8 Mar 2005 @ 13:46
I read about A.C.E.A. and thought it very useful in helping us expand ourselves to the fifth dimension.
We come to you as:
“All Consciousness of Earth’s Ascension”
We are All Consciousness of Earth’s Ascension. We are the group consciousness of fifth dimensional Earth. We call ourselves ACEA because the combination of these four letters has the highest resonance. We represent the grounding of fifth dimensional Unity Consciousness upon third and fourth dimensional Earth.
We are always in search of another conscious member. We say “conscious” because EVERYONE on the planet has a fifth dimensional self and EVERY fifth dimensional being of earth is a member of ACEA. ACEA is not a club which one has to join. ACEA is a resonance, translated into a word, which represents the combined consciousness of fifth dimensional Earth. Upon the fifth dimension there is no other way.
All consciousnesses are joined in conscious communication at all times, much like you are now becoming joined with your cell phones and other communication devices. However, just as you are individuals, we too are individuals except that we do not need cell phones or any other mechanical devices to commune and communicate with each other.
Let us take you on a journey to the fifth dimensional Earth. Yes, we feel your confusion because some writings talk about the “forming fifth dimensional Earth”. But, of course, you know that it is the lower dimensions that are formed from the higher ones—not the other way around. Therefore, the fifth dimension has been in existence since before the existence of the third and fourth dimensions.
We are aware that you must continue with your day. We shall return when you are ready to communicate with us further.
Until then,
Greetings from ACEA
Read more at the link its very useful information.
[link] More >
6 Mar 2005 @ 15:34
I think about this often especially when I'm about to throw something away but not in its proper place. Who is going to clean this Earth up? Do we really believe God will cleanse the Earth all alone? What as parents to do we do when a childs room is messy? We may help them sort through the mess but the main cleaning is usually left to the one who made it,or at least it should be. Most of the time while raising my children I did the work for them. But there comes a time where you get tired of doing it for them. They continue to do the same things when they think someone else will do it. What do they learn by this? They learn they can do anything and that its someone elses problem. We're not teaching them respect,cleanliness,co-operation,responsibilty and love. This goes far beyond just cleaning after themselves. It helps them form a higher understanding of the world and its care. Included in this is the care of the animals,plants and air. The cycle of life on its own is a very well orchestrated system. Break any part of that system and chaos occurs. We all know the terrible condition that this world is in,this is nothing new,but do we honestly do something about it. We can start by cleaning up after ourselves,conserving,protecting,replanting. A little at a time is a good start but it is a start. I've seen neighborhoods come together to clean up yards,houses and give their time to projects that are needed. We all have at least one bad habit,it takes determination to break those habits. There are some shows on tv that helps people re-organize and prioritize their way of living. Less spending on items they don't need or have room for. Organizing the items they do have and donating the items they don't need or have room for. But not only this, they are given ideas on how not to do this in the future by finding out reasons why they let this go on in the first place. So now we find by cleaning up after ourselves we also clean up and clean out the non-physical as well. A clean body and a clean mind, or what many of us have heard before, cleanliness is next to godliness. More >
1 Mar 2005 @ 12:42
On the next page will be a page from the Urantia Book words of wisdom. No matter if you believe in Jesus or not these are words you can live by. Just like the bible there is good morals and teachings that can raise your heart and soul to new heights. Today these words are just as important as they were years ago. Every day I get a little message from the Urantia foundation and it often seems to be about something I need guidance or encouragement from. More >
27 Feb 2005 @ 22:52
Showering: Is Your Health at Risk?
Peter McGarry
For the past decade, people have focused on the importance
of clean drinking water. Purified drinking water reduces or
eliminates chemicals found in normal tap water. However,
the body derives its need for water from alternative sources,
most notably while showering.
It is common practice in North America to shower on a
daily basis, sometimes more than once. Unfortunately, most
people are unaware that more chlorine is absorbed
through the skin during the average shower than by drinking
six to eight glasses of tap water. This may make one wonder,
how clean is shower water?
Are you a fan of hot showers?
Since the skin is porous, it is the body's way of excreting
toxins and regulating temperature, hot showers cause the
pores of the skin to dilate, allowing chlorine and other
free radicals to be rapidly absorbed. Chlorine is also
contained within the water vapor that enters the air as
steam, and which we breathe into our lungs as we shower.
Dr. Halina Brown, a professor of water chemistry at the
University of Pittsburgh, claims that the exposure to
vaporized chemicals in water supplied through showering,
bathing and inhalation is 100 times greater than through
drinking the water.
Furthermore, chlorine and other water contaminants reduce
the effectiveness of many shampoos, conditioners, lotions,
oils and skin creams, leaving your skin dry and unnourished.
Any contact the body has with water is cause for concern.
Swimming pools and hot tubs use chlorine to kill bacteria.
Little thought is given to the effect on the human body.
