4 Apr 2003 @ 09:26, by craiglang. Spirituality
How many of us baby-boomers have said to ourselves: There must be more to life than this. But what is it? How do I find it? Where to from here - where does the path lead?
How many have found the answer? And how many of us know how to ask the question? Some interesting experiences over the last few weeks have helped me come to terms with the question, even if I haven't come any closer yet to the answer... More >
3 Apr 2003 @ 14:56, by adi. Altered States
The monatomic state of the sacred elements gold, silver, platinum, chromium, rhodium, and iridium is the ascended state of matter.
In this unique ascended state, these elements have no metalic properties due to the fact that metalic properties are due only to the bonds, i.e. valences, between atoms which do not exist in the monatomic state.
In this ascended state these sacred elements are naturally in the form of a white powder.
This 'white powder of gold' was known to the alchemists of ancient Summeria, Egypt, Israel,and India.
It has unique properties of super-conductivity which is needed for higher consciousness functioning of the nervous system, DNA/RNA and other aspects of physiology, as well as for prevention and healing of diseases, including cancers. It also can become antigravitic. It translates light into matter, and matter into light.
When consumed it immediately acts to raise the consciousness and energy level, and it is most valuable in facilitating one's physical and consciousness ascension.
I have had several years of experiences with the use of Etherium Gold which is the only known naturally occurring substance containing a concentrated amount of the sacred monatomic elements. I'm happy to share my experiences and to discuss possibilities in the use of any monatomic elements.
There is information available about how to derive them oneself from seawater and other sources.
They have become re-discovered and available now as an essential part of planetary and human ascension.
more info at [link]
mailto:greenliving@care2.com More >
3 Apr 2003 @ 14:30, by quidnovi. Personal Development
Confucius and you are both dreams, and I who say you are dreams am a dream myself. This is a paradox. Tomorrow a wise man may explain it; that tomorrow will not be for ten thousand generations.
----Chuang Tse: II
Current-borne, wave-flung, tugged hugely by the whole might of ocean, the jellyfish drifts in the tidal abyss. The light shines through it, and the dark enters it. . . . | More >
2 Apr 2003 @ 11:03, by craiglang. Spirituality
The recent events of the war, environmental degradation, and the endless scandals from human greed, recalls to mind a metaphorical journey I experienced a few months ago - an experience that occurred while in the deep trance of a hypnotic "Life-Between-Lives" session. More >
1 Apr 2003 @ 17:15, by newdawn. Spirituality
The present world situation has stirred up a hornets nest within nations and within its citizens. This is certainly the time in humanities evolution that all our very core beliefs, especially the negative ones that have been fermenting are brought to the surface. "Spiritually minded" people, channelers, those who say they want to bring positive change into the world when faced with "being the change they want to see" revert to the old paradime of name calling, being defensive, "better than though" or rude and judgemental when a person says some thing that they feel is directed against them, even though all they are doing is mirroring back their own perception.
There are a number of voices on NCN who dare to see the truth not in terms of patriotism and imperialism but in terms of humanity. A lot of rhetoric goes flying about change and peace but the reality shown in the virtual page of the newslogs and their responses has the same reworded old paradime thinking behinded it.
Now is the time to "be the change you want to see".
There is no tomorrow to change. Today is it!
As you allow others their freedom of speech and being you allow your own freedom as well. So speak your truth with love, awareness and compassion and remember that perhaps next time the wheel of karma may drop you into just the situation that you are so judgemental about just so that you get a taste of what it feels like when the "shoe is on the other foot" More >
30 Mar 2003 @ 21:33, by jewel. Spirituality
voices voices voices of the heart
the tongue of the bones of the blood
of the homes
from the bones, the blood, and the home
the voices the voices
the voices from the hearts
There seems to be more of a line in the sand for me with what is going on right now. The altar where I will sacrifice no more the compromises that support lies. In the world and in my experience of it personally and transpersonally.... Tecia talks about the solar weather... I know that there are these waves, like 'Horton Hears a Who'... the waves of what is happening in our birth life death blood swimming pool of humanity in relation to the All, the solar system and galaxy... and yes like the solar weather... there is an interconnection on the level of the star energy dance between the movement of life, the electricity and the subsequent organic relationships... there is some reason for the human condition and it is different than the ideas of transcendence and 'awakening' but indeed it has to do with Consciousness. Ming talks about the issues of what could be 'before the before' ... Stephen Hawking talks about, if there could be mathematical proof of the beginning, then there could be proof of a 'creator'. But the idea of Creatrix, that is the ongoing, never-changing AND always changing, Source, that from the inside out and outside in.... in Hawking's movie of 'Brief History of Time'.... that indeed it is a BOWL like matrix, not a point. There isn't a point. The patriarchy, the thoughts that don't work, are the linear ideas that talk about a beginning middle and end. And just one story. When they are all converging and happening simultaneously -- yet in some sort of harmonic and then not... order dance or UNDERSTANDING of what is working together. The massive hypnotism of the FRAMED linear thought, that is the escape from feeling what is going on. What is really going on. Again, the red pill vs. the convenience of the lies. This is the line in the sand. My soul is a radical soul. My essence, where I orientate and come from. There is something not about right left or centre. But off the line. Get off the line.
