9 Nov 2005 @ 11:49, by vector8. Spirituality
Yesterday I wrote a piece about meeting up with an old friend. I said that there are no missed opportunities. If you miss one opportunity to experience good, there will always be another and another and another ad infinitum. More >
8 Nov 2005 @ 17:48, by shreepal. Communities
We are lacking the very thing that is ESSENTIAL in our whole enterprize aimed at New Civilization. And that essential thing is to ascertain the DEFINING attributes of New Civilization. And, then we may compare these atrributes with the ones of Old Civilization to understand the difference between the two. Let us look at this issue.
The New Civilization cannot be founded on the ‘CLASSICAL MODEL’ (the term has been borrowed from the terminology of modern physics – and which very aptly applies to the subject we are discussing here) of today’s human thinking. We are accustomed to view and evaluate things in our world from our ‘RIGID’ POSITIONS. We have no inkling at all of the ‘RELATIVE’ character of our rigid positions that we human beings take on all the things we encounter in this world. There are almost always aberrations and unexpected outcomes in our interactions and of which we are unable to account for when we reckon them from our rigid positions of our ‘CLASSICAL’ way of thinking. We are very much ‘EARTH-CENTRIC’ in dealing with the universal scheme of things. We are very much ‘SELF-CENTRIC’ when reckoning things that are connected with faith and religion. We are very much ‘HUMAN-CENTRIC’ when we judge our place and position in the span of Universal Time. We are very much ‘PRESENT-CENTRIC’ when we judge of ourselves. We have no inkling even of the very obvious that we are judging of ourselves by ourselves. Our seemingly illogical aberrations in reckoning our relations are accounted for by giving a margin for the errors of others in adjusting and correcting the aberrations. We are totally incapable to visualize the ‘RELATIVE NATURE’ of our place, position and knowledge. We are conditioned to think in the ‘OLD CLASSICAL WAY’. We do not visualize that what we know today was not known to us yesterday and advance this historical experience logically to future to arrive at the conclusion that all our position, place and knowledge are ‘RELATIVE’ in worth.
The New Civilization cannot be made to rest on the old classical model of human thinking. All our aberrations and irreconcilable positions, which are the corner-stone of our Old Civilization, are resolved and put in their logical place once we apply the ‘RELATIVISTIC MODEL’ of human thinking. Our rigid positions become our respective ‘FRAMES OF REFERENCE’ and all our stands become true only relative to our frame of reference. With the help of this model we human beings are put in their relative place of Universal Time and Space.
Then, we get rid of human-centric frame of reference in evaluating the worth of our knowledge and logically accept that it is not 'ABSOLUTELY TRUE'. And, paradoxically, but which is day-like clear under the Relativistic concepts, it is true that all conceivable frames of reference are equally good and all judgments (of course,if the individual making the judgment is not committing a mistake or is not of insane mind) qua a particular frame of reference are 'ABSOLUTELY TRUE'. With the help of this relativistic Model, we are rid of earth-centric view of Universal scheme of things. Then, we are rid of man-centric view of life and its evolutionary destiny.
Let us apply these two models to the problems of our world. Our present civilization – Old Civilization – is plagued with the problems of faiths, cultures and political states.
Let us take the example of faith-anarchy gripping our earth. We shall not take other examples – of cultures and political states etc, here for dealing with them according to the two respective models. The example in hand may equally apply to other human problems of antagonistic nature that have defied mankind’s MIND - until Einstein uncovered the deep secret of nature – that is, the universal principle of Relativity. The Classical Model is founded on the premises that what you observe, if observed correctly, would be ABSOLUTELY TRUE. But Relativity has demolished the very basis of the foundation of this model. The universal principle of Relativity holds that all observations conducted while stationed on different FRAMES OF REFERENCE that are in motion relative to one another (in the case of human beings, individuals living life at different planes of consciousness) would not agree in their judgments and all would be TRUE. But they would be true with respect to that particular FRAME OF REFERENCE only and not universally. There is no way to find a universal stationary FRAME OF REFERENCE with respect to which all observations would be correct, except universal constant, that is the speed of light. With regard to consciousness we do not know what is that constant. After all MIND is merely a FRAME OF REFERENCE and it is not the ONLY frame of reference in the domain of Consciousness that is constantly evolving.
