11 Mar 2005 @ 16:13, by koravya. Globalization
Crystal Ball. All that has already been set into motion is moving right along. The roller coaster ride is running out of grease. Dry rails for the downward slide, and some of the cars may tumble. Now taking bets for the countdown to crunchtime.
“After an almost instant depression seizes the modern industrialized world, and nation-states break down, the frantic attempts of people to feed themselves, stay warm and obtain fresh water (pumped presently via petroleum to a great extent), there will be no rescue. Die-off begins. The least petroleum-dependent communities will survive best. These "backward" nations will be emulated by the scrounging survivors of the U.S. and the rest of the "developed" world, as far as local food production will be tried - in a paved-over, toxic landscape by people who have lost touch with the land...”(Jan Lundberg) as quoted in
An Important Announcement
Michael C. Ruppert
*/. >/ More >
11 Mar 2005 @ 12:19, by ming. Technology
Second Life is a massively multiplayer online world. One can build stuff, design one's own avatars (virtual bodies), one can program it. One is the owner of what one creates and there's opportuties for trade and business. Via BoingBoing, here are some notes from a speech by Cory Ondrejka, the VP of Product Development for Linden Labs, the company that makes it.Second Life allows users to collaborate and teach each other. Learning scripting: it’s easy, you have immediate feedback, and other people are willing to help. People spread knowledge and do FAQs. SL really encourages this. As an example: skydiving classes, ingame. Players sell lessons and parachutes. Skydiving became a huge fad in SL for a while. Abbot’s Skydiving sells equipment and airplanes to go up in. An elevator to 4000 feet. Total freedom to create. A service.
Another example of collaborative business: VERTU is a group in RL. They contacted the EFF and wanted to do a fundraise in SL. They raised 1700 bucks. Next month (for Charity X) they did 1900. Then for Hurricane Relief = 2000 US. People in these spaces recognise the virtual currency has value. Philanthropy, giving .. having an impact back on the RL is a real possibility.
Tringo, the current SL fad. A cross between tetris and bingo. Someone in SL wanted a fun social game to play ingame. He created Tringo. In the 3 months since, he’s generated the equivalent of 4000 US in Tringo. He just licensed the realworld distribution rights to Tringo to a mobile game company. Because SL lets him maintain the rights to his IP, he can distribute said rights in the real world, although apparently part of the deal is that he continues to manage the rights individually ingame. Gee, I don't have time, but I could really get into that. I was hooked on Alphaworld, oh, almost 10 years ago. My buildings were still there, last I looked. But the environment didn't advance a whole lot since then, and there wasn't all that many people there. And there are so many more cool things one can do with virtual worlds. I've of course noticed that games have gotten much more fancy graphically in the meantime. But I don't have any particular interest in the types of games where you walk around and get killed all the time, by folks who've got bigger guns than you have. But I like building stuff. Second Life looks quite similar to Alphaworld, so it is not that things have advanced enormously. But the increased programability makes the difference. Sounds like Second Life is getting a lot of things right. So, if I just had some quiet weekends with nothing to do.
10 Mar 2005 @ 17:04, by craiglang. Relationships
I have often been fascinated by various personality typing tools such as Myers Briggs, and the Wilson Social Interaction Types.
Just as a background, in the Wilson model the primary types are Analytical, Amiable, Expressive and Driver. The sort is by ask vs tell assertiveness and task vs people focus:
- Analyticals have a task direction, ask assertiveness,
- Drivers have a task direction and tell assertiveness,
- Amiables are more people directed with ask assertiveness,
- Experessives are people directed with tell assertiveness.
(Note: my own type is largely Expressive/Amiable - people focus with a borderline tell/ask assertiveness. This translates to a focus on ideas and people)
What I have noticed recently is that many more people seem to be showing Driver type of mannerisms. This constitutes a "tell" assertiveness, but a task focus. In short, it becomes a "bossy" or directive interaction. Getting the job done with a minimum of discussion seems to be the most important. There is less tolerance for discussion, etc...
Typically this interaction type seems to show up alot under stress. One often sees intolerance of questions or ambiguity - and in cases of disagreement, a tendency to "lay down the law". I have noticed this alot in multiple aspects of life. This leads me to ask the question - is there alot more stress in the world at large in recent weeks/months?
I have noticed this among people in the day job and at school. I have also seen it on the road as road rage seems to be increasingly prevalent - drivers honking and flipping eachother off, etc... And I simply get the sense that there seems to be a wave of this ornery/agressive attitude as each person seems to be percieving other as elbowing into his/her personal space.
I have been wondering if others have percieved this, or if it just my own perception. And if this is really the case, then I wonder what is the "driver of the drivers". More >
9 Mar 2005 @ 01:49, by swanny. Recreation, Fun
A Test!
Yood evenin
Ladies and Germs...
To stimulate your noodles...
I have taken it upon myself to test our "?" skills....
