21 Sep 2005 @ 16:58, by jhs. Ideas, Creativity
(part 1 skipped)
a few words:
pakkha – energize [leap up]
citta – mind [heart]
paviveka - solitude, isolation, not-being-mixed [seclusion]
nekkhamma – not-doing, non-activity, neutralization of polarity [renunciation]
santano – holy, important, an eternal truth. [peace]
paccayo yena – the sequence/dependency of conditions
[PTS collection page 439 bottom]
evametaņ ānanda, evametaņ ānanda,
So it is, Anando. So it is, Anando.
mayhampi kho ānanda, pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato etadahosi:
even for me, Anando, before fully awakened, as a not-fully-awakened-Bodhisattva-Being, I thought:
'sādhu nekkhammaņ, sādhu paviveko'ti.
very good is neutralization (of polarity), very good is not-being-mixed.
tassa mayhaņ ānanda nekkhamme cittaņ na pakkhandati
in this way, for me, Anando, the neutralization did not energize my mind
nappasîdati na santiêêhati na vimuccati,
did not persist, was not stable, was not liberated.
etaņ santanti passato.
“This is holy” was not perceived. More >
21 Sep 2005 @ 10:07, by jazzolog. Activism
Sitting in an outhouse, I concentrated upon this doubt, and as time passed I forgot to leave. Suddenly a violent wind came, first blowing the outhouse door open and then shut again with a loud crash. My spirit instantly advanced and ripped apart my previous doubt; it was like suddenly awakening from a dream, or remembering something forgotten. I began to dance in a way I had never learned, and there are no words to convey my great joy.
A reasonable amount o' fleas is good fer a dog---
keeps him broodin' over bein' a dog, mebbe.
---Edward Noyes Westcott
Corruption is more dangerous than terrorism.
---Hadi al-Amiri, Head of Iraqi National Assembly's Integrity Commission
A British soldier, his uniform in flames, prepares to jump from a personnel carrier during rioting that broke out in Basra when Britain sought the release of two detained commandos. (By Atef Hassan -- Reuters)
Americans love a good night's sleep...and we spend tons of money trying to get one here and there. Maybe we spend more money on it, including fees to psychologists and therapists, than almost anything else. Yes, we need oil for all the stuff in our garages...and flying around in airplanes. And we spend lots more on our obesity problems than we contribute to the world's populations of the starving. And of course there is a fortune to be spent finding a sex partner and getting any enjoyment out of the activities. But mostly we really love to sleep...and hate to be awakened!
So let's say that while you were asleep, certain parties "disappeared" $10 billion from the United States Treasury. And let's also say that your sons and daughters were standing guard at those vaults of marble. Not only that, the 10 billion dollars was to be spent for weapons and protection for those duties your children have accepted. In fact, some of those kids are doing that work to get enough money to go to college. If that happened and it was discovered, do you think the story would be in a newspaper the next morning? Maybe? Definitely? Absolutely not? More >
20 Sep 2005 @ 13:53, by swanny. Politics
Well much as I dislike or question Bush perhaps
maybe he is not entirely at fault
or maybe it is part him and part system
consider the complexity of his position
it would require "superhuman" attributes" to
allow him to function at all even with the
"concessions" and "privileges" his position
affords him.
Maybe the system as well just don't work
anymore in light of the comlexities of the world
so maybe he needs more help than the system allows.
One president did once remark how little power the
president actually has. So I suppose the system
has to be modified perhaps and maybe there should
be "co-presidents" two heads being said to be better
than one.
Anyway would you want his job.....??
Yea maybe since and when these races get so close
it should consitute a "dual win" win win and he should
get on the horn and co run the government with
President II Al Gore ..... power share....
I think between the both of them they could fix this
mess...... maybe......
I mean seriously "really" Bush must have
a zillion things comin at him at once and being
the "dimple" man that he is....
You could divy up the presidential responsibilities
and require unaniminoty on important decisions
that way at least bonehead things would be somewhat
precluded and they should be able to agree on the
no brainers at least....
and then a sort of fuzzy "super majority" would be
somewhat represented....
I suppose they could always flip a coin....
hmmmmmm well maybe not......
but..... food for thought....
maybe the position has grown beyond the one man
or woman concept. Well if not Gore than Gores wife
he has a wife No?