With the end of this article, I intend to cease for now serious and philosophical articles (unless the occasion warrants otherwise at appropriate intervals). All these articles are merely my opinion - but judgments drived from the observation made from my FRAME OF REFERENCE of Consciousness. I would be TRUE in my judgment and you would be TRUE in your judgment, though we both may CONTRADICT each other on the point in issue because we both are making oservations from different FRAMES OF REFERENCE of Consciousness. Such are the dictates of Relativity. Perhaps my opinion may be read fruitfully as background material for New Civilization Global Movement.
Now we must get down to the job of preparing Earth Summit.
More >
8 Nov 2005 @ 17:47, by ming. Violence, War
A bunch of people have written to ask if we're ok, so I've better write something. I suppose these things always look a little worse when one watch them on TV from far away, and one doesn't quite know what is going on, and which areas are affected.
In case you somehow missed it, riots started in Paris suburbs a couple of weeks ago, after a couple of youths electrocuted themselves by hiding in a power station, thinking the police were after them. And that apparently set off a lot of latent anger in certain immigrant communities. Well, the actual damage seems to mostly have been done by teenagers who grabbed the opportunity to vent a bit. OK, a lot. My daughter's boyfriend is a schoolteacher in one of those suburbs in Paris, and it has been quite a mess, with many inconveniences.
I would have thought it would be very unlikely here in quiet peaceful Toulouse, but no. A bunch of cars were put on fire Sunday, and a bus yesterday. All mainly in the Reynerie and Mirail areas. Which is not far from here, a mile or two, but yet is quite a different area. Mirail is where the main university is, and Reynerie is close by, and they are what generally is considered the bad neighborhoods here. Where many immigrants live in large apartment complexes, where the streets are more dirty, and where there generally is a different vibe than in other areas.
Coming from the U.S. it seems kind of surprising that anybody has anything to riot about here. This is a very extensive wellfare state, where there's all sorts of public programs for helping you out in many ways. Free education and healthcare, social security, employment assistance, financial aid for many different things. OK, it is all very bureaucratic, but it isn't terribly hard to find somebody who actually cares about you.
But then again, there's a lot of unemployment. The French system is very competitive, and one usually needs the right education, the right diploma, the right certification, etc. The French natives bring up their kids to know the ropes, I suppose, and many are still unemployed. But when we're talking about immigrants who don't integrate very well, like, to a considerable degree the large muslim population. 10% of the French population are muslims, mostly from North Africa. So, the problem is then mainly with their kids, who might not really have learned to play well in the French system, so they'll see an even higher unemployment rate, and they live in ghettos and things look grim, I suppose.
So, combined with a right-wing interior minister who's kind of confrontational, often saying something inflammatory on TV, and various social programs that have been cut recently, I guess there's more to be dissatisfied with. Not that it seems like that riot is particularly focused on anything in particular. But the politicians are bending over backwards to try to address what they think might be the matter.
Judging by the sirens and helicopters that just went by headed towards Mirail, there's some kind of trouble tonight too. Or they might possibly just be enforcing a curfew, I don't know.
Here's where I'm missing the live news coverage of L.A. There would be non-stop coverage on most of the channels there. Here there are just the normal scheduled newscasts. More >
8 Nov 2005 @ 06:07, by magical_melody. Relationships
Hello Everyone!
Well I am formally announcing our new website: Heart Story
We invite you to read this months RelationShip Report:
Where you will be introduced to a snippet of our homepage in newsletter style view, the one we sent out to our mailing list highlighting a couple of our flagship products and formerly introducing Heart Story! More >
6 Nov 2005 @ 22:40, by freo7. Activism
EXCERPT from: "Being All The Oneness That We Can Be"
*There is no way around the fact that in division and duality we all perish, whereas in unification and reintegration into Oneness, we all survive and prosper.
As more and more souls awaken to their innate Oneness with All That Is and *Actualize this Reality* into all they are until the very sense of separation is gone, extinguished, annihilated, it is becoming ever more easier for other awakening souls to likewise tune into this omnifying vibration that resonates like a dynamic magnetic star core in all frequency bands, permeating the very substance of our planetary body and exponentially expanding towards its Fifth Dimensional Accomplishment.
The results from this Miracle in progress are astonishing to behold and the upwardly cascading radiance of Love that stems from the center of *every single cell of our human bodies* in a symphonic chorus of tingling ecstasy is MELTING the fast vanishing barriers of *deception built by fear, hatred and disharmonic vibrations* generated by our lower animal nature as our embodied souls struggled through countless centuries of incremental growth towards this critical threshold of global awakening WHICH WE HAVE COLLECTIVELY ENTERED, starting in August 17, 1987 and during successive other Moments of Cosmic Choice, up to this critical juncture in our specific time continuum.
