featuring not only Elinor Ostrom....

One short remark about the Soil Week and our Advisory Boards preparing towards Doha UNFCCC COP-18. I asked in the National Press Conference if the potential of Soil, with reference to the GLOBAL SOIL WEEK is finally taken up, not only for CO2 sequestration – but as part of the Water-Soil-Vegetation-Athmosphere Nexus. See also our “Water Primer” (10MB PDF) – check interview: Water in a systemic perspective page: 38-39) and the various EARTH FOCUS FOUNDATION Global Youth Conference Recommendations GYC 2010, GYC 2011 and last not least our IHTEC and Council on Global Issues annual recommendations:
Unanimously the answer was “yes” at the podium of speakers of our eminent National Advisory Boards. So let us see, as there is no agency in our governance structures for cross-cutting issues. Even Health did not make to applied transdiciplinarity in view of other eager and competitive UN agencies, organisations, and programmes.
The Soil Week was very well organised, and the bodies from various conservation and development organizations were attending. This is very special as for example all these CSD sessions were also widely positioned, but often lack the practical voices of stakeholders to be heard at the tables. Having DESD and CBD since so long now on the table, little was new, but one thing was new for me and I feel it needs attention !
In our Commons work section at the Soil Week Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend spoke up about the IUCN Protected Areas Matrix. A matrix of management categories and governance types: (Dudley 2008, Guidelines for applying protected area management.) I was suddenly very alert as I had not heard of this IUCN/CEEPS working group and ICCA Consortium (also with GEF, SGP, GTZ on deck). So check it out !! CENESTA and ICCAforum and this in D. Governance by indigenous people & local communities matches perfectly with work of AIO see also the conversation Christakis Harris (PDF page 4-5) and what we have recently done in Berlin:Enabeling Empowering Communities through DialogDesign

 Bishop Tutu Yesterday, US President Carter, German President Gauck, ...
picture picture 18 Nov 2012 @ 17:37
Bishop Tutu Yesterday, President Carter, President Gauck, today what a feast - but also a day of much frustration...

last night I received an interesting link from Peace and Collaborative Development Network - Building Bridges, Networks and Expertise Across Sectors: 'The Frost Interview - Desmond Tutu: Not going quietly'
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the famous Nobel laureate, and one of the world's most respected church leaders, was a central figure in ensuring...

After Senator McGovern is gone, and Jimmy Carter is getting old, though still smart and committed, not like the peanut-farmer stories we learned,.... it is time to speak up ! as Desmond Tutu calls it, and also ACT OUT !!
I covered Carters view of the world and the Carter Map for Africa here (Fig 13): [link]
See not only the New Pantagon Maput also this text about Worldviews in Transition: [link], but when listening to Tutu again, I was spellbond ! He seemed to be the same age, vitality, cheerfulness... i have seen when we were in Nairobi at "Africa Beyond Poverty".... at [link] A long story and fate if you see the outcomes in perspective !! [link] maybe see also. Obama and Africa: Which Worlds on BenkingNews: [link]

Today we have National Mourning Day and our German Statepresident Gauck speaks about RESONSIBILITY. Strongly recommended [link], here the link: hope it gets translated soon. I have met him occasionally and will will him Responisbility with SPACE & TIME HORIZON. [link] (Hans Jonas event for his 90th...) See also the links to the Alfred Wegener Foundation [link] and the "duty" of geo-sciences: [link]
most irgnored and forgotten We did the GLOBAL CHANGE in the German Chancellery, teh LOCAL AND GLOBAL CHANGE opening a geo-science fair and market-place, but all is not event in the history of Environmental Sciences of Gemany, a scanal and clear sign of ignorance: See GLOBAL CHANGE: [link] and IGNORANCE OR COMPASSION?: [link]

Tutu, Gauck, Carter, McConnell, ... maybe I have met to many preachers, but what they preached resonnated well, so I love to go go for it. But how? and alone !?

Coming back to the downturn of today. Preparing to speak about howe to overcome dualism and thinking only in worlds, or only in images, and how to come to an integrated approach ato go bexond the inidividual scoep to shared perspectives .....

The podium disussion today is cancelled 4 hours before it was to start !
leavingv me angry and frustrated, not doing the dialog as expected and not announcing our event next week.... Being underfunded seems to be the "8th sin" >sik>.... Well I need to coverfs this as it about CROSSING BOUNDARIES; COMMUNITIES and MEDIA and ARTS a central topic, see Friday the TEDxBerlin "CROSSING BOUNDARIES".... so stay connecected...

GAUCK: "We are all free, but nobody is free from Responsibility" - see below I hope his speach is getting translated !

