22 Apr 2004 @ 21:50, by nemue. Personal Development
This Sunday we celebrate ANZAC Day in Australia and I am feeling somewhat reflective. ANZAC stands or the Australian & New Zealand Army Corp and the original ANZAC’s were the brave men who represented their countries on the battle fields during the 1st world war. More >
22 Apr 2004 @ 12:45, by jhs. Investigation, Intelligence
Just got (too late, sigh!) the following (by June Collier):
"The New Moon, April 19, 2004, is a partial Solar Eclipse and the second New Moon in Aries this year, it occurs at the last degree (29 Aries 49) of this first sign.."
"The last 10 degrees of Aries or the 3rd Decanate has for its rulership Aries/Sagittarius ruled by Mars/Jupiter. It is the decanate of PROPAGANDA. It is mapped in the starry night sky by the constellation PERSEUS, with the wings of thought on his feet, the helmet of courage on his head, armed with the sword of righteousness, protected by the shield of beneficence, and holding the blood-dripping head of Medusa in one hand."
How patriarchical-chauvinistical, oh well... glad it's over by today.. More >
22 Apr 2004 @ 10:41, by ming. Spirituality
Max points to the Institute for the Study of Peak States, which of particular interest has an interesting list of peak states, categorized in various ways, and marked according to their probablity of occuring in the general population. Stuff like:'Underlying Happiness' state
• Characteristics: A feeling of happiness underlies all other feelings. It exists simultaneously even with difficult feelings such as sadness or anger. In women, a continuous loving feeling is more dominant, although the happiness is still present.
• Cause: Heart and body brains fused together.
• Comment: Doesn't stop the past from feeling emotionally traumatic.
• Frequency: Estimated 9% relatively continuously, additional 12% recognize it.
'Big Sky' state
• Characteristics: The world feels huge. Looking at the sky, it feels gigantic. Your boundaries disappear, especially above your head.
• Cause: Body, mind and Buddha brains fused together. The sensation of the huge sky is from a body sensation of the relative distance between objects and one's body.
• Comment: I'm not sure if I've accurately analyzed this state. Treat it as possibly being due to some other phenomenon. More work needs to be done on it.
• Frequency: Not determined.
'Brains Communicate' state
• Characteristics: The three brains can communicate with each other. Brains interact like a dysfunctional family.
• Cause: All the brains' awarenesses are touching and in communication.
• Comment: A useful intermediate state, but not as valuable or dramatic as a fused one. In a Perry diagram, the circles all overlap slightly.
• Frequency: Estimated 12% relatively continuously, additional 23% recognize it.
'Deep Peace' state
• Characteristics: Deeper peaceful feeling than the Beauty Way. A feeling of being balanced, evenness, no irritation. Feels like the physical heart is lower in the body. Feel more lightweight. Not effortless, but not as bad as normal consciousness. Brains are aware of each other, can communicate directly, and you are aware of each simultaneously.
• Cause: Brains' awarenesses are superimposed, but not completely fused. No hollow sensations in the body.
• Comment: An intermediate state that we don't try to get.
• Frequency: Not determined.
'Hollow' state
• Characteristics: Body feels hollow inside the skin. All parts of the body feel 'continuous'. Emotions have a cognitive rather than affective quality.
• Cause: All brains fuse together.
• Comment: Chakras are not merged. Brains are not connected to the Realm of the Shaman.
• Frequency: Estimated 7% relatively continuously, additional 12% recognize it.
'Wholeness' state
• Characteristics: The word 'wholeness' is the most accurate for this state, and is used spontaneously by people acquiring it. A feeling of being complete, with nothing missing. Music is especially vivid.
• Cause: A fusion of the placental and sperm tail 'energy' or 'awarenesses' with the other triune brains.
• Comment: The sensation of wholeness exists independently of the state of fusion of the other brains.
• Frequency: Not determined. Well, I do recognize some of those. Anyway, they seem to be aiming for ways of allowing people to spend more time in such peak states. Which would be splendid, of course. More >
22 Apr 2004 @ 03:11, by b. Philosophy
OT3 was called the Wall of Fire. It was a broad level. I learned to focus on what I needed to do to get through it and do it. Doing the auditing as I found more of me I found that I had more self control. Focus and determination. More >
21 Apr 2004 @ 15:27, by spells. Communication
Being Dislike and/or Being Misunderstood
Someone once said to me..”I would rather be disliked, than misunderstood”. I see the truth of these words, but it appears that both can also be the situation. Now please don’t misunderstand this post (no pun intended). I am NOT looking for compliments, ego boosting, words of encouragement, advice or anything of the sort. I only want to clear the air and be real.