The Time is NOW
In UNITY with: A call to hold Earth Summit of the Leaders of New Civilization 29 INTERESTING comments posted 5 Nov 2005 @ 09:02, by Shreepal Singh More >
6 Nov 2005 @ 16:15, by judih. Shared Purpose
The word 'leave' is a loaded emotion. Loved ones leave. Friends who need to move on leave. Those who give up on a mutual path, leave.
Children leave.
Grandparents leave.
Leave, if you leave......
How threatened am I if another leaves?
How insecure am I if my social circle gasps a gap?
We are all related. We are all entangled as Ming brought up in a blog a while ago [link]
We are in this together.
Cecil Lee,[link] a painter and phar lepht zennist said:
"No man is an island nor should he attempt to live like one. We must connect. We must complete our journey."
We who are now together in this time and space intersect for this moment. Yet, sure as the eye blinks and the sound of a song fades away, we all must continue on our paths.
Our paths may grow distant, but our connection will never die away. Even as we each follow our individual destinies, as we travel the road that makes up our journey, we will always be joined at the heart. More >
6 Nov 2005 @ 15:14, by gamblor. Systems Thinking
Some good stuff in those links in the comments of the previous post.
I am familiar with the LETS concept and I think its a great way for these local economic activities to be facilitated. But for my system design I wanted a pure mutual credit with no central issuing authority. The idea would be like the Mediated Three-Party Transactions in blueboy's transaction.net link. Essentially the idea has three parties for every transaction, the offeror, the acceptor (assuming they do in fact accept it) and the STR (Shared Transaction Repository) which verifies the other party identities, ensures the validity of the offer record, and keeps a public record of the transaction.
This is my idea (well not really mine - i unknowingly fished it out of the noosphere with the help of people like Bernard Lietaer and Todd Boyle) of a means of accounting for stuff without reference to national fiat currencies. Such a system can just be used by people who want to use it, regardless of the health (or existence) of national currencies. It can be used to build cross linked trust networks which scale to an infinite level, so eventually people wont need to put their faith in governments (and their bankmasters) for their livlihoods and can instead put that trust in themselves. All that is needed to sustain this system is at the very minimum one powered computer with the software installed. A network of powered computers (like the internet is) would just makes the system more robust.
I've fallen into a bit of a doomsday crowd as of late (probably from hanging around on TheOilDrum.com for a while haha), focussed mainly on two big problems: the infinite growth required by central-bank-interest-bearing-notes capitalism, and the peak in oil production that we seem to be witnessing now. Thinking about these scenarios and what could happen in a situation of society collapse have been major motivators in developing a new money system. I have serious doubts that any new money system will take hold on a large scale until, at the least, national currencies like the USD start to implode. Because for the great many, existing national currencies are simply "good enough". More >
6 Nov 2005 @ 07:17, by skookum. Personal Development
Life is a Journey
Though I have cried and lashed back at my emotional pain, yet I realize it has transformed me. More >
5 Nov 2005 @ 09:02, by shreepal. Networking
Updated 24 Oct 2010
I propose that a call be given through NCN web links to all those individuals, groups and organizations who are engaged in their own way to change our present world to bring a New Civilization to hold as early as possible an Earth Summit of the Leaders of New Civilization. The agenda of this Earth Summit should be to draw and adopt a Charter of Action For New Civilization Global Movement.
Here I am setting out a draft working Charter for consideration, amendment, if necessary, and adoption by such Summit.
NEW CIVILIZATION, which may be able to resolve the irreconcilable differences of faiths, cultures, politics etc. plaguing our civilization – Old Civilization - may dawn on our planet only if collective consciousness of mankind at the present juncture of her evolutionary march is READY TO ACCEPT its (New Civilization’s) values as mankind’s own need and FEEL as if there is something hollow without them.
What are the values of New Civilization of which mankind may feel as if there is something hollow without them and therefore may become ready to accept them?
To delineate them a draft Earth Charter of New Civilization has been put in place by an international gathering of well meaning activists / intellectuals. This document is aimed at provoking our collective consciousness to open up and take a stand on the burning issues of our civilization. Most of these issues relate with the very SURVIVAL of mankind and with shaping her DESTINY on Earth. One and all are invited to take a clear stand – for or against – on these issues and become part of the process of CONSCIOUS evolution of human race at the present CROSSROADS of her destiny.