"Wir alle sind frei, aber keiner von uns ist frei von Verantwortung"
Die Rede von Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck für eine neue Kultur der Verantwortung

Freiheit ist das große Thema des amtierenden Bundespräsidenten. Joachim Gauck begründet das mit seiner eigenen Biografie als Pastor in der DDR, aber auch mit seiner politischen Überzeugung: Das gemeinsame Unterdrücktsein habe zu intensiven Erfahrungen und zu einer Gegenkultur im Glauben, in der Musik und in Gedichten geführt, die versteckte Botschaften enthielten und das Bewusstsein stärkten.

In einer viel beachteten Rede beim "Führungstreffen Wirtschaft" der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" hat Gauck nun aber auch Grenzen der Freiheit aufgezeigt und darauf hingewiesen, dass Freiheit immer mit Verantwortung einhergehen müsse - und es deshalb nicht nur legitim, sondern nötig sei, auch dem freien Unternehmertum Grenzen zu setzen. Schwarze Zahlen seien kein Grund, rote Linien zu überschreiten. Als Beispiel dafür nannte der Bundespräsident ausdrücklich den Bankensektor, aber auch die Verantwortung jedes einzelnen Konsumenten und Kunden. In unserer Sendung "Kulturfragen" dokumentieren wird das Plädoyer des Bundespräsidenten für diese neue Kultur der Verantwortung in Auszügen.
FULL TEXT (in German: [link])

A young collegue told me over the phone last night how embarrased he was that the Young Business Elites are still trained in the old mold, little has changed, words are one think, acts quite another, to another freinds tells me after hearing Gauck, I have heard little about Gaucks acts to make a difference !!

But how can we make a difference!?
I am totally frustrated now, after preaparing for some hours, and think for 2 weeks, on how to make a difference on a relevant podium - I had hoped - to bring arts & civil society together here in Berlin. Check INTRANSIT and Deople and Dcollective comming here soooooon ...

 MediTERRA - beyond Flight and Migration - Anna-Lindh-Foundation Network activity
picture picture picture 5 Nov 2012 @ 18:31
see After weeks of preparations we had last Saturday our Video-Conference as part of the FLIGHT & MIGRATION programme this autumn - winter in Germany as part of the 2nd ANNA-LINDH-FOUNDATION programme. Check:

We did last weekend our Nov. 3rd "pitch" media-conference to assemble resources and increase awareness. Maybe see these annoucements first and check our report "in the making" later:


and here the Announcement from the German Network site: [link]

Here an article by Farah Lenser, who organised this video conference on this site: EINSEITIG: [link] and OYA magazine 11/2012 in German)
Please see later [more] below and come back as we are preparing presently a video for the final documentation.

Cheers from rushing HEiner  More >

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 Patty Smith, Wim Wenders, Christoph Schlingensief, .... what an evening
picture picture picture picture picture 4 Nov 2012 @ 15:43
Last night at the Academy, seeing friends and buddies, and being close. I really enjoyed. Still breathless here only some links and the annoucnement.
I will give not only a report of Christophs new book, but more !!

Christoph CHANCE 2000, Kunst und Gemüse,... so many memoeries come up. more later !

[link]  More >

 Pictures, Pictures, everywhere Pictures. What the heck are Image Sciences doing?
picture picture picture picture picture 31 Oct 2012 @ 17:59
Bilder, Bilder, überall Bilder. Und was macht eigentlich die Bildwissenschaft?
Es diskutieren: Horst Bredekamp [link] , Bazon Brock [link] , Hubert Burda [link] , Daniel Hornuff [link] , Lambert Wiesing [link] , Wolfgang Ullrich [link] (Moderation)
EVENT [link]
see also HFG announcemet: [link]

Thanks to Bazon and his immense struggle and effort to have such a place to tackle "the impossible" ! In a wide array of events in the last year this panel and setting was a landmark event, unique and special at least for me, as I had a chance to connect efforts of 20 or even 30 years,me struggling with computer graphics and raster imaging in the 80ies and seperated sign-systems to bring together presentation forms. See this WIKIPEDIA Infographics entry [link] and a colellection and timeline about INFOGRAFICS: [link]
Many of the discussands are still lost in the "iconic turn" but in particualar Hubert Burda widened the scene by talking about the frames (of the images). I later spoke from the floor requesting multiple, communicating frames, scaffoldings, maps, models and recalled that Peirce included the index as a "sign". All the panel was in agreement, but did not answer by we got stuck in one "turn" or the "other". Linguistic, Iconic, Schematic,.... Turns - but where are the maps, where is integration, where is orientation between the signs and presentations?
I can only add now an old piece on TURNS and TURFS: a proposal from some years ago: [link]
and this CODATA Signs and Syupersigns presentation: [link]
and finally this "old" contributions: (UNESCO/COB [link] and Council of Europe 1995: [link]
but feel I need to expand this and send to all the Panelists.

