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 A Clean Sweep
picture 16 Jan 2006 @ 16:25, by jmarc. Personal Development
Out with the old, in with the new. That's my theme every January. Clear out the junk, to make room for the new stuff that's trying to come my way. The first step in this proccess was to clean out my basement. It had the nasty effect of scaring a rat into my furnace, but now that that little situation has been resolved, I'm glad I did it, as everything down there is nice and tidy and in its place.  More >

 The Hero Within and Without6 comments
16 Jan 2006 @ 12:33, by vector8. Spirituality
You’ve go to search for the hero inside yourself,
Search for the secrets you hide.
Search for the hero inside yourself
Until you find the key to your life. Search for the Hero, M People

Imagine you're waiting for a bus. Suddenly, Superman arrives. He tries to lift you up.

"Whoa! What do you think you're doing?" you say.

"I'm trying to fly you to your destination."

"You're having a laugh, aren't you?" you say. "This is real life, mate, not Metropolis. You have no powers here."

"You're so wrong," Superman says. "I have super-hearing, super-sight, and I can move at the speed of light."

"Go away!" you say. "Come to think of it, I think I'm dreaming. Superman does not exist. I must wake out of this dream."  More >

 To Live...3 comments
16 Jan 2006 @ 11:43, by swanny. Ideas, Creativity
Jan 16, 2005

To Live...

Ah bitter sorrow...
To let fall those tears of anguish, despair
and heart break and accept those sad truths
that in this life doth befall us.

Yet time that comical trickster, doth lend its
aid after itself and comfort us and lift the
heart anew to new joys and songs perhaps.

Alas who can rightly muse

of what the day and morrow doth and may bring.

More tears, to have the courage to let fall perchance to

comfort and ease our hearts burden in some strange and winding


Or maybe a truthful and honest smile that can melt some

hardened heart

Per chance per chance

To live per chance to live...

Ed Jonas  More >

 Not an Attic, but a quiet room.6 comments
picture 15 Jan 2006 @ 15:56, by kernerewek. Ideas, Creativity
As in history. I once wrote in an attic. A large victorian house in Clapham. Though this attic was quite huge,with a single broken sash window, which I altered by removing the sash and replacing it with a casement window, so I could elbow lean and gaze into distance and sky.

I have been writing for well over thirty years. In the main poetry ,but now I work on a novel. I have gained slight recognition, by accident rather than intent. Of late I have begun to publish on the internet, and I am building an on-line anthology, using my free web space.

There are many works and many that have been destroyed over the years, including all the longhand scribbles that showed the build of a poem. What I leave behind me. Is not the mechanics of writing, but the thoughts from a Poets nature.

I write only for its own sake, not for fame or recognition. And I write using a computer keyboard, rarely altering any work once it is written. Even now. I fall into another phase, where poetry changes into a greater maturity of human understanding. Within an absolute that is undeniable. Held tight by a measure that has no mark by which to rule. Such measure contains another absolute. That of an awareness of human content. I recognize my human role, as the measure slowly fades into a return into the debri of stars. As I begin so I end.

Kernerewek  More >

 Conditions of Existence, Elliot Waves, Fibonacci, and Odu Transitions16 comments
picture15 Jan 2006 @ 13:34, by jhs. Science
(The following article was first written in 2001 in Orlando, Florida. It didn't find any resonance with nobody, got lost in time, dunno about this rewrite. In any case, material for Polar Dynamics 2...)

Conditions of Existence, Elliot Waves, Fibonacci, and Odu Transitions

Much speculation was being done in the past about what would be the basic formula for the evolution of Life, Universe, and Everything, the main candidates being the number 42 and the number of the Pi relation. Both are mere numbers, an actual formula however would be much more than a single number or relationship. It should accurately describe the progression of evolution and not an observed relationship of dimensions AFTER its manifestation already occured.

Of course, there is the Fibonaccio number (another number), often confused with Pi like in a recent Hollywood movie, but, behind the abstract number, we can find the numeric progression of all growth in nature. Whether chicken farm populations or organic proportions, we can witness the validity of this formula in all of nature.

