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Category: Articles 94 comments 13 Apr 2005 @ 13:34 by martha : Marie ?????Where does this information come from? Who created the picture? 13 Apr 2005 @ 14:31 by sprtskr : Martha theres a link at the bottom of the article.If a popup window shows press no because yes keeps it coming back. The picture came from another joining link. http://new-enlightenment.com/PAintro.htm 13 Apr 2005 @ 14:44 by martha : When i click on the link at the bottom all I get is a workgroup called Consciousness Expansion. It doesn't tell me where the info is from. I guess I'm confused. The link at the top about the pic is helpful but their web presentation needs some help. 13 Apr 2005 @ 15:02 by sprtskr : I got the link right now I had to look it up on the net instead of using a group link. Thanks Martha 14 Apr 2005 @ 00:33 by hgoodgame : Thank you Marie, this is helpful information at a time when many people are experiencing some or all of these symptoms but don't understand why yet. Martha, now that Marie has all the correct credits given, what do you think of the content of the article? I found it useful in explaining changes in myself and others around me. 14 Apr 2005 @ 01:36 by sprtskr : I got most of the symtoms I heard its menopause, but I'm not menopausal yet the dr says. Your welcome Heidi and thanks for reading the article and commenting. 15 Apr 2005 @ 00:13 by hgoodgame : I too have had many of the symptoms at different times. Many of the people I know have them too. I've also shared the information with some of my email friends who don't understand why they are experiencing some of the physical symptoms described and are still too prone to run to a Dr. for solutions. Very useful article! Some of the 'heat waves' do feel a little like hot flashes but I've been done with those for some time. Now I feel it as a speeding up in our bodies on a cellular level that make us feel the heat as we process these new energies. 5 Jun 2006 @ 08:58 by JAS @ : lost my presence I had an experience where I was moving to higher vibrationl levels gradually during the past year as I was on my way to turning 22. According to my numerology report I was experiencing a forty four essence (or a new heightened awareness). Nonthe less, one day i had some negative thoughts which were a result from the state of depression I had been in and all of a sudden from the ground up came this warm sensation that latched itself onto my weist, creating a belt like feeling and eliminated my vibrations I had been aquiring just like that. My presence had been shot and my life has been altered dramatically from it ever since. This occured in late april and I have been depressed ever since. Curious if anyone has any support or answers? 19 Jun 2006 @ 00:57 by sprtskr : I had a bout with depression I had quit smoking and it lasted a couple of months but now I feel better then I have in a long time. I don't know in your case what it was maybe a shifting that caused it. What ever it is something should be done on your part to correct it, perhaps meditating and asking for help to your guides. Let me know what happens please. Good wishes to you.Plus I would like to add that reading the photon belt information could shed some light onto the problem. 31 Jul 2006 @ 16:18 by Spiritborn @ : A Guide to the Kingdom of God, really. This web site goes into detail about what one must do to open all of the chakras and become born of the Spirit of God. Jesus' "Keys" to the Kingdom of God. "The works/disciplins needed to reach God." Others that have attained the Kingdom of God are Moses, Buddha, Egyptian Pharos, Mayans' and many others, like me. I bear witness to this as shown in the many artifacts on my web site, and Jesus' words in the Bible. I give step by step procedures that will leave no dought in you mind. It is very simple. The only question is, do you want to invest a little time to seal your eternity with God? 12 Sep 2006 @ 16:57 by heather @ : higher vibration Thank you for the information, I am going thru this transition and its will become more tolerable now that I know whats going on 26 Oct 2006 @ 23:40 by hiromi sharp @ : photon belt Hi I been reading about all above if photon belt is exist and true. I thought I become post menapause. Don't you think all above conditions are souns like menapause. So, Am I menapause or photon???? 3 Nov 2006 @ 22:01 by sprtskr : it does very much sound like menopause which I am going through but I do feel something much more then that. The turning within me that comes and goes. 6 Jan 2007 @ 17:22 by Melvin Melgar @ : Will I develop ESP with vibrations? Hi, I have never expected that it will occur to me. I started to feel the vibrations of my body around 4 months ago. Now, I am feeling that vibrations on my head and my hands as if I were feeling the noise of the radio. Do you think that I am developing ESP abilities? Also, my parents found me on my bed in a different position and my mother thinks that probably levitation changed my position on my bed due to vibrations of my body. Do you think is a combination with vibrations of my body due to levitation or anything else? I am looking forward to your response soon because I have more information about these details and need to know the general information about these matters. 30 Jan 2007 @ 15:29 by bd salo @ : no short-cut to developing consciousness All of these things are true and it is encouraging to see experiences articulated. It helps us all but it is important to know that there are no shortcuts to advancing our consciousness. Well, maybe there is one--If we were to turn to God for direction every time we opened our mouth to speak or even our minds to think--then we might hurry things up a bit! 1 Feb 2007 @ 22:25 by Jim @ : very high vibratory rate I need to know where I might find any referance to how our vibration can cause a hand held computer to crash. 18 Oct 2007 @ 17:32 by Alex Fox @ : WoW I'm a 16 yr old guy from Houston Texas and all the things youd like me to say about high school XD For the past 11 years I've experienced and continue to experience EXACTLY everything on this page. Some things occurred in order but most of the symptoms have been occurring simultaneously for years. Doctors cant figure out whats wrong with me and the spiritual advances kicked in last year full force. Clairvoyance, Precognition, uncontrolled Telekinesis, Electronic Manipulation, all the vibrational signals, Everything. I thought i was really sickly and psychic and the same time XD Im so happy that its not cause im weird or anything. Although I could do without the body fat. My goal right now is maintain optimism and clarity 100% of the time instead of my usual 70% and then start using my psychic abilities again and then lose all my fat XD Anyway *ranting over* I need some kind of teacher or something cause i get confused a lot and i get some kind of minor amnesia or something. If anybody wants to help me understand exactly why Im being pushed beyond the limits of spiritual guru before i turn 18, send me an email. Someone else told me it had something to do with the Morning Star and ive had some experiences where ankhs, sun symbols, and a new symbol with no previous existence on earth have just come out of nowhere. Appreciate help, EMAIL ME :D 18 Oct 2007 @ 22:56 by bushman : Hmm, Just do what you can to get healthy, as for the gifts, get used to them, alot of time, for me, all that supernatural stuff comes out when Im angry or stressed and in a hurry. Now Im older, wiser, the gifts come when I truly need them to be there. :} 5 Jan 2008 @ 17:49 by Lauren @ : Things keep unfolding I started getting these symptoms bit by bit last spring. They rotate continually and I too thought it was pre-menopausal symptoms. I had an incredible inward awareness experience in 2003. It went away and I've been reading everything I can get my hands on to seek the path back to that experience. I keep being lead to new insights and bits of knowledge that open my mind and many times validate what I've been feeling or sensing. I think I'm starting to develop psychic abilities and others around me seem to be either extremely drawn to me or very repelled by me. The ones who are repelled are people I don't want near me anyway. Many of the women I know are experiencing a lot of these symptoms as well. Here we go, huh? 18 Jan 2008 @ 02:47 by Lyell Cook @ : 2 x's the trinity into Infinity :) Our evolution is very near, the time to change is almost here, Our love will soon reach number 7- We shall enter our gates of Heaven. 22 Jan 2008 @ 19:04 by Laura @ : Nice to finally know I am so glad that I found this site. I have been experiencing these symptoms for years, but had no idea what they were - I just thought that since I work in a school, I was just staying sick all the time. I also thought that I might be experiencing menapause (I am a little to young). I have recently found a Reiki healer, that I absolutely love and she started to explain to me some of the things that I am.... I have known these things all along, I just did not want to face them. Since I have started the healings, I feel more positive energy, but it seems that I am even sicker. Makes complete sense after reading this. But it has gotten so bad, that I am constantly missing work and am having trouble dealing with the kids. Any suggestions of how to calm it down. Please feel free to email me. And Thanks 16 Mar 2008 @ 03:14 by ashley @ : grateful... it helps to read this page and all of your comments. i've been experiencing these symptoms for years as well. i am far too young for menopause. (under 30) in the past year they have all gotten more extreme... vision changing, extra sensitive to light and sound, heart flutters (with no previous history or hereditary history of heart problems), chest pains, extreme sleepiness or excessive energy (it seems to flip flop) at times its overwhelming- and other times i remember what is going on. many blessing of light and love to all of you for sharing your experience and for being here on Earth (with me!! and all else) during times of great change. ashe', ashley 18 Jun 2008 @ 19:34 by Jennifer @ : Vibrations I have been exeperiencing this in my sleep since I was a young child. I was around 8 years old to be exact. I remember waking up in my Great Grandmothers bed not being able to move, I felt I was parlized. I was scared to death.It has been happening from time to time ever since . I am 32 now. At first it was just the paralysis, inbetween seep/ awake state. As the years have passed the Buzzing, Electricity feeling have heigthened more and more. I use to try to explain to friends an family what was happening. No one ever could relate. Many people have thought I was a little crazy for saying I feel like there is electricity going through me in my sleep. The paralysis and not being able to talk is what scared me the most . I would say over the last 7 years I have taght myself not to panic, i will be ok. I have actually risen about halfway out of my body. However I have been too scared to ever come out all the way. 18 Jun 2008 @ 21:54 by Kevin @ : Vibrations Jennifer, I recently started having these vibrations (about a month ago). I'm a 39 year old male and I have to admit, I was pretty freaked out when it started. My bed was shaking and I thought I was being haunted or something. I later realized I was shaking - not the bed! I feel like there is a constant charge of energy running through me, but right as I start to fall asleep, I literally start vibrating. It doesn't hurt at all and is even enjoyable at at times. I'm no longer scared of it and I believe (after much research) a few of us have opened a gateway to our higher selves or some greater power. I'm just now learning to deal with it and I've only partially left my body as well. Anyway, I find all of this very interesting as because I haven't found anyone who has been truly hurt by this experience. It's a little freaky, but something is telling me this is a good thing if we manage to deal with it and learn its uses. Good luck to you all. 26 Jun 2008 @ 00:21 by leela sirrom @ : electrical vibrations During Vipassana meditation I first became conscious of internal vibration. Then a few years on meditating, I just all of a sudden became aware of this internal electrical sensation, yes in a normal relaxed state of mind. So now I call it flow glowing the closest esplanation is likened to the aftermath of a orgasm. yes I am always able to be in this state . human evolution ? 11 Jan 2009 @ 08:06 by Norbert @ : Great article Thanks for this great article. I haven't found such a complete and accurate list of those symptomes anywhere on the net before. These things happen to many people nowadays and mostly they don't know what it is, and that it is a very positive sign. 5 Sep 2009 @ 05:52 by stephanie @ : relieved Thank you so much for this infromation i had and experience close to 3 years ago that was very frightening at the time. I was watching TV and had to stay awake all night to go for an EEg in the morning. I felt as tho the TV was talking to me and I got scared I ran up to my MOM and told her I was scared and something was happening to me but I didn't know what. My whole body was vibrating from head to toe. MOM thoughtit was a panic attack, but I had noheart palpitations or chest compression like I do with Panic attacks. Everything around me looked crystal clear and very defined, like as in HDTV. My MOM tried to calm me down. She brought me upstairs to my bed and laid me down and talked gemtly to me to calm me down. all the while vibrating. As I lay on the bed. I closed my eyes and I felt as tho I was being catapulted. I felt as if i was being shot to another dimension. I felt motion sickness and thought I would bring up, I heard soft sonic booms, one after the other after the other. I felt a "great knowing" as in how the world works and how I fit into the "big" picture. I finally opened my eyes and the vibration had stopped. Still to this day, until I read this article I thought I was just crazy, but since then I am experiencing ALL these syptoms. I have been to the doctor many times, who has taken many many tests to see what might be wrong with me. I wold love more information if you have any. 24 Sep 2009 @ 20:45 by mpumelelo sigudua @ : body vibration my body vibrated about 15 minutes in the year 2000. It occured 3 days after i the light of God and jesus. I started to see visions and to angels' voices. I also feel people's sicknesses in my body. 3 Jan 2010 @ 07:55 by Dylan Longden @ : Body Vibration I get random episodes like the ones stated above where i suddenly hear a sort of buzz/humming noise so i try to calm myself and i start to feel like everyting around me is happening faster than usual, (if that makes sense) sort of like everyone and everything is on fast forward and i start to feel kind of weightless, i've been having quite a few of the symptoms above aswell but the humming/fast forward sensation i get rarely but i quite enjoy it to be honest i did'nt have any idea how to react to it untill i came accross this article, Thank you. 5 Jan 2010 @ 14:43 by BP @ : Evolving Beings (dormant reawakening) Hello Ms Marie Southern, Thank you for your concise material, for all that is written is true to me; i have been on this journey all of my life but predominantly the last several years and current i have experienced intense and sometimes harsh but loving experiences and changes, as though i am evolving; it is an individual journey, which at times can be difficult and lonely.I was guided to this site today which has come as an additional welcome relief. I