Earth Charter of New Civilization contains a definite number of BASIC PREMISES. An overview of these propositions is given here. The basic propositions of Charter are:
Charter is founded on EIGHT FAITHS (that relate to HEART) and THREE CONVICTIONS (that relate to MIND) of global citizens. Charter seeks to DENY the respect and dominant place to the Present Civilization and to GIVE the same to New Civilization, which Civilization seeks to accomplish FIVE OBJECTIVES of human beings.
The faith propositions are:
1. Planet Earth is our COMMON HOME.
2. We have inherited it only in TRUST for use in decent manner and not for spoiling it by our improper acts.
3. Earth is not only for OUR use but also for the use of all other life-species dwelling on it.
4. This trust casts an obligation on us to PASS ON this planet not in inferior health but, if possible in better health to SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS of human beings and to all other life-species that would overtake it from us.
5. All life-species are miracle, blooming flowers in Universe’s barren desert and sacrosanct in their right to exist. We human beings have evolved our MIND to an extent where we are able enough to realize that all these non-human life-species have equal right to co-exist with us. Unless these life-species pose a danger to our safe dwelling on Earth, they deserve protection and preservation at our hands.
6. All man-made disputes of any nature can be resolved by man. And man has evolved his MIND to that evolutionary stage where he can realize that it is in his own interest that these disputes are resolved in PEACE and AMITY.
7. All life is evolving on Earth. Human being is a product of this evolution. Evolution has not stopped with the advent of human being. The process is extremely slow – barely perceptible in thousands of years – yet the process is on. We human beings must accept that we human beings are not the FINAL PRODUCT of this process and our MIND is not the ultimate TOOL of exploring reality around it and in universe.
8. But we human beings have evolved us SIGNIFICANTLY and have MIND that is capable to explore the unknown universe, in both directions of scale – micro and macro. We can harness to our use the secrets of nature and her forces. This, our, capability enables us today, if we are wise enough and choose this wisdom, to CONSCIOUSLY shape our DESTINY. This capability makes it possible for us to shape the destiny of EARTH also. Human beings can make an impact even on the destiny of UNIVERSE.
The conviction propositions are:
1. Human beings are capable to destroy themselves. This capability is now PRESENT and they need only the DECISION to destroy. Any serious man-made dispute may act as a TRIGGER to take this decision.
2. Sustainable human-unity, if we achieve at the global scale, is the only EEFECTIVE and WORKABLE guarantee against the danger of self-annihilation posed by divided human beings.
3. This unity can only be established if we human beings realize that our INTERESTS are common, that the PURPOSE OF LIFE on Earth is common and that the DESTINY of human race is common.
Charter seeks to accomplish these objectives, which are in common interest of all human beings:
1. New Civilization seeks to accomplish survival not only of all ethnic divisions and subdivisions of human race living in different countries of the world but also of ALL life-species dwelling on Earth.
2. It seeks to secure this objective by ensuring that peoples of Earth stand on the side of PEACE and not war for any cause whatsoever.
3. It also seeks to accomplish this objective by ensuring that peoples establish on our planet GOOD ORDER and not anarchy under any ideology.
4. It further seeks to secure this objective by compelling all organized groups of human beings on Earth, whether organized under the banner of nation-states or of any other common human feelings, to DISARM themselves completely of the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.
5. New Civilization seeks to accomplish this objective of collective survival not only by persuading peoples in the world to observe self-restraints in their inter se relations but also by paying RESPECT TO NATURE and its ways through its conservation.
Secondly, FREEDOM:
1. New Civilization seeks to accomplish freedom of individual from any kind of oppression, whether it is of political kind or of the kind of economic, culture or social.
2. It seeks to accomplish this freedom of individual from oppression within the human organization of nation-states and also international relations of such nation-states.
3. New Civilization seeks to secure this state of freedom for individuals by ensuring that the human rights of individual are protected in the organized society of human beings.
4. It also seeks to secure this freedom of individuals by ensuring that the interests of organized society are guarded against criminals and anarchy.
1. New Civilization seeks to accomplish prosperity not only of one set of human beings (as against another set of those who remain poor) but of ALL.
