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 Prisons Abolished0 comments
20 Aug 2005 @ 17:19, by gsosbee. Spirituality
To the wealthy of the world (and to those who have a wealth of love for humanity): you are men and women in this life and in the next Gods as you join in the world's greatest adventure.
The object today is to free all prisoners in one prison (say, Folsom), then to use the same refined techniques (as gained from the enterprise) to do the same for all prisons and jails on earth until at long last our brothers and sisters are no longer caged and tortured by our misguided brethren. Any person confined for inability to stop killing, torturing and otherwise destroying human lives will need special attention. All the rest have the chance to participate in the emancipation of human kind from the grips of a raging and out of control tyrannical global regime which must be stopped.
Gather the richest philanthropists on earth, set a goal of a hundred billion for the initial funding, gain pledges of support from teams of lawyers, doctors, teachers and laymen (including former prisoners), etc., and set out on the most ambitious humanitarian project of all times, the goal of which is no less than to create a new civilization born from the highest ideals of mankind and from the kindred spirit (soul) that links us all together as one.
Do this and all the world will salute you, not just as the success of the mission becomes known in our time, but for generations to come as far into the future as one can possibly imagine. Put this idea into a supercomputer model, apply social, economic, and political implications that may be associated with such an endeavor, and note the factored results of your accomplishments in our very own world. God's Speed.
From Brownsville, Texas
September 22, 2006
Sosbee writes: Private prisons are an abomination and should be put out of business.
From the lcs site shown below:
LCS Corrections Services, Inc. is an industry leader in the development and operation of privatized correctional facilities. The company offers a complete range of prison and correctional related services to local, state, and federal agencies. "
See also info on Wackenhut:
For definition of "torture" see:

 Departure from India3 comments
20 Aug 2005 @ 03:18, by b. Travel
The monsoon rains became a biblical torrent that brought four feet of rain to the city of Bombay in one day. I saw mosquitoes that looked as big as bumble bees. I was bit more then a few times. I had already booked on a flight out that was cancelled a number of times due to the rains.  More >

 What are we? or how are we?6 comments
19 Aug 2005 @ 23:37, by indican. Spirituality
I was hiking through the forest the other day. Stomping and tripping all over the place trying to find the best way through the bush. No matter which way I was choosing to go, I was faced with a frustrating and treacherous path. (actually no path at all). All I was focused on was how nice it would be to get through this and be home.

I finally came through the other end of the woods and was home... I felt victorious. I had conquered the forest and came out the winner. But had I really won anything?

Today I made my way home again through the same mess. Due to the frustrations of the last hike, I was obligated to take my time and be patient and aware. As I slowed, sometimes halting for several minutes, nature would begin to open doors for me. The paths that seemed barred by trees and deadwood gave way much easier when I calmly asked them to allow passage instead of barraging through them like a lunatic.

I was uplifted higher on this walk compared to the one before. The animals and foilage were brilliantly interesting when I presently observed it all patiently. I realized that chaos in the form of my own thoughts were to blame for this misinterpretation of mother nature.

How I passed through nature was the factor of my admiration. Thus, Passing with patience and awareness, creating ease, caused the effect of admirable communication with nature (my surroundings). Alternately, passing with chaos, terribly frustrating.

I have often asked the questions; "Who am I?" or "What am I?" But now ask; "How am I?" ..."How" defined as "the cause" For "How I am now".  More >

picture 19 Aug 2005 @ 20:20, by ming. Technology
Yesterday I was at the launch event for 23 in Copenhagen. I'm on vacation in Denmark at the moment. "23", spearheaded by Thomas Madsen-Mygdal, is a photo storage and sharing website. Well, there are several of those already, but these guys seem to have gone a good deal further and really created a system that does what most people actually need and want. It seems quite suited to replace whatever local program you store your digital photos in. I use iPhoto. 23 does most of what iPhoto does, and most of what Flickr does, and some things none of them do. While still appearing very simple. You can add photos a number of ways. By e-mail, by an upload, either individually or as a zip file, from a URL, or from plugins to iPhoto or similar programs. You can organize your photos in a number of ways, like tagging them and putting them in albums. You have finegrained control over who can look at the photos. They can be all private, they can be public, or you can give particular people access to particular photos or albums. You can subscribe to photos from certain people or with certain tags. Even with a free account you can upload lots of photos, and with a very cheap paid account you have unlimited storage. Doesn't scare them at all that lots of folks are going to upload the multiple gigabytes they have on their disks already. The system is very new so you might well run into quirks, or things that aren't there yet. And there are less than 100 users right now. But overall it seems very well designed. They've thought a lot about the usability, and interviewed many people about how they use photos and what they need. Anyway, be one of the first to check it out.  More >