Well I don't know if I like this but I suppose
you could make an arrange to run things with the
UN which is fairly well established and ingrained
in such things. Power sharing with the UN...?????
not sure I terribly like the concept.....
A consultation perhaps between the secretary general
and the president?
a politically elected and appointed body and a publically
elected body
I suppose you could make a rule or a law when
the margin of the vote is 5% or so then it consitutes
a manditory power sharing protocal.
I suppose that means that something psychologically but
hmmmmm interesting that that happened in Canada the US
and now Germany as well
a definate trend it would seem....
Power sharing what a concept is humanity up for it?
Well look at it .....
what is this "trend" of vote splitting really mean
Isn't it saying something like we want "both" or we
want neither.... and since neither is not a viable
option in a modern sense....then youre left with
both yet both is problematic cause nothing much gets done
cause folks can't seem to agree or work together or
Well maybe they're not diameterically opposed per sae
but they're just having trouble being creative
or letting go of their egos
polititions don't seem to be terribly creative no offense
its not on the agenda at times but the people want both
it would seem even though both doesn't work it is probably
still better than one or none ..... why I'm not sure
but at the rare time when they forget their partizanship
then good things can happen.... or when they can balance
things out....
anyway both consider it...... its novel I suppose but its a
evolving world.....
Well look at it again
you didn't really choose bush
it was your supreme court
and hey they aren't no dummies
I can see why they choose bush over
gore ..... gore being somewhat flaky at times
but hey even the supreme court was miffed by this
one.... now if they were the creative types they
might have evoked this power sharing concept
I mean when the diff between the votes is that close
its a fuzzy logical "both" both both I would say
and yes both are probably not just "wanted" but
needed to deal with the complexities of it....
like glen said the magic 7 + 2 one person can only
function so well in a cross fire....
your supreme court as well did the best they could
within the rules of the day but maybe we need a modification
of those rules ..... will it work ..... the people seem
to think so ..... the voters ..... its what they sort of
suggesting and wanting even though its somewhat unspoken and unprecidented
it will have to work won't it..... what are the other options
what we just came through .... gosh spare us the details....
that was a bit of a rite of passage aye?
Alfie More >
19 Sep 2005 @ 15:01, by mahendra. Spirituality
Pranayama, then, means energy control. This energy control is often effected with the aid of breathing exercises. Hence, breathing exercises have also come to be known as pranayamas.
Patanjali’s reference is to the energy control that is achieved as a result of various techniques, and not to the techniques themselves. His word signifies a state in which the energy in the body is harmonized to the point where its flow is reversed—no longer outward toward the senses, but inward toward the Divine Self that lies in the hearts of all beings. Only when all the energy in the body can be directed toward this Self can one’s awareness be intense enough to penetrate the veils of delusion and enter superconsciousness.
The very energy with which we think is the same energy that we use to digest our food. To test this claim, consider how difficult it is, after a heavy meal, to think about weighty problems, and how clear the mind becomes after a fast. To divert all the energy from the body to the brain cannot but intensify one’s awareness, and the keenness of one’s understanding. To direct this energy inwardly is the first step in divine contemplation.
Prana is the life force which is the underlying, activating power within all creation. 'The word prana translates as breath, life and energy .Yogananda gave us the example of a car battery: if there is no energy in the battery nothing will make the car move. You can fill it with gas and water, yet nothing will happen without the battery power. It is the same with us; no amount of nutritious food, water, etc, will power the body if prana is not present.
The breath acts as a strong stimulus to the flow of life force in the body. These pranayama (prana - life force; yama - control) exercises enable us to, through the medium of the breath, strengthen, control and harmonize the flow of prana in the body.
As we work with the breath/prana within us, we can profoundly change our consciousness. More >
18 Sep 2005 @ 12:45, by silviamar. Networking
When you first join NCN you are like a traveler landing on a new place, carrying your own expectations & doubts, and seeing lot of things around that you may not understand well... Imagine that there is somebody at the airport waiting for you to welcome you and show you the place. Don't you think that it would be much easier for you if such a friendly person were there? You would feel better and more confident to make your first steps in that new land. With these thoughts in mind, I've started the Landing group. We can set up a warm atmosphere for those who join, to encourage them to do their first steps here. More >
18 Sep 2005 @ 11:10, by maxtobin. Environment, Ecology
Maybe they did not want to save anyone after all?
