Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog -    

Welcome to the NewsLog or Blog of Heiner Benking. A kaleidoscope of insights and impulses collected first in the DaZiBao (Rio) process Seeds of Change Viewsletter of the Club of Budapest since 1995, continually updated ever since. Now available for broader distribution and comments in this blog - enjoy, and come again !

People to Watch:
Anthony Judge
Flemming Funch
Peter Jones
Alexander Christakis


Conference Program

Berlin "Towards a Global, Embodied Covenant"

Re-inventing Democracy

Dialog among Civilizations - Dialog towards Unity in Diversity

Dialogues and Conversations - Participation and Moderation/Mediation: Ways and Means towards Re-inventing Democracy and Good-Governance

Positions and Identities in Global Contexts: Awareness of Self and Others with me, you, we, they and "others" models

Flatlands & Deeplands - a page about maps and models and Earth Literacy

Towards one Possible Global Embodied Covenant: Models, - not just Systems, Signs, Words and Images - Interdisciplinary Conference 2004: The Evolution of World Order - EWOC

Using Maps and Models, SuperSigns and SuperStructures - CODATA 2005

Granularity, Topicality, and Generalization of Information - Reflections about maps and models, orienting generalizations and their possible pragmatic and ethical implications and challenges, CODATA 2005

Oikos-Ecumene-Ecodomy - contribution to a conference on space and sacred spaces. The proposal to share a World House or House of Eyes as part of a cognitive panorama

Panoptic, the need to see big pictures on common jointly explored and discussed schemas or frames


I was asked for kick-start / short access-keys to my BLOG entries or central concepts, sites I often use or URLs I often link to. Here we go:


TU TU WAS - Zusammenhaenge begreifen
governance / 7 points
12 these education - LIFE IS TOO FLAT

EXTENSIONS - Medical-Scientific Network /
Asilomar - sharing Voices/Spaces


ECO-CUBE/KNOW MAP 1) - 2) - 3)
MAP (Mental) 2) - 3)
METAPHORS (Classes of) 2)

IID - Creativity & Cognition,Loughborough **

A Quote I like:

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 Academies, Futures, Environ Education, Crowd Funding, EcoJustice,.. what a week
picture picture picture picture picture 29 Sep 2012 @ 18:19
The last week was mind-bashing and extremely exhausting.

First see: Global Challenges with National Academies. Little news, too bad, and some concerns - but also some re-encounters....

„Die Rolle der Wissenschaft im Globalen Wandel“ – Jahresversammlung der Nationalakademie Leopoldina
I went because I had hoped to see some learning after the GLOBAL CHANGE exhibiton from 1990 [link] - I found little !

SET the future: Sustainability - Education - Transformation
International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development Environmental Education ! great encounters - great "elder" people and even greater youth !! check it out ! and see FUTURE MAKERS: [link] - - [link] - [link]

Qualified contributions, but about the "state of the environment" as we know it for at least 30 or 40 years. I heard much about "New Thinking" needed, but little on how and where concretely, verbiage fashionable since at least 20 years. I could not resits to ask for "old and new" contrete thinking and deliberative shared decision making collective action without mayorizing minorities, and considering the frame of references as outlined in the work of Elinor Ostrom (slide 3), as mentioned in the AGORA presentation (below). I hope we are getting a documentation of this outstanding event with outstandig experts and a large group of youth primarily from India, South Africa, Mexico, *** finishing their training year, or starting the next. A great idea to get these 3 distinct groups together !!

Next this week: Revisting the OCA in Chania: Eco-justice and the OCA and interesting and important effort to bridge Justice and multi-track Diplomacy, Peacemaking, Democray/Dialogue ... check the conference and our session!

Connecting dots and issues across scales, sectors, and cultures
see the Presentation to be used here and there: [link]

SAPREJ-12: Sustainable Alternatives for Poverty Reduction and Ecological Justice Institute of Theology and Ecology of the OAC, International Ecological and Multidisciplinary Conferences "Religion and Science can provide solutions for sustainability problems“ - September 29, 2012, Channia, Greece
[link] - [link]

more later, we only have now presented: It was a great successful presentation with Maria, Aleco, Yiannis,... Come back for the updated slides and documentation/publications later !