What prompted me to write this little post is a private message I recently received . I was told off in so many words and then blocked from responding. OK, that is his/her prerogative. But in all honesty, I see it as cowardly, defensive, immature and sneaky.
I am not here for image. I am here to share the truth with other souls on their journey. Sometimes this truth is harsh and to the point. But enough sugar coating is done without my help. This may come off as “unloving, unspiritual, harsh, negative, judgmental ...to point out some of the “labels” I have been called. When I am told this I always ask the same question…what could be more loving than telling the truth so that others can see it and progress from there?
Repeating messages was another accusation thrown at me in this little private message. Yes, I do repeat myself, but only to make a point. When a post or comment is answered within paragraphs of the original post, this is done to be clear and thorough. So many points are missed when discussion gets going and my hope is to directly answer key topics in the hopes of inspiring deep discussion. When the points are not addressed, it is my habit to bring them up again. That way I may be disliked but not misunderstood. The same is true of questions that are not answered or not answered directly or honestly.
Contrary to popular belief, and I did have to do a lot of digging to see this clearly, I am not by nature a negative person. As I have said countless times before….don’t shoot the messenger. I don’t fool around though and I look at the bottom line in all situations. If it is not the cause of the problem that is being addressed, then the problem will not go away. Pure and simple. That is NOT my rule, it just is.
Now getting back to the message sent the other night. It wasn’t so much the words that struck me, as it was the psychic attack that I strongly felt. I (as many here) am very sensitive and when an illness, pain, discomfort or other symptom strikes me, I question where it comes from. I woke up yesterday morning with a migraine. My head hurt so much I wanted to just scream. I meditated and looked for the source and guess who popped in my head?..…the author of that message. I didn’t know yet that I had received the message, but after long meditation I knew who was attacking me. Of course, this was confirmed as soon as I logged onto NCN and saw what was written.
I am telling you this, not to attack anyone, but to ask you to please be aware! Psychic vibe and attack are not often talked about among members of a group, (or in our society) because we want to believe everyone is coming from good intent. But watch out for those that care more for image and their own self gratification then true spiritual ministry. They are very good at deception and convincing you that they are right and caring. They are very good at minimizing key points, pointing fingers of accusation and/or changing the subject.
Please always go within and seek the answer, don’t take another’s word for it. Also use meditation, logic and reasoning. And please also remember…it is said that the truth hurts, but this matters not for it is still the truth, no matter how you may feel.
Peace, love and clarity,
Spells More >
21 Apr 2004 @ 12:33, by gsosbee. Conspiracy
The following is a personal and private e-mail that Sosbee sent to a supporter on March 21, 2002 . The message is printed here for the record:
Thank you for your question. I have no way of knowing how many others are in this situation. I suspect that no one else is in the exact same dire nightmarish existence that I face on a continual basis daily. Indeed, I may be the only former fbi agent (or cia agent) in history to be so aggressively retaliated against for my taking well-documented reports of fbi/cia fraud, corruption and treasonous conduct directly to Congress, the United States Supreme Court, the People of the United States, and now the People of the world. My reports are corroborated with compelling evidence (inside the fbi) which cannot be dealt with honestly by these two agencies; therefore their agents, operatives, thugs and assassins must silence me. I know of no other fbi agent who has survived terrorist assaults as I have (for 4 years) with such a monumental case against the fbi/cia. I am not proud of my efforts to destroy the fbi/cia for their murderous ways; this is my duty and I am saddened by the prospect that I must now show the world that my country is a fiendish fraud, both on the world at large and on Humanity for allowing the fbi/cia to continue their *atrocities. I plan to live for many years, even while the fbi and the cia continue their assaults and mind games against me. Someday, the record that I now present will be eagerly accepted by a nation and a world that must inevitably come to grips with the fundamental issues associated with governmental corruption and human suffering. I will probably not be around to witness such an awakening, but I know that such a phenomenon will occur and I trust that the world and its inhabitants will be the better for such a re-engineering of civilization that I envision. Of course all of this speculation assumes that the world will survive long enough to come to its senses. I give credit to others alive today who also live with similar terrorist retaliation by the fbi/cia; indeed, I draw some of my strength from their warm assistance and reassurance. Again, thank you for your astute interest in this matter and for your occasional queries of my humble opinion. Geral
*Warning: graphic content, adult viewing only:
[link] More >
20 Apr 2004 @ 22:25, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Rose Midst Seaweed Tide
A rose midst seaweed tide
Beckoned the tears of lost hellos,
Dripped the cries of ocean farewells,
As it rolled with the fanning water.
