16 Oct 2005 @ 07:55, by jazzolog. Performing Arts
The individual becomes perfect when he loves his individuality in the all to which he belongs.
---D.T. Suzuki
Value judgments are destructive to our proper business, which is curiosity and awareness.
---John Cage
When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.
---John Muir
Playwright Harold Pinter in a rare appearance at the Orange Word Screenwriters Programme, at the British Library, in 2004.
Bruno Vincent/Getty Images
I don't remember how I stumbled across Harold Pinter. It must have been in the mid-60s sometime, but I don't know if it was a live performance of a couple one acts or that terrifying Dirk Bogarde movie The Servant. It might have been Anne Bancroft and Peter Finch duking it out in The Pumpkin Eater. All I know is his plays grabbed me by the throat instantly. I already was a fan of Samuel Beckett, and had staged Waiting For Godot as a student in 1960. Pinter was trickier. For a production of The Homecoming in 1974, my colleagues and I felt we had to build a 2 story house in the theater. Getting the pauses right required actors literally to count off seconds to themselves. One of the eeriest moments of my life occurred in the late 60s as I walked along Fifth Avenue, and Pinter and his wife at the time, Vivien Merchant, came towards me, each on either edge of the sidewalk, obviously in the midst of an argument and issuing forth icy silence. In the instant they passed on each side I was living a Pinter play. O why hide it, my whole life has been a Pinter play. Isn't everybody's? More >
15 Oct 2005 @ 10:16, by vector8. Peace
Recently for three days in a row, the Internet was down at the library where I usually post my work. The library staff said we should all complain. I said it was not my style to complain, which I believe negates the excellent service I always receive. The library staff insisted that they are supposed to provide efficient service all the time. They believed their IT department was not going to take the problems seriously unless more people complained. Someone shoved a complaint form in my hands. I took it with me and dumped it in the bin. More >
13 Oct 2005 @ 14:39, by ming. Social System Design
Hm, that's what it says in the tagline of my blog here.
An old rigid civilization is reluctantly dying. Something new, open, free and exciting is waking up.
... I'm trying to remember what I meant. Trying to notice if it makes any sense to me right now.
An old rigid civilization is reluctantly dying. Well, I would only say something rather negative like that if I can point to some kind of alternative. I hold myself to be some kind of optimist, after all.
The old civilization is centralized, bureaucratic, moralizing, closed-minded, unsustainable. Not hard to find many signs of that. But yet it is still there. It has become even more surreal, but it hasn't exactly died. I moved somewhere that was less surreal, but the global civilization hasn't changed much.
So, what's the new and exciting part? Well, in part it was based on a trust in collective intelligence. That somehow, to the degree that people are free to be creative and to communicate, new ways will emerge.
Closed can't compete with open. Owned and expensive can't compete with free. Limited and controlled can't compete with free in the other sense of the word. Boring can't compete with exciting.
At least in the long term. In the short term, those who hold power and control can keep things limited, closed and life-less for quite a while. Based on their ability to manipulate, their ability to coerce people through laws, economic pressure, religious doctrine, etc. We have to make a living, have to stay out of jail, have to appear relatively normal. So there are many things we could do, which maybe we would be more inspired to do, but they don't appear in the short term to be economically viable, legal, or socially acceptable.
My optimism came in part from noticing many little trends that point in the direction of self-organization, of freed creativity, of things becoming free. The Internet is still the best example of that. People making open source software, which is free and of higher quality than closed alternatives. People blogging, sharing their mind, reporting on stuff that otherwise wasn't reported on. People sharing their photos, their music, their thoughts.
But it is a fairly even battle. New ways also appear of making things more closed. Copyright laws are closing more things down, even fair use is at risk. Companies patent large numbers of ridiculous items, like self-evident design elements, software algorithms, business procedures, and life forms.
The media industries try hard to lock down any hardware or software that might play or store or transport any kind of media. They come up with ways of controlling what you do with their words or pictures, to suit their business model. They might succeed in having laws passed, and already have in some places, that make it illegal for you to resist.
I'd like to believe that all of those kinds of efforts will fail, necessarily. But I can't say I am sure.
I believe that sufficiently well-informed people will make different choices. I believe freedom is more powerful than control. I believe creativity beats conformity. I believe there's something inherent in life that makes it impossible to squash in the long run.
I guess the thing to do is to shine the light on the signs of life that appear. The new, open, free, exciting stuff.
And I suppose that's what I'm doing here. I'm just a little out of the habit. More >
13 Oct 2005 @ 07:36, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Hallowe’en Feast
Strange things happen on Hallowe’en
With few survivors of things unseen
You dare to explore the woodland trails
Ignoring the legends and scary tales More >
13 Oct 2005 @ 05:42, by judih. Ideas, Creativity
a dark morning
a sunny thought
a wind-chilled factor
that leaves dreams on fire
a 13th thursday, skateboard and bred
ridicule on the high note
bungee to the low
a pizza in the making
a cloud-burst avenue on the take
wall street crashed, burnt and spent
a tour of a gallery
a stroll in comfort park
barefoot with toenails to squander
a leap down exile boulevard
a Lou Reed with Warhol to spare
a gesture towards anonymity
a sudden revelation
and a quick farewell
judih More >
9 Oct 2005 @ 02:34, by nemue. Environment, Ecology
Yet again Mother Earth has unleashed her fury on the people of the earth with massive earthquakes in Pakistan, Kashmir and India. All reports indicate that the death toll will be in the thousands many young children.
By all reports this most recent earthquake was the biggest to ever hit the Asian region and I fear this will not be last.
Our cousins in Guatemala are also suffering with 1400 people reported killed in mudslides. We are still recovering from the recent hurricanes in the US where once again hundreds of people perished or are no left with nothing.