Struggling for SEED FUNDING - Angela the Pheonix of from the Ashes (see below) and our MediTerra project [link] looking into Flight and Migration around the ANNA LINDH FOUNDATION and how to bring awareness not only to the media, but the public ! [link]

Presently I listen to one of my media heros since long: Sir David Attenborough - University of Surrey. Check "JIM MEETS": Professor Jim Al-Khalili, Professor of Physics and Public Engagement in Science at the University of Surrey hosts an audience with Sir David Attenborough - live at University of Surrey, Guildford

 Days of .... but please help ! and take note about ALS
picture picture picture 20 Sep 2012 @ 06:49
We have presently around the UN very important celebrations: tomorrow the International Day of Peace and last week the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
I will not report as always about all these teleconferences and internal and external groups and sessions, but want to put out my name and the name of Angela Jansen! Angela started with us last night a project to present and publish a look into life when handycapped. She is very talented and active, but also very handicapped! you might have heard about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). I feel it is very important that such a view from "inside" gets published ! so we started this crowd-funding effort: campaign link as we started it last night. Please check-out the campaign, see what Angela has done the last 8 years, I think it is really a story, and maybe help this project if you can ! Please check out the campaign: Like a phoenix from the ashes and this teleconference we did with
Angela Jansen in Turin at COGAIN some years ago...

 OYA Festival - work-netting and introducing the OYAnian Horse
picture picture 12 Sep 2012 @ 10:24
To live the new Tomorrow Today !

Overexposed, just returned from the OYA FESTIVAL last weekend here my late report: [first picture selection]

The 3 days OYA Festival was a landmark of integration and community building, futures- and co-creation. See the programme (unfortunately in German) and check the locations in a village full of "OYA!".
We met at places of laughter, movement, story-telling, land-art, philosophical chamber-music, playing, silence, cooking and relish with enjoyment, and last not least networking. I helped a little in this work-netting group which was designed to give voice and invite collective planning and action. A special report will follow a.s.a.p. in the OYA magazine and on open-forum events.

At this point I only to mention that the OYAnian Horse was born, proposing surprise in disguise for futures creation, that we had outstanding worknetting and magic roundtables and magic flying carpets like in the PARADISE FESTIVAL 3 weeks ago, and as a pre-release a new book to be introduced at Frankfurt BookFair was aleady hitting our festival-village. Is is called: The Post-Collapse Society - how we can live with much less much better - and how we can get ready for the transition today ((roughly translated by me)) (Die Post-Kollaps-Gesellschaft - Wie wir mit viel weniger viel besser leben werden – und wie wir uns heute schon darauf vorbereiten können).
I feel me made at the festival an intrasting, lasting step, maybe a first step, but it will be remembered as the 2032 voices were telling us the circle in the final gathering....

Gratifying wsa for me the result of the performances of the "Places". I contributed in the networking performance where we tried to visualize dynamic networking of "peers" on "equal footing". This is also shown in the first responses to our roundtables.
Interesting that the words of Claus Biegert from 1995 and at this festival were nearly identical: spannend & surprisingly intensive. Please check the collection as most of the roundtables were done in English over the years. A very nice response was that participants, even wen into commons, could nato believe that they can apply the methods just like that, without okey, without certifications, ….. but with goodwill and empathy. I recommend this list of publications and background materials as the method developed over time and is even implemented for virtual conferences (Stammtisch 3.0) these days. Maybe see this 5 minutes YouTube clip from the Speakers Corner at the Brandenburg Gate and follow the links.

Well just peek into the pages on OYA and follow our growing Open-Forum events documentation and our PNW projects log! and this roundtable outcomes collection!

More to come a.s.a.p.

 IFA, TED, .... Smart or Intelligent? Show or Schau?
picture picture picture picture picture 3 Sep 2012 @ 21:43
I am catapulted back to the mid 80ies. We were thinking about new media, computers to bridge text and graphics, even include vectors, rasters displays and any kind of texts like we now from the printing and proofing world. maybe start here: [link] - [link]
It is like a déjà-vu - now 27 years later much seems to be right there, at hand ! incredible ! But did we consider the original objectives, premises and hopes? Didn't we had some more concerns even a generation ago ! in times before the internet and the "swarm" ?
I will report from IFA, the media night this night, the TEDxBerlin below, to please be patient, come back, and follow these links "in-between":
FUTURE 3.0 [link]

about gatekeepers, magnetic portals, plattforms, and channels/bandwidth, ...

well you know what I am aiming at: the UN vision-televison conference:
and my invigted coment Show or Schau? if intersted, check it out !

