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 Gracias a la vida3 comments
picture30 Aug 2005 @ 15:39, by uncleremus. Music
Gracias a la vida
Violeta Parra

Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
me dio dos luceros que cuando los abro
perfecto distingo lo negro del blanco
y en el alto cielo su fondo estrellado
y en las multitudes el hombre que yo amo.  More >

28 Aug 2005 @ 18:29, by astrid. Environment, Ecology

I love it! In Upsala,(among other placer in) Sweden, this kind of co-creativity has been implememted by the City for decades, if not 'always'-which really might be the case!
In Upsala; Celcius' Angstroem's Linne's etc Home/University- town, in the Public City Park ( like the Central Park in New York ) there's Fruit trees all over and the Public is allowed to eat/harvest the Fruit of the trees as it sees fit/as it pleases them! I have enjoyed many a delicious apple and pear from these - by now - very old trees.  More >

 Divine Health, Rejuvenation & Immortality Decree/Invocation4 comments
picture28 Aug 2005 @ 18:14, by freo7. Activism
Divine Health, Rejuvenation & Immortality Decree/Invocation

By ZaKaiRan (my divine masculine compliment)

By Divine Decree, with the Power, Love and Grace of God-Goddess, the 7 Mighty Elohim, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, and my God Presence and all the divine forces associated with health on all levels, I invoke and command for the active creation, embodiment and result of the highest possibilities of gracefully and easily having and maintaining constant optimum physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and rejuvenation, on multidimensional and soulular levels, across time and space. I also command and request for every possible support necessary for the complete and continuous manifestation of perfect health, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually throughout all aspects of my beingness, including my Soul/Souls, Soul extensions, previous inhabitant (for walk-ins) and my entire genetic lineage, across space, time and dimension.

I command and request to my God Presence and for all these divine forces of Love and Light to continuously create complete alignment of my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies; all of my energy bodies, body systems, organs, meridians, glands, cells, bacteria…, and for all of them to work/play together in complete wholistic unity. I also open and allow for a full and intimate connection with my Divine Spirit, Guardian Angels, Councils… for optimum body-mind-emotional health and balance.

And I invoke and command with the full force of my divine beingness and all the forces of healing and creation for the complete release of all non-health, non-immortality oriented disease, pain, suffering and death oriented programs, beliefs, vows and agreements, across space time and dimension, for myself, my Soul/Souls, soul aspects, soul extensions and genetic lineage! I release all of these to the Light and any elements that may have been supporting the maintenance of any of these agreements, vows, beliefs, programs, implants…

I ask for a complete multi-dimensional healing and karmic clearing/healing and absolution for all aspects of my beingness in regards to health and healing, and for the complete release, healing and forgiveness of all past lives of disease and death, and associated traumas, vows, agreements, memories, regrets, curses… And I Call to the Archturians to remove any implants, programs and soul fragments from my Soul/Souls, soul aspects and genetic lineage, for their healing and forgiveness. And I call to the Karmic Board for complete karmic absolution and healing of all their records related to these lifetimes, and between all beings associated with these lifetimes. I send Love to all of these aspects of myself to release all of these programs and lifetimes and forgive all experiences that created them to experience disconnection, illness and adopt beliefs and vows of illness, disease and death. I call to all my Souls, soul aspects and genetic lineage and I ask you all to accept divine health and physical and spiritual immortality as our natural way, reality and birthright.

I call to the 7 Mighty Elohim and the Lemurian Emissaries to download into me the original blueprints of the Divine Human, for the graceful and easy activation of dormant DNA and limitedly functional glands and other systems. For the activation of my DNA and all my physical and energy body systems to their divine potential, for the full and complete embodiment of my God-Goddess-Christ Presence and creation of my Christ Body, my immortal body of light. I accept and embody this divine presence that I truly am now and forever. I allow this Christ-Body to create for me a life and experience of true unconditional love and divine creation.

