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 logs as attention anchors1 comment
8 Nov 2004 @ 14:52, by lugon. Personal Development
I think I belong to the fine group of the easily distracted, or maybe it's my pay-job's fault (at times, that is).

Fact is, I've started carrying a notebook to work, where I write what I think about whatever I'm suposed to be doing. Otherwise I easily drift over to more interesting subjects, and the boring parts never get done.

I think it's a way to try and make dull activities more interesting. And, if at all posible, to rutinise them so much that they will disappear into automatism.

Some people talk to themselves to achieve just that: to keep themselves on track. A bit like when actors are helped in the theater play, by someone who is whispering what the next line is.

Of course, it's a pity that there are such jobs that need mumbling or notebook-writing to make them doable.

Also, not all boring jobs are like that: the job has to be both boring and demand your very own initiative. If I don't do something by my own initiative, it doesn't get done. Quite different from helping someone over the counter (or near a patient's bed), when that other person provides the motivation and you just have to dance to their rhythm. There's a problem that grabs your neck and forces you to pay attention.

Not so with many really important things such as changing the world. Those you have to look for them - or maybe not. Hmm, I'll have to think a bit more about this.

So maybe a software-bot that keeps me in track ... hmmm ... what if I code it right now (well, start anyway) and forget about that boring thing I was doing until that fly flew near my head?  More >

 Wall of Doubt2 comments
8 Nov 2004 @ 05:55, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Wall of Doubt

From the depths, I look within,
I gaze upon a prison of my own construct
The dark windows and cold floors
Engulf me
Freeze me
Swallow up all the light  More >

 The Vote Was Hacked10 comments
picture7 Nov 2004 @ 20:27, by ov. Politics

Kerry may have given up on challenging the theft of yet another election, and I am wondering if his function all along was as political strawman. Fortunately the citizens haven't given up even though the politicians have, and that is perhaps the most important lesson to be learned by this latest exercise in "government by the people for the people."

Bev Harris at is continuing to gather evidence, and jumping through all the hoops set up by the Freedom of Information act to get vital public informtion. She needs money so if you have some to spare it's for a good cause.

Discrepencies between exit polls and final results are a major cause of concern. The biggest differences were in those districts that used paper ballots counted by optical scanning equipment (Diebold once again) and the percentages between the voters registered to a party, and the votes that were actually cast, were reversed.

"In Baker County, for example, with 12,887 registered voters, 69.3% of them Democrats and 24.3% of them Republicans, the vote was only 2,180 for Kerry and 7,738 for Bush, the opposite of what is seen everywhere else in the country where registered Democrats largely voted for Kerry. In Dixie County, with 4,988 registered voters, 77.5% of them Democrats and a mere 15% registered as Republicans, only 1,959 people voted for Kerry, but 4,433 voted for Bush."

Another area of concern is that the central computer for tabulating all the votes is a Windows based PC. A video clip at shows how easily the data file can be opened with an Excel spreadsheet and the data changed. (I know I'm a cynic but four years ago Ralph Reed, former head of the Christian Coalition, was the lobbyist for Microsoft to Bush, and we know that the Microsoft monopoloy crisis was resolved, and I'd always thought that this was due to campaign contributions, but now I'm starting to wonder if it might have been software backdoors.)

The complete article by Thom Hartmann is posted below.  More >

 Fear20 comments
picture7 Nov 2004 @ 11:45, by jazzolog. Spirituality
The painting by Andrea Del Sarto is of Christ realizing He is Risen.

I heard the unblown flute
In the deep autumn shadows
Of the Temple of Suma.


Heard melodies are sweet,
but those unheard
Are sweeter: therefore,
ye soft pipes, play on;
Not to the sensual ear, but,
more endear'd,
Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone.

---John Keats

W.'s presidency rushes backward, stifling possibilities, stirring intolerance, confusing church with state, blowing off the world, replacing science with religion, and facts with faith. We're entering another dark age, more creationist than cutting edge, more premodern than postmodern. Instead of leading America to an exciting new reality, the Bushies cocoon in a scary, paranoid, regressive reality. Their new health care plan will probably be a return to leeches.
---Maureen Dowd, November 7, 2004

Garrison Keillor went even further on his Prairie Home Companion show last night. He proposes, of course in irony, a Constitutional amendment that bans born-again Christians from voting. He bases his proposal on the fact Evangelicals obviously are not citizens of the United States, but rather of Heaven. They no longer believe in our basic American values. Their health care plan is an opportunity for a closer walk with God.  More >

 Center Stage4 comments
7 Nov 2004 @ 09:16, by swanny. Internet

All the internets a stage..... an escape from the fetters of reality......
I...... we here be but some distant illusion and deception to enchant
and deceive and steal thy affection and coin and then leave thee
with some cold kiss..........
Our time eclipsed by time itself.
Enchant us you say.......
Save us from our dreary and dull existences and temp us with song and
dance and wine and woman and visions divine.
For what I ask?