It lay forlorn and heavy with lost meanings.
The graying sky
and cooling wind
fluttered the bruised petals.
Shocking in its brilliance
against the drying kelp,
it broke through the soft wanderings
of a walkerby.
Pondering and suddenly sad,
they looked up at the endless water,
Seeking the horizon for something lost.
There in the shifting glowing light
Birds soared in and out of dark scarves of gray,
Entreating the fingers of mist,
Pulling the heart into the sky.
Feeling not the frozen seeping water,
Transfixed eyes worship the rising Phoenix.
Burning the image forever
Never lost
The roses in their constant turnings
Were caught in the surf
Rolling once again to decorate
The green foaming tide
Almost gaily they twisted in the water
“Farewell, farewell”.
July 11 2001
© December 17,2001 Marissa A Spencer More >
20 Apr 2004 @ 18:46, by ming. Crime, Policing
Very interesting article by Dave Cullen: "The Depressive and the Psychopath" about the conclusions made about what really went on in the minds of the Columbine killers. The mostly publicized story is that they were outcasts who had been picked on, and who were taking revenge against those who bullied them. And that their motivations otherwise are inexplicable. The conclusions reached by a group of FBI psychologists are both more horrifying and more enlightening and useful.Fuselier and Ochberg say that if you want to understand "the killers," quit asking what drove them. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were radically different individuals, with vastly different motives and opposite mental conditions. Klebold is easier to comprehend, a more familiar type. He was hotheaded, but depressive and suicidal. He blamed himself for his problems.
Harris is the challenge. He was sweet-faced and well-spoken. Adults, and even some other kids, described him as "nice." But Harris was cold, calculating, and homicidal. "Klebold was hurting inside while Harris wanted to hurt people," Fuselier says. Harris was not merely a troubled kid, the psychiatrists say, he was a psychopath.
In popular usage, almost any crazy killer is a "psychopath." But in psychiatry, it's a very specific mental condition that rarely involves killing, or even psychosis. "Psychopaths are not disoriented or out of touch with reality, nor do they experience the delusions, hallucinations, or intense subjective distress that characterize most other mental disorders," writes Dr. Robert Hare, in Without Conscience, the seminal book on the condition. (Hare is also one of the psychologists consulted by the FBI about Columbine and by Slate for this story*.) "Unlike psychotic individuals, psychopaths are rational and aware of what they are doing and why. Their behavior is the result of choice, freely exercised." Diagnosing Harris as a psychopath represents neither a legal defense, nor a moral excuse. But it illuminates a great deal about the thought process that drove him to mass murder. The distinctions are very well worth understanding in detail. "Psychopath" isn't just a good thing to call people one doesn't like or who do something bad. There is something very specific that makes such a person different. In this case Eric Harris was the psychopath. It was not at all about simple revenge, and his aim was for something much grander than merely the most deadly school shooting in U.S. history. Because he was a person thinking differently from you and I.It begins to explain Harris' unbelievably callous behavior: his ability to shoot his classmates, then stop to taunt them while they writhed in pain, then finish them off. Because psychopaths are guided by such a different thought process than non-psychopathic humans, we tend to find their behavior inexplicable. But they're actually much easier to predict than the rest of us once you understand them. Psychopaths follow much stricter behavior patterns than the rest of us because they are unfettered by conscience, living solely for their own aggrandizement. (The difference is so striking that Fuselier trains hostage negotiators to identify psychopaths during a standoff, and immediately reverse tactics if they think they're facing one. It's like flipping a switch between two alternate brain-mechanisms.)
None of his victims means anything to the psychopath. He recognizes other people only as means to obtain what he desires. Not only does he feel no guilt for destroying their lives, he doesn't grasp what they feel. The truly hard-core psychopath doesn't quite comprehend emotions like love or hate or fear, because he has never experienced them directly.
"Because of their inability to appreciate the feelings of others, some psychopaths are capable of behavior that normal people find not only horrific but baffling," Hare writes. "For example, they can torture and mutilate their victims with about the same sense of concern that we feel when we carve a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner." Seems like it should be very important to find better ways of recognizing such people early. Shouldn't really be all that hard if it can be based on such rather clear criteria. More >
20 Apr 2004 @ 05:49, by ming. Philosophy
Paul Hughes makes a compelling case for free will as an unavoidable constant, tying into and going beyond neuroscience, quantum mechanics, and many other subjects. Article "Super Free Will: Metaprogramming & Quantum Uncertainty" at FutureHi.