The profound statement of supporting the troops. Patriotism. To support a state that supports killing our troops and pretends it is about heroism. The heros are not the ones who kill or organize the killing or defend the killing. And the ones who glorify killing our youth because that is the only place where a man can find some path forward in a systematized lie. The industrial military complex is just a means to give meaning to these lives that cannot find a break. And we will not make them into heros later. The heroism is the lie of the idea of what it means to support them. True support, would be to care enough not to terrorize young men and women in the false idea of glory. Therefore, I realize, the best way to support our troops is to stop trooping youth and their promise. To stop the machine that trips the troops into terror. I support the troops to somehow be saved from the horrific system that cares not for their souls, voices, hearts, blood and bones. Of the sons or their mothers. Mostly minorities and from the lesser sides of the tracks. More >
28 Mar 2003 @ 19:23, by newdawn. Spirituality
I can't quite remember this quote correctly but it goes something like this~
*the world is such a wonderful place
I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings*
or rhyming words to that effect. More >
28 Mar 2003 @ 00:35, by letecia. Music
Through the years, I have run across women who's voices and music has inspired me and helped to shape my world. Here are a few of my favorites:
Ruth Barrett is Dianic high priestess, a Ritualist, and pioneer award winning recording artist of original Goddess songs. For over 23 years, she has been teaching workshops in Dianic witchcraft and leading rituals at festivals and conferences internationally. She is author of WOMEN¹S RITES, WOMEN¹S MYSTERIES: Creating Personal and Group Ritual (summer 2003 release), and is passionate about women's magick.
Shekhinah Mountainwater has served a Radical Muse since the Beginning of Goddess Awakening. She is a priestess, ritualist, author, poet, musician and a fore mother in the Goddess movement since the 1970's.
Jana Runnalls is a renowned singer/musician from Glastonbury, whose Goddess songs and chants are sung by many people around the world. She is a gifted performer singing and playing solo or with Katrina Brown and Glastonbury's Wild Women. She is also a very experienced voice teacher. Her many well-known recent recordings include Return to the Goddess and Lady of the Lake. Look for her in Boston mid-May.
Anna Homler has performed throughout the United States and Europe, including appearances at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (L.A.C.E.); PS 122; the Kitchen; Dixon Place and the Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church in New York; Supraclub in Prague; Klarinsly in Bratislava, Slovakia; Ketty Do in Bologna, Italy; the Stadtgarten and the Loft in Koeln, Germany; and the Melkweg and the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. From 1990 to 2000 she participated in such international festivals as Sonic Disturbance at the Cleveland Public Theatre; New Music America in Montreal; the Tegentonen Festival at the Paradiso in Amsterdam; Milanopoesia in Milan, Primavera Jazz Festival in Sardinia, the Internationales Treffen Muiskerinnen in Aachen; Het Vertel Festival in Gent, Belgium; Voices Festival in Innsbruck, Austria; Spoken Word Festival in Bruessels, Belgium; Dissidentent Festival in Rotterdam, Holland; the Moers Festival in Moers, Germany; the Festival International des Musiques Actuelle in Nancy, France; Musique Actuelle in Victoriaville, Quebec; Music Triennale Koeln, Koeln, Germany and the LMC Festival, at the South Bank, London.
Homler's music first became known in the 1980s with her Breadwoman cassette, a collaboration with Steve Moshier, released on High Performance Audio in the U.S. Her debut CD Do Ya Sa'di Do was relased on amf, an independent German label, in 1992. In 1994 she was featured on sugarconnection: alien cake on No Man's Land and in 1995 on Macaronic Sines, a collaboration with Geert Waegeman and Pavel Fajt on the Belgian label Lowlands. In 1996 she released Silver Bowl Transmission with Voices of Kwahn on North/South in the U.K. In 1997 she released peninsular enclosure on Swarf Finger with the Voices of Kwahn. Her music was also included in Iris, a compilation of women's vocal music on the French label Prikosnovenie. In 1997 a recording of her live performance with Waegeman and Fajt was released as Corne de Vache on Victo in Canada. She is currently working on House of Hands, to be released on ND in January, 2001.
Carolyn Hillyer is a truly Goddess inspired artist, musician, writer and performer who lives with her partner Nigel Shaw and family on the wild hills of Dartmoor in southwest England. Her artwork and music have delighted Conference goers for many years and this year she will share new music with us. Among her most well-loved recordings are the recent Cave of Elders: A Soul Journey for Women, Old Silverhead: Songs and Initiations of Womanhood and Songs of the Forgotten People (with Nigel Shaw).