SHOW or SCHAU? - was delivered at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Association for Politics and the Life Sciences, September 4, 1998, Boston. Comments were invited for the ...

Programming for People - From Cultural Rights to Cultural Responsibilities
UNITED NATIONS Headquarters, Economic and Social Council Chamber,
New York, 19-21 Nov 1997


Statement as encouraged by the organizers of 'vision televison' to sustantiate and make available the core messages of the intervention by the author
Surviving Cyberculture's impact - what can be done!? [link]

Homogenisation, Standardisation, Harmonisation,
Linguistic-, Iconic-, Spacial-, Integral Turn,...
Where do we go from here in an age of a globalised "Cyberculture"?

The IFA like the CeBIT and Systems were market place and fairs I grew up with 30-40 years ago. I feel it is time to look into what was there before the internet - grey literature and even books ! we should look from a broader bases and include old and new reasoning and acting, maybe call it "principle hope and responsibility 2.0" !

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 Neighborhood Technologies / Olympia: Myth – Cult – Games
picture picture picture picture 30 Aug 2012 @ 16:57
Split interests, slit realities, slit presence - WHAT A DAY:

1) Neighborhood Technologies Conference, media and mathematics of dynamic networks [link], Programme: [link]

2) Olympia: Myth – Cult – Games [link]

Blankensee Colloquium 2012
A Transdisciplinary Conference, Aug 30 – Sept 01, 2012, Denkerei Berlin-Kreuzberg Funded by the Kooperationsfonds of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Institute for Advanced Study

check also and come back - we meet until Saturday: [link]

taken from the website above: check the programm and presentations !

here is the putline or coloquium concept:
When sociologist Thomas Schelling published his research on housing segregation in major US-American cities in 1971, he accomplished more than just contributing to a novel type of ›social mathematics‹. With Schellings interest in the mechanisms of social segregation and his respective models, the analysis of actual neighborhood dynamics converged with a ›neighborly‹ research method. Starting from some basic local – aka neighborly – micro-relations of a defined number of agents behaving according to a restricted rule set, Schelling dynamically generated macroscopic segregation patterns. Henceforward, neighborhoods in a two-fold way (as objects and as applications) constituted a new research paradigm in which the complex macro-behaviors of a system and the non-linear dynamics of social collectives are generatively and procedurally put forth by rigidly defined microscopic neighborhood relations.

Neighborhoods depict an intermediate or meso-range for the linkage of single local agents with the overall global dynamics of social networks. Today, theories and practices of such Neighborhood Technologies have captured a variety of scientific disciplines: from Sociology to Biology, to Mathematics and Logistics, and to Robotics or Media Studies. Neighborhood technologies can thus serve as a principal element not only of a further understanding of social network dynamics. It can also be of use for developing an adequate (media) history and theory of social networks. The 2012 Blankensee Colloquium engages with these guiding lines from a transdisciplinary perspective.

The ambiguity of neighborhoods as scientific object and as application plays an important role in mathematical optimization and algorithmic game theory. These disciplines search for actual objects and systems where neighborhood relations play an important role – in order to subject them to mathematical analysis. Their major focus lies on predicting, evaluating and qualitatively assessing the state of an uncontrolled system that is determined by distributed actions of (rationally behaved) individuals based on their available information.