It seems more important who you know and not what you have done, rather what you claim to have done seems to be enough as long as there are friends in all the right places (see how they run away when the mud gets between the toes).
Until the manure hits the ventilator!!!! But then its merely time to be the sacrifical donkey (hey is that a tail you are pinning on me) and move on to even greener pastures. (I guess back to the Arabian Horse Association is one option!)
It would merely be a big joke if not for the millions dispossesed experiencing very real earth changes to help them remember the need for a greater harmony on the planet. And then along comes the Duct Tape Expert to finish the job?
As long as people feel so disempowered that they seek to control the rest of the world before seeking their own inner light /dark balance (integrity = internal integration), then we will continue to experience the balanced force of the oneness as beyond us and not to be understood. The Creator has not yet finished the work of creation and we humans are the engine of the dominant (domination and dominion have the same root) vehicle currently in fashion on Gaia. One wonders where this journey may take us next.
The lessons are like a massive layer cake piled one on top of the other, however, I sense that in the chaos of these events many will forget that there is no real nourishment in cake, but it tastes good while you reflect on the needs of the moment and ask the only (IMHO) real question that emerges, "What is for the highest and Best good of All" and we is talking about more than human needs now by George....
Read the Articles.... More >
18 Sep 2005 @ 10:52, by jazzolog. Environment, Ecology
The truth is where the truth is, and it's sometimes in the candy store.
---Bob Dylan
I played the wrong wrong notes.
---Thelonious Monk
The path up and down is one and the same.
Natures Bounty by Severin Roesen
There are some people in the United States whose faith is shaken in private initiatives to confront various challenges to continued life on this great globe. The news these last few days has been particularly daunting. We need to go through it, and I hope this entry will be helpful to establish your focus in the coming week at least.
Let's begin with the exhaustive chronicle of the Katrina disaster to the Gulf Coast assembled by FactCheck.org on Friday. The group already has edited the timeline twice as additions and corrections have been offered, including one from FEMA. They begin with warnings about the Lake Pontchartrain levees from FEMA itself in July of 2004. Bookmark this one for future reference~~~
[link] More >
18 Sep 2005 @ 05:01, by uncleremus. Spirituality
Is there a reality? Are there many realities? Who or what, if anything, creates reality? Is there anything that has to be true about a reality, which might happen to exist, or can it be an indeterminate flux?
More >
17 Sep 2005 @ 21:06, by scotty. Spirituality
Everywhere I go these last few days I seem to keep tripping over comments about some mysterious manuscript called Unlock Reality !!
It has people fairly buzzing - but the funny thing is hardly anyone seems to have read it ! The ones who claim that they have read it say that they promised not to talk about it !
Has anyone here ever heard anything about it ?
I'm begining to think that it's maybe a publicity stunt for a new book about to come on the market - or a film !
Whaddya think guys 'n gals ??
..... here are some of the comments that I've been finding More >
17 Sep 2005 @ 07:07, by mahendra. Medicine, Healthcare
Pranayama is an important, yet little known part of Yoga. Its techniques have been practiced for centuries by ardent students of Yoga in remote ashrams, and have been preserved for us through many generations both in practice and in handwritten books. Until recently, this art and science of Yogic breathing was almost completely unknown to the common man like many other ancient Indian arts. Those who knew it used to be very reluctant to share their knowledge and experience with anyone, unless a student proved by tests that he was ready to receive it. During the last three decades, however, this situation has changed; and subjects such as Yoga, pranayama, meditation, and even Kundalini, are being discussed all over the world, not only by Yoga teachers, but also by the general public and by scientists. More recently, various techniques of Yoga have begun to attract the attention of physicians, therapists, and medical consultants. It is common to find both patients and doctors who can narrate their own experiences about the cure of various diseases by using Yoga techniques. It has been proved beyond doubt that Pranayama is a very important means for preventing and curing many ailments. Its aim is to bring the traditional knowledge of this great art of the common man, it can be used without much external help for the maintenance as well as the restoration of health.Its keeps diseases away by using the age-old techniques of Pranayama More >
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