 911 "Solved"4 comments
19 Aug 2005 @ 18:35, by swanny. Altered States
"How Odd?"
08-19-05, 10:32 am (PDT)
Well perhaps I'm dreamin (pinches self)
*pain* nope.....
well I'm not positive and don't really have any
proof or evidence or other capable witnessness
but something seemingly odd seemingly occurred
You know those motion sensor alarms for cars
that go off at the most annoying moments
well one just went off here and then the cause
for it going off seemed to happened
what I seemingly or apparently witnessed was
the cause coming after the effect....
a time warp...
what a strange sensation.... and manifestation
maybe it was just a conincidence....
the time is Friday 11:28 AM MDT August 19, 2005

well how is things ...???


what is clear....?

the sky is clear and sunny....

the alarm sounded and then the simulus to set off the alarm
occurred or seemingly


not sure


not really



well if cause can follow effect then that sort of upsets


Member since 1-9-03 1. "RE: How Odd?"
08-19-05, 10:41 am (PDT)
In response to message #0

Do you suppose thats .....
no thats crazy but....

Our PM said 911 was an "effect"
do you suppose the cause for 911 may
have come "after" 911 itself...

wow thats crazy....

so what I seem to be saying
if you take that to a larger scale then is,
is it not possible then that the cause for 911 might have
been the US going to war with Afganistan and
Iraq.... but thats after....

thats loopty loop lunacy...

thats crazy....

Its not possible.....

the probability of it is very very low

or on the scale of none or a miracle...

well who can really say....
its not probable or possible
so its not true right?

say it isn't true or possible....

It can't be....

2. "RE: How Odd?"
08-19-05, 10:50 am (PDT)
In response to message #1

Maybe its just me and my western brain
but thats not how I was told reality "functions"

causes come first and then effects...

Does eastern thought have some ????....
leeway there though....
I read some stuff and though it didn't specifically
state it, it did make some allusions or suggestions
to it yet we in the western world can not function
in that kind of reality....

So then is this "reality wars" then????

Is it the nature of reality then that is in question


You can not function though our way in that eastern
thought or way because its not logical....

3. "RE: How Odd?"
08-19-05, 11:06 am (PDT)
In response to message #2

okay lets be logical

here if we can

lets say the US went to war with Afgan and Iraq
for well we're not sure .... apparently
they won't say.... weapons of mass destruction


and then they the victums retaliated with the flying of planes
into the World trade center...


yes I like it



but what about now....

oh a headache that what now....

the war started last tuesday...
911 occurred yesterday....???

tuesday war started August 16, 2005
thursday August 18th 2005 911 occurred

okay done

now can we move on....

Friday 19, 2005 12:01 PM... MDT

Now what hmmmmm????

I need a smoke.....

Sunny day.... aye....

"Humanity is that we might know joy"
A.G. Jonas

4. "RE: How Odd?"
08-19-05, 11:14 am (PDT)
In response to message #3

LAST EDITED ON 08-19-05 AT 11:16 am (PDT)

So shock and awe came first
and then 911?


"""""" well that does make more "sense"....""""""""

well.... whatever....

lets move on....

whats the "value" of sentiment?

5. "RE: How Odd?"
08-19-05, 11:28 am (PDT)
In response to message #4

Yes bizarre must be the word for the day

okay try this

The "Gulf War" was the cause of 911.....
Yes that makes even more sense
something happened in the shock and awe of the
"Gulf War" that we
weren"t told about and 911 was pay back time
and then Afganistan and Iraq was the payback of
that and that leads us to the terrorism of now...

so I say cool it chill theres been enough
war, death, confusion and insanity....already people

we're all family afterall
aren't we?

Blessed are We and They
That serve Love and Truth
Most of the time.

Alfie  More >

 Israeli Forces
picture 18 Aug 2005 @ 17:45, by scotty. Violence, War
Like a lot of people I've been watching the forceful evacuation of the Jewish settlers from Gaza.

My heart went out to the soldiers and police officers men and women alike who have shown such patience, compassion and courage in doing such a difficult and what must be for them a heart breaking task.

Bless 'em.

 EQ v's IQ
picture 18 Aug 2005 @ 14:56, by scotty. Investigation, Intelligence
Not many years ago, the intelligence quotient, or IQ, was seen as a strong indicator of the level of success one could attain in life.
The standard IQ test measured raw intelligence, including abilities such as logic and reasoning skills, reading, writing, and analyzing.
Research, however, soon proved that the IQ could not predict academic and professional performance as once had been thought.
There was another element involved: emotional intelligence, also known as the EQ. Emotional intelligence measures one's understanding of emotions, the ability to empathize and work with others, and manage under stress.
IQ seldom changes and most people fall into the top 10% of intellectual intelligence, while EQ can change through self-discipline or a profound experience. Nonetheless, they function in tandem and are both important to personal development and success.

