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 I was thinking..7 comments
picture 20 Dec 2004 @ 04:43, by skookum. Spirituality
yes I know, dangerous thing right? Anyway... I was thinking of how we in our lives grow and progress. So many things we have experienced have been processed and refined through our inner workings.  More >

 What does it mean in? Exploring the domain of materialism.3 comments
16 Dec 2004 @ 19:40, by nednednerb. Philosophy
Hello there, you with eager free minds that some philosophers would tell you that you don't have. I've been busy busy with my second year of university, but I've written lots and would like to share. Here is my final essay for Phil 361 - philosophy of mind!

Enjoy  More >

 Buon Natale2 comments
picture15 Dec 2004 @ 09:31, by jazzolog. Spirituality
Oh friend, awake, and sleep no more! The night is over and gone, would you lose your day also? You have slept for un-numbered ages, this morning will you not awake?

---Rabindranath Tagore

The man who in his work finds silence, and who sees that silence is work, this man in truth sees the light and in all his works finds peace.

---The Bhagavad Gita

I never hear the loud solitary whistle of the curlew in a summer noon, nor the mild cadence of a troop of grey plovers in an autumn morning, without feeling an elevation of soul like the enthusiasm of devotion or poetry.

---Robert Burns

Grünewald, Matthias
Concert of Angels and Nativity, ca.1515

This year's Christmas greeting from beloved friend, mentor, poet John Tagliabue, and his beautiful artist wife Grace, are 3 new poems I'm delighted to share with you. His introductions to everything, including himself, are worth preserving, and so handwritten he says, "I've been hearing it said to me since 1923...Buon Natale and now in 2004 Grace & I say it to your family and we hope we all will have Good Health and Somehow Peace in 2005. All Good Wishes---Grace & John". Inside on lovely recycled paper are the poems, printed by Jan Owen, which I reproduce here exactly (without question or concerns you might expect from me about grammar, punctuation or spelling)~~~  More >

 Returning to the Self
15 Dec 2004 @ 03:50, by letecia. Spirituality
It seems so long since I have posted. I am distracted by many things in life. Many details undone. I wonder am I running away, or running to that next phase of awakening.

My heart seems filled with paradoxical feelings. Thoughts rule, when Knowing seems to speak a different reality.

Winter is almost here. A meteor shower splashes wishes across the dark night sky. Do I dare speak the truth, share the need, not as a victim, but simply as one born in a body filled with humanity? Can I even whisper the ache that has been in my heart? On the surface, old pain piled on top of innocence.

I feel as if I will burst, dying to Life.

How long have I tried to escape, to ignore what needs doing, to let go, to come home, to trust... Love?

 The Rainbow Tree1 comment
14 Dec 2004 @ 12:47, by swanny. Spirituality

WHAT..... strange seed is this that doth grow, the dust and filth of despair and wretchedness.

Tis not Love for Love hath wings, Tis not joy for no happy song it sings, and tis not grace of common variety for it is of slow passion, yet here it doth labor and grow, taking and transforming as it nourishment, this
bitter sweet sewage and sludge and makes of it so into these lines most
clear and plain.

Ah but alas for once this was a great city and planet of humanity,
yet some poison of heart did render and wreck upon it disaster great and speedy
and though the whispers of love and light sought vainly to shore up its moorings, it
succumbed and died, deaf and dumb and dead to their ministry, collasping like some great house of cards upon itself and own weight.