Accept my Development; (having been resistant at times only to create stress). Historically or otherwise - (what has lay dormant)it is bestowed to me like many others and one which is attainable to all; i Love that i am living this (related era) and Acknowledge and Give Thanks to All Who Love, Watch Over, Guide and Protect Me and All. Thank you 9 Jan 2010 @ 20:57 by sue harrison @ : time speeding up I had lost a lot of weight for my wedding in may this year but have slowly been putting it back on I can;t stop eating!! also I am convinced time is speeding up, the days seem to get shorter and shorter I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and put on anti depressants I know it is the symptoms above that are causing this but I am excessively tired and fall asleep on buses, at work etc, so it is so inconvenient does anyone know how to either speed this thing up to completion or slow it down to be able to cope? the path seems so hard sometimes and I have always struggled immensely to do any kind of meditation, I too have memory loss, heightened senses and pins and needles, electricity running through my hands and searing pains in my head, they only last a few seconds but it hurts!! I feel quite lonely at times as very few of my friends are experiencing any of this stuff, my next step is to try crystal bed therapy I have already had 5th dimension healing which released a lot of negativity 14 Mar 2010 @ 11:02 by Eddie Grace @ : how to get through tough times When ones energy vibration starts to change consciously or unconsciously all of the above is true. What a lovely site to explain whats going on. So people dont feel alone or worred that they are od in some kind of way. There are many many people out there at this stage of growth, but the good news is there are some wonderful tools to ease you through the transition. Anyone having trouble with thier health "not feeling normal anymore" might like some of the links for products, I use to get me through the tough times. here they are......... http://www.qlink.com.au/ pendant http://www.fusionexcel.com/ pendant flask and more http://www.lifetechnology.org/ telsa sheld is a must http://www.cellfood.com.au/ put this in water awesome stuff http://www.vitalgreens.com/ diet stuff if you dont eat the right foods http://www.centerpointe.com/ best medation stuff their is http://www.heal-with-energy.com/default.asp egyptian healing rods, o'yeah http://www.precisionpyramids.com/ pyramid stuff to learn about All of these products work automatic you dont even have to do anything just buy them, wear them, use them, learn about them. Empower yourself with knowledge and you will begin to understand what is going on with your body and the world we live in. We are the leaders. Empower yourself learn to lead and do it now !!!! Rock on brothers and sisters. love youself for who you are DONT JUDGE YOURSELF !!! Also learn about the Astral plane, Ascended masters, New age stuff, Crystals and Charkas thier is so much info out their. Google everthing and empower your self today. Love and light for all o'yeah i love it !!!!!!lol and be proud. Find a way to buy these products and when you do search for more. 22 May 2010 @ 19:40 by clayton @ : raising vibration I raise my vibration consciously. One time when I fell asleep doing it I woke up with a nice and unbearably strong sensation at the base of the spine. Energy was also running out the arms and hands. Another time I woke up when the energy rose up my back and went down the front to the heart. Nice sensations but strong. Drive me insane or kill me if it kept going. Mostly these sensations happen in the Spring when the days get longer. I do not know if there is a connection. I was aware in my sleep. I started going out of the body toward my feet. I thought someone was pulling me off the bed. Then I relaxed. It was a gentle blissful sensation. And just when my head touched my feet, I woke up. Nice while it lasted. 28 May 2010 @ 01:15 by MARLENE CASTELLUCCIO @ : Tingling sensations in my body I am a Massage Therapist. the other day while in a bikram yoga class toward the end, i started experiencing tingling in both of my hands it traveled up my arms. I did some other poses and while reaching toward my toes my feet started tingling up my legs. In the final breathing pose these vibrations met at my pelvis and I felt as though I was sitting on a Vortex - I felt like my entire body was visibly vibrating. I dont know but all of a sudden - I had an overwhleming feeling of sadness filled my chest and I started to cry. I left the class showered and all was well. I equate it to the release of energies leaving my body that no longer had a place there. I considered it healing. I thought it felt like kundalini energy but I do not know about that kind of meditation, only that angels are always with me. 20 Jun 2010 @ 13:23 by Mack Truc @ : animals fear you, Depression Sounds like some terrible symptoms. Depression is bad enough but I would to have my dog be scared of being around me. With all the bad symptoms that come with raising your vibration, what it the point?? 22 Jun 2010 @ 02:39 by kim @ : Kundalini symptons Gopi Krishna's book "Kundalini" was a landmark publication describing the effect of a Kundalini awakening, when no one knew about this phenomena. Today Dr. Yvonne Cason runs a Kundalini research organization. There are many books and websites available for anyone in a Kundalini crisis. Gopi used meat to lower his vibration when things were getting too high. 11 Jul 2010 @ 22:02 by jim @ : great info thanks 24 Aug 2010 @ 23:43 by margaret myers watson @ : vibrations, consciousness raising I started these studies in the late 60s and I am wondering if some of the statements are accurate descriptions of truly increased vibratory rates or is some of this just a strong desore to be "higher" and hanging on the bus filled with catch phrades. 24 Aug 2010 @ 23:50 by margaret myers watson @ : verification correct words are desire and phrases...guess I need to slow the rates down!NTW, I have never heard, until now,about the Tesla thing. I intend to research it. There is the same" snake oil" salesmen in this as there are in some other businesses and therapies. 28 Aug 2010 @ 22:38 by Mike @ : Great Hi there, Very throrough explaination, thank you. I love your style and I would love to learn more. Please tell me, what is the Ascension? Kind regards Mike 4 Sep 2010 @ 20:01 by Jenn @ : comments Interesting the negativity that is present in a lot of these comments from people who I would assume were looking for this information, and therefor are already on the path of raising their vibrations. Good stuff. I searched and found you after reading some of the material on the loveorabove.com website. Another place to find some good stuff. And my search goes on for more... 15 Sep 2010 @ 03:50 by criss @ : vibration hi from romania and im so glad to find all this information,a have to this for many many years,first was start aboute 10 years ago wend i was feal like paraliz,i was wake but can not move my own body,i tell to my brother and did't belive me...from aboute 5 yers a have this vibratzion and this year it was very intens,i was gona go to doctor but lucky to find all this...i was chek my simtoms in my own language but nothing and i decide to put in english and i find all this...thx for all information and sorry if i made any mistake it is not my language....love to you all 17 Sep 2010 @ 23:22 by Suzette @ : Vibration I have experienced these symptons and the other night i woke up while i was Flying and I heard the wind blowing and the vibrational sound in my ears, I tried to scream and a spirit pushed the air into my mouth a prevented me from speaking. My body was light as a feather and felt no discomfort, the air was pushed deep into my mouth but it did not prevent me from breathing. It spooked me, non of the people I know have these experiences, and I have had other such things happen in the past. Does this mean that we all wont raise our vibrations? Someone please help me, I am very interested in this. Both my children experience similar things.One is 18 and the other is seven, when my youngest was about 3yrs old, we both heard the same voice in our heads and she asked me if i heard grandma and i said yes and she said am i gonna answer her and I had to explain to her that Nana is not here with us. Things like this has been happening to us for years, I am so glad to know for sure that I am not crazy!!!! 3 Oct 2010 @ 16:21 by http://www.uggbootsventa.com @ : http://www.uggbootsventa.com ugg boots sale mc replica designer shoes 3 Oct 2010 @ 16:23 by replica designer shoes @ : replica designer shoes That's wonderful place to get replica designer shoes,also try http://www.mcupdates.com 2 Nov 2010 @ 01:03 by buy itunes code @ : buy itunes code I must say that overall I am really impressed with this blog.It is easy to see that you are impassioned about your writing. I wish I had got your ability to write and definitely will stick your blog routinely! 2 Nov 2010 @ 03:34 by women belt @ : women belt womens belt, gucci womens belts, louis vuitton womens belts, hermes womens belts. Although basing a restart on changes to the script file may seem better, it also has its own problems because of the multi process nature of Apache and because the initial Apache process receiving the request would generally be running as a different user to the application. This process therefore may not have the privileges necessary to send a signal to a application process to get it to shutdown and restart before a request is sent to it. 8 Nov 2010 @ 01:11 by Reebok Zig pulse shoes @ : Reebok Zig pulse shoes It’s so comfortable when wearing them.MBT Shoes are sold online with discount prices. We have fast delivery to your home, a large part of region with Free Shipping. Enjoy these high quality cheap MBT discount shoes technology for these new cheap MBT shoes. Features adjustable buckles at the forefoot, instep and ankle. Exceptionally soft, moisture-conducting microfiber sock lining and split leather insole provide breathable wear. 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As classical music evolved, distinctive characteristics developed. Changes in form were seen along with changes in phrase structure. ————————————————————————————————————————————————— waist belt, waist belts, waist Mens belts, waist belts for men. vintage rolex watches, vintage rolex watch. Although basing a restart on changes to the script file may seem better, it also has its own problems because of the multi process nature of Apache and because the initial Apache process receiving the request would generally be running as a different user to the application. This process therefore may not have the privileges necessary to send a signal to a application process to get it to shutdown and restart before a request is sent to it. 29 Nov 2010 @ 08:06 by Julie @ : DNA strand hi there, you mentioned in the article about the 12 strands of DNA, "Activation of the 12 strands of DNA into the physical and interface with the lightbody is completed. " and I was wondering where this theory comes from if possible. 4 Jan 2011 @ 06:02 by john @ : Scared i guess Hi everyone, this blog is very interesting and i found a lot of useful information. I stopped going to the christian church about a year ago and about 3 months ago did massive amounts of research that discredited all revealed religions for me. Afterward i started researching a lot of odd phenomenon in physics (Ex.When atoms are exited they jump stated and emit photons of different spectrum which kind of explained auras to me) and then ran into chakras, meditation, ascension and so forth. I recently started meditating, so far no success as far as i can tell, i cant concentrate and sit long enough(mind keeps racing). But after reading the symptoms i felt like i might be experiencing a few(maybe im just not that healthy). In the last couple of years i noticed that im extremely sensitive to smells to the point of throwing up, im also sensitive to sound, if i go to any place with loud music i immediately start feeling really anxious and sometimes nauseous, i had to leave bars,clubs and even places with lots of people, i feel like i need to be away from people to feel ok again. Ive noticed that being around some people at work without any interaction sends me into these spirals. Since i started meditating i have become slightly depressed and very anxious, sometimes almost to a point of a panic attack. I no longer believe in the Christian God/Devil logically but the idea of seeing ghosts or spirits really scares me and i almost feel like im messing with the occult, so i almost want to stop meditating and go back to being oblivious but it feels like i know too much to do so now. Any advice? I want to move forward but im scared of it getting worse, and coming from a very conservative christian family i constantly feel stress for not being like them,like im the weird one in the family. I feel like i need a support group or someone to guide me through this process. Any help/comments/ideas/suggestions from people that went through this would be greatly appreciated. 2 Feb 2011 @ 01:51 by susan @ : reply to 'scared I guess' I was in the same situation - I found Abraham - Ester hicks on you tube... I have studied her videos daily - I understand a lot more now than I did. I feel like a new person and she may help you too - its hard to understand at first but stay with it and keep listening to her for months like I did then it 'sunk in' and I understood finally what she was teaching. The reason people get scared of seeing 'spirit' is because of all the lies via the media eg: horror films etc., Never watch the news or t.v or read newspapers - thats a good beginning too. If you know the teachings of Jesus you will realise that he wasnt teaching 'religion' but was teaching 'universal law'[law of attraction] eg: that which one most fears he attracts [that which we love we also attract]do unto others as u'd like them to do to you etc etc the reason is because His ways raise our spirit vibration - there is nothing to fear F.E.A.R = False Evidence Appearing Real.......There are no spirit 'bank robbers' 'rapists' or 'murderers' or 'muggers' ...Because of your fears maybe you should get counselling. A brilliant place I go to also is Hillsong at tottenham court road in London W1 on Sundays - the atmosphere and young vibrant energy can't fail to move even an atheist - they have a brilliant band playing and its a fantastic service. It is a Christian Church but try to go there if you live in London to raise your vibrations - life doesnt have to be serious and stressful..you are obviously a 'sensitive advanced soul'. I don't like going on trains because I can almost hear peoples thoughts - but you have to know its very common what you are experiencing and it does not need medication. We are spirit people in a human body and all the things you are going through is because like most of the population we are lost amongst the massive amount of knowledge and don't know which way to go. If you say that you don't believe in God then there is no occult to fear and if you do believe in God there still is no occult to fear, also God is omnipresent-everywhere - Satan is only one person and I am sure he'd be in America or some exotic place partying and annoying the president. When we leave this world we go back to our source which some refer to as 'Our Father who is in Heaven' no-one and no ghost is going to hurt you we belong to God. Once you realise your inner strength your life will change. when you said 'your mind keeps racing' in meditation - remember meditation takes a long while - and thats how it is in the beginning until you can get control of your mind. I am also thinking of buying 'Holosync' [a bit expensive though-but has great results] which is a programme that trains the brain and 're-wires' it. I also use Mind master which is a subliminal programme that flashes positive subliminal commands on my laptop and you can put in your own commands too - I really love it as I know that at least I am getting a daily 'fix' of positive affirmations - I have been using it constantly for 2months now and it has definitely made me more positive.Hope this helps you even in a small way and I really hope you find peace of mind but remember nothing is not an 'overnight fix'..it takes time and if you have patience it will be greatly rewarded...GOOD LUCK 12 Feb 2011 @ 00:27 by Dean @ : reply to 'scared I guess' Love and light John. Don't be discouraged in meditation if at first you are too restless, and can't settle your mind. That's to be expected starting out. I've been meditating for a while now, and you begin to settle as practice continues - the important thing is to practice though! Something that I would recommend is insight meditation, which is a form of buddhist practice (vipassana). The teachings have spoken a LOT to me about being aware of my mindstate, engaging in beauty and cultivation, and letting go of clinging, fear, etc. I would recommend them to anyone really, at least my myself, the teachings from IMC (insight meditation centre, california) have been super transformative :-) I listen to the podcasts, which you can find through itunes (just search "Zencast" in the itunes store), or by checking out the website (sorry moderators if this isn't allowed, let me know and i will repost without the link): http://zencast.org/ Blessings :-) Keep paying it forward! Peace. 