2. It seeks to secure prosperity for all people by utilizing the TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS made by human beings. These advancements make it possible for human beings to REDUCE THE WORK HOURS for all those who are engaged in creating wealth. New Civilization does not permit utilization of these advancements to make a set of human beings WORK-LESS and to allow another set to ACCUMULATE wealth. Instead, it seeks to utilize these advancements to make available LEASURE-HOURS to all those who are engaged in wealth production.
3. It also seeks to secure this objective by utilizing SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT of natural resources of Earth so that waste of these precious resources is avoided, there is no unsustainable exploitation of these resources and, on that account, no ecological imbalance is created by man.
4. New Civilization seeks to utilize these measures in order to bring efficiency in production and distribution of man-made wealth.
1. New Civilization aims at accomplishing UNITY among different subdivisions of mankind on Earth by promoting mutual RESPECT FOR DIVERSITY among them.
2. It also aims to secure this unity by promoting UNDERSTANDING with one another. (Refer to the contribution that may be made in this respect by the concept of RELATIVITY and FRAMES OF REFERENCE).
3. New Civilization also seeks to secure this unity by admitting that there exists DIVERSITY among different subdivisions of mankind and promoting HARMONY amid this diversity.
And fifthly and finally, ENLIGHTNMENT:
1. New Civilization seeks to accomplish enlightenment of human beings by encouraging them to imbibe the KNOWLEDGE OF SCIENCE.
2. It seeks to encourage them to imbibe the knowledge of MATERIAL SCIENCE. It encourages them to learn and know what modern Physics and other branches of science have revealed to us, like our place in the Universal Time, Unity of Fundamental Forces of nature, Mirror- Images of OUR matter, Life and its Codes, convergence of all branches of science, etc. etc.
3. New Civilization also seeks to encourage them to imbibe the knowledge of PSYCHIC SCIENCE. It encourages them to learn and know what psychic sciences are revealing to us, like Near Death Perception, Extra-sensory Perception, Life after Death, Planes of Consciousness, etc. etc.
4. New Civilization also seeks to bring enlightenment among human beings by encouraging them to always remain READY TO LEARN and OPEN TO CHANGE of one’s intellectual convictions.
NOW these objectives are sought to be realized in an effective manner by this ACTION PLAN:
1. These objectives are sought to be accomplished by a concerted but voluntary community action of willing individuals at local and global level.
2. Towards this end, the trans-position of allegiance of such willing individuals is sought away from their native nation-states and to NEW CIVILIZATION ZONES.
3. These New Civilization Zones are envisioned as small units of organized humanity, which are scattered across the globe, connected through information technology with one another and act collectively in unison.
4. Instead of owing allegiance to their native nation-states, these small units of collective humanity in New Civilization Zones would be bound by a common vision and feeling of belonging to one another for a cause greater than nationality .
5. To bring desirable change around them locally and in the world at large, these small human-groupings would act in global unison through their concerted actions.
6. In dealing with the now-dominating institutions of nation-states, these New Civilization Zones would act in consonance with the dictates of their common vision and feelings.
7. In their dealing with the now-dominant players on the issues of local and global ramifications, New Civilization Zones solely depend for their victory over them on the strength of their collective co-operative or non-cooperative actions.
8. New Civilization Zones would act as per the specific issues and stands by either extending their non-violent, collective and co-operating global helping hand to these now-dominant national and international players or by resisting them with their non-violent, non-cooperating global boycott.
I. What is a New Civilization Zone?
1. NCZ is a goal-oriented community. This goal is the conscious evolution of human beings. The tool of this conscious evolution is knowledge – this knowledge is in the form of science and technology. This tool – knowledge - helps the human evolution at their collective and individual livings. At the collective living, it is done by subordinating the desire-dominated man-made institutions to the dispassionate discipline of knowledge. There, it helps in planning efficient self-governance in every sphere of human activity. Such planning of self-governance ensures the saving of human-energy from wasteful social conflicts. This saved social energy, when ploughed back to the common benefits of society, provides people leisure-hours, high standard of life and peaceful life. These three things enable human beings to be free from daily struggle of life, be inquisitive to look into things around them and in their search for truth to turn towards spirit. This collective turning towards spirit helps the evolution gain acceleration. In this way, the community is helped by knowledge in providing more freedom to its members, enabling them to become more efficient in the matter of their democratic self-governance and thereby making them collectively available a cultural ambience that is conducive to turn towards spirit. At the individual living, a person is helped by knowledge – or science – in understanding brain, mind, paranormal phenomena etc. and helped to realize the existence of mysterious nature, spirit, their world and laws.