I also request the graceful and easy ability to energetically, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually deal with the increased levels of light and love that I embody through the continuous opening and expansion of my Heart and subsequent mutational symptoms that I may experience from these activations, (manifesting as flu and cold like symptoms, aches, pains, mucous, memory loss, time displacement, headaches, vision loss, gland swelling…).

I also invoke, request and command for a complete interdimensional immunity activation, for a mega immunity boost, and continuous quantum support for my immune system to function at peak efficiency, with the graceful and easy ability to align to, transmute and release toxins, unbeneficial bacteria, physical and etheric parasites and implants, viruses, heavy metals, radiation, drugs, genetically modified foods…, and anything detrimental to my system’s health and anything that is not in alignment with my Soul.

I request and command for a continual download, upgrade, activation and integration of the most accelerated and complete health, immortality, rejuvenation, maintenance and Light-Body programs available. And for the most optimum complete DNA, endocrine gland, meridian… and body system transmutation programs.

I also command and request for a complete connection/reconnection to and alignment with Mother Earth/Gaia, Buddha (our planetary logos [embodier], formally Sanat Kumara), and all the elements needed for this perfect health, including Light-Body/DNA/gland/chakra activations, karmic absolution, record clearing, forgiveness…, and support from all the Devas, Faeries, dolphins, whales, unicorns, ancient shamans…, and assistance from the galactic, dimensional healing, light body activation and mutational assistance teams.

I open to, allow, request and command for continuous support including multidimensional Ascension healings, activations and Divine Healing energies from (insert whoever you desire) Doctor Lorphan and the Galactic Federation of Healers, the Healing Angels, Sai Baba, the 7 Tibetan Healers, from the extraterrestrial Light-Body specialists: the Archturians, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Sirian Light League, Ascended Master’s, Ashtar Command…, and the Hathors (the Heart/Love specialists), MAP Teams… and the karmic record keepers and karmic board. And a release healing and forgiveness of anything that might be impeding a complete alignment with Gaia or any of these support teams.

I also request and command for the ability and capacity to always know and receive the most optimum healing arts and abilities, and to manifest the most accelerated and balanced healers available. And the ability and capacity to be able to always heal myself and keep myself in the most optimum health. I also request all of the healing energies of: Reiki, Sekhem, Seichem, Pranic Healing…(insert whatever you desire), and all healing arts such as: Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Homeopathy…, and unnamed arts, be integrated and made available to me.

I also open to all physical and energetic exercises, reCreation, communion, such as: swimming, running, hiking, Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gung, Falun Dafa, tiddly winks…, and anything that may assist with my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. And I release any sloth, lack or laziness programs such as: “there’s not enough time”, “I don’t have enough energy”... And I tap into, open up to and integrate with my bodies natural knowing of its optimum needs, including: food, drink, temperature, planetary location, exercise, sex, posture, sleep patterns…

And I decree, command and open to realize that I am and will always be doing the right thing, with the right people, in the right places, at the right time.

I also request and command to the manifesting powers for the creation and manifestation of more than enough money and resources to support the purchase of any needed foods, juicers, supplements, herbs, products and therapies, for my optimum health, rejuvenation, immortality, balance, centeredness, nurturance…and to always have an abundant supply of money to purchase whatever is needed for the creation and maintenance of my optimum health and mission!

I call to myself everything that my cells, organs, blood, bones, tendons, ligaments, glands, healthy bacteria…, need for their optimum health and happiness. And I thank Mother Earth and the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms for providing everything that I need for optimum health and happiness. And I thank all the support teams who have helped me thus far and will help me in the maintenance of my divine health, the embodiment of my Divinity and realization of my Divine Magnificence.

This I do decree, in the name of God-Goddess-All-That-Is,

and my own Divine God-Goddess Presence!

And So It Is!

In Divine Health & Immortality,

I AM ZaKaiRan

And I second this motion @ 100%.
I AM Ahanda Kahsii AHA!

Brenda McCann - aka Freo`7
Idaho Indigo Earth & Beyond...

(P.S. Please insert any healing teams, ascended masters and anything else that you think of into this invocation to suit yourself and pass it forward).

