4 Feb 2006 @ 14:42, by silviamar. Science
Some people suffer nausea or diarrhea after drinking milk or milk derivatives. The origin of this problem can be the difficulty to digest lactose.
Lactose is the main complex sugar found in the milk. It's a pretty big compound formed by two smaller components: glucose and galactose. Such a big compound cannot get through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream, so we need "something" to break it into smaller pieces. This "something" is a protein named lactase. The more milk and milk products we consume, the more lactase we need. More >
3 Feb 2006 @ 19:23, by bkodish. Violence, War
Why does Hamas waste money on a propaganda machine... More >
3 Feb 2006 @ 10:18, by rayon. Spirituality
of phantoms return us to ourselves for a redefinition, a modern, updated, to the minute, second . . a liveable reality. My dawning occured in a house designed by an architects' architect, above reproach. He suffered cogenitive deafness, like his sister a renowned landscape gardener; they worked together if possible on housing projects with gardens, in central city places.
It was a house sit for 6 weeks, alone. Strong scupltural pieces of half walls and pedestals in the main living room with a cave like recess supporting the staircase up to a level with clerestory windows allowing light and cool but not direct hot strong tropical sun. A small courtyard walled garden extended effortless from the living space grown only with naturally occuring wild plants of the area. The separation of these with a single piece of glass constituted the very best use of this most agressive of all materials, I have ever seen. The word explored here was resonance, and not what they tell you in books. I realised that this person who could not hear (music) had built into all his abodes deep seated resonances which the 3rd ear (the skin) can hear and feel as different tones. A square pedestal, a half wall, a curved thick wall, clay tiles on the floor, no doors visible, it was this bringing relief to a working body. In other words if there is pandemonium outside, the immediate proximity of these forms will override the other distant echoes venturing into the area. More >
3 Feb 2006 @ 08:52, by vaxen. Politics
The Union is Sick!
Peter Mancus
Attorney at Law
Sebastopol, California
February 1, 2006
Copyright Peter J. Mancus 2006
President George Bush II on January 31, 2006 delivered his "State of the Union" address to Congress and on national TV. The real "state of the Union," however, was not what Bush II said it was. Instead, the real "state of the Union" was what happened in Washington, D.C., and elsewhere in the United States, before Bush II, gave his speech and later.
Last night, in this nation's capitol, two peaceful adult females were denied their First Amendment right of "free speech" by Washington, D.C. police for wearing clothing with political statements inside "the peoples’ house," namely, the United States Congress, before Bush II gave his "State of the Union" speech. These two females were a U.S. Congressman's wife and war protestor Cindy Sheehan. The Congressman’s wife was forcibly removed from the public gallery solely because she wore clothing that said "Support U.S. troops." Sheehan was arrested, manhandled, charged with "unlawful conduct," and was incarcerated because she peacefully and silently wore a sweat shirt that said "2,245 How many more?"
What happened to these two ladies is tragic on multiple levels. Sheehan’s son volunteered for duty in Iraq, and he was killed in Iraq. Did her son go to Iraq to help liberate Iraqi’s only to have his own mother stripped of her First Amendment right to "free speech"?
This is an updated version of Peters' article. I obtained permission from Peter to post this here and am very greatful for that. Hope you all read it and think deeply about what is intimated herein.
"The best way to fight evil is to make energetic progress in the good."---Book of Changes More >
3 Feb 2006 @ 00:25, by ming. Visual Arts, Graphics
So, I mentioned the controversy about a Danish newspaper having published some Mohammed cartoons, which has created a huge negative response across the Muslim world. You know, Danish people being beaten up, Red Cross workers having to return home, countries closing their embassies, terrorist groups issuing death threats, etc.
French newspaper France Soir printed the cartoons recently, in the name of freedom of expression. The Egyptian owner of the paper fired the Editor in Chief. The employees of the paper got together and are demanding that he'll reinstate him.
It seems to be a very hot issue as well here on my little blog. Several thousand people more than normal came by here in the last two days. Some of them were Muslims trying to explain their righteous anger. Some of them were folks looking for an opportunity to bash Muslims. Some of them were Danes who're puzzled about the whole thing, and explaining what really happened.
