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 Things I've Done
picture 31 Jan 2006 @ 21:44, by jmarc. Entrepreneurs, Money Making
Here are some of the things I've done in my life for money. A couple of things(the farm stuff) I did for room and board. Some of these jobs I'm proud of, others obviously, I'm not. I have other talents too, but haven't been paid for them so I didn't list them here.  More >

 The Wearable Home9 comments
31 Jan 2006 @ 13:08, by ming. Housing, Building, Architecture
Dave Pollard has a proposal
I have written several times about the idea of a 'wearable home' -- a self-contained environment that would allow the 'wearer/resident' to live comfortably 'outdoors' anywhere on Earth. The standard human solution to the problem of inhospitable climate is an extravagant invention called the 'single family home', which contains as many as a dozen different single-purpose unconfigurable 'rooms', must be abandoned in favour of another model when the occupant's lifestyle changes, and consumes huge amounts of fossil fuels to keep the entire structure at a comfortable temperature, even when the occupant is away from it.

There are several more economical solutions in widespread use. The most enduring of these is the deer-and-harehide suit of the aboriginal peoples of the Arctic, which allows the hunter-gatherer tribes to travel long distances comfortably, and requires the construction of only a simple, inexpensive and temporary dwelling for the few activities that cannot be carried out comfortably out-of-doors. These natural suits are, for the Ihalmiut, the perfect house.

In areas more hospitable to us naked humans (the tropics), the few gatherer-hunter peoples that have not been exterminated by Agricultural Man build only temporary structures and abandon them as their communities migrate across their hunting and gathering range. They lead the most leisurely lives of any humans on the planet, spending most of their lives 'outside' and hoarding nothing.
Actually, the proposal comes here:
So I'd like to propose a collaboration: Let's create, together, the Wearable Home. The three steps in doing so are:
  1. 1. Develop a complete specification for the Wearable Home -- what it would have to be able to do.
  2. Research current and evolving technologies that meet these specifications.
  3. Design it.

Here's a very incomplete start to the specification:
  • It would have to be comfortable and allow full freedom of movement in any weather conditions
  • It would have to be, if not fashionable, at least not ridiculous-looking
  • It would have to incorporate the portable communication, information and entertainment technologies that we now take for granted, built-in, without having to carry around bulky or heavy 'peripherals'
  • It would have to allow us to see and function in the dark, using either built-in lighting or some other optical technology
  • It would have to be either easy to clean or keep clean, or self-cleaning
  • It would have to be comfortable enough to sleep in, ideally without the need for bedding
  • It would have to be customizable both stylistically (we don't all want to look the same) and functionally (e.g. temperature could be regulated to personal preferences)
  • It would not replace the need for a place to store and cook food, but would obviate the need for every other room in the modern 'single family home' except the kitchen and (probably) the bathroom
I like it. Of course that should exist. It should be an option at least. A typical single-family home weighs around 150 tons. Seems a little excessive that that's the default way of living. Not to mention that it isn't mobile, so I'll be out of my shell when I'm everywhere else.

Imagine that - a suit that would allow me to live comfortably outside anywhere on Earth, from the arctic to the tropics. Of course I'd expect some fancy technology to be involved. It would need to keep me warm, or cool me down. It would need to be wired for communication. It would need to store power for these things.

It would be nice if one could feel free to explore the world without having to have scheduled a $100 hotel room every night, and without always having to get "back" to somewhere.

I have a hard time imagining having no other home, but I'd like to have it as an option at least.  More >

picture31 Jan 2006 @ 11:45, by ashanti. Recreation, Fun
?  More >

 Denmark vs Mohammed829 comments
picture 30 Jan 2006 @ 23:59, by ming. Religion
I didn't think I would get to see that. Muslims burning Danish flags in the street. OK, maybe because Denmark joined Bush's ill-conceived invasion of Iraq. But that isn't it at all. We're talking about cartoons. Yahoo News
BEIRUT, Lebanon - The controversy over Danish caricatures of Prophet Muhammad escalated Monday as gunmen seized an EU office in Gaza and Muslims appealed for a trade boycott of Danish products. Denmark called for its citizens in the Middle East to exercise vigilance.

Denmark-based Arla Foods, which has been the target of a widespread boycott in the Middle East, reported that two of its employees in Saudi Arabia were beaten by angry customers. Aid groups, meanwhile, pulled workers out of Gaza, citing the threat of hostilities.

The 12 drawings — published in a Danish paper in September and in a Norwegian paper this month — included an image of the prophet wearing a turban shaped as a bomb with a burning fuse. Islamic tradition bars any depiction of the prophet, even respectful ones, out of concern that such images could lead to idolatry.

Danish government officials have expressed regret over the furor but have refused to get involved, citing freedom of expression. The Jyllands-Posten newspaper has refused to apologize for publishing the drawings and has said it did not mean to insult Islam.
OK, maybe it wasn't the greatest idea in the world to ask some cartoonists for pictures of the Prophet Mohammed. But, hey, Denmark is a free country where nobody will get away with taking themselves too seriously. So, if you want to make a funny, irreverant or insulting picture of the Pope, Queen Elizabeth, Jesus, Elvis, George Bush ... or Mohammed, then... so what. Might be funny, might not be.