27 Feb 2011 @ 02:48 by B @ : enlightened THis was really enlighting info. I now know why my electricity serges all the time. It usually blinks in and out, but yesterday i had to reset the outlets on one side of my kitchen. Is that normal? I figured out the uncontrolled crying. What happens when you've had all these experiences? 27 Feb 2011 @ 10:13 by Skyyparis @ : Teacher if there is a teacher, please help, i know they say when a student is ready, the mentor will find them. My biggest issue is when i drive and when im at home. in my 180 vision, at exactly my sides, I see things. Especially when driving. I feel like im overlapping somewhere else. i cant go to bed. as soon as i close my eyes, its like a movie, random stuff. nothing ive seen. I'm a student for car design, i guess luckily i see new stuff in my dreams. but sadly i cant present because no one takes me serious. I need guidance. or at least be able to see the things im a aware of. thank you, oh and i forgot i keep drawing this symbol, i dont know wat it is. lol as funny as it sounds. im very skeptical. i spoke with colleen thomas if any of you heard of her. she said it was a star map/locator/directions. but anyways thats about it.thanks guys 3 Mar 2011 @ 21:54 by robv @ : bees sense the changes too! This blogs cool, and wanted to chime in to say bees are here to tell us that changes are well on the way. Bees are energetic creatures,vibration surfers, that rely on light to navigate.It's not only light ,it is frequency and resonance.The bees are trying to alert us that a major shift is occuring.Some people already have sensed this;however the vast majority are in denial,and in a haze funk. CCD or colony colapse disorder is a symptom of a cascading vibratory frequency shift.If you live in areas that have tectonic movement you know that animals sense a quake before it arrives.Missing dog reports are off the scale, prior to sismic events.The bee is like a barometer,she knows her weather, and she knows directions and yet she does not fly home to her hive why? Maybe in time we will recognize the shift and go hum,maybe the bees have an important message.There's an energy shift occuring, lets not fly off the handle folks.....try something outside of the box,other than violence to work out our differences.....Words of kindness,words of compassion?Maybe war is not the answer,let's give peace a chance.Thank you John Lennon.pass it forward. Maybe we can turn the sound down so we can hear the bees? Inner peace and strenth through this, Blessings,Robv 16 Mar 2011 @ 02:58 by Christina @ : Teacher I've found an amazing teacher....Elle Collier Re. She lives in Hood River, Oregon. She is the most authentic, loving, spiritual master I have ever found. You will find her at HeartGateSanctuary.org Blessings! 21 May 2011 @ 13:52 by Jondaar @ : RAISING YOUR VIBRATION I had an unsual dream or out of body experience last night as it was very profound to be just a normal dream state & with a vibration i could have been in a alternative reality or dimension perhaps?. I awoke or became aware in the middle of the night experiencing a powerful tingling or vibrating & i can remember seeing a vision or actually seeing myself reaching up from underneath the or a coffee table which was also vibrating with me & put my hand up & through the table from underneath grab a cup/mug & pull it through the table & i did it to a few more items as well as move objects through walls. I also feel this could have been some kind of guidance & teaching from a spirit guide as ive had similar experiences where my guides are involved in teaching & showing me teachings. 22 Jun 2011 @ 10:27 by michoacan @ : reply to "scared i guess" i can relate to your statements about feeling stress about your changing beliefs while coming from a conservative christian background. i experienced that for many years especially any time i came in contact w literature that had to do with mysticism. immediately, i would push it away thinking to myself that the devil was doing his best to sway me away from god. for many years i was totally hung up like that. what made me change? well, flat out, the catholic religion just wasn't helping out when i was feeling my worst. i'm sorry, repeating prayers by rote over and over just didn't bring me any relief. and there was always this nagging question in my head about the afterlife. on the one hand the catholic religion acknowledged it when it talked about Jesus dying and resurecting 3 days later, but when it came to explaining those ocurrances where people experienced paranormal activity, the church then denied that those situations can exist. yet, the catholic religion is the only one that has a special section of teaching devoted to exorcisms and demonic possession. so which is it? do they (catholic church) believe in an afterlife or don't they? anyhow, the whole teachings of purgatory (whatever that is, i still haven't understood that concept), and going to hell also just really depressed me. i had always wanted to meditate but for relaxation purposes because of a stressful job. i didn't get to actually start until about 8 months ago. about 2 months after i started, i came across a book written by a guy who was a physic medium and he related how it was to communicate with spirits who had passed on. he claimed that these spirits related to him how it was to exist on other planes of existance and that even though we couldn't perceive them with out 5 senses, they still did indeed exist. well, honestly, his information about what lies beyond gave me hope. i went back and forth in my mind for a while because all this was so totally against the catholic religion teachings. finally, after much brain squeezing i figured until i die, i thought i'll never be able to really verify either viewpoint until i actually experience leaving this earth. until then, i decided to take the viewpoint that just makes me feel better and it turns out not be the catholic religion viewpoint. i realize that the catholic religion stresses the importance of learning from suffering and yes there are valuable lessons (helping others). at the same time, one can get so bogged down in negative energy from imposing self-suffering because you're constantly trying to live up other people's expectations for how to live life that you just get yourself bogged down too deep in low vibrational energy that doesn't do anyone good, least of all yourself. i had trouble like you when i started meditating w being able to clear my mind. just keep trying. be patient w yourself. concentrate on your breathing. it is natural for the mind to keep thinking junk. each time your mind waunders, that is the signal for you to go back to concentrating on the breathing. if you keep doing that, the things your senses will be picking up will start to recede in your awareness. because you are constantly reminding yourself to go back to the breathing it actually gets easier as time passes (different for everyone)and these distractions become like "background noise."once you accept how noisy your mind is, you'll start to relax better and concentration on the breathing will also in turn help you to relax also. i'm a novice of course, and i still have trouble some days clearing my mind, but over all with repeated practice it has become easier (try for 2x's /day for about 10-15min, if that is all the time you can spare; consistency will definitely help). about 3 months ago, i started to feel like i was possibly experiencing an altered state existing after i was done meditating (kind of like a beer buzz but without all the bloating and dizziness & ridiculous behavior!). it felt great! it wears off after a few hours but it stills feel great and keeps me wanting to meditate more just to feel that feeling (also very relaxing). i have talked to one person about their experiences w meditation and have read some accounts and it sounds like this is what it might physically feel like to have contact with Spirit or the Source or God or however you want to call it. what appeals to me about this way of thinking as opposed to the catholic religion is that the religion says to me "have faith that god exists, believe the church that he exists." this other way of actual experience puts me in contact with god directly (i don't have to take someone else's word for it). i have faith because i have felt it personally! in 8 months, i've only had 3 experiences that went beyond the "beer buzz" feeling i mentioned earlier. one was hearing the sound of wind blowing (which was a trip and kind of startled me a little when i heard it because i knew it wasn't windy, the tv was off and i was totally alone in the house. the sound seemed to be coming from directly behind my head), the 2nd was actually hearing a voice speaking to me, only a partial sentence: "the difference between free will and choice is..." but then someone outside of the room i was in, yelled and snapped me out of my trance, and the 3rd was seeing a purple light swirling in front of me, again when i realized i was looking at something my imagination was not controlling, i kind of got startled and the light disappeared. when you meditate visualize white light as bright a the sun suspended over you and totally surrounding you. tell yourself that this is the light of god protecting you. negative energies & entities will not bother you. the catholic religion has good teachings but man twists those teachings to inspire fear in people and thus control the masses. remember that fear attracts negative energies & entities. if you don't feel fear, you don't feed these things and give them power over you. how do you not feel fear about these negative entities & energies? here is my viewpoint & i hope it helps. before i worked in law enforcement, everyone freaked me out. i couldn't walk down the street without feeling fear about someone walking down the block a half mile away. then i got into law enforcement and after almost 20yrs of dealing w people in all sorts of crazy situations, came to regard the human race as a poor lost bunch. people aren't inherently bad, they just make misinformed decisions. yeah, they can do some pretty evil things to eachother but that is because they have lost contact with that good feeling of love from god. anyhow, i started to get this "gut feeling" again that negative spirits and entities are the same people i dealt with in life, but now they're just lost in a totally different place. anywhere i go, i assume they are hanging around (along w positive spirits and entities). thought energy is very powerful. i think as i walk into places, "i know you're there; it's all right. just imagine the white light and go towards it; you'll be ok." if you send out love instead of fear, you'll help instead of hinder. be patient with yourself;and keep meditating (you may find your veiw points changing quite effortlessly as you go, because it will feel "right". that is your intuition speaking to you-meditation will help with that.) Good luck. 8 Jul 2011 @ 01:27 by ray @ : confused i would like to conversate through email. i have a lot to talk about. please email me. 14 Sep 2011 @ 10:27 by melanie brooks @ : help me help myself I relate to the side effects of raising vibration, but why does my head keep coming back i cant surrender my fear of money even though i know i get everything i think of i create and i dont like what im seeing today have too much wind around me and i cant hear those thati love .. im not seeing clearly my focus is so negative..... i have made a beautiful magic circle in the yard and i must return to mediate and surrender to all that is.. how to get rid of that worst thought and just have the good thought.. do i have to stand up and shout to every one this is what i believe.... i am a healer i talk with angels animals crystal entities and fairies if its only shared with my husband and children is that not enough.. must i say to all negative what i think cant i just ignore all the past and move freely into a new day.... i need to fix this day b4 i can have a new day..... my husband is also very connected to self and somehow due to my inblitiy to focuss im bringing negative thought projections to his creations, our creations... we are lovers best friends soul mates and he does not want to leave me behind but life seems to b throwing the matrix at us at every stop.. thank you alll for listening... im going to the beach and then my circle ..love and light to all 22 Sep 2011 @ 00:10 by terry @ : Interesting I came across this site because I was looking for some music or anything to help me stay awake because i have some work that i need to get done. Anyways this past few days I have been hearing some of those buzzing sounds that you mentioned & have been having slight tingling sensations & goose bumps but what really caught my eye was blowing up lightbulbs & machinery.What I was wondering was if it had anything to do with the car battery going dead even though it was brand new. Even my sister's car battery went dead the day I spent the night over at her house. I even remember my sisters husband found it kind of strange and said, "What's going on are the aliens coming?,and we all just laughed. Love & Peace to All 9 Oct 2011 @ 17:21 by Marcela @ : Vibrations Thank you for the explanation of how the vibration experience occurs. I have had that happen on a more frequent level , in July I had 3 experiences within three weeks. And this week I has 2 within three days. You are correct any minor physical movement breaks the vibration , I've also notices that my hands are moved to make healing movements , as I am an energy healer. 