I didn't see the actual cartoons before now. And, sheesh, I'm glad I found them. No wonder the Danish people are puzzled about what all the bruhaha is about. Because one would have to be extraordinarily vigilant or imaginative to find anything offensive about them. Essentially, like you might draw Jesus as a longhaired guy in sandals, you'd probably draw Mohammed as a guy with a beard and a turban. Duh. And most of the cartoonists here took the task in a tongue-in-cheek self-deprecating way. Like, the one above there. The text says "Hmmm, I can't quite seem to recognize him". A sort of comment on the fact that Mohammed rarely is pictured, so the blondehaired Danish guy can't really pick him out. Disrespectful? Why?
The only one of the pictures that even could be construed as offensive would be the one showing a guy with fanatical eyes and a turban in the shape of a bomb. Shouldn't really be a surprising choice to anybody, as a lot of what one hears about Muslims is fanatical people blowing themselves and others up as suicide bombers in the name of their religion. The drawing captures what mood one might imagine such people to have. Is that some kind of condemnation of all Muslims? I don't see it that way.
I suppose that the people who're so upset probably haven't seen any of the cartoons at all. And probably will close their eyes if they see this posting here.
I'm not religious, but I can imagine the point of a rule against the depiction of some religious figure. To avoid idolatry. I.e. that people start worshipping the picture of something or someone, rather than dealing directly with it. Aha. Well, seems like the opposite happened here. People are worshipping the lack of a picture, and rioting against pictures, and worshipping all sorts of interpretations, rather than just listening to what the man actually was saying. Or maybe he just wanted them to listen to God, rather than starting to worship him, which also sounds reasonable enough. But, again, the opposite is what happened.
Also, check out the Mohammed Image Archive. See, of course it isn't the first time that somebody drew a picture of Mohammed. There are lots of pictures, including some by Muslims, including pictures on magazine covers, in books, on paintings, etc. It is just that none of those created any kind of similar uproar. More >
2 Feb 2006 @ 01:28, by teshnair. Ideas, Creativity
Broken arrows, missed targets;
Confused plans, lost hope.
Unseen tears of an empty heart,
A life ahead to cope. More >
2 Feb 2006 @ 01:15, by scotty. Altered States
Not very long ago I had a dream !
Nothing very exceptional about that you might say - except I haven't had a dream (or at least not one that I remembered) in over ten years !
Ayway - in my dream I was me (Scotty) and I was my 'watcher me' both at the same time.
My 'watcher me' had this ability to send me (Scotty) back in time !
So - the watcher me kept sending me back in time to re-do things that I'd already done in the past but hadn't worked out right !
This kept on happening over and over again.
In one part of the dream I remember distinctly having sown seeds - these seeds began to germinate and eventually the flower came. But - it wasn't right - it wasn't the flower it should have been !
it had been changed somehow along it's growing path - so the 'watcher me' kept sending me back to re-sow the seed and follow it's growth pattern untill eventually it turned out to be the perfect flower it was intended to be !
I've the feeling that my dream was long and complex - involving changing things in my life that had gone wrong - and I had the strongest impression that each time the 'watcher me' sent me back I carried no memory of having been through all this before - but there was however some kind of 'learning mode' in the back of my mind that I could draw upon - as if I were using past experiances to improve my latest effort to try and get it right this time !
My me (the Scotty me) was quite happy to be going through all of this - time after time - and my 'watcher me' felt quite .... motherly - tender even - watching me grow with each effort !!
Then I woke up !!
About a couple of weeks later I started reading a book called Oversoul 7
- this really got me thinking ..... More >
1 Feb 2006 @ 21:16, by vaxen. Religion
A brilliant statement by Khalid Mish'al
We will not sell our people or principles for foreign aid
Palestinians voted for Hamas because of our refusal to give up their rights. But we are ready to make a just peace
Khalid Mish'al
Tuesday January 31, 2006
The Guardian More >
1 Feb 2006 @ 16:09, by teshnair. Ideas, Creativity
Why do you cry?
What have I done?
Why are you so sad?
What have I said? More >
1 Feb 2006 @ 05:19, by koravya. Visual Arts, Graphics
Twice a Day Dawn. More >
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