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 London, Madrid, NY
picture 7 Jul 2005 @ 21:41, by scotty. Spirituality
So much violence when peace is all we crave ..
let go the horror - don't feed any more energy to it ..
let your hearts and lives be filled with another vision .. we really are eternal beings and once we realise this and know that we are divine then in time we will have reached our starting point to being really alive .......  More >

 London Rocked By Bomb Blasts0 comments
7 Jul 2005 @ 14:06, by nemue. Violence, War
Yet again innocent people are torn apart by bomb blasts this time in beautiful London. There has been multi attacks with both a bus and the underground hit. The latest reports say that perhaps 15-20 people have died and the injured numbers many more. These were innocent people on their way to work. One has to ask the question yet again what does this achieve except misery, pain and more dangerously hate.

It saddens me to read many of the posts on various web sites to night where people are venting their anger against Muslims and various other groups. This serves nothing other than propagating hate of one group by another. Little has been said about the pain and loss of those impacted by this tragedy. .

I pray for those who have left this earth and I would hope that their passing (yet again) has not been in vain. I also send prayers to the families who have lost their loved ones as a result of the senseless act.

More shame on the human race.

 No Need to Fear3 comments
picture 7 Jul 2005 @ 10:24, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
No need to Fear

Trials of the flesh sear me
Sharpening my hollow mind  More >

 Fun with Myers-Briggs and Strong0 comments
6 Jul 2005 @ 16:48, by craiglang. Personal Development
While very much of a personal trail, I offer this for the benefit of any others who may be on a similar path...
As many on NCN know, I have for years, been casting about trying to find what my career path should be. I often feel like a lost soul, wandering in the wilderness of life. And as a result, I have accumulated a rather interesting trail of tests such as Myers-Briggs, Strong-Campbell (now Strong Interest Inventory), and other similar exercises.

It has been interesting to note how the results have changed over the years. Yet none of it is a surprise, as such tests are really only telling you the same thing that you told them. However, it has been interesting to see the information laid out in a very straightforward snapshot - a "slice of life" in the present day. And it has been interesting to note the trail of results, showing my wanderings through life in recent years...  More >

 A Night Out in Bombay5 comments
6 Jul 2005 @ 13:24, by b. Travel
The British called the emerging city Bombay but in India it is called Mumbai. Right now in July 2005 it is the time of monsoon, the rainy season. It could start to rain at any time for an hour or for days. Mumbai is a city of 15 million people. It is a series of islands in the Arabian Sea that are connected by bridges and cause ways. The city traffic is extaordinary busy, organized chaos. There is a great sense of unity here and hardly are there any accidents. In all of the outer areas or suburbs of Mumbai there are countless motor rickshaws mingling with taxies, cars, busses and some trucks.
There is a ring of traffic circles around Mumbai center and it is there that the rickshaws are not permitted in. The main part of the city has wide streets and boulevards with well regulated traffic lights and patterns. It is clean and there are animals of all kinds who walk about in harmony with the humans and the traffic. Their droppings seems to dissapear rapidly. There is a great sense of unity here.  More >

 Dying With Dignity39 comments
6 Jul 2005 @ 01:52, by vaxen. Death & Dying
Just as I select my ship when I am about to go on a voyage or my house when I propose to take a residence, so shall I choose my death when I am about to depart from life. Seneca

Many of the most beautiful and meaningful facets of life are the way they are because they are ephemeral. When I was a student in college, often before I went to bed I would listen to Beethoven’s Ninth. There was a chord in the final movement that for me lifted the entire piece to an ecstatic plane. Every time I listened, I anticipated that one chord. It lasted approximately seven seconds, and I always wished the feelings I was experiencing would never end. However, one evening I asked myself what it would be like to experience that chord forever. It was then I realized if the chord were made eternal I would develop a hatred for it. I wouldn’t be able to bear listening to that chord for a day, an hour, minute or even one more measure. The chord was beautiful and meaningful because of its brief but essential relation to the entire piece. It was beautiful and meaningful because of its finitude.
So many of us live our lives striving for the infinite, for our own immortality. We refuse to acknowledge our own passing placement in the web of life, and in doing so we fail to see our own beauty. It has become our mission to forestall death. Everyday we exercise, eat right, take our vitamins in an attempt to suspend the inevitable. However, the fact remains that in the final analysis there is always death. Even people who have accepted this fact often forget their death can be controlled. We can rightfully be concerned with how and when we die. Today we have a responsibility to reconstruct our understandings of death which have been vitiated by denial and fear. To live full, meaningful lives we must embrace our mortality. We must learn to control our dying that we can die well.

Chad Clouse  More >

 Torn on the 4th of July4 comments
5 Jul 2005 @ 16:37, by craiglang. Politics
I had some very mixed emotions as I watched the July 4th parade in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. On one hand, it was neat to see the sense of esprit de corps and civic spirit that seems to have come together in the last year or two in home-town America. The attendance this year - at this and other civic events - seemed to be way up from previous years.

In addition, I noted a deep sense of patriotism - perhaps even deeper than I observed following 9/11. It is a sustained, deep-seated sense of identification with homeland. And I'm willing to bet that it is something we haven't seen since World War 2. Unfortunately, that's just the problem - it's because of war that we have this coming-together.

The dark side of partriotism and nationalism is that it usually means that you have to have an enemy. It seems that we can't have an "Us" without a "Them". And that's what gave me such a mixed feeling.

It is great to see such patriotism and comraderie. I, too, felt that stirring sense of national pride. Yet beneath it lurks the knowledge that, at present, much of it is based upon a lie. We are at war based upon a deception. And because of it, we have have invaded another nation. Yet, what I saw this weekend was resounding support for this very same "fight for freedom". To me, it was the rousing support for the mistake we are mistaking - enthusiastically affirming the wrong road our nation is travelling.

It is clear for all to see how the war was launched via deception. A reading of the Downing Street Memo and other evidence should be convincing to anyone. Yet people still support the war. Does the aggregate population simply "not get it"? Why is there so much support for the war? Why is Bush so popular? The information is out there for all to see. Why are there no (or at least very few) cries for his impeachment?

As the local National Guard unit (those that are not in Iraq right now) paraded past, there were loud (nearly unanimous) cheers from the crowd. It was moving to see the support for those who are presently oversees, and I know that if I were off in battle somewhere, I sure would want such support from the folks back home. And yet, mostly what I felt was sadness. Because the only reason that these kids are now facing ambushes and roadside bombs is that we were all lied to. And in spite of the evidence of the truth, the aggregate "Us" still prefers to believe the lies.

I deeply love this country, and so I feel even greater pain than I did on 9/11. Because it is from within, by our very own leadership, that the damage is being done. And yet still we cheer loudly and beat the drums. Boldly and with great national pride, we march with flying flags - straight into the abyss.  More >

 Reflection on 3rd world poverty2 comments
5 Jul 2005 @ 12:01, by bapty. Poverty
Money Economy and Poverty (extract frpm  More >

 What Makes America Great?8 comments
picture4 Jul 2005 @ 18:20, by bkodish. Politics
Yeah, what's so great about America?  More >

 The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies
picture 4 Jul 2005 @ 14:22, by jmarc. Politics
The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies
In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776  More >

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