28 Nov 2004 @ 05:15, by jmarc. Visual Arts, Graphics
 Strength More >
23 Nov 2004 @ 18:00, by jmarc. Visual Arts, Graphics
 Star More >
8 Jul 2004 @ 00:31, by koravya. Visual Arts, Graphics
Sounds to me (Reads to me) like part of what’s going on here amongst the participants of the NCN blog-o-sphere, amongst the necessary preoccupations with global and national political and economic events, and the spirituality, art, and poetry and all that sort of thing that comes through, and the challenging intellectual revelations and go-arounds, are various this-is-what-my-day-was-like kinds of entries, which, within the context of the overall purpose and direction of this community, fits right in. Now and again are posted discussions about who’s participating and who’s not participating (who cares?) and how much these ones or those ones are or are not throwing logs on the fire. Always gotta be somebody prodding at the embers, stirring up another flame, and that is a good thing. From the point of view of someone who is half-in and half-out, I currently don’t feel like I currently have anything particular to say, so here is this little what-my-day-was-like ramble. What is this about? It’s about this is who I am, and I’m in here reading you people, you (hyper) active, to me, participants in this bonfire, and I want you to know that I appreciate you, even if I’ve got not much to say. That book of poetry and pictures was my thing. Whatever comes after that is pot luck. More >
10 Jun 2004 @ 21:09, by ida. Visual Arts, Graphics
More >
9 Jun 2004 @ 10:09, by scotty. Visual Arts, Graphics
I did not know that I could love like this.
For ten years I lived with her
And she with me.
She focuses my life.
I wrap my arms and press her flesh to curve into my own.
The rock is soft, the fit time-tempered.
Best of friends.
(a painting I did from a photo of our first holiday in Scotland )
7 Jun 2004 @ 14:47, by koravya. Visual Arts, Graphics
I first bumped into NewCiv.Org some two years ago on May 25, 2002, and hit the join button, having only the vaguest idea of what a newsblog is, or could be, or how such a thing functions. I bounced around inside for a month, making comments and engaging in exchanges, and finally got around to starting my own newslog on July 2. Decided to publish from a series of poems I had concocted during the previous several years, and Shawa (then Shakti-ma) and I did a collaboration in which the accompanying image for each poem was one of her collages or watercolors. It was a lot of fun, and quite refreshing to see my familiar words alongside Shawa’s sensitive and insightful visual creations More >
6 Jun 2004 @ 13:09, by quinty. Visual Arts, Graphics
Those of you who are familiar with this site may know that my father was an artist. As a result of this, I have always had plenty of paintings and drawings to decorate my home with. My walls here are covered with my father’s art. (To see his work go to this [link] )
Another result of having so many paintings and drawings More >
3 Jun 2004 @ 22:19, by skookum. Visual Arts, Graphics
From National Geographic
detail of 11x14 watercolor on standard watercolor paper More >
1 Jun 2004 @ 08:58, by scotty. Visual Arts, Graphics
( Scotty)
I did not know that I could love like this.
For ten years I lived with her
And she with me.
She focuses my life.
I wrap my arms and press her flesh to curve into my own.
The rock is soft, the fit time-tempered.
Best of friends.
(a painting I did from a photo of our first holiday in Scotland ) More >
1 Jun 2004 @ 07:56, by scotty. Visual Arts, Graphics
( Scotty)
You have been borne into unbounded space and boundless
time -- with an Eternity ahead of you to explore a divine
Infinity. Your nativity is from the Womb of Love. Love
is your Mother, Love is your Father, Love is your
innermost essence.
Loved Ones will winkle out of this life (much as You
winkled in!) & on into the Next One. Their departure
(sometimes so sudden) may leave you in the embrace of
writhing shadows of loss, haunted by torn shreds of
nightmare... As with all other pain, you must GROW
thru it... This is the pain that grows you the furthest
-- if you allow it to -- & thus the Deeper Wisdom of
"Come from the non-appearing things to the completion
of those that are revealed, and She, the effluence of
thought, will reveal to you how the belief in those
things that are not revealed was found in those that
are revealed, those that belong to the Unbegotten
Father. Whoever has an ear to hear, let him hear."
~ Jesus Christ More >
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