Neuroscientists and behavioral scientists and cognitive researchers can show how most of our behaviors and thoughts can be shaped or controlled by chemistry and by the inputs we are provided. By finding the right place to put electrodes on someone's brain, or by setting up an environment that influences them in a particular way, one can shape people's reality, and the throughts and feelings they have, to a remarkable extent.
The funny thing is that eastern mystics and yogis and meditators might say similar things, from another angle. Most of what you do is just robotic, arbitrary behavior patterns that you do completely automatically, based on what has been imprinted and conditioned into you. You walk around, half-asleep, in an arbitrary world that is projected for you, having thoughts and feelings that mostly aren't your own.Ok, so where does free-will come in? So far it seems like I’ve decimated every last shred of free-will and human dignity. Yes, and for good reason! Unless we understand the full extent of just how brainwashed and programmed we are, we will never have anything close to a free-will. To be free it first helps to intimately understand just how imprisoned we are by our own nervous system. Freedom comes from knowledge, not ignorance. To know thyself is the pathway to liberation and freedom, as I will now explain. No matter what we do, we're mostly dealing with a world that comes in through our perceptions and our nervous systems, and before we even get around to having a thought about something, we're already many levels of abstraction removed from the real event. And when we form ideas and concepts and try to share them with each other, they're all subject to the same limitations. Even scientists are thoroughly conditioned into logical fallacies developing from layers upon layers of fuzzy abstractions and semantic and neurological limitations.
The answer is that the only thing that leads out of the trap is consciousness that includes knowledge of all these limitations and that strives to transcend them.
Quantum mechanics entails that any measurement includes uncertainty. Even if you check it with another measurement, it just involves more uncertainty. Ad infinitum. The only thing that breaks the chain is when a conscious observer decides what it means.
Likewise, no matter how mired we are in uncertainty and subsconscious conditioning from our environment, we can always move a step up. We can encompass all the uncertainty, including our own imperfect perceptions and memories, and aim at getting what the meta-program is. We can increase our freedom and free will and awareness by understanding better how things work, and by transcending the previous limits we experienced. If we don't add in our own consciousness, we'd keep going in circles. But by becoming conscious of a new understanding, which provides more choices and more freedom, we can actually move up in the spiral. And we can repeat that any number of times. Finding how our previous beliefs and behavior patterns limited us, and moving on to a meta-understanding of them, which gives us more flexibility. But which, of course, again becomes a limitation sooner or later, which we need to transcend. All of this includes, of course, not just how we think, but how capable we are at working with our environment.So here we are altering our own molecular DNA, and soon the entire physical world down to the atomic level. Another way of looking at this, is DNA having evolved out of the slime, is now becoming recursive enough to begin altering itself with internationality and purpose towards something stronger, smarter and more versatile. Going further, the atomic world is now becoming aware of itself, and as it becomes aware of these limits, just like we becoming aware of our own programming, will begin to re-program this matter to become more expressive to this internationality, to the logos, the memeplex that is our noosphere. Will this self-recursion ever end? Probably not. Do we have free will? As I have shown, free-will is a matter of degree. It is easily demonstrated that we can increase the levels and degrees of freedom as we become aware of our own limits. I would say, not only is there free-will, but eventually everything in the universe, including the very essence of ourselves will become re-defined by it. In the end, everything will change, but one thing will remain and increase, the level of our free will, our consciousness, the fundamental that is and comprises everything. As Paul says, free will not only exists, but ultimately it is all that remains in an ever changing uncertain universe. And I agree. For that matter, it seems abundantly logical to me that the universe and our existence in it makes no sense without the perpetual existence of consciousness. I.e. being aware of something and being able to make a choice about it. That can happen at very low levels, automatically and imperfectly, or it we can strive towards doing it better, gaining more all-encompassing wholistic knowledge, understanding ourselves and the universe better, and doing more interesting things with that new awareness. More >
19 Apr 2004 @ 13:53, by adi. Spirituality
Please use the following inspirational text as the backdrop of this special Meditation Focus and dedicate your prayers and meditations, as guided by Spirit to contribute in empowering this vision of a New Earth, for the Highest Good of All. More >
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