Likewise, for some years a growing interest in neighborhood-induced effects can be discovered in Culture and Media studies. Be it the ongoing discourse of swarm intelligence and the role of distributed (online) communication networks for political action, be it a media historical approach to local based media (e.g., GPS-navigation) and their influence on a transformation of concepts of space and time: Neighborhoods come to be part of not only a topographical and topological, but also conceptual transformation. They become an influential driving force of (global) mass movements, and they transform collectives into eminently technological arrangements.We attempt to short-cut the above described ›two cultures‹ of a preoccupation with dynamic networks in Culture and Media Studies and Mathematics via a re-wiring of their discourses, theories and applications. We seek to comprehensively address this research field by establishing a platform for the thorough discussion of neighborhood concepts and notions across scientific cultures. Thus, we invite researchers who concretely apply multi-agent systems in their respective research contexts: from Biology, Sociology, Computer science, Architecture, Robotics and Complexity studies. And we also include developers from businesses engaging in the neighborly organization of dynamic networks. With this layout, the Neighborhood Technologies conference alludes to a broader theory of social networks while at the same time originating new neighborhoods between scientific disciplines.

The exhibition “Olympia: Myth - Cult - Games” is an initiative of the Greek Cultural Foundation, Berlin, the official agency of the The Hellenic Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sport. Partners: the German Archaeological Institute and the Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin. Partners of the Greek Cultural Foundation, Berlin, are: the National Archaeological Museum, Athens; the Archaeological Museum, Olympia; the Numismatic Museum, Athens; and the Antiquities Collection of the Berlin State Museums. The exhibition has been facilitated by the Berlin Capital Cultural Fund and the German Savings Banks and Giro Association, and supported by the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, Athens, and the A.G. Leventis Foundation. The current educational program is faciliated by the Friede Springer Stiftung.

This magnificent exhibition is devoted to the ancient Olympia shrine and its cult and to the contests held there that are revived every four years in the modern Olympic Games.

“Olympia: Myth - Cult - Games” is an initiative of the Greek Cultural Foundation and the Greek Ministry of Culture. The German Archaeological Institute and the Martin-Gropius-Bau are partners of the project. [link]
The catalogue for 25 EURO is like a deal - you never get more deep European Greek culture, up-to-date, and in such a quality and authenticity ! go for it !!

The synopsis of the history of OLYMPIA is presented as a narror slice, the natual, harmonious, concrete, is impressive, but where is the correlation and translation to modern times and olympic politics nowadays! We know sponsors have left the boat, but wher are the original ideas!? pan-helenic and pan-cosmological - worldly, down to earth and towards shared futures !? the looking-back is woth another visit !but where is the intended look-out after some gamers have been lost on the track.... ?


 Harvesting at Campus Party in Berlin
picture picture picture picture picture picture picture picture 25 Aug 2012 @ 09:38
This is the day Tim Berner-lee just arrived at Campus Party I still grappple and grope with the main stage elites-vanity-elders-visionary keynotes the last days, more and most about Don Topscott yesterday and his "pitch". As kant wrote: kant already wrote about fullness and emptyness, concepts and percepts, flat and full. So how do we tackle after 200 years old & new terms and contests/cultures !?

The problem is that such eminent people pretend that they know and do something "new" when they only re-invent the wheel, only address wording, labeling and framing !! we call in German "Plastic-words" - words you bend to serve individual or group-think, interests and turfs. More on groupthink which I mentioned (below) and in contrast to the wisdom of the people here.

I am presently listing FUTURICA TRILOGY FUTURICA TRILOGY , presented by Alexander Bard at Pythagoras Stage !! not a big potatoe on "main stage", maybe a mid-size potatoe but providing orientation and insight into what is up here at the Campus. He is heading the Google ThinkTank. A Freak and Philosopher, I really enjoy, refreshing ! about the differnt worlds, the consumption vs participation universe, .... while I am listening with much joy while preparing for my BarCamp "call to action" at 17:00 at the cross-point booth/stage and think about Giesecke and his MYTHS on hte BOOK CULTURE & the VISIONS OF THE INFORMATION AGE [link] (maybe only in German) and: [link] Maybe they should meet, I will try to arrange....

Please check the keynotes and maybe listen into SIR TIM BERNERS-LEE starting right now:

after "high noon" all was different. I did not even attend the Sir Tim keynote - but learned it was as to be expected".... but stayed on with Alexander Bard ! we continued and continued not in Q&As as is the usual after lectures - but me trying to keep the group of "followers" together in a circle, having them talk TGOGETHER and then move to the MEDIA LOUNGE and continue there in what I often do in MEDIA / DELEGATES DIALOGUES. A format we continued event when the scheduled official CAMPUS INTERVIEW took place, sharing deep, practical wisdom and not only staying on and on but inviting for my 17:30 BARCAMP "pitch" later today. We continued until Sir Tim was already back into the VIP area. But we did not move to the neighbouring Lounge - but continued, sharing ID's Visions and Views.... until Me and Alex were starved..... REPORT with pictures later.....