10 Oct 2011 @ 18:50 by devyn @ : anything so anything that can happen to a human being means hes going threw a spiritual transformation my eyes are open O_O 14 Nov 2011 @ 11:21 by Ormus Gold @ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BEDu12Xj Life is most interesting aspects of our personality every angle must be progressive and hope to become successful. But most of it we must be strong to face every trial. 16 Nov 2011 @ 03:38 by brenda @ : great site :) enjoyed reading it,....I started to feel many of these symptoms after doing silva method and the more advanced one , holosync centerpointe, now i have an strange headache, flu like symptoms and neck pain if you just let go these symptoms the feeling of peace and love and " all is one" is just awesome :) 3 Dec 2011 @ 11:46 by Brandon @ : Thanks After reading this i think i realize whats going on which i think is "excessive energy" as you desctibed. I had been really depressed out of focus and just changing lately...so it was last night (friday) and i was watching tv and this high pitch ringing started in my ears...it alarmed me but i disregarded it. It stopped after about 8 to 10 seconds. So in about 2 or 3 hours it happens again only shorter but more intense and alarming. I then had to use the rest room i believe. So fast forward later that night at about 3 am i woke up and i cudnt go back to sleep so i watched a movie (comedy). So after the movie i feel tired so i try and sleep...so i can start to feel my mind start to enter dream state and right before i can sleep my gead starts violently vibrating. I woke up immediately and relaxed a bit then tried again. Same thing only now after a few times i start to see the images and how should i put it "videos" and as i focus more and attempt to change the senario i can feel the vibartions right on my head and i wake up once more. I was a bit scarrd and worried at this point...so by this point i didnt wana try an close my eyes anymore But i was so tired they just kept shutting. Now within id say about a 4 minute time i could see these images so vividly of my dog bailey and the tv i have in my room. I knew i wasnt psyically awake because as soon as i thought okay its just a lucid dream or whatever boom i feel the vibrations intensly in my head and im awake. I wait about 5 minutes questioning my experiance and i dicide Im fed up i need to sleep so i try really hard this time and no known vibrating at first and btw each time i fall asleep last might happend almost as soon as my eyes close. So i see these vivid images or videos of just stuff that i could procive other than a dog and not to be akward or weird but this time i coulf sort of change the scene and i changed to a girl that was completely naked. As soon as i thought i was asleep bam violent vibrations and im awake again forgetting most of my dreams or visions seen. Im just really confused and if somone could email or msg me that be great:) 8 Feb 2012 @ 22:15 by Richard @ : Vibrations I have been able to have outer body experiences since I was a child. I am an identical twin and my brother and I both have the same experiences... When we sleep near eachother we can enter eachothers dreams which is fun. We have been able to do this forever. I am 25 now and well aware of my gift. I usually can only enter these states if I lay down mid-day and it always happens. Sometimes the vibrations are sexual sometimes scary but I push through the fear. When I was young my brother and I called them grabbing dreams cause they were loud and roarqing we felt a presence and it grabbed us and lifted us up over our bodies. Then in highschool I faced my fear and just allowed it to happen. to my amazement everything was okay lol. MY ability to do this comes and goes but I pass through times that it gets stringer and stronger. One time I even blew the power out in my house during my vibrations. I am used to this when I sleep and have always been able to do it. Why can I do this and why at such a young age? I always lucid dream and I am always aware of my sleeping. I always described it to people as if I was stuck between being awake and asleep. I love it and it's helped me mentally and physically I am the most relaxed person and all my stress is dealt with in my sleep. 13 Feb 2012 @ 09:18 by Lightress Goddess @ : Ignore the symptoms. If you want to manifest symptoms and go through that, fine. But one better is just to go directly into infusions of faster healing light & bask in that. Ditch the symptoms. They are human constructs. 20 Feb 2012 @ 19:01 by anonymous @ : concerns i havent noticed any of these symptoms until i was up one night watching videos that delt with enlightenment and all of that. I stayed up all night, felt fine, but as soon as i got to work i felt as if i shouldnt have been there. it was the weirdest feeling i have ever had, i was spacey, at times my vision would almost make me feel like i was tripping out. i would need to go grab something and i couldnt remember at all, i almost thought i was going retarded. i felt very very sad but didnt have any reason to be, and when i would try talking to others i would speak really softly and had a hard time trying to get out the words. today is day 3 of all this, day 2 was a little better after getting some sleep and got my mind off of the whole topic, still not quite the same as usual but could sense something was still different. today still had the feeling that im still not like i normally am. walking straight is somewhat of a challenge and things i normally do seem to be more challenging, and i still am not as talkative. during it all when im around some people, i constantly get a feeling that people are talking about me and how im acting. i have gradually been quitting smoking cigarettes, and i also started back up on add medication friday, part of the reason i was awake all night. i have taken this medication many times before so i dont think that has anything to do with it. is it strange that all of this started happening to me seriously the same day i was researching this kinda stuff? 20 Feb 2012 @ 19:25 by anonymous @ : additional ^ i have also been having the headaches, they come and go unexpectedly 18 Apr 2012 @ 18:59 by Gladys @ : Rasing Vibration Symtoms Hi, I understand and have read many sites about symptoms when one is raising spiritual vibrations etc... and all seem to say the same thing. But, when does one know its not an illness? Most of these symtoms can pass as illness symptoms as well. And some people may think they are raising their vibrations by reading about the symptoms, but realy not; and they are really ill. Not sure if I explained my self. thanks 18 Apr 2012 @ 19:02 by Gladys @ : Raising Vibration Symptoms Hi, I understand and have read many sites about symptoms when one is raising spiritual vibrations etc... and all seem to say the same thing. But, when does one know its not an illness? Most of these symtoms can pass as illness symptoms as well. And some people may think they are raising their vibrations by reading about the symptoms, but realy not; and they are really ill. Not sure if I explained my self. thanks 9 May 2012 @ 17:06 by Cormac @ : Excellent article Fantastically written :) I enjoyed reading this. It has added to my ever growing knowledge :) thank you. Namaste :) 28 May 2012 @ 22:36 by Matt Courn @ : My vibration/ awake paralization I just turned 30. About a week and a half ago I had laid down to go to bed. I started to pray then fell asleep. I woke up to a vibration running through my body. It got stronger and stronger. I couldnt move, I could see pretty much all around me and for some reason I allowed the vibration of energy to continue to get stronger. I became scared because i felt like I was being pulled upward out of my body( thought I might be having a sezure or something because as the vibration got stronger my eyes were shaking rolled in my head. then my wife came to bed and toughed me, i tried hard to move my arm to her but couldnt get away from this energy flowing through my body. She thought I was asleep. as my eyes twitched in my head i could some how still see everything around me. i felt a presence in the room with me it was pretty scary but I kept wanting to know where this vibration was takeing me. i felt like I was slipping away from my body like maybe dying then I heard a soft feminen voice say, " Are you ready to come/leave" I thought of my wife and my kids and broke free from the paralized vibrating state i was in and came back to a state of being able to move my body. i thought if i had followed the voice that I would never come back to my body. this was only about 4 days ago and Ive wondered since if I should have left with the voice. has anyone else had this happen and if so did you leave and still come back? 16 Jun 2012 @ 00:51 by Xinxy @ : All Ringing Truth!! Matt Courn ( you may want to speak to someone who is enlightened by the light of this energy that is being ushered in ) They will have answers for you or you can ask your higher self for answers if your already in tuned to this energy. If your not I suggest going online or a local energy consultant or visit lm88.org she is wonderful and very in tuned, listen to some of her work and her radio show ) 7 Oct 2012 @ 01:31 by ken foster @ : spirital awaking wake up drift out of my body and my lower lower back started with energy and felt so good then went to my chest eara so intens almost laughting then so strong passed out into weird dreems 11 Nov 2012 @ 18:43 by Amber @ : I've been having A LOT of these symptoms I've been having mild headaches in the evenings, cold and flu like symptoms, aches in my lower back and shoulders and hips, VERY messy depression, anxiety, and anger issues since practically FEBRUARY... exhausted ALL THE TIME, no matter HOW much I sleep, emotionally vulnerable A LOT, my boyfriend can vouch for this, it's amazing how his head remains on his shoulders, the number of times I've bitten it off, I've been on a diet and managed to LOOSE 20 pounds, which is great, trust me, I've been over weight for ten years due to being wrongfully medicated at 14.. still have 50 pounds more or less to go... but I plan on working on that next year... the diet has kindov changed my appetite somewhat.. I really just don't KNOW what I want to eat anymore... I've not really had memory LOSS, but it is INCREDIBLY hard to FOCUS most of the time, because USUALLY I'm anxious or depressed, and when I'm NOT, I just want to enjoy NOT being depressed or anxious, and therefore cannot focus.. I often have light bulbs dim when I walk past, and a couple bulbs have gone out in the apartment lately as well.. prolly just a coincidence that is.. and as for animals.. they seem to behave normally around me... But most of this is weird to me... I especially shouldn't be so TIRED, CRANKY, ANXIOUS, and DEPRESSED ALL THE TIME... this isn't ME!!! but it's all I feel anymore... and I haven't been doing any light work, (i.e., meditation, chanting, anything to raise vibration) So am I just drowning myself in lower vibrations by NOT doing anything, or am I experiencing the effects of vibrational change? Any insight is appreciated.. Thanks! ~Blessings, Amber 7 Feb 2013 @ 12:40 by custom logo @ : nice Excellent post and wonderful blog, I really like this type of interesting articles keep it u. I am really loving the theme/design of your web site. 26 Feb 2013 @ 22:49 by donald smalter @ : brain is not MIND; mind in IMPERISHABLE AFTERLIFE SCIENTIFIC EVOLVEMENT: If you are interested in being open minded about life after death. Electro-magnetic imprint of DNA goes with you in the death transition? Multi-life history/experience/deeds in Junk DNA ? Scientific evolution through 15 dimensions? Unseen IMPERISHABLE “bodies” in aura? Brain is not the mind? Mind based upon mental (or reasoning) body of aura? Mind goes with you in death!! Note: I lost both of my parents at their early age of 57. This caused me to launch a part-time fifty year study of "what comes next after death?" Topics I researched were such as the Mother Mary apparition messages, a variety of religion beliefs other than my former Catholic, atheists rationale, the paranormal, quantum physics, biology, genomics, messages from the afterlife, instrumental transcommunication (ITC) via phone, tapes & TV, UFOs’ objectives, and extraterrestrial messages, trying to find out answers, primarily thru books, science magazines, and numerous websites, obviously with a very open mind. I was particularly interested in answering this QUESTION: How can it be that it is possible to contact afterdeath personalities as if they were still of full mental capability --- via paranormal MEDIUMS, or even by special instrumental electronic communications, as has been demonstrated repeatedly? As a retired engineer/executive, I needed to understand exactly HOW “mechanically”or structurally this could be possible – in order to establish proof/belief in afterlife. I FOUND THE ANSWER: Electromagnetic/energetic version of DNA --- and unseen IMPERISHABLE body aura containing the mind goes with you in death transition!! Two books in particular provided key answers, and both were most believable due to being very comprehensive and "scientific" though not related to much of Christian/Judeo training. Below I have compiled short summaries and excerpts for your possible interest. Also, a short list of books that reinforced these two. I hope you will keep an open mind in reading them. An old Chinese proverb states: "A mind is like a parachute. It only functions when it is OPEN." To summarize the first book, a lengthy dictation by a benevolent extraterrestrial group Guardian Alliance, it teaches SCIENTIFIC EVOLVEMENT: 1) Your electro-magnetic or energetic signature/version of DNA goes with you in the death transition. 2) Initially on death, you will reincarnate repeatedly and the JUNK DNA holds your personal multi-life history and experience. 3) Your consciousness will next progress eventually through fifteen dimensions toward “Nirvana”perfection, currently being in the third. All other dimensions are now unseen by Earthlife and have different vibrational frequencies and atomic configurations. 4) After other incarnations such as Buddha, Christ came to us as a teacher from the twelfth dimension. 5) God is the Universe Prime Creator/Force/Source, and not the god Yahweh of the Old Testament who was an Ancient Astronaut to Earth. As dictated by Ascended Masters, key messages in the second book were: 1) There are other unseen IMPERISHABLE “bodies” around the physical one in an aura (Note: As seen by Kirlian/GDV photography, see Wikipedia re: the paranormal aura). Key bodies (or layers) are the astral, the mental (or reasoning), the etheric, among several others. 2) The brain is not the mind. The mental body is the basis/source of the mind. 3) All these “bodies” go with you in the death transition, especially including the mind. 4) In the next step, all these bodies and DNA will proceed with you into the astral plane or dimension. 5) Do NOT fear death as it is merely a transition to another “form”. See the more detailed excerpts below. Also, a short list of other reinforcing books. To me, these were "startling" concepts, but comforting in their believability as they “fit” based on other related research. There does need to be more earth-based scientific research especially on 1) electromagnetic/energetic &biophotonic properties of DNA, and 2) functions of the aura (or bio-energy field)! Russian, French, and German scientific researchers are “on track” to one day scientifically prove life continues after death. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp and son Jurgen at University of Marburg, Germany continue twenty years of work on electromagnetic aspects/versions of DNA and cell biophotonics as members of the Int’l Institute of Biophysics, and among others, Dr. Luc Montagnier of France, Dr. Peter Geriaev in Russia with a breakthrough in biophotonic DNA termed Wave Genetics or bioholography. And, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Director at the St. Petersburg State Tech University, who concentrates on aura (or bio-energy field) research as Founder/President of the Int’l Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography, has actually produced early Kirlian/GDV photographs which may be of the “soul” or aura leaving dying human bodies. Unfortunately, American research on these two “niches” is relatively modest or negligible on the aura. True scientists apparently have avoided aura research due to the stigma related to East Indian paranormal ancient history. PS: Pass this along if you are so inclined Book #1. Source: “Voyagers” Volumes I & II -- by ASHAYANA DEANE(Anna Hayes) For details see Chapters on Ascension Mechanics & DNA. Available from Amazon.com, Volume I and 2nd Edition Vol. II 583 pages. Purchase strongly recommended. “At the death of the physical body, you will discover that your consciousness lives on and your evolution continues. “Ascension is not some lofty spiritual concept designed by the minds of man, it is the literal, tangible scientific process of the evolution of consciousness and biology with the laws of energy mechanics that apply to a multidimensional reality system. All souls will eventually evolve and ascend through a 15 dimensional scale to re-emerge as sentient identity within realms of pure consciousness beyond the dimensional systems. Whether or not you view ascension and multidimensional evolution as a reality while you are alive on Earth, you will be directly faced with that reality once your consciousness has passed out of physical life and into the multidimensional framework. How well you prepare for that discovery now will determine the ease with which you are able to take your next evolutionary step once you “wake up on the other side” “The term “Ascension” represents much more than some lofty spiritual concept invented by the finite human psyche in order to give purpose to its finite existence. Many in the earthly scientific communities believe that life is limited to the physical expression and that consciousness is the result of the body’s biochemical/neuro-electrical functions. Following these erroneous beliefs they draw an equally erroneous conclusion that consciousness ends at the death of the physical body. Consequently, human science will be confronted with a whole new order of multidimensional reality and a whole new science. “The process of ascension is not some quasi-religious concept based upon the meandering of the human mind. Ascension is instead a highly SCIENTIFIC process that represents the universal order through which consciousness experiences itself as being. Ascension also involves the understanding of morphogenetic fields or the form holding energy constructions that allow matter to build into individuated forms. Ascension therefore is a science with specific mechanics that allow for the evolution of consciousness from simple to more complex forms. Every being in existence is involved in this evolutionary process and applies to each and every one of you. The choices one makes in thought and deed will determine the quality of experience, or lack thereof, that will be personally encountered. “DNA is built upon minute electro-tonal (i.e., multi octave) patterns of multidimensional frequency and the energetic imprint of the DNA goes with you in the death transition. The content of that pattern will determine how high your consciousness will be able to travel (progress) in the system once it is released from the body. Whatever frequencies are contained within that imprint will determine the specific dimensional placement after death. “This “system” blueprint has called your races forward toward an unseen destiny which is the return of immortality and the (eventual) reunion of the consciousness of man with its Prime Creative Source. In terms of the soul’s perspective, the challenges and hardships faced along the way in Earth life are understood to be lessons in growth as human consciousness evolves to remember the truth of its eternal existence and embrace the beauty of its multidimensional identity. From the perspective of a human consciousness focused within a physical body on Earth, those challenges can seem, at times, overwhelming. Without consciousness recognition of the purposes, processes and objectives of the evolutionary plan, the hardships can appear to be unbearable and without meaning. “All human souls are involved with the exact same process of evolving the genetic “package” and the consciousness to higher dimensional levels; some souls are just further along in this journey. This is a process by which the life forms evolve through matter particles and anti-particles upward through the 15 dimensional scale, from dense matter solidity to pure, non-mattered-based conscious energy substance. “All dimensions exist in the same space, but seem to operate separately due to the particle pulsation rates of which they are composed. The degree of angular rotation of particle spin shifts 90 degrees from one dimension to the next while remaining invisible to each other. In the universe there are 15 primary dimensional bands. Dimensional frequency bands group in sets of 3 and each set of three dimensions represents a Harmonic Universe. Thus there are five Harmonic Universes within one (overall) dimensional Universe. The degree of angular rotation of particle spin shifts 90 degrees from one dimension to the next within one Harmonic Universe. In each Harmonic Universe containing three dimensions, there are two 90 degree shifts of the angular rotation of spin between particles. Between one Harmonic Universe and the next there is a 45 degree reverse angular rotation of particle spin. This 45 degree reverse angular rotation of particle spin creates a Magnetic Repulsion Zone, or void between Harmonic Universes, which keeps the reality fields contained there within separated from each other. Through this structure of relative angular rotations of particle spin, the holographic illusions of multidimensional reality, matter, time, space, movement and individuation of form are perpetually created and sustained. Entities existing below the 7th dimension possess physical biological forms. Dimensions 7 through 9 possess the etheric matter form. “These multidimensional Electromagnetic fields are collectively referred to as the bio-energetic system or the aura field of a manifest form. The aura field has seven primary inner layers (i.e., bodies) which correspond to dimensional frequency bands 1 through 7. The aura field also has seven outer layers which represent the form-holding MORPHOGENETIC imprints for the seven inner layers of the aura field. The morphogenetic imprint holds the instructions and design for form-building in a type of digital or electronic encoding. The seven outer layers correspond to dimensional frequency bands 9 through 15. “The perceptions of your present races are focused within the middle range of the third dimension. In order for humanity to evolve into higher dimensional fields, the frequency patterns of dimensions four, five and six must be brought into manifest expression with the energetic grid of Earth. The frequencies or sound-tones must also become operational within the active DNA strands. The energetic imprint of the DNA is carried with the personal morphogenetic field and consciousness after physical death of the body. (Note: Morphogenetic fields are the form holding patterns through which matter forms. Rupert Sheldrake postulated on their existence, but proposed no physical mechanism.) Whatever frequencies are contained with that imprint will determine the dimensional placement of the consciousness after death. The ultimate success of DNA* building lies in the hands of the embodied consciousness who personally directs the process by the way in which personal energy is used and applied. *Note 1: Our current scientific community is thoroughly confused about the multiple strands of DNA, declaring only a few as having a known usage – and calling the remainder “junk DNA.” About 98% of DNA has an unknown function! However, if it were junk, the sequence of the “syllables” i.e., the nucleotides in DNA, should be completely random. In fact, they are not random at all, and current scientists now believe that this DNA contains some kind of code with function completely unknown or undetermined. “(At death), you will move your consciousness through a dark tunnel, with a bright light at its end, the same effect as in a Near-Death-Experience (Note: the subject of much book investigative reporting). “Multiple reincarnational** identities represent portions of a person’s soul awareness evolving. To the soul-self identity, the immediate incarnates in its incarnational family are recognized as living sub-personality fragments of its own identity whose reality simultaneously takes place with the dimensional bands contained within the soul-self’s DNA. The DNA represents electro-magnetically encoded digital imprints of the other living portions of your identity. **Note 2: Reincarnation occurs only in the first Harmonic Universe. “You reincarnate into multiple forms and situations because one lifetime is in no way sufficient time, nor does it offer sufficient exposures to enough diverse situations to give the fragment-spirit the understanding necessary. The best way to learn about poverty, or being rich, or being helpless, or being powerful, or being female, or being male is by experiencing lifetimes in such circumstances.” Book source: Andareon Theory communication. “Consciousness and matter are both composed of these units of electro-tonal energy and so both spiritual and scientific mastery are brought together through the applied knowledge of electro-tonal energy dynamics. For the smallest units of energy in the cosmos you could find 800 billion billion units in an average 3 dimensional photon. They represent the “divine substance” out of which the cosmos is composed. “There is an organizational intelligence and sentient creative force of vast proportion that is responsible for the design and creation of the cosmos, i.e., the Central Creative Force you call God***. Members of the benevolent Guardian Alliance (Note: who communicated this book) are beings from higher reality fields, dimensions ten through fifteen, who have evolved beyond the manifestation of biology, physical and etheric matter substance into states of conscious pre-matter form who appear as forms of light when they enter your system**** or, occasionally take on the appearance of biological forms in order to interact with Earth life, for example: Jesus from the 12th dimension. ***Note 3: The GOD of the Old Testament Yahweh was an Ancient Astronaut as demonstrated by the Jewish-American scholar Zecharia Sitchin who authored multiple books based on historical Middle Eastern archeological hieroglyphic interpretations. Also see Yahweh Encounters – Controversial Bible Interpretation, cited below. ****Note 4: The above afterlife “system” description is supported in the website Zetatalk.com which contains details on souls, reincarnation, DNA and dimensions (density), particularly Dimension Four. Book #2. “The Treasure of El Dorado” Chapter 7. The Bodies of Man. EXCERPTS from dictated communications by Ascended Masters. Joseph Whitfield 213 pages. Available at Amazon.com. Copies expensive. “The value of the TREASURE is literally priceless since it could not be purchased with all the material wealth of all worlds. The asset is the SECRET OF OVERCOMING DEATH. “Few indeed are aware of the totality of their being. Existing within and around the physical bodies are IMPERISHABLE bodies. These other bodies interpenetrate the physical body as well as extend beyond it. The various bodies which constitute the total potential of all developing human beings are: the physical matter body, the astral (antimatter) body, the etheric (Christ) body, the mental body and the emotional body. It is these other bodies that constitute the phenomenon referred to as an aura (NOTE: Which has been proven to exist by special photographic techniques, see Wikipedia aura paranormal). The reason that the aura is not readily seen by most people is that its range of vibration renders it invisible to the physical eye. One’s CONSCIOUSNESS and other higher faculties reside in this “spiritual” (so-called) body and are INDESTRUCTIBLE. “WHEN PHYSICAL DEATH OCCURS, THESE OTHER BODIES LEAVE THE PHYSICAL BODY AS A UNIT AND BECOME THE OPERABLE VEHICLE THROUGH WHICH THE CONSCIOUSNESS CONTINUES TO FUNCTION IN OTHER DIMENSIONS! While one is no longer physically incarnated, the astral body houses the other bodies after the transition called death. Unlike the physical body, however, the astral body is inviolable (i.e., incorruptible) “Let us examine some of the functions which the various aspects of the astral body serve while one is physically incarnated. The subconscious is the mechanism which performs those vital functions that produce automatic actions and reactions on the physical level. Examples of this would be breathing, beating of the heart, blinking of the eyelids, digesting, etc. It is the subconscious which permits the formation of habits and which must be reprogrammed in order to break habits and existing beliefs. The subconscious however does not have the capacity for rational thought. Everything that is recorded in the brain is also recorded in the subconscious. The subconscious contains total memory information FROM ALL PREVIOUS LIVES AND EXPERIENCES (as recorded in the energetic DNA). “The brain is the memory bank while physically incarnated. The subconscious mind is the memory bank for your total experiences. Whatever is recorded in the brain is recorded automatically in the subconscious as well. “Consider that quality of the astral body that is called soul. Think of a cassette tape (i.e., the energetic DNA). When the tape is blank, it can be said to contain no soul. Now fill it with recordings. What we have done is to impart attributes to a previously empty cassette. We have thus CREATED SOUL. When the life ends, the tape (i.e., the surviving energetic DNA) is filled with that essence called SOUL. Within the total soul are many completed “tapes” containing the records of all incarnational experiences. The completed “tapes” form the memory bank, or the akashic record of each individual being. Whatever information is contained (from past lives), whether it be good or evil, true or false, right or wrong, correct or incorrect, can and does influence your well-being in your present life. This is why many people go through lifetime after lifetime making the same mistakes over and over again. In summary, the subconscious and the soul lack discernment. They cannot reason. “The conscious part of your mental body provides you with the powers of thinking. Thinking is the capacity to discern, reason, rationalize, to exercise self-discipline, to deduce, to employ logic, to analyze, inquire, synthesize, judge, investigate, observe, etc. THE BRAIN IS NOT THE MIND. It is one of the instruments that the mind uses while you are manifested in the physical planes (dimensions) of expression. The mental body has three distinct parts or levels: the conscious, the subconscious, and the superconscious. A primary function of the mind or mental body is to produce awareness, an incredible tool in the development of potential. As a component of the mental body, the