2. New Civilization Zones are visualized as democratic local communities of spontaneous growth born out of the need of time and gradually spreading all over the world. From their very birth, these communities are seen motivated by the spirit of rebellion against the organized immoral force of multinational business corporations operating in tandem with nation-states, which adversely affect individuals’ spiritual well-being and communities’ social harmony. These communities are seen pursuing in different countries vastly different localized objectives of their initiative but still they are seen globally a single force united in certain common and well defined basic principles.
3. One of the most important hallmarks of these communities is that they do not require an outside initiative by an external force for their birth and growth. They do not need the support of some conspiratorial organizational planning at national or international level.
In their birth they are seen spontaneous despite being geographically located in scattered manner in different places. In their growth they are seen multiplying in their location, number and power.
4. Also, it is seen as a slow social process taking place over decades, which may run into centuries to overpower the present civilization. This process is seen fuelled by today’s deep discontent of human spirit and her disapproval of inefficient and wasteful institutions of our civilization. This rejection on the part of mankind seems the sheer historical necessity of our times in the evolutionary march of mankind. The force of human spirit fuels NCZs. What is important is the power of the fuelling force that will propel mankind towards this change. Spirit of human being is caged, bonded, strangulated and humiliated today by our world - this brute civilization - not because this world has no means to allow her to express fully - a joyous living - but because it does not care to listen her voice. It has no value for the human spirit and her wailings for real freedom, which she badly needs to go further and which this world - our civilization - has the means to afford. The force of human spirit is undefeated one; the New Civilization would be ushered in by Time; New Civilization Zones would be brought into existence by this rebellious human spirit. It is only a matter of time. This civilization - the totally dishonest one in its pretentions of providing liberty to human beings - is not immortal; it has no inner strength; it is glittering outside and hollow within.
5. The smallest New Civilization Zone may consist of a few individuals but to survive it must grow further into a community. This Zone is seen as an embryo of a sovereign habitation of human beings governed by its own laws and far superior in quality of its institutions with reference to human-wellbeing in comparison to our present world’s political, economic and cultural institutions. They must grow out of their miniscule size of a few individuals to a status of democratically elected and self-controlling governments of villages, cities and eventually the whole nation. The key to their defense against the strangulation by the old world lies in their superiority of quality of life, of number of people living in these Zones and of their capability in knowledge and technology.
II. The basic principles of New Civilization Zones:
1. NCZ, a community empowered by knowledge:
The community puts the highest premium on knowledge and assigns a grading to different branches of knowledge according to their relative importance to human life. The top slot goes to the human spirit. In these zones individuals are guaranteed the peace of one’s inner life against encroachments by uncalled for economic and political intrusion. In these zones, persons leading their peaceful inner spiritual life are regarded a valuable social asset, as being the fountain of social morality and good of fellow human beings and in return of this valuable contribution by them they are guaranteed means of sustenance without any further demand by molesting them with economic and political pressures. The second grade of knowledge in importance is Science. Out of the best available stuff of community, which has no inclination to pursue spirit’s demand, would be deployed to study science and uncover the mysteries of Nature. Next to the first slot, the highest respect of the community goes to scientists. The fruits of their labor are not available for sale, inside NCZs or outside to the old world. The contribution in the form of edge-technology made by the scientists is exclusively community’s asset, which would be a closely guarded community’s secret (and would be an important element in defending the community against coercion by the outside – old – world). In return for this valuable social contribution, these people would be guaranteed the best of the available means of life’s sustenance. The third slot in importance goes to commercial activities. These activities may be planned by the scientists so as to sub serve the best interests (mind the grading here) of people and would include elements of planned production, distribution and consumption. The rest of the community that is not able to come up to the first three grading would be a valuable human resource to be deployed that may be needed by the community in pursuit of its first three goals.
2. NCZ, a community of more freedom:
The zones are able to provide more economic freedom to individuals by eliminating the immoral element of cornering profits by those who plan and control economic engine in the old world. This is done by planning the three basic elements of economy: production; distribution; and consumption. The consumption element is guided by informed incentive; distribution element is controlled by community; and production element is planned to meet consumption- needs by scientific combination of human and natural resources for optimum output (no wastage of human-energy in the form of unemployment etc. finds place in these NCZs). In NCZs production is a creative enjoyment. These communities are also able to provide more political freedom by employing the information-technology in constantly expressing the will of people in the matter of self-governance. These zones would be transparently self-governed by the available technology and zealously guard themselves against manipulation by money-power (which power would be under social scan and control). Also, these zones would transcend archaic monoliths of religions into the modern day systematic inquiry into things spiritual and thereby provide more cultural freedom.
