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 Love is in Control4 comments
8 Sep 2005 @ 11:33, by swanny. Music
By A. G. Jonas

Once, when I was young, in Love, I did believe.
Then the world... it came....
And broke the heart of me.

But Love is in control,
Despite the way it seems,
Yes Love is in Control,
Its what I still believe.

The mystery of Life, is more than we can know.
Yet here we live.... in war and peace....
And Gardens that we grow.

Oh yea Love is in control,
Despite the way its seems,
Yes Love is in control
Its what I must believe,
Its what I still believe.

(c) 2005
Canada  More >

 Minnesota Coalition to Aid Hurricane Katrina Survivors1 comment
picture 6 Sep 2005 @ 06:20, by magical_melody. Preparedness, Self-Reliance
Minnesota and Wisconsin
We need your assistance!

MN Coalition to Aid Hurricane Katrina Survivors
And Mission From Minnesota Concert for Hope For Hurricane Katrina

Volunteers Meeting 6th September: [link]

MN Coalition to Aid Hurricane Katrina Survivors
And Mission From Minnesota Concert for Hope
For Hurricane Katrina Survivors
Wednesday, September 7th at 7:30 p.m.
Plaza Verde
1516 E Lake Street (Next to Heart of the Beast Theater),
Minneapolis Minneapolis, Minnesota - [link]

Minimum Donation: $20 or $10 plus an item needed by hurricane survivors: sturdy shoes and clothes, new socks or underwear, diapers, formula, bedding, school supplies, hygiene supplies. Funds raised will be used for fuel and other expenses to bring desperately needed supplies to Louisiana evacuees. Donations are tax-deductible  More >

 Weather Modification Operations5 comments
picture6 Sep 2005 @ 04:46, by bushman. Conspiracy
"To establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes."

Now what exacly does that mean? Lets see, why pass a bill? Might be because they already have been modifing the weather, many people world wide after almost 10 years of constant chemtrail spraying, are finaly seeing whats going on over thier heads, so no they want to pass a bill that says basicly, if we the gov, or one of our contractors wants to do some weather modifing, they can do it by law. What states senetors and reps dont vote for it? Shall they see , um, heavy rain and wind?
It dosnt take a rocket scientist to see whats before us, and fact is you and I both know the gov tech is 35 to 50 years ahead of what we get to see, dosnt that say something? Logic dictates, to me anyway, why would you need to pass a weather modification bill, unless the tech has been tested tryed and true?

The full bill on page 2.
Here's the patent.
Here's the device.
[link]  More >

 Other Forces9 comments
4 Sep 2005 @ 15:54, by swanny. Government, Public Sector
Wow they're estimating over "10,000" dead
in New Orleans
I can't recall of ever ever hearing of
that many American Civilians being killed
at one time. Even 911 was less.
The sad truth though is that they knew this
was coming and had been predicting it.
Not sure what to make of the complacinsy then.
Did people perhaps not care that they were
about to die?

Strange..... most strange....

This is a disconnect of major proportion
it would seem that there may have been
other forces at work here then....

What I am not sure

Are we that asleep.... at the wheel....

comfortably numb....

What "other forces" may have been about...???  More >

 Her birthday (su cumpleaños)14 comments
picture 3 Sep 2005 @ 12:36, by silviamar. Ideas, Creativity
This morning I've wakened up with one year more. Is this event so important in my life to celebrate it? My answer it YES! You never know if you're going to have another birthday. Last August 9th could have been my last day in this life, no more birthdays for me. But I'm still here in this world and I would love to celebrate each of those days. But as 365 days of party would be too much, at least I'm going to celebrate this special day with my family and friends.

What else can I wish this day apart from what I have right now: life, a home and people who I love and who love me?. Well, yes, I have another wish, I wish the same that I have for every being in this world. I'm not as happy as I was in my previous birthdays, because tears are coming to me everytime I watch the news about the tragedy left by Katrina. There, many people won't have a birthday anymore, and many more don't have a home, food, water, medicines... they feel lost and hopeless. And I feel helpless. My wish for this year is that they will be able to recover their lives as soon as possible, and that those children will have a much better future than their current present.

Thinking about the hopeless feeling I remembered this poem, that I wrote two years ago for one of my best friends in her birthday, she was suffering a pretty strong depression and was feeling hopeless. Her daughter and her parents were very sad for her, as I was too. Fortunately she's much better now. As always, I'm including also the Spanish original version.  More >

 Operation: "Media Rescue"5 comments
2 Sep 2005 @ 15:25, by swanny. Broadcasting, Media
It has just occured to me that
the "media" seems the only one getting
through to these areas and they seem to have a willingness
and perhaps "duty" to help so if the could be
contacted and coordinated and use their resources
and experience to provide relief in the Katrina
disaster.... it would go a lot farther then providing
mere "news".. and rehtoric..
Any way I think the media has more of a conscience
in this concern any way..... more of a willingness
towards the truth somehow.........
I know the media is supposed to be "objective" and "non- partisan" but saving peoples life is neither of these but our
duty to our fellow human beings....... and the "necessity of the moment......"..
The media has resources and maybe some of these resources
can be tapped for the immediate concern....

previous posts.....

