31 Dec 2005 @ 07:39, by judih. Ideas, Creativity
to every thing there is a season
howd'ya like it
howd'ya wannit
howzabout a new year More >
30 Dec 2005 @ 16:33, by paretokid. Education
The following story and text describes how a Peace Corps member -- Margaret Molinari -- friend of mine, with a little help from me, Got 300 plus Macintosh computers to a rural area of Guatemala (homeland of the Maya). After that bit of history, there is a letter and funding proposal to make the project even better and give many Mayan students access to computers and the internet to further their education. More >
30 Dec 2005 @ 14:58, by swanny. Ideas, Creativity
I have a vision...
I have a dream...
The lands desolate and bear...
in the cold and chill of the season...
Winters breath though fresh... and sunny...
devoid of the warm of the light...
After long last...
the rising...
the rays...
the moisture...
the warm....
the gentle winds of spring..
nuturing the seeds and soil...
sparks alighting a fire...
a fire of growth and life...
lifting lifting lifting...
towards the rising sun...
Glory Rising...
Glory mp3 link = [link]
sir swan More >
30 Dec 2005 @ 14:43, by silviamar. Ideas, Creativity
We have set up a new group named 'NCN World Poet Tree', with the intention of gathering together poetry from all over the world. Here you can see our public Newslog: NCN Poet Tree
If you like to share any of your creations, we invite you to send it to us, and even to join us. We also would like to encourage you to do 'jamming', by letting your creativity to fly spontaneously.
We accept poems in other languages different from English, but we appreciate also if you send them along with an English translation. If the poem is in Spanish, I offer myself to translate it for you if you cannot manage. :-)
May the creativity be a beautiful bond of union in the world!
Hemos creado en NCN un nuevo grupo llamado "NCN World Poet Tree", con la intención de reunir poemas escritos por personas de todo el mundo. Este es nuestro newslog público: NCN Poet Tree.
Si quieres que alguno de tus poemas forme parte, te invitamos a enviárnoslo, e incluso a unirte a nosotros. También queremos animarte a hacer 'jamming', dejando volar tu creatividad de forma espontánea.
Aceptamos poemas escritos en idiomas diferentes del inglés, pero te agradeceríamos que nos enviaras también una traducción en inglés. Si el poema está en español y no te apañas para traducirlo, yo misma me ofrezco a hacerlo por tí. :-)
¡Que la poesía sea un nexo de unión entre todos los pueblos! More >
29 Dec 2005 @ 16:46, by judih. Ideas, Creativity
yeah,yeah, yeah
been there
That paradise
that garden, the oneness thing
More >
29 Dec 2005 @ 04:30, by indrax. Publishing
We talk about abundance here, but so often I see copyright notices on some interesting spiritual writing. I think that's sad.
Information is something for which a mentality of abundance works perfectly. I can give to you without at all diminishing what I have. So why do other-wise spiritual teachers keep their teachings under copyright?$?
I urge everyone who has something to say to put it into the public domain. I also urge readers to think twice about teachers who keep their work copyrighted. More >
27 Dec 2005 @ 06:18, by nemue. Spirituality
2005 has been a year of significant global turmoil. Many of the people of the earth are suffering as a result of wars, famine, droughts, natural disasters (leaving people without shelter), government actions (particularly in African countries), to name but some of the challenges faced in 2005.
My wish for 2006 is to start to see the change that we have spoken about for many years becoming a reality. For those who have had to endure hurt and suffering may they find peace and healing. For those of us who have been fortunate in our lives may we find compassion and the ability and want to share and help the less fortunate. For those who enjoy enormous wealth may you find it in your hearts to give more than you have in the past?
For you my NCN friends may 2006 be a year of peace and happiness, good health and calmness.
From one of our spiritual places in Oz – Happy New Year
27 Dec 2005 @ 01:37, by swanny. Music
December 26, 2005
Boxing Day...
Well I wrote this song last spring.
I suppose it was perhaps inspired by
the global tragedy of the tsunami.
Such a global event shakes us to the core
in some ways even so as to affect the
rotation of the planet. As to the song
I didn't much care for the rendition of
it but had another song that had a better
"feel" so I used that. But still something was
missing. It needed the soul of... the blues.
But alas Louis is gone but I give you my attempt
to recreate the sonority of humanity.
I suppose it is somewhat fitting to give a rough draft
here on the Tsunami anniversary and hope you will look beyond
the defincienies and the nusaince of me to the "heart"
of the song.
I give you "Humanity Goes On" (Revised):
Humanity Link = [link]
alfie More >
26 Dec 2005 @ 06:00, by swanny. Spirituality
To the Love! More >
26 Dec 2005 @ 03:38, by shreepal. Philosophy
Man is exploring the universe. He is able to get out of earth and travel extraterrestrial places. He has touched moon with his hands and peeped into the interiors of universe. Everywhere man has found compounds made of atoms and atoms made of atomic particles. Basically, it is search of physical world and this physical world, so far as he has been able to know, is infinite.
However, he is not going beyond material world in his search. He has no tools to go beyond material world. He is not capable with his mind to go beyond matter. Nature has set a limit to the capacity of human mind, as his mind is not the supreme tool produced by her.
And, Nature has not yet finished her task of producing still better tools of knowledge and she is still at her work of evolution.
Beyond physical world, there are other worlds also and man knows the existence of some of these extraphysical worlds and makes attempts to study them. Behind atomic particles, there is a world of subatomic particles or waves and this world must be having its own shape, rules and place in the scheme of things. Also there is a gravitational world behind all material particles that must be having its own symmetrical structure and place in the universal scheme.
We know that water is a compound of Hydrogen and Oxygen but it is basically different from these two gases. You look at the snowy mountains and compare them with Hydrogen and Oxygen, and you find that they are qualitatively different from each other, though ice is made of these two gases. There is a barrier of quality between the two. One can never experience the reality of ice, by simply having these two gases. Though we know that ice is but a compound of these two gases, these two gases are in themselves nothing but a certain atomic structure of atomic particles. And though these atomic particles are likewise a definite structure of subatomic particles or waves, yet ice, gases, atoms and subatomic particles or waves exist with their separate individual identities.
One can go deep down into the microworld and find independent structures in hierarchy ad infinitum. There is a barrier of quality difference between any two of levels of this hierarchy. Likewise, one can go out in the macroworld and find similar independent structural hierarchy ad infinitum.
Once some scientists thought that with the discovery of atomic particles, the physics will see its end and there will be left nothing in the material science for scientists to discover. But Nature is not that simple. The beauty of Nature is its mystery. It is endless, in structure, in quality and in operation.
It is not only the material plane but also the planes that are beyond it that can be descended into by man, and they are ad infintum. Though none of them is primary, all have their independent identities.
There is a world of desires and impulses that is real with its individual shape, quality and rules.
Also there is a world of thoughts with similar attributes.
And, then there are many more worlds in the scheme of creation. Eastern wisdom accepts the existence of these subtle worlds and its leading lights, like Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus Christ, Milarepa, Nizammuddin, Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo and many countless others, vouschafe the truth of these worlds on the basis of their personal experiences. More >
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