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 Bipolar Politics or choice?0 comments
26 Feb 2003 @ 20:45, by gaiatech. Politics
There is a system of voting where X marks the choice and it is used in Britain, Canada and the USA. It is statistically very boring.
You are not going to find out too much about a voter from seeing an X opposite a politicians name, are you? You might find that her or she is a Conservative or left wing a Green,.
But what type of conservative? Did they vote conservative for economic reasons, or for stronger laws or for something else?
You cannot even guess.
There is another system of voting where you vote 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, etc in order of your choice.
It is a statisticians dream!
You can look through the second 3rd and 4th choices to find out much more clearly what the person is voting for. Not only that, but in this voting system, 3,4 or 5 candidates get elected from one area so you get to choose WHICH conservative is preferred! The choice might be between the economically conservative conservative who is socially liberal (and with wife no 4 ) and his opposite. Economically liberal but socially conservative. With this system, you get to see much more clearly what the people want and why they made their choices. And isnt that what politics should be about? Knowing what the people want and why they want it?
This system is actually remarkably stable! It seems to produce 3 to 4 largish partys and the ocasional split off party. New ones do start from time to time but their thunder is usually taken rather quickly by a large party shifting their position a little. (Again, this is not bad). The partys are changing to reflect the views of the voters and that is what is supposed to happen! I see major problems with bipolar politics. Mushroom parties. Here in BC canada the previous government has 2 elected representives in a parliament of over 70 this time! The government party have the rest!
Over 90% of the voters voted for them? NO!
It was a little over 50%. I WAS SHOCKED!
In another situation, a 3 way division on racial or religious lines could lead to a government with an absolute majority in parliament and just over 30% of the vote. That is really scary!
So, what do you think?
Brian White

 A Slave To His Destiny
26 Feb 2003 @ 12:54, by sindy. Ideas, Creativity
One morning a sixteen-year-old boy was kidnapped from his house by a band of knife-wielding thugs and taken to another country, there to be sold as a slave. The year was 401 AD.  More >

 Anyone Else Observe an Overall Grumpiness?28 comments
25 Feb 2003 @ 21:42, by craiglang. Communities
Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone else has percieved this. I've noted a larger than typical level of grouchiness out there. I've seen this at work, on the road, in peoples' posts on various e-forums, etc... Others have commented about this, too - so I don't think it's purely my own perception.

I wonder - is there any one specific cause? Is it the world situation? Are people perhaps just getting tired of the N. Hemisphere winter? Or is it something else?

Comments anyone?
-Craig  More >

 Transfered from Scotty's Log ...
25 Feb 2003 @ 12:58, by scotty. Communication

24 Feb 2003 @ 18:42 by tdeane : Thanks Scotty!
For those who don't mind sharing the wealth of information (awesome) that exists in NCN, I know I myself could use the quick help of someone quite frequently in locating reliable information on topics of which I have no knowledge. As an example, I have hours in research on the internet on topics that list thousands of entries, only to find the one that "feels" reliable, is at 1,564.(chuckle) Sometimes emails can be cumbersome, both for the reader and the writer, and throwing a oneliner request for info into the hat in a customary place to look (this log), is a cool way of sharing it in the most expeditious way. Great for hearing about little-known topics as well, which I love. Great for a lot of things, actually!

It's also a wonderful quickie for sites that are not necessarily posted in the logs, but are in rooms or in comments that might not be viewed, and could be valuable to all.

I'd like to begin with something from a comment I posted in one of Ming's logs, regarding an ancient set of Fortran Programmed Instruction Manuals I have that are IBM copyright 1963. The four instruction manuals are completely clean and unused (no penned answers), but weathered in color; the illustration manual is minus its spiral binder, but I believe it is intact. They are yours for the asking, plus postage collect if anyone has an interest.

I also have an enormous collection of books on just so many topics, so if anyone has a need, but thinks the books may not exist anymore, or simply likes books for reading rather than from a screen, give me a try. We might both be surprised. I use them for research because of vision problems with computer screens, but I don't use them enough to warrant drudging around with them, and I'll just ask you for any info I need. The largest portion of the books are on psychology, but I also have ones ranging from the History of Architecture to Phrenology to the Art of Blacksmithing. So, if you have a need for any that I have, they are yours for the postage. Just drop me an email and I'll let you know if I have it. Love ~ Tricia

P.S. Are you going to restore the posting to log function you had before, or is that too space-consuming? [Edit]

25 Feb 2003 @ 01:14 by vaxen : Good show...
scotty dear. Thanks tricia for suggesting it to our scottish miss. Now here is a link to some very pertinent information about a time that is fast dawning upon us and that will need preparation in the deepest sense. The Fortran sounds delicious but you may have better luck on ebay tricia.

[link] [Edit]

25 Feb 2003 @ 02:12 by shakti_ma : Scotty ?...:-)
...Want another batch of books ??? (Or/and intesting American thriller paperbacks?)
Yes yes yes PLEASE Shakti_ma !
(this lady knows the way to my heart !) [Edit]

25 Feb 2003 @ 05:06 by zendancer : The flea market maybe
better organized in the work groups. This is a well needed feature to be able to share resources.In the workgroup it could be categorized, in the newslogs it disappears as soon as you post something new. Think about it and thanks.
I'd love to have it as a 'room' actually - then everyone could have access to it without anything being lost - maybe I should ask Ming if I could have a room !
(thanks for the encouragement !) [Edit]

25 Feb 2003 @ 07:56 by tdeane : Sounds like a GREAT idea, Scotty!
Even better than a log. Love ~ Tricia [Edit]

25 Feb 2003 @ 12:04 by shakti_ma : Scotty - problem. You create the Room, invite a bunch of people to sustain it, and let it roll!...
Done ! Thanks shakti_ma! [Edit]

 Transforming Swords With Words - Poets and others for Peace
picture20 Feb 2003 @ 16:31, by letecia. Activism
My first Peace action was published in the Desert Sun April 4, 1964 in Tortise Tim's Times Poet Corner:

By Letecia Layson (10)

If I had three wishes
I'd wish the world to come to peace
And all our sister countries helping
Hand in hand.

