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 I think I understand judih.. my contribution..7 comments
picture 29 Jan 2006 @ 01:56, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
poem.. "New Again"  More >

 Ease My Rough-Worn Spirit6 comments
picture 28 Jan 2006 @ 07:50, by judih. Ideas, Creativity
a gentle benediction. If the mood fits, claim these whispered words.  More >

 The changing times5 comments
picture 27 Jan 2006 @ 13:40, by silviamar. Ideas, Creativity
This is a poem written by our newest member, Shimanta.  More >

 Erasing Memories
picture 25 Jan 2006 @ 07:22, by letecia. Personal Development
Tonight I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with my housemates. I love the notion that we will be able to erase memories. How much more easily one could move on in life. But I wonder, would the lessons of Love be lost as well? And if the memories attached to that person also had to be erased, one might lose the whole chunks of time, right? Because if the Love is deep and shared between two people, when you are together, everything in your life is colored or shared with the other.

Even knowing that now, I find myself with such a heartache still, I might entertain the thought if the technology were available.

Hmm, who knows. I think I will sleep on that one. Only two more days until I fly to Jamaica! Maybe the equatorial sun will help me burn through the last stages of release.

OK enough about my sad story. I could recommend this film.

 Speed...7 comments
23 Jan 2006 @ 16:12, by Unknown. Investigation, Intelligence
Jan 23 2006

I have struggled with life and people in this life and time... not sure why...
but it perhaps may be related to this question that I've never been able to voice yet now I suppose it emerges and I think it is revalent.

What is the reason and purpose of our haste and speed. aka The speed of life?
Does anyone know why we are in such a hurry?
Did I miss something?
Is something or someone chasing us?
Are we in any particular hurry to get some where?
I don't understand.
I don't think I've ever understood so hmmmmm
Not sure....???
or is it simply "speed for speeds sake"?
I couldn't even find the time to find this question. It seems you're born to this world and get swept up in the human race and pace yet there have been moments in nature when I've been able to see or sense another pace and world although I never seem to have enough time to really get to know and understand that one either.
Seem to get or be caught in the middle at times. Up to speed of what? Life? Death? Time? Money?
Hmmmm well maybe its just me... but
Its just this nature place or nature time seems to make a little more sense and have a little more meaning for me than this human one. I guess though they each have there moments but the speed seems to effect the depth somehow. This human pace seems to lack the depth. Just skimming over the surface not really getting to "know" or understand any thing to "grok" much.

Ah well

carry on

ed  More >

 Is Your Enthusiasm Getting the Better of You?5 comments
23 Jan 2006 @ 14:16, by vector8. Spirituality
It's good to have enthusiasm. This shows you have passion for life. When I'm feeling really enthusiastic, it's as if I'm going to fly off. It's a wonderful feeling. There's only one catch: if you don't use enthusiasm correctly, it will get the better of you.

Yesterday, I clocked our neighbour on the bus I was getting on. She was busy talking to the driver so I didn't think she'd noticed me. She has a reputation for complaining about her aches and pains. I sat right at the back of the bus but she made a beeline for me. She asked me how my mother was. Then she started telling me about her aches and pains. She lifted up her skirt and showed me her swollen knee joint.  More >

picture 23 Jan 2006 @ 03:34, by jmarc. Ideas, Creativity
We'd met at the antique shop on Madison Ave. between 81st and 82nd. We found ourselves both admiring an old A&P baking powder tin, with the label still intact. I had been at it all day, as was my habit on my only day off, wandering the endless parade of shops in that area, for the past was my passion, and these shops held the best.  More >

 Keyword Thinking, Speaking, Writing Revealed1 comment
22 Jan 2006 @ 18:44, by paretokid. Education
Keyword Speak, Think is an affliction that not only affects the two Bush Presidents and their thinking, speaking styles, it has infected millions of Americans. As a result many Americans can no longer think is complete thoughts, let alone write of read in complete thoughts or sentences. It's the result of 20-30 years of teaching to the test and rank as a means to get funding, certified, etc. It is perhaps the greatest unintended consequence to rather lame attempts to reform, improve American education. Just get this picture in your head and you will understand. You give students a reading check list. They have not read what was assigned but look at item number one and then look back in the text to find key words, or phrases that relate to the question. Once they find them they write their answer in key words and phrses from the section of the story to which the question directed them. No context, no reading for understanding or enjoyment, just to fill in the check sheet. The unintended result - many students educated in this manner can no longer read in complete, speak in complete or think in complete sentences or thoughts. Read on or not - if you can.  More >

picture22 Jan 2006 @ 17:48, by freo7. Personal Development
*How To Avoid The Inner Critic*

How often have you envisioned a new idea, project or goal but ended up in "inertia-land" even before you've begun?

Inertia - you know - that weird sensation of feeling like you've stepped in mud up to your ankles : - )

Let's take a look at the definition of inertia for a moment...

According to Webster's dictionary, inertia means: Resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change: the inertia of an entrenched bureaucracy.

sluggishness, The tendency of a body to resist acceleration Hmmm, do we notice a pattern here by chance?

Resistance pops up both times.

So what do we make of this?

Looking at the definition of resistance gives us:

1. The act or an instance of resisting or the capacity to resist.

2. A force that tends to oppose or retard motion. Now we're beginning to understand the reason for the sluggishness - but what's doing the resisting?

The ego mind - the part that's been conditioned by society, media, family, government, "corporate cults" and any other "system" that aims to hold you in a trance of following what they think is right for you.

So how do you avoid this resistance of the ego? First, you need to become fully aware of what your thinking and feeling. Second, you need to determine what's really important in your life. Is it your job, your family, money, etc.?

Hint: If you're focusing on any external desire, the ego's got control over you. (money, power, status, etc)

The KEY is to tune into what your Spirit is saying - to listen to it and honor it.

Example: If you're feeling sluggish at work and you know you can't stand your job, you may need a change of scenery.

Other possibility - if you're not facing an inner issue that's causing the resistance, the real solution is to come to terms with it (and free the "stuck" energy that's been causing the issue to begin with.)

Here's the "Essence" of how to avoid the Inner Critic starting today...

Become fully alive and... (yes you guessed it), really

and allow the "kid-like" energy in you to come put and play. Be outrageous today in your own way.

Take one step today that you've never taken before. The moment you do, you'll begin to free the inertia that holds back your Life's Dreams from becoming real.

Your Life's Dreams are sacred my friend.

We're counting on you to LIVE them and share them with the rest of us...

You've got some cool things to do today, we look forward to hearing your successes (and even if you happen to stumble, no problem, so do we occasionally : - )

Today's the day my friend, to be the real YOU

in all your glory...

And So It Is...
Posted by Brenda LIGHTS OF LOVE R US ~ Dreams Alive Activator ! ~ Dream Minder ~ Direct Route 2 EFFORTLESS PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT  More >

 Dragon's Sleep6 comments
picture 22 Jan 2006 @ 01:29, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
and you didn't believe.. did you.... *grins  More >

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