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 El sonido y los cuencos tibetanos (article in Spanish)42 comments
picture 17 Aug 2005 @ 07:58
Los cuencos tibetanos son muy útiles en meditación, equilibrio de chakras, limpieza de energía negativa y también para sanación. Como dicen algunos maestros Tibetanos, estos cuencos de Tibet emiten "el Sonido del Vacío", el sonido del universo manifestándose.  Read More

 Dime, niña... (article translated into Spanish)2 comments
picture 17 Aug 2005 @ 07:52

Muchas veces me pregunto por qué los niños lloran por la noche. Mi madre me dice que cuando era pequeña lloraba cada noche sin motivo aparente, y mi sobrina hizo lo mismo durante sus primeros años. Los bebés todavía no tienen que preocuparse por su futuro, ningún trabajo que hacer, ninguna responsabilidad de la que ocuparse... pero sin embargo lloran. ¿Sienten algún temor?, ¿se sienten perdidos?

Estos pensamientos inspiraron una noche este sencillo poema.

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 Mañana (article translated into Spanish)2 comments
picture 16 Aug 2005 @ 20:21
Este poema lo escribí durante un periodo difícil en mi vida, tratando de mantener mi esperanza y pensando que más adelante llegarían mejores tiempos. Y afortunadamente no me equivoqué.  Read More

 ¿Cómo limpia el jabón? (article translated into Spanish)16 comments
picture 15 Aug 2005 @ 20:56

En esta nueva sección a prueba voy a publicar en español los artículos de mi newslog, para aquellos que tienen dificultades con el inglés. (This is a new section under test for those who speak Spanish and don't read English well, and it contains my last articles translated into Spanish).

El jabón es parte de nuestra vida diaria, tiene diferentes formas y perfumes, puede ser líquido o sólido... pero ¿has pensado alguna vez cómo funciona esta sustancia? Aquí tienes una pequeña explicación. He tratado de usar el menor número de términos científicos, para que así todo el mundo pueda entenderlo.  Read More

 Un retiro en las montañas (article translated into Spanish)0 comments
picture 15 Aug 2005 @ 20:35
¿Cuántas veces tenemos tiempo de pararnos y pensar sobre nuestra vida? Estamos tan sumergidos en nuestra rutina diaria, el trabajo, la familia, las responsabilidades... Podemos estar felices o infelices con nuestra vida, pero ¿sabemos realmente cómo nos sentimos? Es fácil perder nuestra identidad y olvidarnos de nosotros mismos, nuestro propio camino, nuestros deseos y temores. Algo de tiempo libre para reflexionar sobre nuestra vida es un tesoro que no tenemos la oportunidad de disfrutar a menudo.  Read More

 In Portuguese lands9 comments
picture 13 Aug 2005 @ 13:56
Last week I started my vacation travelling to Portugal, a country where I've never been before. I took my mother with me, as she hadn't travelled anywhere since she came to visit me in California in 2003. What a wonderful trip! In their character, Portugueses are pretty similar to Spaniards: open, sociable, they like to be in a group, to eat outside in the street, to embrace and kiss the people when they are introduced... I felt myself like at home! But of course Portugal has its own identity, as I comment later in this article. At the end I include a link to the pics I took during this trip.  Read More

 Alive after a crash in the motorway14 comments
11 Aug 2005 @ 14:32
I'm miraculously alive after a pretty bad car accident in the motorway while coming back to Spain from Portugal after some days of vacations. It was bad luck to have the accident, but a very good luck to be alive and almost unharmed. I feel like if I were reborn and have a new opportunity to enjoy this life.  Read More

 Tell me, baby... (Dime, niña...)7 comments
picture 26 Jul 2005 @ 21:39

I wonder why children cry at night. My mother told me that I cried almost every night when I was a baby, and my niece did the same in her first years. Babies still don't have to worry about their future, no job to do, no responsabilities... but they cry. Do they have any fear? Do they feel lost?

This simple poem was inspired one night by these thoughts.

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 How does soap clean?35 comments
picture 17 Jul 2005 @ 09:27
Soap is a part of our daily life, it has different shapes and perfumes, it can be solid or liquid... But have you ever thought about how this common substance works? Here is a little explanation. I've used a minimum number of scientific terms, so I hope that everybody can understand it.  Read More

 A retreat in the mountains14 comments
picture 12 Jul 2005 @ 15:10
How often do we have time to just stop and think about our life? We are deeply immersed in our daily routine, such as job, family, responsabilities, expectations... Are we really in the driver's seat of our life? It's easy to lose our identity and to forget about ourselves, our own path, our desires and fears. Free time to reflect on ourselves is a treasure that we don't have the opportunity to enjoy very often. My opportunity came without expecting it.  Read More

 Tomorrow (Mañana)13 comments
picture 9 Jul 2005 @ 12:41

I'm posting here some of my poems. I write them in my mother tongue (Spanish), but I'm including too an english translation, so you can understand them.
I wrote the poem 'Tomorrow' in a difficult period of my life, trying to keep my hope and thinking that better times would come ahead.

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Wishing love for every heart,
peace for every country in the world,
light for everyone in the dark,
hope for every suffering soul.

A park in Asturias

Previous entries
  • NCN World Poet Tree / Poetas del mundo (message in English & Spanish)

  • 2005-12-23
  • 50 years of love!
  • ¿Por qué la cebolla nos hace llorar? (Article translated into Spanish)

  • 2005-12-15
  • A candle in the night

  • 2005-12-03
  • A fiesta for our elders

  • 2005-11-20
  • Why do onions make you cry?

  • 2005-10-24
  • She knows

  • 2005-10-16
  • Vegetables, chemistry and colour
  • Vegetales, química y color (article translated into Spanish)

  • 2005-09-30
  • Annular solar eclipse on October 3rd

  • 2005-09-22
  • Welcoming autumn with a fiesta

  • 2005-09-18
  • Landing, a workgroup to help newcomers

  • 2005-09-03
  • Her birthday (su cumpleaños)

  • 2005-08-21
  • About life
  • Sobre la vida

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  • Life Experience Degree: Let me Know

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  • 2016-11-23
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  • 2016-09-28
  • Black Magic Specialist Baba Ji: Black Magic Specialist Baba Ji

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