Judy Piazza has been exploring music and sound since a young age. A percussionist, singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, recording artist, music therapist, and educator, she performs, facilitates workshops, and teaches nationally/internationally at conferences, retreat centers, workshops, schools, and festivals. Judy is founder of Resonance & Rhythms, artistic director and founder of the frame drum ensemble Bendira, and member of the Michigan-based percussion ensemble Repercussions. Her educational background and experience is in music therapy. Influences and inspiration by such percussionists as Glen Velez, Ubaka Hill, Allessandra Belloni, and Paul Newham have led her to the power of pulse through hand drums and percussion as well as to the sonic possibilities and healing aspects of voice. Currently the program coordinator of Upland Hills Ecological Awareness Center in Michigan, Judy facilitates rhythm and song circles for all ages and uses her love of music, sound and rhythm to nurture community, as well as to communicate gentle yet powerful messages regarding relationships to our self, each other, and to our Earth.
Julie Felix is a wonderfully accomplished singer/songwriter whose career began with the protest songs of the 1960s and 70s continuing into the Goddess songs of the 90s and 00s. Julie is a regular performer at the Goddess Conference delighting audiences with her songs and chants, encouraging us all to sing our hearts out for the Goddess. Her numerous CDs include Branches in the Mist and Fire - My Spirit. She lives in Hertfordshire and spends much of the year travelling and performing worldwide.
You can see many of these women at The Goddess Conference in Glastonbury, England, Goddess 3K, The National Women's Music Festival or at Michigan's Womyn's Music Festival.
Or you can sample music or order cd's from many other women here:
Ladyslipper is a non-profit organization whose primary purpose is to heighten public awareness of the achievements of women artists and musicians, and to expand the scope and availability of recordings by women.
We publish the world's most comprehensive Catalog & Resource Guide of Music by Women. Our annotated catalog contains information about an expansive variety of female musicians, writers, performers and composers, plus a section devoted to the musical contributions of non-sexist men, as well as video recordings, songbooks and music-related books -- over 1500 titles altogether. We have been publishing a printed catalog since 1976; on our 20th birthday, we were delighted to present our entire catalog on-line! Thousands of our selections include music samples for listening on-line.
Ladyslipper is also a small independent label; our purpose is to further new musical and artistic directions for women musicians.
Being on-line allows us to present some additional services to you, such as our Artist Information Pages, which contain expanded bibliographical information about some of the artists whose work appears in our catalog.
WRPM's 25th year starts on December 6th 2002
It was set up by Nicolle Freni and Tierl Thompson as part of the Women's Art Collective in 1977. Caroline Hutton bought it in 1979, and ran it as a sole trader enterprise, distributing many radical and feminist titles into larger music stores and bookshops as well as developing direct sales through mail order, women's music festivals and womens' events, peace festivals, conferences and other events.
Over the years, WRPM has built up a network of supportive and loyal followers introducing new musicians and innovatory work to the public. After 20 years Caroline gave up carting music around on public transport, setting up stalls at events all over the country, and has turned her attention to other things.
The WRPM archive containing copies of everything that passed through her hands, including vinyl, tapes, CDs and books, has been lodged with the City of Birmingham Library. WRPM is already referenced in the evolving canon of studies of music, sexuality and gender such as Frockrock by Mavis Bayton (OUP 1998) as well as the trade journals and directories.
In 1999 WRPM was taken on by Hilary Friend, based in Manchester and she is continuing the Archive. The website was launched in 2001 and reaches customers and supporters from Brazil to Poland to Australia.
WRPM is now a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. It aims to make music by women available to a wider public through the sales and distribution of music performed, composed and wherever possible produced by women, by supporting up women's music events and supplying educational resources.
WRPM offers a catalogue of recordings (CDs and tapes), books and resource packs in 12 main sections, including acappella, feminist and political, folk, world music.and women composers from the 11th century to the present day. Whether you like listening to music, you're a woman musician, we hope you find something of interest to you too. Do visit the WRPM Forum to tell the world about your interests and about WRPM in this anniversary year.
If you would like to have a WRPM stall at your event or WRPM stock in your library or shop, or with any other enquiry, do make contact by phone, email or post.
WRPM is at 7 Thornbridge Avenue, Chorlton, Manchester, UK
27 Mar 2003 @ 20:57, by rysa. Economics, Financing, Banking
1. PHILOSOPHY: Universal Commonwealth and Abundance
a. Civilizations are based upon a shared philosophy. The mark of a healthy society is its adherence to the standards guided by its ideology.
b. The Asset Based Financial System is based upon a CommonWealth. Thus it relates to a pervasive distribution and redistribution of energy, resources and currency. The CommonWealth operates as a single organism with the purpose of feeding, protecting and empowering its citizens to growth and achievement.
c. The establishment of the philosophy of universal CommonWealth is the crucial mark in the creation the Asset Based Economy. It demands the full force of an Ideology of force to create a revolutionary change in world economic conditions and provide for a global golden age of prosperity and wealth. Thus the Ideology is the establishment of Utopia through the activation of good will and abundance for all. More >
26 Mar 2003 @ 23:58, by quidnovi. Politics
Beware those who will tell you we must all speak with one voice.
Beware the brush of the wings of the Locust. More >
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