But look here what time in its glory and wisdom doth now fashion, this seed, this plant, this tree that we now gaze upon and behold. Yon tree that hath sprung from the wreck of Love and Hate , of Good and Evil,

Tis a wonder, aye? That doth now grow and since so be its nature of darkness and light and of good and evil and of love and hate..... Let us call its name the
Rainbow Tree and eat of its fruit that be both bitter and sweet as is this life we call our own.

a. g. jonas.
(c) 2004
Earth  More >

 Mistletoe the Merry Mouse: revised2 comments
picture 14 Dec 2004 @ 08:05, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Mistletoe the Merry Mouse:

The Special Visit

Mistletoe sat there cleaning her whiskers. They sparkled in the morning sunshine that filtered through the old house. She looks up and sees the dust motes dancing about her. A wondrous winter day begins again. It is time to start her daily tour of the house. It must be kept in order and everything in its proper place. Her long tail twitched and her round ears searched the air for sounds. All seemed quite the usual this morning.
 More >

 Right Livelihood1 comment
13 Dec 2004 @ 12:21, by swanny. Philosophy
Livelihood .... the way we make our way in the world.
What are the considerations. Would we do whatever it
takes to provide us and our loved ones the necessities
of life?
What if it were illegal?
What if it were unethical?
What if it damaged the environment?
What if it damaged our health?
Are there any decent jobs that even take such things
into consideration or are they even considerations
or do we do whatever the boss says and whatever pays
the bills?
Never thought ones livelihood was such a messy issue did you?
Yet this is the nature of civilization. Sure there is free yet legal enterprise
and some would argue it should just be the enterprise of the free and brave
but our actions and work has consequences and these consequences effect others and the environment and our world and eventually ourselves. It is truly a small world of sorts. So how do we sort through this mess or does the market or should the market be the sole arbitarator of what is good and right. Yet oft in its glee for profit and gain the market assigns the spoils of its enterprise to no one. Whos going to pick up the trash that the market produces or does the market decide? Well it depends. There are those that see an opportunity and go for it and that has its place but there are perhaps other considerations, holistic considerations. Some say Government is to big and that the market should rule but the market does it have a conscience?
They say that when a society reaches a certain stage of viability then such concerns have a tendancy to surface and this is how we progressed from the farms and homesteads to the cities. Yet it seems a complex system of a lot of mumbo jumbo and red tape at times and is it really better than the market place?
I don't know I don't have the answers and its just another one of those things to consider when deciding upon the sustainability and viability of ones career choice and such. Do we need to think about the future when it seems hard enough worrying about the day or do we just live for the day. Choices and decisions we need to make in the course of our lives. Whether its possible to meet all the crieteria and find that dream job is probably unlikely and you're probably going to be steppin on someones toes or at least at some point.
The market and the system and sadly the church and government all seem to have there fingers in our pockets from time to time, so life and livelihood becomes a matter of becoming a "juggler" of many hats and fancy footwork and sometimes flyin on the seat of ones pants but oh were it that it weren't so.  More >

12 Dec 2004 @ 18:34, by vaxen. Politics
Impeachment is the means by which We The People of the United States and our elected representatives in Congress can prevent further crimes by the President and the human catastrophe they threaten and force accountability for crimes committed.  More >

 Back Into The Closet15 comments
picture12 Dec 2004 @ 11:26, by jazzolog. Communities
Each dewdrop and raindrop has a whole heaven in it.
---Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Life is an unanswered question, but let's still believe in the dignity and importance of the question.

---Tennessee Williams

Every day is a god, each day is a god, and holiness holds forth in time. I worship each god, I praise each day splintered down, splintered down and wrapped in time like a husk, a husk of many colors spreading, at dawn fast over the mountains split.

---Annie Dillard

Gauguin, Paul
Grape Harvest in Arles, 1888

Along with any notions of nonBiblical sex, America is packing away its dreams and memories of a liberal nation. Also into hiding and whispers go any thought of rebellion against stolen elections and a corrupt republic. It's housecleaning time and the jazzoLOG sites have become as messy as those storefront Democratic headquarters in every town, now returned to haunted vacancy. Democrats certainly need practice in organization and calm judgment.  More >

 Night into Dawn5 comments
picture12 Dec 2004 @ 09:21, by koravya. Education
Thirteen Moon Natural Time Calendar; Blue Crystal Storm Year, Overtone Moon, Moon of Radiance, Overtone 27, Kin137, Red Resonant Earth, Guided by Universal Water. Night of the New Moon, Saturday, December eleven. [link]  More >

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