3. NCZ, a community of fewer needs:
While the dissemination of information of whatsoever nature would be the backbone of these communities, advertisements to psychologically lure people to unnecessary needs would face non-cooperation and boycott of the community. Such activities would be starved of public's response and thus rendered meaningless for generating funds by promoting blind sales of articles of human use.
4. NCZ, a community ensuring its defense by expanding into and absorption of the
old world:
This growth and expansion are the sine qua non for the survival of these zones against the hostile old world. There is a plain truth expressed in these columns, which is long and consistently recognized by leaders of mankind in different ages. It is the force of this truth that would surely find resonance within secret chambers of hearts of billions of ordinary people throughout the world and get amplified over a period of time in the form of a compelling global demand by them for an alternative civilization. NCZs are nothing but this alternative civilization.
5. NCZ, a community owing allegiance to an alternative world and civilization:
By their very definition, NCZs are rival to today’s sovereign nation states. They aspire to absorb and eliminate the modern day nation states (which establish their hegemony by deceitful, immoral and brute force of violence and money, and suppress a justified human spirit’s aspiration for real freedom). These zones rely on the power of people as against that of state. They promote decentralized localism as against centralized multinational-ism. They assert the rights of individual over community, of community over nation and of nation over the globe that is united to usurp individual’s freedom. These Zones make their own political constitutions and laws to govern them as islands amid the ocean of this old world. They print their own local money to give them financial freedom, security and stability. They recruit their own social-volunteers to enforce their laws.
For reading more articles like this one, visit IPC website here More >
4 Nov 2005 @ 18:36, by raypows. Environment, Ecology
I've been here in San Francisco at the Green Business Conference all week. It's hosted by Coop America Amzing networking, visioning and good eats too. I'm here assisting my friends at Zhena's Gypsy Tea who are one of the sponsors and providing the tea service for the conference. This weekend we will also be at Green Fest, the public expo for green lving. My personal intention, greatly fulfilled, was to learn more about the feasibility of EcoSpirit, a Fair Trade gallery and folk craft store and educational center, meet potential investors, do market research, and create relationships within the Green Business community. There have been some really informative keynotes, such as Aveda, Patagonia, Organic Valley and break out sessions.
At events like this I always look forward to the synchronistic and serendipitous that occurs. I've met some composers and video production folks and we are speaking about offering services to the Green Community for their promotional campaigns. My role of course would be producing music and jingles (which I see like musical Haikus). I also offered my services to balance the heady information saturation with my cedar flute and have played several times during the conference.
Check out Coop America's website. They have been leaders for several decades in creating a healthier world. More >
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Entrepreneurs, Money Making (19)
Environment, Ecology (123)
Exercise, Fitness (1)
Extraterrestrials (27)
Farming (14)
Futurism (13)
Globalization (29)
Government, Public Sector (46)
History, Ancient World (38)
Housing, Building, Architecture (10)
Ideas, Creativity (318)
Internet (49)
Inventions (6)
Investigation, Intelligence (23)
Knowledge Management (21)
Legal, Justice (24)
Liberty, Sovereignty (14)
Medicine, Healthcare (46)
Music (30)
Natural Health & Healing (27)
Neighborhood (12)
Networking (19)
Nutrition, Cooking (7)
Old Age, Retirement (4)
Organizational Development (12)
Paranormal (12)
Peace (35)
Performing Arts (9)
Personal Development (80)
Philosophy (94)
Politics (120)
Poverty (4)
Preparedness, Self-Reliance (12)
Privacy, Security (1)
Publishing (3)
Recreation, Fun (59)
Relationships (19)
Religion (40)
Science (48)
Sexuality (16)
Shared Purpose (30)
Social System Design (47)
Space Exploration (23)
Spirituality (391)
Systems Thinking (31)
Technology (37)
Transportation (9)
Travel (22)
Violence, War (103)
Visual Arts, Graphics (63)
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Information and opinions are the responsibility of the posters and do not represent any official position of NCN. Please do your own verification and make up your own mind.