Finally we had the Final & official last pitch at the CAMPUS PARTY - I spoke as I had schemed early as the last public presentation of this CAMPUS PARTY. I dared, sticked my neck out, and proposed were I feel we need to go, specially in view of all the keynotes we took-in this CAMPUS PARTY.

I was very happy and feet we need to get this going after 20+ and 40+ years. To see what I mean check the Video (asap) !!!! , some pictures, and slides .... on the way....
The video looks greats - need editing - Here a glimpse at the slides - 1/4 of what was availble and what I was able to show to some....
here the Title: SHARING _ CARING - DARING in G L ocal
intersectorial, multi-modal and inter-generational multi-lingual and cross-scale
worlds of participation empowering and negotiating deliberating, participation in MEANING CREATION and Shared Action Spaces

WHAT I FEEL: I FTHINK I WAS DARING & STARK in my 5 minutes to talk about futures creation and sharing for comming to action with ethics which empower stakeholder and "re-invent" democracy and deliberation and community building through futures design and collectively harvesting the wisdom of the people and including minority views and "others", other mindsets and other models..... But what I feel it needs is to get down concretelys and beyond words to the ground and really shared bottom-up approaches. Maybe for the ENTREPRENEUSHIP GARAGE indigogo.... I will try next week..... So please come back - maybe we should also apply for teh WORLD PROBLEM SOLVING APPS of Don Tapscott !! cu soon !! good night and good luck !

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 Water war & peacemaking. WATER FIGHT DAY @ CAMPUS PARTY II
picture picture picture picture picture picture 23 Aug 2012 @ 21:50
Thrilling - I came to hear a keynote by YOSSI VARDI and stayed on till now, midnight....
Yossi is a very special person, we will meet again soon! Don Tapscop was already take on steam in a panel this afternoon, and we agreed I ask my question to him again from the floor tomorrow after his 12:00 keynote. So I am comitted for another visit....
Nice meeting on special invitation this evening with the key woman speakers in the Prenzlberg... so meeting the young "the best and the brightest"... [more]

But I want to report on "world water war and peace" a great exercise at 1 pm - I will show some pictures and a video below. Water Peace making is really an exciting group performance !! raising awareness about water wars and global peacemaking. Please see our [link] site and more ... and please come back tomorrow !!

"tomorrow" note:: Sorry observers, I was tooooo busy this Friday. But a friend features the event nicely: So excuse and Visit: FOCUS ONLINE and see you on Saturday for "harvesting".... Maybe on Friday note: Don Tapscott he was well received, did the typical Toronto view of the world inside "pitch" as the helmsman and admiral of future thinking for the world - must be a joke !

He said he is not ready yet with his world design, but as a good starter he requests a deliberation culture. Toearsd this end he invented a new "taxonomy" when I feel is already right there since 20-30+ years ! I feel we need concretely shared meanings and contexts!! in assemblies of stakeholders, risktkers and drivers !! not on-lookers !! Meanwhile check this, our Rio+20 "blurb": [link] and my Eulogy for the "mMther of the Commons" Elinor Ostrom: [link] ....

So hang-out for Saturday.
Don agreed with me and in fron of the audience on the need for other forms of voting and deliberation cultures. THE QUESTION is HOW !! I spoke from the floor about relevance/priority versus influence voting and I was told the book/primer he was will to take and ready on the way for his next stop-over "conference hopping" what a "priviledge"... well see the title and his quest to the audience about forming gloabl problem solving apps. My replique was:. "they are all there" - check it out: as I gave it to Don for his way an the nexts stops on his "conference hopping" tour. A Democratic Approach to Sustainable Futures !!! SDP Process.