If IQ defines how smart you are, EQ determines how you use that blessing.
Individuals with high EQ's are better equipped to make use of their cognitive abilities. They are often chosen for advancement in their professions or volunteer experiences because they possess the ability to inspire people to action and to make others feel more confident.
People with high IQ's but low EQ's sometimes sabotage themselves because they are unable to relate to their peers, cannot handle stress constructively, and find emotional connections difficult to maintain.
Developing your EQ can help you access your innate intelligence and amplify your empathy, which can lead to career advancement and better relationships.

Practice embracing your uniqueness and the uniqueness of others, expressing your feelings and interpreting those of your friends and family, and being decisive - all of which can help boost your EQ.

Experts say that a heightened EQ can bring happiness because it lets you focus on feelings as well as facts, whereas the IQ is concerned with logic. A strong EQ also makes you more able to access the benefits of your IQ because it takes both to build a successful career, strong relationships, and a fulfilling life.

Want to take an EQ test ? >>> [link]

Becoming emotionally intelligent ... [link]

 Roots1 comment
picture17 Aug 2005 @ 16:53, by swanny. Ideas, Creativity
Where Have the Roots Gone?

There was a big old tree in the yard of my childhood home.
I watched the many years as it grew in age and splendor.
It gave an "earthy" quality to the home and yard, the home and yard of my youth.
There where other things there too, that seemed to center my universe,
the cracks in the walls, the dirt and dust, the smells of spruce and flowers
and fresh bread.

Gone, they're all gone now, replaced by things seemingly less comforting
but more .....? "new". Have they simply been replaced for the sake of
"newness" and what is the advantage of newness. It is not like a
comforting shoulder to cry on or a dear and old tree or friend to hug.

Where are the roots that have been so systematically erased and
cut from the tree of my being, for without them I seem to float aimlessly
in a groundless Universe, floating, floating, floating and never arriving.

Arriving .... arriving, when will we arrive, when will the world stop spinning
and once again reveal to us our "home."

By A. G. Jonas
Earth  More >

 El sonido y los cuencos tibetanos (article in Spanish)42 comments
picture 17 Aug 2005 @ 07:58, by silviamar. Spirituality
Los cuencos tibetanos son muy útiles en meditación, equilibrio de chakras, limpieza de energía negativa y también para sanación. Como dicen algunos maestros Tibetanos, estos cuencos de Tibet emiten "el Sonido del Vacío", el sonido del universo manifestándose.  More >

 Beacon Postings17 comments
16 Aug 2005 @ 14:00, by ming. Internet
One weird thing with blog postings and google power is that sometimes one individual post becomes, like, THE place to go for a certain subject. Just because Google has made it show on the first page for that search term. I've had a few of those, where one post over many months attracted hundreds and hundreds of people, who think that this somehow is one of THE authoritative places to go. And they leave lots of comments, and a whole little community forms.

I did a post two years ago, which was just a few paragraphs about my own experience about almost falling for a Romanian e-bay scam in buying a non-existent computer. Still, today, if you search in Google for ebay scams, my article is number 5. And there are 255 comments so far. Lots of people have shared their experiences and tips there. Even the Romanian scammers have shown up, to occasionally taunt their victims, in Romanian.

And if you search for Yamashita Treasure, you'll see my post as number 2. Which was just a mention of a review of a book. But, there too, a whole little community has formed. 167 comments. Every day treasure hunters are sharing their tips, asking for help, etc. You know, they've found some interesting underground spot in the Philippines, and they need somebody with a ground radar, or explosives expertise, or whatever. And, hey, it was just one of my thousands of blog postings. I'm not even participating. Intriguing.

A blog posting is not particularly suited to this, even though it kind of works. The comments are one long thread, and it is easy to find out how to add a new comment. But, I mean, if one had known that that posting was going to be a central gathering place for that subject, maybe one would have put some more facilities there. Like, on my ebay scam page, it would make sense to list other resources that could be helpful. So, should I go back and change my original posting? Doesn't quite make sense to me either.

But maybe one could have some additional features available that might spring into action when a certain post transforms from being just a note written at some point in time into being a *place* that people go to as a resource. A beacon that gathers people around a certain subject. If it really is a gathering place then maybe it should be linked with more of a forum, or a wiki, or a bookmarking feature, and maybe it should display resources from other places on the same subject.

It is a little odd. Meeting in an old blog post is kind of like meeting on page 207 of "Moby Dick". Maybe everything ought to be a potential meeting place.  More >

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