11 Apr 2004 @ 01:33, by ida. Visual Arts, Graphics
Vriji 2, Mixed Media, Quidnovi
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17 Mar 2004 @ 21:34, by koravya. Visual Arts, Graphics
All of these places are connected,
Giza, Stonehenge, Tikal, and Rapa Nui,
on a line which includes consideration
for the intersection between our equator and our ecliptic,
at this longitude which traverses the Atlantic,
which interestingly enough
approximates the mid-Atlantic ridge.
Harappa, Tonga, Rapa Nui, Cuzco, and Giza
are on the line of the ecliptic in this configuration.
-. *_.*^/_>.*/-*
For anyone who would care to interpret this configuration,
or comment in any way,
this log is open to discussion,
for at this point, this is all I know.
_//_ More >
16 Mar 2004 @ 19:53, by jewel. Visual Arts, Graphics
My friend and associate Palden Jenkins in Glastonbury forwarded this to me:"Just in case you lost your way and need reminding, this is where you are!" More >
15 Mar 2004 @ 00:15, by ida. Visual Arts, Graphics
Quidnovi, collage
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27 Feb 2004 @ 16:56, by ida. Visual Arts, Graphics
Photo: i2i
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29 Jan 2004 @ 19:29, by lichtnetz. Visual Arts, Graphics
dear friends,
I have done a new series of digital images. They deal with holy geometry, information medicine and certain levels of consciousness, that you can resonate with, if you wish.
I would be pleased about response and comment. All to be seen at www.lichtnetz.at *light art*
>>how do they resonate with you?
>> sign my guestbook. I enjoy having comments from allover the world.
>> and all the images are available as photoprints or or print on canvas. *order*
>> I´m looking for gallery- private- and health center contacts to offer the light mandalas...
daniela More >
20 Dec 2003 @ 14:27, by susannahbe. Visual Arts, Graphics
Image by Susannah Bec
"The rebirth of the sun"
At the turning of the solar year may I wish you all love, peace,joy and abundance for the coming year!
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4 Jun 2003 @ 17:05, by quidnovi. Visual Arts, Graphics

Mamoru Oshii's "Avalon" opens the gate to the future of cinema. And that is no mere hyperbole. The nuances and rhythms of the near-future world created here are captivating to the point of transfixion…there is a mystery…an intricate puzzle…and as Ash [the main character] delves deeper and deeper into this world of not only an illegal and highly compulsive game, but also of her own reality, the more questions arise. More >
29 May 2003 @ 04:05, by waalstraat. Visual Arts, Graphics
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9 May 2003 @ 08:28, by waalstraat. Visual Arts, Graphics
It's my Birthday tommorow and I want to share my birthday piece with all of you in this buzzing garden of exchange, with all my best wishes and blessings for everyone...Bernard (Waalstraat)
I promised a couple of you I would send you instructions on how I did the last sharing...I still will, but I have been a little ill...trying to catch up now... More >
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