29 Oct 2005 @ 06:04, by judih. Travel
I've been suddenly struck with intense New York City longing. It happens now and then.
I suddenly smell a concrete Sunday morning, or visualize a Coney Island moment and tears of longing just well up inside.
You, who now live in a new location, possibly under a new name, do you suddenly find yourself the passive victim of interminable nostalgia for the Old Country?
And what do you do to deal?
Please let me know. I don't wanna say I don't love this new place I call home, but all the same, there's a huge vein of deja vu soul patiently stuck in a place I can't get to.
Does this happen to you? And what do you do?
sample of me trying to cope:
Puffin ions at the Fairground
New York tears
puffin ions at the fairground
skyscrapin memories
so close, so utterly distant
touch the smells of bagel steam
chestnut impressions of walk stop walk
how much for a lazy extra moment?
no time no time
sidewalk pushes me past my address
seatbelted, glued to a timeline
electric trivia sparks from behind
how much for a slower passage?
on the splendid dinosaur
polished and painted bright
seizing the brandished diatribe
how much for a cheap seat on the aisle?
oct 29/05
(help! - send me some NYC) More >
28 Oct 2005 @ 13:35, by swanny. Personal Development
I was somewhat reluctant to turn on the computer today, because, well not sure.
And then it occurred to me, there's a question I seem to be asking myself a lot these
days as I approach my 50th birthday. The question is "What's Important?" or more
so What is really important in this life?
So many times of late it seems my time is taken up by somewhat of mere distractions
and illusions and I have forgotten or never really taken the time to consider what is the essence
or "fundement" is of my or this life.
Certainly like many of youth, I wanted to save the world from the dangers of my time, and I tired
but as a mere youth, what could be done. But now with some of the wisdom hopefully and experiences
ganered from life, I find I must seriously sit down and reflect upon this life, my life and the world in general
and chart perhaps a new and different course or at least take the time to understand , to truly understand
the things and reasons for the things that I am doing.
I pointed that out to a dear friend the other day in that so many people seem to be doing things and yet
they seem to lack any understanding of why things are done a certain way or such. I mean they are simply
following orders or rote without having the benefit of the whys and wherefores of their actions. ie People drive cars
and work computers and nuclear stations perhaps without knowing the nuts and bolts of same. It could be
called a "Credibiliiy Gap"or "knowledge gap" or some but this seems done almost to the
point that such is not relavant or an issue and one simply does what ones told because "it works". And why it
works is not necessary to question or understand. This seems somewhat negligent to me...... for some reason.
Because it creates a world or reality ill or poorly founded and grounded.
Anyway thought it would make a good topic of discussion before we go to far in our ignorance and progress
that ....??? well whatever.
Alfred J.
Alberta Canada
October 28, 2005 More >
28 Oct 2005 @ 09:24, by jazzolog. Government, Public Sector
We must be able to let things happen in the psyche. For us, this actually is an art of which few people know anything. Consciousness is forever interfering, helping, correcting, and negating, and never leaving the simple growth of the psychic processes in peace. It would be simple enough, if only simplicity were not the most difficult of things.
---Carl Gustav Jung
To know that you do not know is the best.
To pretend to know when you do not know is a disease.
---Lao Tzu
Give me, kind Heaven, a private station,
A mind serene for contemplation.
---John Gay
Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald (L), who says he doesn't photograph well, arrives at his Washington office October 27, 2005. (REUTERS/Micah Walter)
I like to maintain dialogue with people of conservative philosophies, and several get these dispatches I send to cyberspace from time to time. Apparently a few even read them and sometimes lash back when they get mad. This is OK because usually there are other things at the heart of our friendship...and we just go back to those topics. I'm not being demeaning because there are elements of the conservative view, including the basic tenets of Hobbes, that are very convincing to me. I like best to talk with conservatives because I may be wrong about things and they help me be the first to know when I am.
There are two things I know about conservatives that come to mind this morning. One is they allow more secrecy in planning and government than I like or agree with. They respect the sanctity of the huddle. I must admit the intrusion of television technology onto the playing field can spoil the fun. I do not want to learn what the next pitch is going to be, or what the manager just whispered into the coach's ear. But politics is not a game to me, and if Cheney's energy cronies have carved up the world for their financial gain, using the public office of the Vice Presidency to do it, I want to know!