THIS NEEDS SOME MORE CARE AND WORK - But I promised to some participants ... more after I have shown these copies around:

Öffentlichkeit und Medien /Virtual Reality und Cyber Pro/Contra [link]

so here we go "published" event when this critique and this Work on Problems which can not be finally solved needs mcuh more time.

I have reported earlier about the DENKEREI. Please check:
Blankensee Symposium: [link]
Diversity of Mindsets and "Beyond Boxes":

 Knowledge from the Andes - presenting new approaches for old wisdom and practice
picture picture picture picture picture 31 Oct 2012 @ 17:57
Last Sunday we had a very special Dissertation celebration and book presentation, the Andes Knowledge System, Knowing for a Good Life (Buen Vivir)
Leonora Arriagada Peters presented the first of a series of 5 books which present her Magna Cum Laude dissertation she passed exactly one year ago.
There is no website, only one book in German, so I will need some time to present here the essence of what this old, absolutely independent from our theoretical and Applied Knowledge, Ontologies, Epistemologies, Presentation, Logic and Applications can help us to tackle modern Problems, and how we are using already today in manyfold ways: Architecture, Agriculture, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Governance and Mediation.

This independent cosmology which developed in South America has a lot of learnings for us today. It is not only about Commons and how to manage community and hold societies together. The Inka for example not only developed tradiotional agricultural systems, where the crops and vegetables live in a symbiotic way and used today worldwide to grow without pestizides, the MILPA system, of had a "pragmatic" Katari "Pi" as an alternative to our endless Greek "Pi". Central is also the term "pacha" which has no equivalent linking Space-Matter & Time "Spirit" - or check the
Aynina-Method presenting symmetrischen Reciprocity - I need to check later for this translations and material by Leonora Peters which is hopefully available in English.....
And the story goes on and on - here only some "appetizers": uniting and bringing together differences without homogenization, "building bridges", it is a thinking "compass", provides orientation, links formats and scales,....

You see now why I was attracted.

More later. Maybe in-between, why not get the book (if you read German):

I receommend at this point to check out the new Publisher "Wissen schafft Neues" and this ISBN 978-3-943837-00-1
Here a WIKIPEDIA site to get started: [link]

Humboldt and Bolivar as a background for having Southamerica- Europe and Old and New meeting today....

An introduction and positioning of the work of Elinora by Wolfgang Lempert who was in the dissertation committee provided the needed context to understand that is work is not only providing a new slant on fields like anthropology, geometry, building sciences,.... it is in my view a vefry needed example to show that independetnt cohererent systems exist and reinforce and augment the current cultural systems.

Please come back soon...

„[...] This dissertation is an immense contribution
to several fields of sholarship such a Anthropology,
Philosophy, Architecture and Mathematics.“
Prof. Dr. Ramon Grosfoguel
University of California, Berkeley
Maison des Science de l´Homme, Paris

„[...] Diese Dissertation ist ein erster Versuch
ein andines Wissenssystem zu postulieren,
aus einer Reihe von Quellen abzuleiten und vorzustellen.“
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Golte
Freie Universität Berlin
Universidad Nacional de San Marcos, Lima

 Theater & Sciences - 222 years ago and reopened today !
picture picture picture picture picture picture picture 15 Oct 2012 @ 18:35
Today was a VERY special day for me. Recall Brandburg Gate !? same architect - same times: The Langhansbau - or Trichinentempel was opened again to the public after years of restauration. Carl Gotthard Langhans? -|Press release:} Langhans? the architect of the Brandenburg Gate ! YES - before Schinkel !! and this is most important to understand German science approaches in the early days of German science, 20 years before the Kaiser-Wilhelm, later called Humboldt University, was founded. And, last not least, the German approach to SCHAU as a central issue in science. What is good about it and what was lost in "the Age of Show" !? maybe check my struggling with spacial and "Schau": Schau versus Show. It makes sense only when you include the direct communication and closeness to the "subject" linking analysis and synthesis togehter and involving the senses to link percepts and concepts. Communcation is a central issue here, adding intro & extro-spection in a shared space, auditorium, theater call it arena, for the sake of SCIENCE it was something new at that time and is now largely ignored/forgotten! They saw the link of Science and Theater, hopefully to serve Humanity - to cure cure pests and also we should not forget, win wars with good transport for armies.

Back to the jewel, lost in Berlins architectural and media awareness, but now available to the public !! - so there is a change here! making it available to community ! - Please check: [link] - more? check [link] - check: [link] - check: [link] - or more general special historic places in Berlin: [link]

Me ? I am excited ! I was involved in a summerschool we dit in the Trichinenbau in the semester 1999/2000, me introduced to the "staging" on the stage, extraordinary at that time and used in theaters but also as I learned in 1978, for the Philharmony in Berlin, (Scharoun/Schinz) and what it meand to closeness, communcation, and interaction.