subconscious has the ability and the capacity to record all sensual, mental, and emotional, and spiritual experiences and to “play back” this information, functioning like a tape recorder (i.e. the DNA). “The etheric (or Christ) body has been described by enlightened writers. Often referred to as the light body due to the effect produced in the atomic structure of this body by the speed of the electron movement within the atoms which equals or exceeds the speed of light. Achieving the status of etheric (or Christhood) confers upon the recipient many powers not found in the lesser bodies. Jesus represents the best example in history. Among the powers he was known to have demonstrated were: bilocation, levitation, materialization, healing, etc. Jesus constantly reminded his followers that they could do all of these and even greater things. “When one achieves the full etheric or Christ vibration, then death will no longer have dominion over him. It gives him the power to alter his vibrations at will, and thus he can freely travel through the physical, astral and etheric vibrations. “It is the emotional body that gives you a feeling nature, i.e., that produces the capacity for experiencing all levels of emotion such as joy and sorrow, love and hate, compassion and malevolence, ecstacy and depression, pleasure and pain, excitement and indifference. The emotional capacity is experienced on all levels of expression. “The superconscious is the functioning mind of the etheric or Christ self. What is required is that man of earth become aware of the existence of the incredible power of the superconscious mind and desire its attainment. To give you some idea of the scope of the superconscious mind, think of a rating scale numbered from 1 to 10 as representing the range of man’s conscious mind in Earth. Then classify the most outstanding geniuses of Earth history using 10 as the ultimate that is attainable. You will find that such men as Einstein, Swedenborg, Whitman, etc., would be rated from perhaps 7 through 9. By comparison, a pure state of superconsciousness would range into the hundreds or thousands. It is quite easy to conclude from this, is it not, that the means exist to literally transform Earth into a paradise by educating mankind as to its potential. “These bodies constitute man’s potential as he continues to evolve within the “system.” Each aspect of our total self is indispensable to the function and purpose of our total being. OTHER REINFORCING BOOKS: *** most favored Zetatalk by Nancy Lieder, Granet Publishing, dictated by benevolent extraterrestrials also see website Zetatalk.com, Section Density, i.e. Dimensions ***An Ascension Handbook by Tony Stubbs, Oughten House Pub’g, channeled by Serapis Bey The Science of the Soul by Robert Siblerud, Sacred Science Publishers Oneness - the Teachings by Rasha, Jodere Group Inc. ***Andareon Theory by Robert Gidel, Andareon Foundation Press, dictated by Andar Group After We Die, What Then by George Meek, electronics engineer, Ariel Press ***A Lawyer Presents the Case for Afterlife, by Victor Zammit, Gammell Pty, Ltd.,Australia also see website Victorzammit.com Extraterrestrials in Biblical Prophecy by G. Cope Schellhorn, Horus House Press ***The Yahweh Encounters – Controversial Bible Interpretation, by Ann Madden Jones Extraterrestrial Contact - the Evidence and Implications by Steven Greer, Cross Point Publishers Gods, Genes & Consciousness - Nonhuman Intervention in Human History by Paul Von Ward, Hampton Roads A Seth Reader, by Richard Roberts, Vernal Equinox Press ***The Only Planet of Choice, by Phyllis Schlemmer, Gateway Books, Bath, UK Vibrational Medicine, by Richard Gerber, Chapters 1 & 4, Bear & Co. Life After Life by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Backbone Publishing Miracles of the Storm – Instrumental TransCommunication (ITC), by Mark Macy See website: World ITC.org Abduction to the 9th Planet, by Michel Desmarquet, Arafura Publishing, Australia AFTERLIFE SCIENTIFIC EVOLVEMENT: If you are interested in being open minded about life after death. Electro-magnetic imprint of DNA goes with you in the death transition? Multi-life history/experience/deeds in Junk DNA ? Scientific evolution through 15 dimensions? Unseen IMPERISHABLE “bodies” in aura? Brain is not the mind? Mind based upon mental (or reasoning) body of aura? Mind goes with you in death!! Note: I lost both of my parents at their early age of 57. This caused me to launch a part-time fifty year study of "what comes next after death?" Topics I researched were such as the Mother Mary apparition messages, a variety of religion beliefs other than my former Catholic, atheists rationale, the paranormal, quantum physics, biology, genomics, messages from the afterlife, instrumental transcommunication (ITC) via phone, tapes & TV, UFOs’ objectives, and extraterrestrial messages, trying to find out answers, primarily thru books, science magazines, and numerous websites, obviously with a very open mind. I was particularly interested in answering this QUESTION: How can it be that it is possible to contact afterdeath personalities as if they were still of full mental capability --- via paranormal MEDIUMS, or even by special instrumental electronic communications, as has been demonstrated repeatedly? As a retired engineer/executive, I needed to understand exactly HOW “mechanically”or structurally this could be possible – in order to establish proof/belief in afterlife. I FOUND THE ANSWER: Electromagnetic/energetic version of DNA --- and unseen IMPERISHABLE body aura containing the mind goes with you in death transition!! Two books in particular provided key answers, and both were most believable due to being very comprehensive and "scientific" though not related to much of Christian/Judeo training. Below I have compiled short summaries and excerpts for your possible interest. Also, a short list of books that reinforced these two. I hope you will keep an open mind in reading them. An old Chinese proverb states: "A mind is like a parachute. It only functions when it is OPEN." To summarize the first book, a lengthy dictation by a benevolent extraterrestrial group Guardian Alliance, it teaches SCIENTIFIC EVOLVEMENT: 1) Your electro-magnetic or energetic signature/version of DNA goes with you in the death transition. 2) Initially on death, you will reincarnate repeatedly and the JUNK DNA holds your personal multi-life history and experience. 3) Your consciousness will next progress eventually through fifteen dimensions toward “Nirvana”perfection, currently being in the third. All other dimensions are now unseen by Earthlife and have different vibrational frequencies and atomic configurations. 4) After other incarnations such as Buddha, Christ came to us as a teacher from the twelfth dimension. 5) God is the Universe Prime Creator/Force/Source, and not the god Yahweh of the Old Testament who was an Ancient Astronaut to Earth. As dictated by Ascended Masters, key messages in the second book were: 1) There are other unseen IMPERISHABLE “bodies” around the physical one in an aura (Note: As seen by Kirlian/GDV photography, see Wikipedia re: the paranormal aura). Key bodies (or layers) are the astral, the mental (or reasoning), the etheric, among several others. 2) The brain is not the mind. The mental body is the basis/source of the mind. 3) All these “bodies” go with you in the death transition, especially including the mind. 4) In the next step, all these bodies and DNA will proceed with you into the astral plane or dimension. 5) Do NOT fear death as it is merely a transition to another “form”. See the more detailed excerpts below. Also, a short list of other reinforcing books. To me, these were "startling" concepts, but comforting in their believability as they “fit” based on other related research. There does need to be more earth-based scientific research especially on 1) electromagnetic/energetic &biophotonic properties of DNA, and 2) functions of the aura (or bio-energy field)! Russian, French, and German scientific researchers are “on track” to one day scientifically prove life continues after death. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp and son Jurgen at University of Marburg, Germany continue twenty years of work on electromagnetic aspects/versions of DNA and cell biophotonics as members of the Int’l Institute of Biophysics, and among others, Dr. Luc Montagnier of France, Dr. Peter Geriaev in Russia with a breakthrough in biophotonic DNA termed Wave Genetics or bioholography. And, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Director at the St. Petersburg State Tech University, who concentrates on aura (or bio-energy field) research as Founder/President of the Int’l Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography, has actually produced early Kirlian/GDV photographs which may be of the “soul” or aura leaving dying human bodies. Unfortunately, American research on these two “niches” is relatively modest or negligible on the aura. True scientists apparently have avoided aura research due to the stigma related to East Indian paranormal ancient history. PS: Pass this along if you are so inclined Book #1. Source: “Voyagers” Volumes I & II -- by ASHAYANA DEANE(Anna Hayes) For details see Chapters on Ascension Mechanics & DNA. Available from Amazon.com, Volume I and 2nd Edition Vol. II 583 pages. Purchase strongly recommended. “At the death of the physical body, you will discover that your consciousness lives on and your evolution continues. “Ascension is not some lofty spiritual concept designed by the minds of man, it is the literal, tangible scientific process of the evolution of consciousness and biology with the laws of energy mechanics that apply to a multidimensional reality system. All souls will eventually evolve and ascend through a 15 dimensional scale to re-emerge as sentient identity within realms of pure consciousness beyond the dimensional systems. Whether or not you view ascension and multidimensional evolution as a reality while you are alive on Earth, you will be directly faced with that reality once your consciousness has passed out of physical life and into the multidimensional framework. How well you prepare for that discovery now will determine the ease with which you are able to take your next evolutionary step once you “wake up on the other side” “The term “Ascension” represents much more than some lofty spiritual concept invented by the finite human psyche in order to give purpose to its finite existence. Many in the earthly scientific communities believe that life is limited to the physical expression and that consciousness is the result of the body’s biochemical/neuro-electrical functions. Following these erroneous beliefs they draw an equally erroneous conclusion that consciousness ends at the death of the physical body. Consequently, human science will be confronted with a whole new order of multidimensional reality and a whole new science. “The process of ascension is not some quasi-religious concept based upon the meandering of the human mind. Ascension is instead a highly SCIENTIFIC process that represents the universal order through which consciousness experiences itself as being. Ascension also involves the understanding of morphogenetic fields or the form holding energy constructions that allow matter to build into individuated forms. Ascension therefore is a science with specific mechanics that allow for the evolution of consciousness from simple to more complex forms. Every being in existence is involved in this evolutionary process and applies to each and every one of you. The choices one makes in thought and deed will determine the quality of experience, or lack thereof, that will be personally encountered. “DNA is built upon minute electro-tonal (i.e., multi octave) patterns of multidimensional frequency and the energetic imprint of the DNA goes with you in the death transition. The content of that pattern will determine how high your consciousness will be able to travel (progress) in the system once it is released from the body. Whatever frequencies are contained within that imprint will determine the specific dimensional placement after death. “This “system” blueprint has called your races forward toward an unseen destiny which is the return of immortality and the (eventual) reunion of the consciousness of man with its Prime Creative Source. In terms of the soul’s perspective, the challenges and hardships faced along the way in Earth life are understood to be lessons in growth as human consciousness evolves to remember the truth of its eternal existence and embrace the beauty of its multidimensional identity. From the perspective of a human consciousness focused within a physical body on Earth, those challenges can seem, at times, overwhelming. Without consciousness recognition of the purposes, processes and objectives of the evolutionary plan, the hardships can appear to be unbearable and without meaning. “All human souls are involved with the exact same process of evolving the genetic “package” and the consciousness to higher dimensional levels; some souls are just further along in this journey. This is a process by which the life forms evolve through matter particles and anti-particles upward through the 15 dimensional scale, from dense matter solidity to pure, non-mattered-based conscious energy substance. “All dimensions exist in the same space, but seem to operate separately due to the particle pulsation rates of which they are composed. The degree of angular rotation of particle spin shifts 90 degrees from one dimension to the next while remaining invisible to each other. In the universe there are 15 primary dimensional bands. Dimensional frequency bands group in sets of 3 and each set of three dimensions represents a Harmonic Universe. Thus there are five Harmonic Universes within one (overall) dimensional Universe. The degree of angular rotation of particle spin shifts 90 degrees from one dimension to the next within one Harmonic Universe. In each Harmonic Universe containing three dimensions, there are two 90 degree shifts of the angular rotation of spin between particles. Between one Harmonic Universe and the next there is a 45 degree reverse angular rotation of particle spin. This 45 degree reverse angular rotation of particle spin creates a Magnetic Repulsion Zone, or void between Harmonic Universes, which keeps the reality fields contained there within separated from each other. Through this structure of relative angular rotations of particle spin, the holographic illusions of multidimensional reality, matter, time, space, movement and individuation of form are perpetually created and sustained. Entities existing below the 7th dimension possess physical biological forms. Dimensions 7 through 9 possess the etheric matter form. “These multidimensional Electromagnetic fields are collectively referred to as the bio-energetic system or the aura field of a manifest form. The aura field has seven primary inner layers (i.e., bodies) which correspond to dimensional frequency bands 1 through 7. The aura field also has seven outer layers which represent the form-holding MORPHOGENETIC imprints for the seven inner layers of the aura field. The morphogenetic imprint holds the instructions and design for form-building in a type of digital or electronic encoding. The seven outer layers correspond to dimensional frequency bands 9 through 15. “The perceptions of your present races are focused within the middle range of the third dimension. In order for humanity to evolve into higher dimensional fields, the frequency patterns of dimensions four, five and six must