But a lot of muslims apparently feel that their god gets gravely insulted by Danish cartoons of his prophet with a funny hat on. Which, however much I'd like to respect a diversity of beliefs, I can't really find a way of looking at it that doesn't make me question the sanity of whole lot of people.

I think that what these folks maybe don't understand is that Denmark is a country where the government doesn't control the press. Maybe that's a novel idea. Yes, if the prime minister had made fun of Mohammed, that would have been very dumb, and he should probably apologize, for the sake of good diplomacy. But there's no way he can give an official apology for a cartoon in a newspaper, and he shouldn't. So, now Saudi Arabia has recalled their ambassador, Libia is closing its embassy, Egypt is refusing a loan they otherwise were eager to get, and Danish products are being boycotted.  More >

 The edge draws swords and angels
picture30 Jan 2006 @ 18:40, by judih. Ideas, Creativity
approaching the mid-point
when the edge draws swords and angels
a chess game mid-air
played by hypocrites  More >

 Through a Glass Darkly1 comment
30 Jan 2006 @ 13:29, by vector8. Spirituality
In a bus yesterday evening I looked at my face in the mirror and I didn't like what I saw. My face looked awful. I am a lot better looking than that ugly mug I'm seeing. Then I dismissed the image. How could I possibly expect a two-dimensional thing as a mirror on a bus to represent what I look like?  More >

 The Global Transbirth1 comment
30 Jan 2006 @ 10:40, by swanny. Spirituality
JAN. 30, 2006


Well here on the mountain (sort of) perch of Sir Ed, I was contemplating the global situation at large and wondering hence if what is transpiring to this fair Earth is perhaps a kind of Global Transformation or a " Global TRANSBIRTH".
Now this or something akin is truly happening. It is not the fantasy anymore
of some eccentric and air-headed saints, as something truly is occurring to this Earth on a global scale.
How do I or we know or can tell?
Global Warming.
Global Warming can no longer be denied even to the most suspicious for the evidence at this point is surely "in our faces".
But what then does this mean and who is doing this?
Well change is thusly occurring and it is frightenly occurring on a global scale.
Thankfully it is occurring somewhat slowly which is a blessing as an immediate change would surely be the death of many.
So what of it and who is behind it?
Well is this transbirth, this transformation, this global warming if you will a good or bad thing? Well it is perhaps to early to say and at this point no one really knows if it is good or bad and it in truth will probably be a bit of both.
But the key is somewhat that we must have and put forth "faith" that it will ultimately be for the Global Good and Benefit of all or most and that the changes may just be beginning and will progress for some time and we will have to adapt to this newly transborn and transformed Earth as we will be transborn and transformed as well.
It then is neither good nor bad but simply a bit of both then. Changes and adjustments will have to be made and the light-workers and saints among us will have to act as midwifes and such to those of lesser or scant faiths.
At any rate, why is this occurring.
Well I suppose it is a natural or semi-natural function of our evolution or growth in this cosmic realm. In some ways yes, we all, or humanity is responsible for the change and the planet itself maybe responsible more so and the God and Universe
and time themselves so...
We have to thus set forth faith that this change no matter how unpleasant initially or consequently change can be and will serve us and all the planets offspring for the benefit of all the biosphere ultimately.
Let us assist the process thus by quieting our fears and envisioning a smooth transition of this new global infancy.  More >

 Ten Things
29 Jan 2006 @ 13:52, by jmarc. Recreation, Fun
Here are ten Things you may not know about me. Aint sharing fun?  More >

 A search begins
picture 29 Jan 2006 @ 10:29, by teshnair. Spirituality
Why am I here? I am not sure. No one really is sure about why they are anywhere. So long as one is comfortable, it does not matter to them they are there. The why-s of life tend to answer for itself.  More >

 Optimism: The State Of The Union18 comments
picture29 Jan 2006 @ 10:28, by jazzolog. Government, Public Sector
To the right, books; to the left, a tea-cup. In front of me, the fireplace; behind me, the post. There is no greater happiness than this.


We are living in a historical period in which we understand that it is necessary for all of us to be conscious and active in our world. None of us can ignore this call to action. And yet, if we do not practice zazen, whether we call it zazen or whatever we call it and however we do it, we cannot act in any accurate way. There has been plenty of action---too much action. What we need is not more action, we need enlightened action. And this means letting go of action.

---Norman Fischer

Swallow the stars until you are one with the universe, with all-pervading universal life.

---Soen Nakagawa

Alabama artist Frank Bear illustrated support for George W. Bush as a follower of Jesus Christ by this work, titled "Our Christian President." The artist pieced together individual portraits of Jesus Christ to make the image of President Bush.

FOXNews has begun the drone repetition of the word "optimism" to prep its millions of viewers for what has become the annual crock in America known as The State Of The Union Address. Obviously I'm not responding well. And thus I place myself in my own concentration camp of negativists and boat-rockers. Such people are not well liked in America, which is why they must be put in detention. They're depressing and they slow us down. People who try to rock the boat are dangerous. Our tradition in these United States is optimism! Naysayers can go someplace else to live---like over to France for instance.  More >

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