14 May 2005 @ 06:40, by koravya. Ideas, Creativity
Friday evening suburban sunset into an inner city dawn. May thirteenth into the fourteenth. Desert flowers surround the tall twin headed yucca, flowerless itself this season, waiting for its time. River runs full, while sparse vegetation on volcanic slopes shimmers in sunlight. Ribbon of water rises and falls with the passing seasons in the valley between the mountain forest and the volcanic desert. Sunrise over the forest. Sunset over the desert flowers. The time is transition between darkness and light. Soil receives the root while our air receives the branch. Every thing begets itself anew. We are becoming something else. Who we were disappears into memory. Who we have been becomes whom we will be, and those of us whose sight is clear may show us a way. Those of us who look for and listen for truth shall find it. When all of the lies have melted into the endless waves of sea, we shall be who we are meant to be, and join the interstellar community.
*-/\-_*^ More >
13 May 2005 @ 23:53, by jmarc. Alternative Money Systems
Teri Harris Saa writes about a question that I have wondered about for a while now. If All I Have to Do Is Visualize & Affirm, Why Aren't I Rich? More >
13 May 2005 @ 14:06, by dorps. Spirituality
Must it be ever so?
The drift from youth to age?
The final snuffing of a candle only dimly glowing?
Not as long as there is hope in our hearts and breath in our bodies!!Oh let not the flame die out!!! More >
13 May 2005 @ 13:57, by scotty. Environment, Ecology
I know that I'm always advocating seeing good despite all the seeming bad that seems to be our daily lot ... that doesn't mean though that I have my eyes closed and live on a cloud over there in never never land LOL !
I realise that things really are getting quite bad - and if we don't soon do something about it very soon our kids won't be able to breath clean air drink clean water or eat healthy food !!
So instead of just talking about it - I've decided to take a wee stand and actually try to do something for the earth every day !
I'm going to pay just a wee bit more attention to what I buy for example ... maybe choosing something which has recyclable packaging for instance ! I'm going to Stop using supermarket plastic bags (they're all over the place here in Guada - fields beaches roadsides - it's almost as if they're multiplying overnight !)
It might not make all that much of a difference - but then again it just MIGHT ! It's only a start - maybe it'll catch on !
Here's a [link] for anyone who thinks that maybe they'd like to start making a difference too ! More >
12 May 2005 @ 19:06, by raypows. Economics, Financing, Banking
Be careful when selling things to private parties. even cashiers checks that look completely real can be fraudulent. Get the money first and wait until it clears, or better yet, sell local get cash or use PayPal.
I recently sold my Alienware Are 51-M laptop via an ad I put in the Los Angeles Recycler magazine. I sent the package COD FedEx Ground to the (not so) gentleman in Reno, Nevada. He told me his name was Ollie Westbrook at 345 Westbrook Lane, Reno, NV. FedEx picked up the cashiers check, no signature was required, I deposited the cachiers check, bought a new laptop and a week later when I went to my bank they told me there was a stop payment on the cashiers check. The check was from Great Basin Federal Credit Union. It had an incorrect routing number on it. Turns out the bank has a detective investigating this already due to several other fraudulent cashiers check being issued.
I had spoken to the guy 2-3 times on the phone and as many emails. When I called and emailed him after the stop payment, guess what, both were no out of order.
There weren't really any telltale signs this was going to be a rip off except for his hurry to get it and not wanting to pay through paypal, which was okay with me since I didn't want to losee the % paypal takes. But I lost alot more.
The main signalss I got not to ship it was I had to go to three different places to get it shipped. The 1st the man who knew COD wasn't there, the 2nd didn't do COD's anymore, the 3rd their computers were down, so I went back to the 1st later in the day and I shipped it off. Life does give us information to go by if we stop to listen. Tricky balance between will and guidance. I was willful and pushed on through this time.
And though I am back pedaling a bit now financially, the upside is I am really enjoying my new Mac Powerbook which I bought with non-existeant funds.
May we live long, love and prosper. More >
11 May 2005 @ 16:46, by bkodish. Developing World
Today is Yom HaZikaron, Memorial Day for the fallen defenders of Israel.
I've known some of the fallen. I'm privileged to know some defenders who are still alive. And for what it's worth I've done my own rather minescule part in defense, as well.
Tomorrow, we celebrate Israeli Independence day. In the Arab world and among the bien pensants of the Israel-hating left (including some Jewish and Israeli intellectuals), this is a day of disaster for which Israelis and the Jewish people at large should apologize. Our original sin--of surviving.