Chlorine is a highly toxic element, which has the ability
to denature protein. All living organisms are made up of
protein; thus any living organism that comes in contact
with sufficient quantities of chlorine is killed. After
swimming or showering you may notice that you have sore
eyes, sinus blockage, respiratory problems (such as
asthma), cracking skin (hands and feet), or dry hair and
an itchy scalp. You may also feel tired and your skin
might smell of chlorine for hours afterwards, even after
What is your health worth?
The May 2003 issue of Elle Magazine, featured a
showerhead that has a carbon filter that removes chlorine
as well as other toxic substances in our water like lead,
iron oxides and other sediments that leave dulling deposits
on the hair. If the showerhead removes the minerals that
cause this dulling effect, one might notice
an increase in shine and hydration. This is something you
may want to consider when comparing showerheads
and filters.
Here's to your health.
Peter McGarry is the editor of Magnetic Revolution's monthly newsletter. Our goal is to educate and create an awareness on everyday issues that concern our health. For a free newsletter please view, [link]
This article courtesy of [link]
You may freely reprint this article on your website or in
your newsletter provided this courtesy notice and the author
name and URL remain intact.
Find out who is poisoning YOU! More >
25 Feb 2005 @ 15:56
Let us not forget what it is and takes to be a woman. It takes strength of convictions and good wholesome choices. I'm proud to be a woman,not always was I. I believed it took being a man to accomplish goals in this world but not any more. It takes a whole person connecting to their feminine and masculine sides.MS
Feminine Wisdom Needed for Balanced World
by Dr. Kathryn Moravec Ph.D., RN
Interfaith Minister, Reiki Practitioner and Intuitive Counselor
Feminine Wisdom is nothing more than listening to our inner voice, be ye man or woman. The Goddess energy is very powerful now and it is time that we utilize this energy to improve our lives. Everyone (this includes men) is comprised of male and female energy and until balance is achieved, one side will dominate. Male energy is on the right side of our bodies and is represented by the sun. It is electric, active, and giving. Female energy is on our left side and is represented by the moon. It is magnetic, receptive, and creative. Concepts or ideas are conceived on the female side and brought to fruition - into the physical world - by our male side.
The Goddess energy has been suppressed on this planet for eons. Over time women have been treated as property, second class citizens and have been abused physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Gloria Stienman's push for equality of the sexes has propelled women forward in the work place, politically, and allowed for women to experience greater freedom in general but a disservice was also done. Some women who chose to stay home and raise their family felt inept because they were not contributing to society. Women burned bras, wore pants, became workaholics, all to prove that they were as worthy as men. In reality what happened is that many women embraced their male energy while suppressing their female energy.
Women used to outlive men by eight years because men had the "stressful jobs" but now we have almost caught up because stress-related disorders are on the rise for women. Wow, we really showed them didn't we? I have been watching the Goddess energy awaken and have found it very fascinating. "New age" and the secular world have begun to develop and facilitate classes, workshops, support groups all for women. Women over 40, women who have been abused, women who have an eating disorder, women who are indigent and the list goes on and on. I am not against the support that is being given, I just feel that we missed the bigger picture and I would call that picture Feminine Wisdom.
Feminine Wisdom is the allowing of the feminine energy to flow freely through our being and to be expressed in whatever manner it chooses. This means that men and women should be permitted to base decisions on intuition alone. Individuals who have jobs that require them to make quick decisions often go by what their "gut" tells them because sometimes you can not have all of the facts - they are using their intuition. I feel that intuition should be used and accepted in the workplace.
Feminine Wisdom to me also encompasses compassion, empathy and nurturing qualities. These are traits that men and women both share. Unfortunately our male energy has a way of making these qualities seem unimportant. Most work environments do not support the feminine energy, but the time has come for that to change. I believe that when we all embrace the Goddess within, our entire world will transform for the better. I know so many women and men who have embraced their feminine side and I admire each of them.
The world admired Princess Di and Mother Theresa - why? For the very qualities I listed above. They embodied their female side and allowed the energy to flow out of their male side to accomplish world work. People to this day toss flowers on memorials to Princess Di and shrines have been built, but this is not using wisdom. What should be done is the continuance of Di's and Mother Theresa's work with the poor, homeless and afflicted. Workshops and classes need to be directed to both men and women. People need to learn that embracing one's feminine side does not make one a wimp or weakling. Our feminine side is very strong - this is how the Goddess has been able to tolerate the neglect she has received for the last few centuries.
Our world requires change if it is going to survive. I am talking about the planet herself and also mankind. The destitute conditions of our planet and our intolerance of one another are sure signs that the time has arrived for each of use to embrace our Goddess within.
Kathryn Moravec is an Interfaith Minister with a Doctorate degree in Divinity, a Geriatric Certified Registered Nurse, Reiki Master, Intuitive Counselor and Author. She facilitates experiential workshops to assist others in finding their inner light. Topics cover; How to become more self-aware, Improve relationships, Transform Stress into positive energy, Reiki, and many others. Her book "Life's Little Lessons: A Guide Book To Get You Through", is a Compact Guide On Life and is available online or at your local bookstore. She also does individual and group counseling, teaching and Energy healing. Visit her webdisplay at [link] More >
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