Maybe his should be the next on his reading list as much of his stuff he requested to be done is there and awaits his "Global Problem Solving Apps" getting in touch with the work done before the internet. Check for example these Encyclopedia of WORLD PROBLEMS AND HUMAN POTENTIAL, ACTIONS; OPTIONS STRATEGIES (vol.3) since maybe 10 years and updated by the "Clearinghous of International organisation, the UIA in Brussels" and also nowadays the Union of Intelligible Associations (UIA) see the GLOBAL STRATEGIES PROJECT published in a couple of volumes [link] see also the old INTERLINKAGE projects: [link] and the Pointers to Possibilities: "WE TURN":

You might want to check the interrelationship of databases: [link] and this "CLIMATIC CHALLENGE" from 1995: [link]

Don Tapscott is unknowingly !? re-inventing wheels and reinforcing / supporting the original idea of "Dropping Knowledge" but basing on works 40+ years ago ! See my interviews in Europe'sWorld with Chriastakis: The Predicament of the Individual, Communities, and Humankind in the 21st Century - 19-09-2011
Learnings and Vistas based on revisiting 40 years "Global Problematique" - 12-02-2010

I feel we need to open the space between groupthink and the widom of the people, and get closer to the matter on when to believe nin "swarm intelligence" and when to be QUITE, and check the meanings... I will stop here close to midnight. This is the booklet done by students in Australia whcih needs to be translated a.s.a.p. !!! and more as you know can be alway found at my 21stCenturyAgora jumppage or this blog on what is going on in the field of: dialog design, futures design, poetry-making and policy-making, multi-track policy- and peace-making.... well I prepare my "pitch in the BAR CAMP Friday 17:30 - so please come back as it is getting late Good Night and Good Luck !!

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picture picture picture picture 22 Aug 2012 @ 12:35
Now Berlin has its Campus party. 10 000 gather in the old terminal of Tempelhof Airport. Great Elders and Juppi's meet for a week I will try to come again and again as some of the topics are really relevant and dear to me. Check the site and programme!!
Campus Party was founded by Paco, Belinda, Pablo and Yolanda in Malaga in 1997. These four friends were united by their passion for new technologies and wanted to create a space where others with the same interests could come together. The group was influenced by a RTVE2 television documentary about the demo parties that had just begun taking place in Northern Europe, and wanted to bring that model to Spain's geeks. They were joined by EnRED, the youth association of Benalmadena, Spain and other friends who collaborated to bring the concept of Campus Party to life.

The first Campus Party drew 250 people for the weekend, and the event quickly gained traction and a following: the number of attendees doubled for the second edition. Two years later in 1999, E3 Futura Association was founded as a non-profit organization with the objective of making technology in all its diverse forms more accessible to society as a whole, and to create forums and educational programs that promote innovation and responsible participation in digital culture. Headquartered in Madrid, the organization now has offices in Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Germany and the United States.

I will check many booths and just come from Paulo Coelho. How the new media interfere in the creative process Paulo Coelho is considered to be one of the most influential authors of our times. He is the best selling author of The Alchemist, and his books have sold more than 140 million copies worldwide and have been translated to 73 languages. He was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1947 and discovered his vocation for writing early on. He worked as a director, theatre actor, composer and journalist.

Other great speakers and active participants. Active nerds and entrepreneurs, what a "mix"..... The acoustics is a problem in an event of such size ! and also how these youngsters, typical 17-25 zoom into their "frames" and networks, and what they eat.. Horrible, I thought we have an environment and diet and lifestyle conscious generation coming...

But let me back to news developments, the depth of inquiry of people like Paulo, and new functions, features, benefits for the hype entrepreneurship movement and how to make a difference in the worlds to come..... MORE LATER meanwhile maybe check the blog: [link]

 METROPOLITAN LAB - Aedes Network Campus / machen !
picture picture 18 Aug 2012 @ 20:41
Yesterday was a highlight and a deja vue. Many topics came up which I am struggling with since the late 70ies. Check: and Holcim Awards.