This DECREE is an excerpt from the Ascension Master’s Toolkit: AT: [link]


LOVE IS US: [link]
SO WHY FIGHT IT? "just surrender and BE IT!"  More >

 Feedback for a New Copyright and Disclaimer Text8 comments
picture28 Aug 2005 @ 17:52, by jhs. Communication
Going to publish some more books soon and look for a new copyright disclaimer.. Would be very interested to hear some feedback, more ideas.. etc

Copyright and Disclaimer

The concepts and ideas presented in this book are part or are given to the public domain.

It is the expressed intention of the author that the information given in all of his books may never be used to create any of the following:

- an organized religion or cult
- a system of healing, whether spiritual, emotional or physical
- any kind of financial advice
- methods or strategies to extract money from others without proper exchange
- any form of justification to intentionally inflict harm, whether spiritual, emotional or physical, to a creature, in whatever realm or body it may be dwelling
- any form of political movement or thought system.

Further...  More >

 Stay Hungry Stay Foolish16 comments
28 Aug 2005 @ 08:21, by vaxen. Spirituality
"You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Everything else is secondary."
-- Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, in Stanford Report, 2/3/05
August 28, 2005  More >

 Wierd Dream
picture 26 Aug 2005 @ 20:52, by jmarc. Altered States
I am at the local television station for some unknown reason. I am standing with a group of people in some sort of informal meeting.  More >

 What to believe ? Which Truth is True ?
picture 24 Aug 2005 @ 12:34, by scotty. Spirituality
Sometimes I have the impression that I'm being bombarded with new information new insights or discoveries that overwhelm my ability to comprehend!

New ideas which challenge my understanding and above all challenge my ability to be open-minded and flexible - they conflict with my built in sense of 'reason' !

But ! Is reason alone sufficient for us to adequately understand the world ??

The following links I've posted here are the ones that I'm looking at currently - I think it'll do me good to start looking at questions that quite frankly make me feel uncomfortable sometimes !
At first reading I felt that most of the things they say were 'crazy' to say the least - but then I know too that a lot of people sincerely believe the truth of them.
Sometimes Truths are found in the most uncomfortable of places ... so at least I'm going to venture there !

" A happy man is the one who possesses consciousness. But happier is the one that does not possess it ".

"It was Mark Twain who said he thought he knew it all as a teenager and thought his father was quite dumb and that by the time he had reached his twenties, he was surprised at how much his father had learned in such a short time. Who is more dangerous, the young (or old) fool who thinks he is wise or the wise man who thinks he may be a fool?" ... [link]

Chem trails etc [link]

The Reptilian Agenda [link]

The Cranks Net .. [link]

Goddess Mystery - The Shining Ones - Tolkein Science - etc etc [link]

 The Good News5 comments
22 Aug 2005 @ 20:55, by vaxen. Violence, War
This past week, the lead "national news" story on AM radio seemed to be the forced evacuation of Gaza. Cindy Sheehan was a close second.

Every half hour, heartbreaking stories of crying Israeli soldiers and screaming American and Israeli protestors led the national news in the American heartland. Radio interviews with protestors in Gaza revealed one reason for the apparent U.S. media interest – several protesters spoke English with a clearly American accent.

But the second aspect of this story is cause for libertarian celebration. The Israeli settlers live courtesy of the state. Their assigned land, homes, security, transportation, and employment in the occupied territories are entirely subsidized by the Israeli government, and those countries who subsidize Israel. No doubt, another reason for Americans to care.  More >

 New Toy
picture 21 Aug 2005 @ 01:11, by jmarc. Technology
Well, this is pretty cool.
Wireless headphones for the computer.  More >

 What if ?
picture 20 Aug 2005 @ 22:08, by scotty. Spirituality

What if... for some reason or other you were to find out you only had one day to live ?

I mean Really ! Think about it !
One day !

What would you do ?

What would you think ?

What would you feel ?

What would you want to teach your children before you died ?
What would you want to share with your family ?
What would you want to say to your dearest friend for the last time ?

Who would you want to spend your time with ?

What would you want to spend your time thinking about ?  More >

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