be brought into manifest expression with the energetic grid of Earth. The frequencies or sound-tones must also become operational within the active DNA strands. The energetic imprint of the DNA is carried with the personal morphogenetic field and consciousness after physical death of the body. (Note: Morphogenetic fields are the form holding patterns through which matter forms. Rupert Sheldrake postulated on their existence, but proposed no physical mechanism.) Whatever frequencies are contained with that imprint will determine the dimensional placement of the consciousness after death. The ultimate success of DNA* building lies in the hands of the embodied consciousness who personally directs the process by the way in which personal energy is used and applied. *Note 1: Our current scientific community is thoroughly confused about the multiple strands of DNA, declaring only a few as having a known usage – and calling the remainder “junk DNA.” About 98% of DNA has an unknown function! However, if it were junk, the sequence of the “syllables” i.e., the nucleotides in DNA, should be completely random. In fact, they are not random at all, and current scientists now believe that this DNA contains some kind of code with function completely unknown or undetermined. “(At death), you will move your consciousness through a dark tunnel, with a bright light at its end, the same effect as in a Near-Death-Experience (Note: the subject of much book investigative reporting). “Multiple reincarnational** identities represent portions of a person’s soul awareness evolving. To the soul-self identity, the immediate incarnates in its incarnational family are recognized as living sub-personality fragments of its own identity whose reality simultaneously takes place with the dimensional bands contained within the soul-self’s DNA. The DNA represents electro-magnetically encoded digital imprints of the other living portions of your identity. **Note 2: Reincarnation occurs only in the first Harmonic Universe. “You reincarnate into multiple forms and situations because one lifetime is in no way sufficient time, nor does it offer sufficient exposures to enough diverse situations to give the fragment-spirit the understanding necessary. The best way to learn about poverty, or being rich, or being helpless, or being powerful, or being female, or being male is by experiencing lifetimes in such circumstances.” Book source: Andareon Theory communication. “Consciousness and matter are both composed of these units of electro-tonal energy and so both spiritual and scientific mastery are brought together through the applied knowledge of electro-tonal energy dynamics. For the smallest units of energy in the cosmos you could find 800 billion billion units in an average 3 dimensional photon. They represent the “divine substance” out of which the cosmos is composed. “There is an organizational intelligence and sentient creative force of vast proportion that is responsible for the design and creation of the cosmos, i.e., the Central Creative Force you call God***. Members of the benevolent Guardian Alliance (Note: who communicated this book) are beings from higher reality fields, dimensions ten through fifteen, who have evolved beyond the manifestation of biology, physical and etheric matter substance into states of conscious pre-matter form who appear as forms of light when they enter your system**** or, occasionally take on the appearance of biological forms in order to interact with Earth life, for example: Jesus from the 12th dimension. ***Note 3: The GOD of the Old Testament Yahweh was an Ancient Astronaut as demonstrated by the Jewish-American scholar Zecharia Sitchin who authored multiple books based on historical Middle Eastern archeological hieroglyphic interpretations. Also see Yahweh Encounters – Controversial Bible Interpretation, cited below. ****Note 4: The above afterlife “system” description is supported in the website Zetatalk.com which contains details on souls, reincarnation, DNA and dimensions (density), particularly Dimension Four. Book #2. “The Treasure of El Dorado” Chapter 7. The Bodies of Man. EXCERPTS from dictated communications by Ascended Masters. Joseph Whitfield 213 pages. Available at Amazon.com. Copies expensive. “The value of the TREASURE is literally priceless since it could not be purchased with all the material wealth of all worlds. The asset is the SECRET OF OVERCOMING DEATH. “Few indeed are aware of the totality of their being. Existing within and around the physical bodies are IMPERISHABLE bodies. These other bodies interpenetrate the physical body as well as extend beyond it. The various bodies which constitute the total potential of all developing human beings are: the physical matter body, the astral (antimatter) body, the etheric (Christ) body, the mental body and the emotional body. It is these other bodies that constitute the phenomenon referred to as an aura (NOTE: Which has been proven to exist by special photographic techniques, see Wikipedia aura paranormal). The reason that the aura is not readily seen by most people is that its range of vibration renders it invisible to the physical eye. One’s CONSCIOUSNESS and other higher faculties reside in this “spiritual” (so-called) body and are INDESTRUCTIBLE. “WHEN PHYSICAL DEATH OCCURS, THESE OTHER BODIES LEAVE THE PHYSICAL BODY AS A UNIT AND BECOME THE OPERABLE VEHICLE THROUGH WHICH THE CONSCIOUSNESS CONTINUES TO FUNCTION IN OTHER DIMENSIONS! While one is no longer physically incarnated, the astral body houses the other bodies after the transition called death. Unlike the physical body, however, the astral body is inviolable (i.e., incorruptible) “Let us examine some of the functions which the various aspects of the astral body serve while one is physically incarnated. The subconscious is the mechanism which performs those vital functions that produce automatic actions and reactions on the physical level. Examples of this would be breathing, beating of the heart, blinking of the eyelids, digesting, etc. It is the subconscious which permits the formation of habits and which must be reprogrammed in order to break habits and existing beliefs. The subconscious however does not have the capacity for rational thought. Everything that is recorded in the brain is also recorded in the subconscious. The subconscious contains total memory information FROM ALL PREVIOUS LIVES AND EXPERIENCES (as recorded in the energetic DNA). “The brain is the memory bank while physically incarnated. The subconscious mind is the memory bank for your total experiences. Whatever is recorded in the brain is recorded automatically in the subconscious as well. “Consider that quality of the astral body that is called soul. Think of a cassette tape (i.e., the energetic DNA). When the tape is blank, it can be said to contain no soul. Now fill it with recordings. What we have done is to impart attributes to a previously empty cassette. We have thus CREATED SOUL. When the life ends, the tape (i.e., the surviving energetic DNA) is filled with that essence called SOUL. Within the total soul are many completed “tapes” containing the records of all incarnational experiences. The completed “tapes” form the memory bank, or the akashic record of each individual being. Whatever information is contained (from past lives), whether it be good or evil, true or false, right or wrong, correct or incorrect, can and does influence your well-being in your present life. This is why many people go through lifetime after lifetime making the same mistakes over and over again. In summary, the subconscious and the soul lack discernment. They cannot reason. “The conscious part of your mental body provides you with the powers of thinking. Thinking is the capacity to discern, reason, rationalize, to exercise self-discipline, to deduce, to employ logic, to analyze, inquire, synthesize, judge, investigate, observe, etc. THE BRAIN IS NOT THE MIND. It is one of the instruments that the mind uses while you are manifested in the physical planes (dimensions) of expression. The mental body has three distinct parts or levels: the conscious, the subconscious, and the superconscious. A primary function of the mind or mental body is to produce awareness, an incredible tool in the development of potential. As a component of the mental body, the subconscious has the ability and the capacity to record all sensual, mental, and emotional, and spiritual experiences and to “play back” this information, functioning like a tape recorder (i.e. the DNA). “The etheric (or Christ) body has been described by enlightened writers. Often referred to as the light body due to the effect produced in the atomic structure of this body by the speed of the electron movement within the atoms which equals or exceeds the speed of light. Achieving the status of etheric (or Christhood) confers upon the recipient many powers not found in the lesser bodies. Jesus represents the best example in history. Among the powers he was known to have demonstrated were: bilocation, levitation, materialization, healing, etc. Jesus constantly reminded his followers that they could do all of these and even greater things. “When one achieves the full etheric or Christ vibration, then death will no longer have dominion over him. It gives him the power to alter his vibrations at will, and thus he can freely travel through the physical, astral and etheric vibrations. “It is the emotional body that gives you a feeling nature, i.e., that produces the capacity for experiencing all levels of emotion such as joy and sorrow, love and hate, compassion and malevolence, ecstacy and depression, pleasure and pain, excitement and indifference. The emotional capacity is experienced on all levels of expression. “The superconscious is the functioning mind of the etheric or Christ self. What is required is that man of earth become aware of the existence of the incredible power of the superconscious mind and desire its attainment. To give you some idea of the scope of the superconscious mind, think of a rating scale numbered from 1 to 10 as representing the range of man’s conscious mind in Earth. Then classify the most outstanding geniuses of Earth history using 10 as the ultimate that is attainable. You will find that such men as Einstein, Swedenborg, Whitman, etc., would be rated from perhaps 7 through 9. By comparison, a pure state of superconsciousness would range into the hundreds or thousands. It is quite easy to conclude from this, is it not, that the means exist to literally transform Earth into a paradise by educating mankind as to its potential. “These bodies constitute man’s potential as he continues to evolve within the “system.” Each aspect of our total self is indispensable to the function and purpose of our total being. OTHER REINFORCING BOOKS: *** most favored Zetatalk by Nancy Lieder, Granet Publishing, dictated by benevolent extraterrestrials also see website Zetatalk.com, Section Density, i.e. Dimensions ***An Ascension Handbook by Tony Stubbs, Oughten House Pub’g, channeled by Serapis Bey The Science of the Soul by Robert Siblerud, Sacred Science Publishers Oneness - the Teachings by Rasha, Jodere Group Inc. ***Andareon Theory by Robert Gidel, Andareon Foundation Press, dictated by Andar Group After We Die, What Then by George Meek, electronics engineer, Ariel Press ***A Lawyer Presents the Case for Afterlife, by Victor Zammit, Gammell Pty, Ltd.,Australia also see website Victorzammit.com Extraterrestrials in Biblical Prophecy by G. Cope Schellhorn, Horus House Press ***The Yahweh Encounters – Controversial Bible Interpretation, by Ann Madden Jones Extraterrestrial Contact - the Evidence and Implications by Steven Greer, Cross Point Publishers Gods, Genes & Consciousness - Nonhuman Intervention in Human History by Paul Von Ward, Hampton Roads A Seth Reader, by Richard Roberts, Vernal Equinox Press ***The Only Planet of Choice, by Phyllis Schlemmer, Gateway Books, Bath, UK Vibrational Medicine, by Richard Gerber, Chapters 1 & 4, Bear & Co. Life After Life by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Backbone Publishing Miracles of the Storm – Instrumental TransCommunication (ITC), by Mark Macy See website: World ITC.org Abduction to the 9th Planet, by Michel Desmarquet, Arafura Publishing, Australia AFTERLIFE SCIENTIFIC EVOLVEMENT: If you are interested in being open minded about life after death. Electro-magnetic imprint of DNA goes with you in the death transition? Multi-life history/experience/deeds in Junk DNA ? Scientific evolution through 15 dimensions? Unseen IMPERISHABLE “bodies” in aura? Brain is not the mind? Mind based upon mental (or reasoning) body of aura? Mind goes with you in death!! Note: I lost both of my parents at their early age of 57. This caused me to launch a part-time fifty year study of "what comes next after death?" Topics I researched were such as the Mother Mary apparition messages, a variety of religion beliefs other than my former Catholic, atheists rationale, the paranormal, quantum physics, biology, genomics, messages from the afterlife, instrumental transcommunication (ITC) via phone, tapes & TV, UFOs’ objectives, and extraterrestrial messages, trying to find out answers, primarily thru books, science magazines, and numerous websites, obviously with a very open mind. I was particularly interested in answering this QUESTION: How can it be that it is possible to contact afterdeath personalities as if they were still of full mental capability --- via paranormal MEDIUMS, or even by special instrumental electronic communications, as has been demonstrated repeatedly? As a retired engineer/executive, I needed to understand exactly HOW “mechanically”or structurally this could be possible – in order to establish proof/belief in afterlife. I FOUND THE ANSWER: Electromagnetic/energetic version of DNA --- and unseen IMPERISHABLE body aura containing the mind goes with you in death transition!! Two books in particular provided key answers, and both were most believable due to being very comprehensive and "scientific" though not related to much of Christian/Judeo training. Below I have compiled short summaries and excerpts for your possible interest. Also, a short list of books that reinforced these two. I hope you will keep an open mind in reading them. An old Chinese proverb states: "A mind is like a parachute. It only functions when it is OPEN." To summarize the first book, a lengthy dictation by a benevolent extraterrestrial group Guardian Alliance, it teaches SCIENTIFIC EVOLVEMENT: 1) Your electro-magnetic or energetic signature/version of DNA goes with you in the death transition. 2) Initially on death, you will reincarnate repeatedly and the JUNK DNA holds your personal multi-life history and experience. 3) Your consciousness will next progress eventually through fifteen dimensions toward “Nirvana”perfection, currently being in the third. All other dimensions are now unseen by Earthlife and have different vibrational frequencies and atomic configurations. 4) After other incarnations such as Buddha, Christ came to us as a teacher from the twelfth dimension. 5) God is the Universe Prime Creator/Force/Source, and not the god Yahweh of the Old Testament who was an Ancient Astronaut to Earth. As dictated by Ascended Masters, key messages in the second book were: 1) There are other unseen IMPERISHABLE “bodies” around the physical one in an aura (Note: As seen by Kirlian/GDV photography, see Wikipedia re: the paranormal aura). Key bodies (or layers) are the astral, the mental (or reasoning), the etheric, among several others. 