Now this may or may not be a difficult test or challenge
for us but here goes:
Test Question:
The first correct answer within 30 days will recieve $1.00
American. Maxium of 2 guesses per person.
The Contest Starts at 7:00 P.M. MST on this 8th day of March
Good Guessin All
Sponsored by webville.biz
Legal Disclaimer
Ps the winner will have to supply there email addy
to recieve there prize.
Payout limited to $1.00 US to first correct answer
as determined by the sponsor, to be paid out before the
end of 2005 More >
7 Mar 2005 @ 16:43, by craiglang. Extraterrestrials
This weekend, I did a series of presentations at the MarsCon science fiction convention. I did talks on the UFO/close-encounter phenomenon and first contact, as well as conducted a meditation/guided-imagery workshop.
This year I did my First-Contact talk jointly with Kathy Sullivan, an SF author who is also interested in E.T. contact topics. She did a survey of the SF literature on alien contact, both past and present, while I talked about (real or potential) non-fiction scenarios of contact. We had not jointly pre-planned our talks, so they were not particularly coordinated with eachother. But what I found was that they particularly dovetailed anyhow. More >
7 Mar 2005 @ 06:30, by vaxen. Ideas, Creativity
Hey, not to change the sub-ject, or anything like that, but I found this on the 'web' whilst doing a bit of research in and on eternity so...
I thought that you (pl.,) might find some of the 'sayings' pithy and, in lieu of your temperment and unswerving intent towards realisation of self, soul, unbutressed you know who, in this lifetime, of general, perhaps even specific, enlightenment and enjoyment.
So here goes... More >
6 Mar 2005 @ 23:24, by swanny. Shared Purpose
A New Civilization needs a blueprint
or a model.... does it really?
It would help perhaps though...
To have something to refer to...
A point of reference or an example...
Consider this....
Woodstock... no not Woodstock99
or Woodstock2
but the Original Woodstock
It is ironic that at the end of the
Directors Cut DVD...
They sort pronounce The Woodstock Nation
and Dream Dead....
Yet it is beyond that which can be killed
or turned off or ignored....
It is now part of the human dramha the human
pysche ....the global pysche... it can be
a thing denyed ie: as the resurrection...
a thing not believed in perhaps to...
but there is the reality of it...
the Woodstock Reality....
The Woodstock Globality...
For it was a event the circumferenced
the planet....that we know... that we
can't shut off or kill or ignore
only accept.... in its power of innocence...
It is a foundation then of innocence then
which is only proper and as such must be protected
and preserved and nourished...
if the New Civilization is to
have any value, truth or meaning
and why not.... for if we do not value such...
what else is there?
Do you have a better "real" example....??? More >
6 Mar 2005 @ 18:20, by jhs. Activism
Julie Jewel reminded me/us of the impending 10th birthday of Newciv..
better than anything else could demonstrate that it's still alive: this BLOG is published on its server...
we experimented a lot with kind of BLOGS those days, 10 years ago... Gunter offered a glimpse on it on his BLOG recently... and I would like to find the 'Daily Insight' (or so) pages... precursors of BLOGs as we know them...
does anyone still have one of the New Civ CD-ROMs??? .. More >
6 Mar 2005 @ 16:36, by koravya. Ideas, Creativity
of this Island
is one who would ask
what you are looking for here.
Who are you, and are you prepared
for any and all that might come along
during your explorations? Again,
even if you think you are alone,
there is always someone else here.
Horizon beckons. More >
6 Mar 2005 @ 15:34, by sprtskr. Shared Purpose
I think about this often especially when I'm about to throw something away but not in its proper place. Who is going to clean this Earth up? Do we really believe God will cleanse the Earth all alone? What as parents to do we do when a childs room is messy? We may help them sort through the mess but the main cleaning is usually left to the one who made it,or at least it should be. Most of the time while raising my children I did the work for them. But there comes a time where you get tired of doing it for them. They continue to do the same things when they think someone else will do it. What do they learn by this? They learn they can do anything and that its someone elses problem. We're not teaching them respect,cleanliness,co-operation,responsibilty and love. This goes far beyond just cleaning after themselves. It helps them form a higher understanding of the world and its care. Included in this is the care of the animals,plants and air. The cycle of life on its own is a very well orchestrated system. Break any part of that system and chaos occurs. We all know the terrible condition that this world is in,this is nothing new,but do we honestly do something about it. We can start by cleaning up after ourselves,conserving,protecting,replanting. A little at a time is a good start but it is a start. I've seen neighborhoods come together to clean up yards,houses and give their time to projects that are needed. We all have at least one bad habit,it takes determination to break those habits. There are some shows on tv that helps people re-organize and prioritize their way of living. Less spending on items they don't need or have room for. Organizing the items they do have and donating the items they don't need or have room for. But not only this, they are given ideas on how not to do this in the future by finding out reasons why they let this go on in the first place. So now we find by cleaning up after ourselves we also clean up and clean out the non-physical as well. A clean body and a clean mind, or what many of us have heard before, cleanliness is next to godliness. More >
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