The questions am now asking myself are – are these events linked? Is this part of the wake-up call for mankind and will these events get even more relentless if we don’t start changing our attitude. Are we manifesting these events ourselves as part of our ever-increasing behaviour of suspicion, hate and self-absorption? I’m OK stuff everyone else this goes for people and the earth. Or is this just part of the grand plan of self-destruction? .
[link] More >
9 Oct 2005 @ 00:56, by swanny. Investigation, Intelligence
Now I accidently learned about "sex" at a very early age.
I suppose I was only hmmm well quite young.
I never thought to much of it and probably always assumed
that everybody else knew what I knew and it was no big deal
or that it was or could be a very big deal.
Well I've had it all or well ???? from girls wanting black babies from
me and I'm sort of white, to girls wanting me to rape them for fun or and girls wanting to get pregant though they had their tubes tied and the latest some girl wanting me to get her pregant without having sex at all....
well whatever
and then it made me think how many people really conscious become pregnant to have kids...???
is it mostly just having sex and opps getting pregant...
pregancy then doesn't thus seem to be a very conscious act for the majority in the world..... and thats somewhat sad I suppose cause most seem to young to understand the concept
and maybe its just to darn simple that male plus female plus sex can get you pregant and for those that want to get pregnant without having sex...
well good luck. The chances or probablity of getting pregant with out having sex is pretty high maybe 1 in 1 billion or I suppose there's turkey basters or fertility drugs or sperm banks my my this seems a major disconnect of humanity. On the one hand theres those who are totally clueless which seems the majority and those that spend millions
well whatever.... More >
8 Oct 2005 @ 21:43, by gsosbee. Activism
In the news: a most unworthy item of value only as an historical piece of evidence of fbi corruption/decadence:
By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post
Former FBI director Louis J. Freeh has denounced Bill Clinton over the scandals that marred his presidency and for his record on terrorism, saying the level of distrust was so great that he stayed in his post so Clinton could not appoint his successor....
Freeh says: "The problem was with Bill Clinton -- the scandals and the rumored scandals, the incubating ones and the dying ones never ended. Whatever moral compass the president was consulting was leading him in the wrong direction. His closets were full of skeletons just waiting to burst out."
Well, beleaguered little louie- The people would be more interested in the skeletons dancing around in your brain regarding the innumerable crimes that you directed throughout your career in the U.S. government. Few today are aware of the killing, torturing and imprisoning of good people at your direction; fewer still may realize that you played a heinous role in the collapse of this government into a fascist regime, even as you failed to prepare for the impending terrorist attack on this country; so, tell us about all the atrocities, violations of fundamental human rights, and gross infractions of U.S. Constitutional rights that you orchestrated, ordered and condoned, louie. **
Finally, my little mental dwarf, how can you speak of moral compass given your hideous record of abuses that will someday bring the people of the world to see you for what you are, a most horrendous and degenerative representative of the human race who by political manipulation and homicidal mindset, managed to attain by deceit and treachery, positions of great power over the people of the U.S. and the world. Print all the rumors, alleged scandals, skeletons, etc., that you can scrape from the fbi and the cia files on every human being on earth; even then your cowardly and torturous character will stand out as an example of the most despicable profile the world has ever known.*** You are remembered as a little man to be at once scorned and pitied for your smallness of mind, heart and soul. Go not in peace, foolish one, but in eternal disgrace.
-------- --------- ----------
* [link]
** for specifics on how louie and gang attempts to force our brothers and sisters into suicide see:
*** Meet Defendant louie who, until the appearance of Sosbee's Writ, was yet an Unidentified Felonious Offender :
From Brownsville, Texas
June 6, 2007
Re: News from June 4, 2007
"PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- The FBI agent [Richard Rose, a Louie Freeh crony/minion] whose investigations brought down former Providence Mayor Vincent "Buddy" Cianci advises him to live below the radar. "
SOSBEE TO ROSE: Better follow your own advice ,PUNK, but that will not protect you from 'storm-the-fbi' scenario that I have set in motion. See the picture (saving me a thousand words)that appears at the bottom of the following link in order to comprehend exactly what the storm is made of:
Tell your fellow homicidal and degenerate friends and associates in the fbi worldwide that I am coming after them [and you] in an intellectual sense and that you have no where to hide. You see, R O S E , I have you all fixed on my cerebral radar for high crimes and misdemeanors against the people of the uSA, for violations of your oaths of office, and for being
"government rat bastards" ( quote from Barbara Hartwell).
From Brownsville, Texas
June 6, 2007
News from May 31, 2007
"By PAT MILTON, Associated Press Writer
Thu May 31, 4:07 PM ET
NEW YORK - Republican presidential contender Rudy Giuliani was endorsed Thursday by former FBI director Louis Freeh, whom he has known for three decades. "
Sosbee adds to the news release as follows:
Well thank you mR. Giuliani; previously I only suspected you of being a criminal (in spirit if not in deed). Now with your silly photo ops with the supremely unethical and conniving chief of the murderous and hideous fbi , Louie Freeh, I can put to rest my previously unanswered questions regarding your character and intentions; sleep with the beast, if you must Giuliana, but don't expect the people to mistake you for a human being.
8 Oct 2005 @ 18:45, by beto. Philosophy
This Theory of Relational Consistency is the scientific post-quantum expression of the Vedic and Buddhist view on Totality, and the solution of the age-old problem of its subjective/objective double face.
The Theory is well developed and scientifically sound in spite of lacking of mathemathical formalization, yet to be provided. More >
8 Oct 2005 @ 15:07, by jmarc. Spirituality
"Never judge a man until you walk a mile in his moccassins." -Some Indian Dude
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." - Albert Einstein More >
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