But the second conservative conviction that I think of today I do agree with and respect tremendously. Conservatives believe in playing by the rules. Fascists don't. They believe in making up rules by "necessity" as they go along. And so conservatives I've been talking to are anticipating the announcements by Fitzgerald today as much as I am. When Miers withdrew yesterday one such associate said to me, "Now we'll get a nominee to replace her so far to the right there won't be a confirmation before Christmas!" His remark helped temper my excitement. More >
27 Oct 2005 @ 14:17, by vector8. Spirituality
Imagine you are all alone with your best friend who happens to be of the opposite sex. There are no other humans. You see everything the same way, and you get on like a house on fire. There is no concept of you and him, you are simply an "us." You are of one mind though you are not consciously aware of this concept. As you are all alone, there is no one for you to compare yourself against, therefore, the concept of beauty doesn't exist. You simply accept who you are and your partner as who he is. You accept nature with its diversity for what it is. You have no concept of lack; everything you need is always there in abundance. There is no sense of power, nor is there a sense of love. There is only a presence that is your life. You are in bliss land. More >
27 Oct 2005 @ 13:02, by scotty. Personal Development
A friend sent me this article - I thought it important enough to post here ...
Invalidation may be the single most damaging form of psychological abuse..... More >
27 Oct 2005 @ 05:22, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
In Grampy’s House
In Grampy’s house down the dusty stairs
No-seeums and skerlies catch ya unawares
They’ll grab you when you turn to go
Make the shutters shake,make the winds to blow More >
26 Oct 2005 @ 06:35, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Hollow’s Fright
By Marissa A Spencer
Don’t walk down the East Lawn Road
Past the marble orchard that is so cold
Where the hills dip and meander ‘round
And night birds call their eerie sound More >
25 Oct 2005 @ 23:03, by ming. Housing, Building, Architecture
Good old Doctress Neutopia is proposing that New Orleans should be turned into the world's first arcology. If you don't know what an arcology is, see here. It is basically building a sustainable city in one big unit, one huge building, instead of letting it spread haphazardly. And if you don't know who Doctress Neutopia is, her name is also Libby Hubbard. She was an Internet celebrity in the early 90s attracting quite a following, and an anti-following too. Her vision of the "lovolution" and her fiery temper made her a tempting target for a bunch of folks who called themselves the Monster Truck Neutopians, celebrating everything that she was against, and hanging out and irritating her at every chance they had. But she's pretty unstoppable. She was also hanging out in NCN for a couple of years. I haven't spoken with her for several years. Anyway, I don't know how practical the New Orleans Arcology thing is, but it is a valiant endavor. What I found most interesting on her site there is the story of the Yaquii Village she adopted, and the description there of old examples of arcology-like buildings in the American south-west. "To think in terms of building a sustainable village, like the Anasazi dwellings, we have to think of designing not a house, but a village. We can not longer afford to think in terms of single family dwellings, but think about what is good for the entire community. When one thinks of all the refugees throughout the world as well as the one's who became refugees through environmental disasters like what happened to New Orleans or the millions of homeless people in the United States, we need to think in terms of building villages within villages, an arcology for millions of people.
What I am visualizing is a mass exodus occurring from our dying civilization to a more evolved, holistic developmental pattern that allows us to have individual freedom along side of the responsibility of the collective. I'm seeing the labor force of the world turning around and moving in a new direction that brings us back in balance with nature by building a network of arcologies.
I'm excited with the idea of arcology as a center of culture, a place where arts are not on the side lines of civilization but are the life blood of the people. Such a vision gives the children of the world a future of human dignity, a future where they can enjoy the revival of now-threatened plant and animal species, and have the time and resources to pursue the adventures of the mind and heart, producing great art, advancing miraculous science, and living with the beauty of star light forever." More >
25 Oct 2005 @ 06:05, by faith1. Relationships
Someone from my past contacted me
with words i still can't believe...
"I love you!"
"I have always loved you!"
... in my flopping around,
like a tuna on the deck...
i found my own council from an old
"Angels Speak!"
(my angels talking to me)
and i wanted to share.
mars retrograde can bring it back
it's what we 'do with it' that matters... More >
25 Oct 2005 @ 04:56, by judih. Death & Dying
24/25 Rosa!
Rosa Parks
you, woman of simple strength
sitting when sitting was a crime
standing up for what you believe,
when what you believed was ignored
changing history in a single decision
inspiring a country with a one-track mind
freedom claimed
when freedom was denied
and here you've gone and died
i won't forget
i won't forget to remind others
i won't forget to do as you did and did again and again
the fight became your fight
the abstractions became facts
i won't forget
dear Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks died Monday, October 24th at the age of 92. Thank you for living your life, dear lady.
judih haggai
oct 25, Israel time.
See Yahoo News:[link] More >
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