Seeing this Jewel being reopened today was really a great pleasure and present, even for an observer and "bystander".

The issue of Schau, Science and Culture was very well highlighted in the opening sof the President of the Humboldt University, Professor Olbertz, and I will try present some "nuggets" which resonnate with me and provide perspective here soon...

Here the first news about this new SCIENCE & MEDIA & CULTURE Theater in Berlin:
(some pictures: Das Tieranatomische Theater der Humboldt-Universität an der Charité)
I try to digest and translate this: Animal-anathomic theater at the Humboldt University at the Charité Campus - -- you see we are close SCIENCE and MEDICINE. A topic close to this Blog - maybe scroll down....

I was talking today with some participants at the opening about PAUL WEISS and his roots here in Berlin, in Science, Medicine, System Sciences, .... but also about our summer school here in the TRICHINEN TEMPEL THEATER 13 years ago (1999), a summer school at the dawn of the the new Millenium. Maybe we should revisit that Studium generale. Here a first slide...
of my "pitch" about the NEW MEDIA: in the series: Studium generale Leitthema: Grundzüge der gegenwärtigen Zeitenwende (see bar below) and these announcements [link] from 1999 and my session Jan 2000: [link]

This day is a very special for me as I had heard about the "stage" whcih was a model also for the Philharmony already in 1978 or so from Alfred Schinz. And today I could see a model ! and many "learned" participants spoke about how this was implemented at many stages in the world. A model, as you can see from my page for Herbert Stachowiak, is very important for me, and bringing this together with architecture and theater, dialog and Anschauung as a proper approach for learning was really a present I did not expect, making me very happy.
more to come a.s.a.p. ... [link] - [link] and [link]

maybe also see from 2 years ago: WORLD KNOWLEDGE and WUNDERKAMMERN in this blog:
and WORLD KNOWLEDGE II & The Learned Berlin (200 & 300 years ago) and now ?
and Learning from Alexander von Humboldt and Carl Ritter ... - Institute for Internet and Society 2010 (see below)


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This is Heiner Benking's News Log, a private-public diary presenting events, symposia and happenings in Berlin and elsewhere - my farings, foci, issues and concerns.


The Log links to my work and interests and presents issues and special concern of maybe a very small group of "concerned, engaged generalist" - a Global Interest Group (GIG). This needs to be seen in contrast to the ubiquitous Specialized Interest Groups (SIGs), the "scientific" approach to organize subject areas and specialization and standardization and harmonization! of means, nomenclatures, and modes of thinking. My favorite stories in the WHOLENESS SEMINAR include:
and "IVAN HAVEL: Longing for Unified Knowledge" where a "specialist" runs into the founding session of the early foundations General Systems, mumbling "this is not my field" or where Ivan M. Havel expresses his search for other kinds of knowledge.
As a starter I also recommend to check my MINDPRINT site, where we add the need for HANDPRINTS and MINDPRINTS, as FOOTPRINTS are good to visualize and communicate numbers, densities or consumption per area, but are not sufficient to negotiate and "harmonize" across domains and communicate gains in different cultures, technologies, times,... in short: incompatible but relevant information and our work on dialog, peace, policy-making, and multi-modal, faceted issues and consequences.
What am I? This is a "well-packed" question for which I have not the or a single answer. Some called me an in-betweener, go-getter, facilitator, hub, marvel-hero, trim-tab, bricoleur, bricoleers??? - career designeer, .... Some even "hank" which I disliked or Story which I liked very much !!
I have no single answer as I feel we need to walk the talk and sing and dance Life ! in spectra and fields in multiple embodied spaces.
To nebulous an answer? I am sorry but I do not go for overclaims and oversimplifications, under-complex and over-simplistic approaches with clan-think mindsets about real issues in clear contexts!

Previous entries
  • Old and New Thinking ? for a Better World ! - GLocally !! and not flat !!

  • 2017-03-01
  • Future Day & Festival of Ideas - UN - SDGs and ...

  • 2017-02-16
  • Anniversary blog. 500 quergeist entries: Pledging to go
  • NEW PARTNERSHIP WITH AFRICA - Afrika - Afrique ... Third Future Forum:

  • 2017-02-12
  • Al Jarreau - Udo Lindenberg, Uncle Pö, Eppendorf

  • 2017-01-25
  • ECSA General Assembly 2017 - LandSense and **

  • 2017-01-22
  • G20 Agriculture Ministers' Declaration 2017

  • More ..

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