I was just wondering what can be done in the
interm for these people and I thought
maybe different states could "adopt" a family
for a couple of months if they feel they can
be so willing and have the room.
This is kind of an emergency and "unprecidented"
situation and calls for creative and extreme
measures. Perhaps some of the "military" dollars
could be channelled to the "crisis" at home...

and of course the dikes will have to be strengthed
renewed and redeployed and the water pumped from
the area and a general cleanup. Where is the
"national guard here" and the "minute" men?

anyway when our city was recently flooded it was
found that the quickest way to convey and coordinate
the information and news from city hall was the
cities web site. It was easier and more convient for
people to access than the traditional media and
the web page staff seemed there around the clock
with current and breaking updates.

Just some ideas

A disaster of similar proportions occured
in Amsterdam in 1953...

It is therefore not necessary in this situation
to totally reinvent the wheel but learn
from some of the lessons they acquired.

Dutch Background = [link]

Well hmmmmm then if your Government is not prepared to help
these people then I suppose you the people will have
to help these people.

Perhaps the Officials have just become to good at shuffling paper when a shovel is the instrument required.

Lets do it then shall we?

Well first since the "necessities" are in short
supply every one in the effected area will have
to understand that "rationing" could be in effect
and perhaps a "curfew" to dissaude and
discern the looters
perhaps food coupons could quickly be issued.
And bottle water immediately be ceased and diverted to the state under "disaster" authorization.

Top priority
In order to contain disease outbreak
the sewage and dead matter with have to be
collected, contained and disposed of.
Also the city hall should be sequestered
as a temporary headquarters.
And work and volunteer crews assembled to
carry out the directives.

I suppose someone should dig up the cities
disaster relief plan as I take that is a
requirement for all cities.

As well NASA should be consulted to determine if
any more possible systems will be moving into the
area so people should be on stand bye in case another
system should move in and repeat evacuation be required.
This may be a "new" trend as far as the effects and consequence of the land mass movement of
the 2004 Asian Tsunami....
So don't go home just yet....
Analysis and assessment of these possible "new" weather patterns should be initiated and cooridinated.
It may actually be that the city may have to be
abandoned or greatly resturctured in the face of change.

I suppose my point would be
that it is a little to late for hindsight

and it is a time of "action" grasshopper
you must contact those "responsible"
and "insist" that they do the job that is
required or insist that some else with
the capacity do it......

why berate the obvious when people are
dying ....

email a letter to the editor
email amensty international
email the white house
email congress
email the UN
email the Red Cross
email the National Guard
email the Homeland Protection Agengy
email your senator
and all those appropriate

the people "MUST" speak to the appropriate
and "RESPONSIBLE" administration

act grasshopper

it is to late to blame and criticize  More >

2 Sep 2005 @ 03:36, by janos. Religion

Vamos falar abertamente sobre nossas religiões. Algumas pessoas acreditam que não há problema algum em participar de uma instituição, seita ou filosofia que nega, enfaticamente, que o lugar, o habitat natural do ser humano seja o planeta Terra. Antizero  More >

 Perfektions-Angst (TM)5 comments
picture31 Aug 2005 @ 09:47, by jhs. Philosophy
my personal fear, trademarked, perhaps, hehehe

Perfektions-Angst (TM)

Said the Fool to the Wise Man: why don't you tell me what you are afraid of most, Wise Man? I can see it in your eyes!

Answers the Wise Man: Fool, you can't see yourself! How can you see in my eyes what I don't know?

The Fool: don't you see it, Wise Man, or are you just afraid to see what you witness?

Says the Wise Man: Fool, you do everything to not be perfect. That's how you are always happy!

The Fool: you do everything to be perfect, that's how you are never happy!

The Wise Man: Dear Fool, this is the desire of everything conscious in the world: to become perfect.

The Fool: Wise Man, tell me, in all the time the Universe had to evolve... why didn't it happen yet?

The Wise Man: if something becomes perfect, it has reached its end. Hence, it ceases to exist! Ergo, it cannot be observed!

The Fool: neat trick, Wise Man. But tell me what happens exactly if something is coming close to be perfect? Just this tiny moment before happens what can never happen, what happens?

...  More >

 Weather War46 comments
31 Aug 2005 @ 07:28, by vaxen. Conspiracy
Concerning the ''disaster'' brought on by hurricane ''Katrina'' I made a little comment earlier on in one of the chat rooms, here at NCN, concerning how people would do well to research scalar weather war. I was immediately branded nuts and also it was alleged that I was engaging in ''conspiracy theory'' thus nothing that I had to say or was intimating should be taken with more then a grain of salt.

I do realize that for people brought up on the poison milk of Hollywood lies and deception and the National Medias coverage of ''world affairs'' something like New Orleans being just the ''latest'' in an alarming ''series'' of scalar weather war attacks on the USA probably seems like so much jaded Sci Fi. I can assure you that it isn't. But don't believe me. Read the article below and for heavens sake and maybe even your own survival in the years to the research!

Find some pieces of the puzzle---

"Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations.It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important."

[Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia , Athens , Apr. 28, 1997].

A battle in the skies is waged daily. Some battles are won and others lost. We yet know not which. For years this massive global project has been under way, but only now is it making it to the forefront of the consciousness of those with curious minds. These open minds know that every belief system fails; and only fails, under the weight of new truthful information. This is how progress is made, slowly and often only with the passing of a generation of humankind.  More >

30 Aug 2005 @ 22:33, by jmarc. Environment, Ecology
New Orlean's mayor says all of the remaining people in the city must be evacuated. Two levees have busted so far , and water is pouring into the city.  More >


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