However, this formula, in its basic form, doesn't allow for the ...  More >

 Deep Down the Heart: the seed of New Civilization1 comment
15 Jan 2006 @ 12:05, by shreepal. Spirituality
By and large, human beings live in the world of physical body, desires and thoughts consciousness. But these three planes of consciousness do not consume the entire spectrum of Consciousness. There are many more planes of Consciousness existing in Nature of which human beings, in general, have no inkling. Human race is marching towards evolving a suitable instrument that would enable the race in gradual and individuals to collective manner to manifest a plane of consciousness that is higher than that of thoughts. Rapid development of science, and that means man's Mind, is going to make it happen. Though this conscious evolution of Mind has become perceptibly fast in recent decades, it is likely to take its time that may run into not decades but centuries, if not more. What would that instrument be like? How would it differ from Mind and mind's reason? We should leave these questions to the future to answer. But whatever this new intrument be like, one thing is certain of it. This instrument would be evolved directly under the influence and guidance of Heart. It would chanelise the Light of Heart in a manner that is better than Mind. It would shine with this Light of Heart in a better way than Mind is capable. It would be more efficient than Mind in manifesting this Light of Heart. It would distort this Light in the process of downward percolation and manifestation less than Mind does. What is this Light of Heart?

As we said, it is not the consciousness of physical body, desires and thoughts alone that exist in universal existence. Beyond the body, desires and thoughts consciousness, deep within Heart - the sanctum sanctorium of our total existence - there exists a Light. This Heart in not the biolological heart within our body; it is a dimension of Consciousness that seems to coincide with the biological heart; that is all and nothing more.

What are the characterstics of this Light of Heart? What is the 'scientific' proof that this Light does exist? We shall deal with the nature of 'scientific' verification of truth later on. Let us deal first with the characterstics of the Light of Heart.

We are not aware of the existence – the presence – of this Light of Heart as we are aware of the existence or presence of our thoughts, desires and body feelings. We human beings become aware of the existence of this Light either through the outcome of life evolution in the general manner or by artificial means. It takes millions of earthly years for primary organisms – like microbes – to evolve on the ladder of consciousness and become aware of the presence of this Light. For human beings, it takes thousands of years to evolve and become in general way aware of the existence of this Light. Generally, in the case of human beings this long span of time - of thousands of years - is spread through many terms – cycles of births - of recycling of constituents of individual’s consciousness. However, by artificial means, this long span can be shortened to a few scores of lives, or to several decades in one single life, or even still shorter. It all depends on the firm resolve and determination of the individual concerned and the design of the scheme of things that makes this resolve of the individual concerned possible.

This Light of Heart is conscious and we are conscious of our thoughts only because this Light percolates down to our Mind. We are aware and conscious of the existence of our desires only because this Light further percolates down to our lower existence. And, likewise, we are aware of the sensual feelings of our physical body only because this Light percolates still further down to that gross level. This process of percolation may be seen from another angle also. We can equally say that a living physical body of any animal – and, all life from primary organisms to animals – is aware of the existence of body feelings because this Light has originated and manifested in that body. Further on the path of evolution, higher animals become aware of the presence of desires because this Light has ascended to a higher level of consciousness. Also, likewise, this Light further ascends in the evolutionary course of life and we become aware of our thoughts. We become human beings with Mind. At the dimension of consciousness, Mind’s concepts of ascending and descending – up and down – have no application. Otherwise also, these concepts are of relative nature.

Mind – with its accompaniments of thoughts and reason – is less opaque an instrument to this Light of Heart than desires. Still, this instrument distorts this percolating Light considerably. It is possible for nature to evolve and produce an instrument that may be less opaque to the descending (or, ascending) Light than Mind. The evolutionary agenda of mankind at the present juncture is to help evolve such an instrument without man-made cultural obstructions. It is in the interest of marching mankind to help evolve such an instrument – an instrument that would be less opaque and less distorting to this Light than Mind – rapidly. This conscious effort on the part of mankind may shorten the natural evolutionary period of thousands of years into few centuries, and even few decades running into a century or two. It depends on the conscious choice of mankind and willingness to remove hurdles that oppose higher ascent and promote downward slide of consciousness.

Further, the fountain of all our pleasure, happiness and contentment that we derive from the satisfaction of our sensual feelings, the fulfillment of our desires and the justification of our reason is this Light of Heart. And, it is not the consciousness alone that percolates down to these instruments of thoughts, desires and sensual feelings from this Light; there is the Bliss also percolating down along with the consciousness. However, down this percolating stream, the receiving instrument of thoughts – Mind – distorts this Bliss. There this pure Bliss is tempered by reason in the receiving instrument and adulterated in content. Further down the stream, this adulterated Bliss on being received by the lower instrument of desires is polluted. Still further on descending to the still lower instrument of body feelings, this Bliss – which is already polluted beyond recognition – is further distorted and turned into a gross and ugly sensual pleasure. There at this lowest level we still find traces of Bliss in our gross enjoyment.