2) The brain is not the mind. The mental body is the basis/source of the mind. 3) All these “bodies” go with you in the death transition, especially including the mind. 4) In the next step, all these bodies and DNA will proceed with you into the astral plane or dimension. 5) Do NOT fear death as it is merely a transition to another “form”. See the more detailed excerpts below. Also, a short list of other reinforcing books. To me, these were "startling" concepts, but comforting in their believability as they “fit” based on other related research. There does need to be more earth-based scientific research especially on 1) electromagnetic/energetic &biophotonic properties of DNA, and 2) functions of the aura (or bio-energy field)! Russian, French, and German scientific researchers are “on track” to one day scientifically prove life continues after death. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp and son Jurgen at University of Marburg, Germany continue twenty years of work on electromagnetic aspects/versions of DNA and cell biophotonics as members of the Int’l Institute of Biophysics, and among others, Dr. Luc Montagnier of France, Dr. Peter Geriaev in Russia with a breakthrough in biophotonic DNA termed Wave Genetics or bioholography. And, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Director at the St. Petersburg State Tech University, who concentrates on aura (or bio-energy field) research as Founder/President of the Int’l Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography, has actually produced early Kirlian/GDV photographs which may be of the “soul” or aura leaving dying human bodies. Unfortunately, American research on these two “niches” is relatively modest or negligible on the aura. True scientists apparently have avoided aura research due to the stigma related to East Indian paranormal ancient history. PS: Pass this along if you are so inclined Book #1. Source: “Voyagers” Volumes I & II -- by ASHAYANA DEANE(Anna Hayes) For details see Chapters on Ascension Mechanics & DNA. Available from Amazon.com, Volume I and 2nd Edition Vol. II 583 pages. Purchase strongly recommended. “At the death of the physical body, you will discover that your consciousness lives on and your evolution continues. “Ascension is not some lofty spiritual concept designed by the minds of man, it is the literal, tangible scientific process of the evolution of consciousness and biology with the laws of energy mechanics that apply to a multidimensional reality system. All souls will eventually evolve and ascend through a 15 dimensional scale to re-emerge as sentient identity within realms of pure consciousness beyond the dimensional systems. Whether or not you view ascension and multidimensional evolution as a reality while you are alive on Earth, you will be directly faced with that reality once your consciousness has passed out of physical life and into the multidimensional framework. How well you prepare for that discovery now will determine the ease with which you are able to take your next evolutionary step once you “wake up on the other side” “The term “Ascension” represents much more than some lofty spiritual concept invented by the finite human psyche in order to give purpose to its finite existence. Many in the earthly scientific communities believe that life is limited to the physical expression and that consciousness is the result of the body’s biochemical/neuro-electrical functions. Following these erroneous beliefs they draw an equally erroneous conclusion that consciousness ends at the death of the physical body. Consequently, human science will be confronted with a whole new order of multidimensional reality and a whole new science. “The process of ascension is not some quasi-religious concept based upon the meandering of the human mind. Ascension is instead a highly SCIENTIFIC process that represents the universal order through which consciousness experiences itself as being. Ascension also involves the understanding of morphogenetic fields or the form holding energy constructions that allow matter to build into individuated forms. Ascension therefore is a science with specific mechanics that allow for the evolution of consciousness from simple to more complex forms. Every being in existence is involved in this evolutionary process and applies to each and every one of you. The choices one makes in thought and deed will determine the quality of experience, or lack thereof, that will be personally encountered. “DNA is built upon minute electro-tonal (i.e., multi octave) patterns of multidimensional frequency and the energetic imprint of the DNA goes with you in the death transition. The content of that pattern will determine how high your consciousness will be able to travel (progress) in the system once it is released from the body. Whatever frequencies are contained within that imprint will determine the specific dimensional placement after death. “This “system” blueprint has called your races forward toward an unseen destiny which is the return of immortality and the (eventual) reunion of the consciousness of man with its Prime Creative Source. In terms of the soul’s perspective, the challenges and hardships faced along the way in Earth life are understood to be lessons in growth as human consciousness evolves to remember the truth of its eternal existence and embrace the beauty of its multidimensional identity. From the perspective of a human consciousness focused within a physical body on Earth, those challenges can seem, at times, overwhelming. Without consciousness recognition of the purposes, processes and objectives of the evolutionary plan, the hardships can appear to be unbearable and without meaning. “All human souls are involved with the exact same process of evolving the genetic “package” and the consciousness to higher dimensional levels; some souls are just further along in this journey. This is a process by which the life forms evolve through matter particles and anti-particles upward through the 15 dimensional scale, from dense matter solidity to pure, non-mattered-based conscious energy substance. “All dimensions exist in the same space, but seem to operate separately due to the particle pulsation rates of which they are composed. The degree of angular rotation of particle spin shifts 90 degrees from one dimension to the next while remaining invisible to each other. In the universe there are 15 primary dimensional bands. Dimensional frequency bands group in sets of 3 and each set of three dimensions represents a Harmonic Universe. Thus there are five Harmonic Universes within one (overall) dimensional Universe. The degree of angular rotation of particle spin shifts 90 degrees from one dimension to the next within one Harmonic Universe. In each Harmonic Universe containing three dimensions, there are two 90 degree shifts of the angular rotation of spin between particles. Between one Harmonic Universe and the next there is a 45 degree reverse angular rotation of particle spin. This 45 degree reverse angular rotation of particle spin creates a Magnetic Repulsion Zone, or void between Harmonic Universes, which keeps the reality fields contained there within separated from each other. Through this structure of relative angular rotations of particle spin, the holographic illusions of multidimensional reality, matter, time, space, movement and individuation of form are perpetually created and sustained. Entities existing below the 7th dimension possess physical biological forms. Dimensions 7 through 9 possess the etheric matter form. “These multidimensional Electromagnetic fields are collectively referred to as the bio-energetic system or the aura field of a manifest form. The aura field has seven primary inner layers (i.e., bodies) which correspond to dimensional frequency bands 1 through 7. The aura field also has seven outer layers which represent the form-holding MORPHOGENETIC imprints for the seven inner layers of the aura field. The morphogenetic imprint holds the instructions and design for form-building in a type of digital or electronic encoding. The seven outer layers correspond to dimensional frequency bands 9 through 15. “The perceptions of your present races are focused within the middle range of the third dimension. In order for humanity to evolve into higher dimensional fields, the frequency patterns of dimensions four, five and six must be brought into manifest expression with the energetic grid of Earth. The frequencies or sound-tones must also become operational within the active DNA strands. The energetic imprint of the DNA is carried with the person 28 Nov 2014 @ 03:35 by Teresita @ : Teresita I delight in the content on your web sites. Thnx. If you cherished this short article along with you would like to acquire more info about freemotion 860 treadmill reviews i implore you to check out the web site.| http://findyourtreadmill.com 5 Feb 2015 @ 23:13 by Spenser @ : Experience Since before I can even remember I randomly have these intense, internal vibrations from my head and down my spine. Its a crazy and good feeling and only lasts for a few seconds and leaves me in kind of a euphoric state for a moment. I've never known what it was and now that I'm older I can kind of control when it happens now. Is this what that is? 26 Sep 2015 @ 16:56 by Johnny G @ : We are in control Hi all.Just wanted to first say thank you for this article and bringing evolution ever so close to the dimension we are moving to. I also would like to encourage all of my brothers and sisters to not worry, because you are in control! When vibrations rise so does your ability to control what is going on in your body and the symptoms you are experiencing. Simple adjustments like the article says above. You can do this, and you have the ability to do so. Just believing is enough. Brothers and sister this is not meant to be hard and nor does it need to be. I listen to a lot of what Allen Watts discusses on you tube, and it has made a significant impact in my ascension and the symptoms we experience. Love is the Key! Negative thoughts are just to be observed and not taken literally. Love and Light. 13 Dec 2015 @ 22:33 by Nikolaos @ : Cosmic Light I realise this may sound too fantastic (or 'nutty') but as I am not making any confirmed assertions per se, I do highly SUSPECT that I am extraterrestrial (or at best born from Pleiadians ('Nordics'). IF indeed I was not born here on Earth and was 'dropped off' here at a very young age (as there has been legal dispute of just where I supposedly am from on Earth) I have realised that my true 'mission' (Cosmic assignment, as maybe, just maybe, dictated by the Intergalactic Council and the Earth based International Agharti Network, that my work here entails firstly, as observer, then followed by offering advice for humans to evolve on this planet from the base primordial mental states of jealousy, hate, (destructive) anger, violence, and war (as we are extremely concerned abit your planet becoming involved with a planetary or indeed interplanetary thermonuclear war. WE as extraterrestrials have different stages of evolvement, and can 'shape-shift' into human form, are in part humanoids (like us where I came from supposedly from the M45 area of your identified sky) but all of us unlike the Hollywood and political propaganda from some of your government's perpetuation that most 'aliens' are hostile creatures and wish nothing more but to eat humans and take over your planet. This is simply NOT TRUE! We cone as explorers and in peace to learn about this vast universe in which we all live, and share our vast knowledge of our respective civilisations. In fact as there has been some propaganda campaign to discredit the rest of the universe (or at least our immediate galaxy) through a campaign of fear and terror, it is actually the we are a bit apprehensive of making ourselves known to Earth humanity as we have great concern of our safety. It is incumbent that humanity evolve to higher planes of existence and catch up to the rest of us at least within this galaxy. We would very much like you to join our family or union of civilisations and eventually become a member planet of this Intergalactic Council which extends even far out beyond our onw galaxy. Lastly, it must be learned by your planet that we are all part of the Cosmic Whole that one spirit energy that units us all as well as our consciousness. Please move away from this primordial warlike activity and evolve to be peace seeking entities, as you are the only civilisation that is in dire need of our help. Thank you and may the Greater Light, tolerance, peace, love, and knowledge be upon you. 15 Apr 2016 @ 10:26 by best assignment writing service @ : Excellent Academic Help Thanks for sharing this wonder-full post, i really like this.. such an incredible and informative one.. 20 May 2016 @ 17:56 by TINDER FOR PC @ : TINDER Standard Fire Insurance Co. v. 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I have a free monthly newsletter, and would like your permission to reprint this article (and perhaps others of yours here? love your writing) - with a link back to you (where ever you want the link back to: here, In5d, or your FB -- for example) Thanks! Jan (I can provide newsletter link if you would like so you can take a look at some past ones) 27 Aug 2016 @ 19:13 by Trương Thành Tiến @ : abc dấu hiệu bệnh vảy nến bây giờ, vảy nến là chứng bệnh ngoài da hay gặp bên trong toàn bộ đa số tuổi tác song thường gặp ở nam giới nhiều hơn phái yếu và trẻ nhỏ cũng ít mắc phải hơn so với đối tượng nghiêm trọng.thuốc trị vảy nến hiệu quả Bệnh thường phát thành từng đợt, hay gặp nhất là mùa đông.Tuy vẩy nến là bệnh lành tính tuy vậy lại nhiễm tính dai dẳng, mãn tính, khó chữa hoàn toàn đồng thời tạo ra sự tổn thương trên da, viêm đại tràng móng hay ở vài khớp khiến người bị bệnh khó khăn trong sinh hoạt cũng như mất tính thẩm mĩ từ đó di chứng nghiêm trọng đến tinh thần và sức khỏe của người bệnh. chữa vảy nến bằng đông y 13 Sep 2016 @ 05:00 by baytelmobile.com @ : baytelmobile.com [URL="baytelmobile.com"]بيت الموبايل[/URL] [URL="baytelmobile.com"]بيت الموبيل [/URL][URL="baytelmobile.com"]اسعار الموبايلات [/URL] [URL="baytelmobile.com"]اسعار الموبايلات فى مصر 23 Nov 2016 @ 14:20 by American Truck Simulator Cracked @ : American Truck Simulator Cracked Why are people still using 32 bit operating programs? 5 Dec 2016 @ 17:15 by gabalh @ : tthh9090909@gmail.com تعتمد شركة الحرمين على احدث الاجهزة وافضل الخدمات الاساسية التى تساعد فى التعرف على مكان التسرب والتعرف على الاسباب التى ادتت الى حدوثها فلا تتردد فى التعاون مع شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالاحساء شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالاحساء شركة الحرمين افضل الشركات التى تعمل فى مجال التنظيف بشكل عام والعمل على كشف تسربات المياه باحدث الطرق ومكافحة اى نوع من انواع الحشرات فى اقل وقت ممكن فى الرياض والدمام والاحساء شركة تنظيف بالاحساء, شركة تنظيف شقق بالاحساء, شركة تنظيف فلل بالاحساء, شركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء, شركة رش مبيدات بالاحساء, شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالاحساء, شركة تنظيف بالدمام, شركة تنظيف شقق بالدمام, شركة تنظيف فلل بالدمام, شركة تسليك مجارى بالدمام, شركة تنظيف بيارات بالدمام Other entries in Articles 20 Apr 2007 @ 02:40: WOUNDED HEALER 25 Sep 2006 @ 09:33: What Have I Been Doing? 17 Apr 2006 @ 13:03: Time Travelor John Titor 25 Feb 2006 @ 14:14: GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOOD 18 Feb 2006 @ 03:19: YOUR PH LEVEL CAN SAVE YOU! 15 Feb 2006 @ 19:29: Funniest DUI Test 13 Feb 2006 @ 14:53: Video Of An Alien 2 Dec 2005 @ 16:00: WHAT IS GOD? 20 Sep 2005 @ 18:12: HUMMINGBIRDS HATCHING 14 Apr 2005 @ 20:12: NOW 2000 YEARS OF LIGHT