If the present Arab neurosis is the unreasoning blame of others for their problems, a long-standing Jewish neurosis is unreasoning acceptance of blame for their persecution by others. This is not a good combination. After years of studying the Arab-Israeli conflict, including living in Israel at one time, I conclude that Jewish existence in the Middle East is nothing to apologize for. Palestinian Arabs (who have been 'screwed' by their leaders and Arab 'brothers') will only continue to fail by blaming the Palestinian Jews for their problems.
Apropos of this, I'd like to share with you Rabbi Dov Greenberg's beautifully moving piece (to me) on Jewish survival below.
Bruce Kodish
No Holocaust Possible With Israel Around
by Rabbi Dov Greenberg
IsraelNationalNews.com - May 08, 2005
"Elie Wiesel was once asked whether the world had learned anything from the Holocaust. Wiesel, who lost most of his family in Auschwitz, responded, 'Yes, that you can get away with it.'
If Wiesel is right — and the international fury released against the Jewish state in recent years seems to confirm his words — then for us Jews the lesson must be the exact opposite: Never again will we allow a holocaust to happen!
First and foremost, Israel must be strong.
A home and a power" More >
11 May 2005 @ 09:34, by vector8. Spirituality
The other day, on the bus, I saw a man at a bus stop who was so eager to catch the bus I was in, he hit his head against the post. I wondered if the man had seen me snigger because he avoided coming in through the front door, near where I was sitting, and sneaked in through the other door. Hehe! More >
11 May 2005 @ 08:50, by jazzolog. Medicine, Healthcare
Today means boundless and inexhaustible eternity. Periods of months and years and of time in general are ideas of men, who calculate by number; but the true name of eternity is Today.
Example moves the world more than doctrine.
---Henry Miller
In Buddhism there is no place to apply effort. Everything in it is normal---
you put on clothes to keep warm and eat food to stop hunger---
that's all.
Photo of Ilona and the author on Easter Sunday.
A year and a week ago I underwent major surgery for removal of a prostate gland that had been determined to be a bit cancerous. I wrote about it and talked openly. Cancer is as terrifying to people of our civilization as just about anything we think of. I learned in the waiting rooms, however, that it makes brothers and sisters of us in treatment, as men and women struggle with their own varieties. The silence in those rooms is broken with great relief when we start talking together. I thought writing and letting people know what happens to me might serve some purpose---at least for research because so much effort is going into finding a cure...or even a cause. More >
10 May 2005 @ 16:07, by scotty. Spirituality
Forrest Gump died and went to heaven. When he got to the Pearly Gates,
Saint Peter told him that new rules were in effect due to the advances
in education on earth. In order to gain admittance a prospective
Heavenly Soul must answer three questions.
1. Name two days of the week that begin with "T".
2. How many seconds are in a year?
3. What is God's first name?
Forrest thought for a few minutes and answered..
1. The two days of the week that begin with "T" are Today and Tomorrow."
2. There are 12 seconds in a year."
3. God has two first names: Andy and Howard."
Saint Peter said, "OK I'll buy Today and Tomorrow, even though
it's not the answer I expected, your answer is correct. But how
did you get 12 seconds in a year and why did you ever think that
God's first name was either Andy or Howard?" Forrest responded,
"Well, January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, etc......" OK, I
give" said Saint Peter, "but what about the God's first name stuff?"
Forrest said "Well, from the song... Andy walks with me, Andy talks
with me, Andy tells me I am his own...? and the prayer... Our Father
who art in Heaven Howard be thy name...." Saint Peter let him
in without further ado.
Some of us really are quite unique - we don't see things the same way as most other people !
Doesn't mean though that we don't have the answers to lifes questions - nor that we won't get to where we're going ! More >
10 May 2005 @ 13:11, by b. Travel
I just got back to Mumbai from a trip to New Delhi. I have been living in India for some time. The contrasts were more then interesting between both cities. Delhi has good roads, is very clean, it is the capital of India and the people there are used to seeing and selling things to tourists, foreigners. Mumbai is the financial center had has its pearl, Bollywood, the glamor industry It is big, fast moving and most people could care less if you are a foreigner or tourist.
India is a country of many exotic religions, at least to my western eyes. I have visited many temples, mosques, a few churches and even a synagouge in my search for religious truths. The food here is in great variety and abundance. It is mainly in the rural areas that people have restricted diets. Yes, there are poor people but there are also riches in abundance.
Mumbai is a big city of 15 million people. It took me a month to find bagels, lox and cream chees. One day in Delhi, searching sights in the city in an ac car with driver, I stumbled across Moshe's Deli. Imagine my surprise to find that Moshe served first class Italian food. I bought a loaf of fresh baked whole wheat Italian bread, had some gelati and we had a nice chat. All of the people here in India seem friendly. I have walked many a street, day and night and felt no dangers. More >
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