I taped the presentation of Francis[event_rubrik]= and I feel we need a discussion - specially in view of all this MASDA GREEN CITY discussions these days...... [link] (3)

in view of the German television DAS ERSTE and ARTE which besides (3) Masdar City also covered this year: Mit Energie in die Zukunft - (1/4) Die Sonne auf Erden
Mit Energie in die Zukunft - (2/4) Der Wolkenkratzer am Perlfluss - Mit Energie in die Zukunft - (3/4) Masdar - Eine ökologische Modellstadt and Mit Energie in die Zukunft - (4/4) Auf Wärme bauen [link]

My questions: where is wind and wafe and thermic and wind energy, not only in this series, but where was it on the agenda the last 22 years ! All issues have been covered here: [link] but where are we know? Where and how do we go beyond "footprints" and CO2, to handprints, mindprints, and a more holistic, pragmatic, and systemic approach taking "the people" motivations, lifestyles, diets, modes of thinking,... check: [link]

but my concerns goes much deeper into the central concerns of the event. Hob about scaling up? building not jsut houses but town and developing countries? When we treid in the late 70ies we uterly failed, we treid to seperate drinkign and grey water, looked into otehr sewers and and rain-water catchment, tradition building styles and how 2000 years ago dams were build which still stand, even without concrete....
[more later]

I will also need to revisit the Foundation financing all this and Schmidheiny [link] .... In the early 92 Rio days he was one of the Environment Heros.... but let us revisit the BMW Gugenheim event end of July - i covered 3 weeks ago, pls. scroll down....
So please come back to my "worlds" in the late 70ies, where we studied all these adobe structures in the Asir and Jemen, dams and towns. How uttely have we failed even with the best knowledge, insights, intentions,... and in view of all the interests ivolved when developing towns, regions, states ...
How little did we really understand, how little was applied when we had "pilot projects" to make a difference - just consider seperating grey and blue water, catching rain water, using adobe and traditional architectures, revisiting our sewer system approaches, ...
and how much is lost in the last 30+ years, specially in view of the scales, proportions, consequences aptly outlined by Andreas Ruby, one of the organizers. Check: and

pls excuse - busy - will attend shortly....  More >

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This is Heiner Benking's News Log, a private-public diary presenting events, symposia and happenings in Berlin and elsewhere - my farings, foci, issues and concerns.


The Log links to my work and interests and presents issues and special concern of maybe a very small group of "concerned, engaged generalist" - a Global Interest Group (GIG). This needs to be seen in contrast to the ubiquitous Specialized Interest Groups (SIGs), the "scientific" approach to organize subject areas and specialization and standardization and harmonization! of means, nomenclatures, and modes of thinking. My favorite stories in the WHOLENESS SEMINAR include:
and "IVAN HAVEL: Longing for Unified Knowledge" where a "specialist" runs into the founding session of the early foundations General Systems, mumbling "this is not my field" or where Ivan M. Havel expresses his search for other kinds of knowledge.
As a starter I also recommend to check my MINDPRINT site, where we add the need for HANDPRINTS and MINDPRINTS, as FOOTPRINTS are good to visualize and communicate numbers, densities or consumption per area, but are not sufficient to negotiate and "harmonize" across domains and communicate gains in different cultures, technologies, times,... in short: incompatible but relevant information and our work on dialog, peace, policy-making, and multi-modal, faceted issues and consequences.
What am I? This is a "well-packed" question for which I have not the or a single answer. Some called me an in-betweener, go-getter, facilitator, hub, marvel-hero, trim-tab, bricoleur, bricoleers??? - career designeer, .... Some even "hank" which I disliked or Story which I liked very much !!
I have no single answer as I feel we need to walk the talk and sing and dance Life ! in spectra and fields in multiple embodied spaces.
To nebulous an answer? I am sorry but I do not go for overclaims and oversimplifications, under-complex and over-simplistic approaches with clan-think mindsets about real issues in clear contexts!

Previous entries
  • Old and New Thinking ? for a Better World ! - GLocally !! and not flat !!

  • 2017-03-01
  • Future Day & Festival of Ideas - UN - SDGs and ...

  • 2017-02-16
  • Anniversary blog. 500 quergeist entries: Pledging to go
  • NEW PARTNERSHIP WITH AFRICA - Afrika - Afrique ... Third Future Forum:

  • 2017-02-12
  • Al Jarreau - Udo Lindenberg, Uncle Pö, Eppendorf

  • 2017-01-25
  • ECSA General Assembly 2017 - LandSense and **

  • 2017-01-22
  • G20 Agriculture Ministers' Declaration 2017

  • More ..

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