Mere coin and affection...... mere time and attention......
For I to will fall to the axe of time and soon be no more.....
What would you have me do...... The Grand Hari Kari..... for it seems you
crave drama and insanity. This seems no place or stage of reason......
For by its very nature and inception seems stood to deceive and delude in the
blink of an eye every and all to whom it beckons.
For master it has none. Who is the master of this stage...... Let them speak
but now that we might hear........ Who has called this stage into existence....
Pray speak now............. that we might "know"......
................. What is its purpose ...... this stage ........ this stage.....
Would but this stage could but speak and reveal its designs then what story
and tale might it tell....... STAGE!!!!!! Speak stage that all might hear and know.....
Oh stage oh stage where fore art thou stage.....
Be you but dumb wood and nail and wire knotted and bell and whistles.....
Speak you then for the world doth listen........listen...... nay not all......
if everyone were listening ........ Stage..... I....... we seek from thee perhaps
a gift or two ...... Hath thee then gifts for us........ and L O V E.........
Oh stage.... oh stage hath thee a name at least then .......
then pray tell it to us now....... Stage what be thy name......
We are humanity and thou art stage but why dost thou not speak......
thou stigmergic philosophers stone and object of...... this discourse....... here there
and everywhere with feet on ground and stage on ground...... alas.....


sighs and exits.......

November 7th 2004
Earth  More >

 Dusk in the City1 comment
picture7 Nov 2004 @ 06:58, by koravya. Ideas, Creativity
Dusk leads to darkness in the city, and there is no video jacket that captures my imagination and the dark mirror of channel one flickers on the desk. The surface is on the horizontal plane and it holds an empty book, with pages as white as the Antarctic ice cap vanishing into the line between horizon and the sky.  More >

 Titan's surface.1 comment
picture6 Nov 2004 @ 17:57, by bushman. Space Exploration
A moon of Saturn, Titan lacking obvious craters, has terrain alot like the area surounding Flagstaff Arizona, by the looks of the most recent pictures from the Cassini-Huygens mission of Titan. Soon NASA/JPL/ESA will drop a probe onto its surface, and sample Titans atmosphere, and maybe survive the impact and send surface information for about another 30 minets or till the batteries run out.
What I found most intresting are the pictures so far of the moon. I go to alot, and see all sorts of arial pictures of the Earths surface, forests canyons and mountains, deserts, etc..., and I look at these pictures from Saturn and wonder.... are those trees on Titan, covering those hills or just cold rocks? The scientists say the place is so cold that there might be pools and lakes of liquid methane but I look at these pictures, and I get the feeling its not as cold as they say, lack of obviouse craters tells me that the surface of Titan is extreemly active like it is here on Earth. Heat must be being generated from inside the moon since I would expect to see at least some icy frost on high ground. Assuming, that is, scientists accually know what the cameras are seeing as to altitude of the terraine, but according to them, they don't know yet what they are seeing. Just going to have to wait for more data, from the drop probe, lol.
[link]  More >

 A Message from One American to the World6 comments
picture6 Nov 2004 @ 16:59, by quinty. Peace
The following was forwarded to me and others by a fellow alumnus of Rhodes Preparatory School in New York. Since it so eloquently expresses how many Americans feel today, following our presidential election, I thought I would take the liberty to share it with the world.


------------  More >

 The NCN Agenda15 comments
6 Nov 2004 @ 08:22, by vaxen. Communities
It is suspected that sections of the US military and security agencies have been using synthetic telepathy against 'internal subversives' for at least a decade. If these networks continue to operate unchecked, soon our thoughts may no longer be our own!

So in contemplating the Admin Why (reason for) of the recent BUSH 'Win' I would suggest that you very seriously contemplate some of the 'seeming outlandish' profiles mentioned herein. A little 'serious' research should be enough to let you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are living in perilous times and that your very existence is very much 'at stake.'

Ignorance, you may feel, is bliss but it is NO EXCUSE! Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge form an Ancient tri-angle that helps to keep the denizens of the 'Absu' (Abyss) at bey.

Enjoy...  More >

 Passing Thought9 comments
picture6 Nov 2004 @ 04:41, by koravya. Ideas, Creativity
The United States as fictional backdrop for the earthly stage on which we enact our personal drama. Chalkmarks across the landscape demarcate boundaries for the zones of interaction. Jigsaw puzzle pieces of states and county lines tumble out of the box onto the table.  More >

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