The Bliss of Heart is in human parlance happiness par excellence that human being can ever conceive of. And, this dimension of the Light of Heart – Bliss – is the single source of all good feeling that we derive from love, kindness, truth, morality etc. We take the side of truth, reason, justice etc. only because there is this Bliss of Light in our Heart, which is being received by our Mind. We love others and are kind to them only because this Light with Bliss is present there in our Heart and being received by the instrument of our desires. Likewise, also we observe morality voluntarily even to our own detriment and against the dictates of reason of our Mind only because this Heart’s blissful Light is cascading down into our lower instrument of gross feelings.

And, further this blissful Light is the only ‘realty’ in true sense. In human parlance, it is the ultimate realty present eternally in the dimension of time, existing in the dimension of space and living in the dimension of consciousness. The Existence of this Bliss since Eternity alone has made it possible for Matter to exist in space, for Time to flow and for Consciousness to evolve – evolve into matter, life, animals, man and further.

Further reading links:

How to find 'Light of Heart'  More >

 Makar Sankranti - January 14, 2006, Til gud ghya, god god bola!1 comment
picture picture 14 Jan 2006 @ 03:38, by magical_melody. Environment, Ecology
Four Days of Pongal

During this period pilgrims from all over the country, in numbers exceeding 500,000 gather on Sagar Dweep, a small island some 156 kilometers (93 miles) south of Kolkata, for the three day Ganga Sagar Mela. The northern extremity of the island, which is about 25 miles long, is called Mud point.

During the Kurukshetra war, it is said, the wounded Bhisma Pitamaha, who had the power to choose the time of his death, lay on his bed of arrows for 26 days so that he could die on Makar Sankranti day. Why Makar Sankranti? “On this sacred day, when the sun begins its northward journey (the uttarayan) by entering the ‘Makar Rashi’ (the Capricorn), the doors of heaven are kept open. All ‘divya-atmas’ (sacred souls) will go to heaven and will be spared a rebirth”, explained Bhisma to Yudhishthira.

Maharashtra - when two persons greet each other on this festive day, they exchange a few grains of multi-coloured sugar and fried til mixed with molasses and say "til gud ghya, god god bola" (henceforth, let there be only friendship and good thoughts between us).

How to Celebrate in the Spirit of Makar Sankranti  More >

 Beyond the Storm3 comments
14 Jan 2006 @ 01:39, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Beyond the Storm  More >

 Doing What Comes Natural0 comments
12 Jan 2006 @ 13:12, by vector8. Spirituality
Over the last few days, I've been watching a new reality TV show called Soapstar Superstars, where soap stars compete to become singing superstar champion; and also help raise money for charity, of course.

While there are some talented singers in the show, my favourite is Lee. I like Lee because of his attitude to singing. On one day his voice coach was telling him off for staying out late the previous night but he wasn't bothered. Lee loves to sing and he's doing what comes natural. In other words, singing is not a head trip thing, it comes from the heart.  More >

 Agora and Antigora3 comments
10 Jan 2006 @ 22:55, by ming. Internet
Jaron Lanier: The Gory Antigora. A brilliant essay about the net. Like how we both find examples of the Agora, the ideal democratic collaborative sharing space, and what he calls the Antigora, where somebody mangages to set up huge, efficient profit-making machines built upon the ownership of their proprietary core. And how we in many ways seem to need both, and one builds on the other, in ways that sometimes are rather invisible.

He also laments how we lock ourselves into paradigms that aren't necessarily the best, but that become very stuck. You know, stuff like "files" and "desktops", and the ways we make software, which remains, as he calls it, "brittle". We still make software based on principles that mean it either works more or less 100% or it doesn't work at all. Which makes it all rather fragile, hard to change, and requiring lots of invisible unpaid work at the periphery to make it appear to be working. If you actually accounted for the work people spend in trying to keep their windows computers free of viruses, or trying to solve dumb problems with their software, it would add to up to being outrageously ridiculously expensive. Which it is. But it is still being used because a lot of people voluntarily make up for the gap between what it is supposed to do and what is actually going on.
There is no recognition for this effort, nor is there much individual latitude in how it is to be accomplished. In an Antigora, the participants at the periphery robotically engage in an enormous and undocumented amount of mandatory drudgery to keep the Antigora going. Digital systems as we know how to make them could not exist without this social order.

There is an important Thoreau-like question that inevitably comes up: What's the point? The common illusion that digital bits are free-standing entities, that would exist and remain functional even if there were no people around to use them, is unfortunate. It means that people are denied the epiphany that the edifice of the Net is precisely the generosity and warmth of humanity connecting with itself.

The most technically realistic appraisal of the Internet is also the most humanistic one. The Web is neither an emergent intelligence that transcends humanity, as some (like George Dyson) have claimed, nor a lifeless industrial machine. It is a conduit of expression between people.
And that is sort of the conclusion. It is really not about technology or economics, it is really all about culture and the playing of an infinite game.  More >

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