If I had three wishes
I'd wishe for people to get well.

If I had three wishes
I'd wish for happiness for Everyone alike.

Just think of all that would happen
If I had three wishes.

Poets are lifting their pens and voices again to speak for peace. On February 17 Poets Agains War took out a 1/4 page ad in the New York Times stating "over 8,000 poets have submitted poems or personal statements to register their opposition to this war." Here is an snipet from an article about the movement:

Zen poet's voice of dissent heard by anti-war literati

PORT TOWNSEND -- Sam Hamill, a reclusive former Marine turned Zen Buddhist poet, is an unlikely spokesman for the anti-war poetry movement he started almost by accident.

Hamill triggered a nationwide artistic uprising when he declined a White House invitation to a literary symposium Feb. 12, instead asking fellow poets to write protest poems.

The article goes on to say:

Hamill says he expected 400 or 500 responses, not the national outpouring that followed. In the first week, more than 4,000 poets stepped forward with statements and poems denouncing the war. The contributions came from some of the most distinguished poets in the country, including Galway Kinnel, Hayden Carruth, Phillip Levine, W.S. Merwin, Adrienne Rich and Ursula Le Guin of Portland. By Saturday, submissions to his Web site ( had exceeded 10,000... Check the link for the entire :full story.

For some, poetry is not just words, but living action as well, embodying their words:

From Baring Witness Pictured here from Byron Bay, NSW, Australia February 8, 2003
750 women shed their clothes to express their rage against the proposed war in Iraq.

A quote from the website:

These actions have brought unprecedented press to the Pro-Peace movement. Our goal is the creation by local groups of similar actions in every state, leading to a large event at the March 8th Gather the Women rally in Washington, D.C. We encourage everyone to get involved and let the world know that Americans are not marching in lockstep towards war.

I am a peace advocate from way back. I feel it essential/e-sensual to embody the principles we espouse. Peace  More >

 Updated: Does the sun live?9 comments
picture20 Feb 2003 @ 08:36, by bushman. Space Exploration
Here's what the scientists say about Comet NEAT. Also a rebutle, of all the rumors, that there is some kind of cover-up about about this peticular Comet.

I personaly agree with what the scientists say in this artical, except, there is this statement, at the above link.

"Adding to scientific excitement during the comet's trip around the Sun was a chance event in which a solar eruption, called a coronal mass ejection (CME), appeared to hit the comet on Feb. 17. SOHO captured the interaction, something scientists had not witnessed before. A kink appeared to propagate down the comet's tail, which astronomers say is energized, or ionized."

This statement is false and skirts the issue again, as I see it. Look thru the archives listed below, there are tons of pic's of this very thing going back years. Also they mention the kink in the tail when the CME hits it. They dont't even elude to the idea, that the presure put on the tail by the CME, also had to of hit the main body of the comet first. How much CME pressure would it take to move a Comet? What I do know from landscaping is that a small mistake at one end of a line translates into a real big one at the other. So even if the CME moved the Comet a micron, and the Comet being in such a long orbit of 37,000 years, the Comets orbit would be changed at the other end.


I think the sun does live and has sences. Sounds strange to most, but, I've been going to the SOHO website for 6 years now, every day. I have noticed this action between the sun and comets. The big thing is that the sun will spit solar mass at the incoming comet. No one at SOHO has even mentioned this phenomina. Probably because they know we are in an area of space that has more cometary trafic? Anyway check it out, there are archives to see just how many comets have rounded the sun in full view of the SOHO satilite, and in all those pictures, they chose to save them under CME, coronal mass ejections, they say it's a random happening, yet in every CME picture there is a comet. Are they Hiding something? Here's the artical that promted me to say something, and 2 SOHO sites to check it out.

A better page is.

This is the daily pictures site, you can use the controls they give you to look at pictures through out the years here to. The easy way is to just change the date on the end of the URL in the browser window, much faster too.

This is the archives of quicktime movies of the sun. One in peticular is a video of 2 comets rounding the sun at the same time, and makes it very obvious that the sun not only spits at them, but can accualy change the comets trajectory by doing this spitting thing. Science has yet to address this intersting happening, or maybe just don't want to tell us. I personaly belive our solar system is entering a high traffic zone in our orbit around our galactic center.

This is the daily realtime movies area.
[link]  More >

 It is Light3 comments
20 Feb 2003 @ 00:57, by sevenlamb. Ideas, Creativity
The very -source- of terrorism - at last revealed!  More >

19 Feb 2003 @ 13:47, by sindy. Paranormal
The ten vortices of the third chakra may have been indicated in the Spider Web formation that appeared next to Avebury in 1994. This can be a way that a clairvoyant sees the third chakra from the front, with the sub-elements forming the shape. In the middle is the Hara-Line centering the whole crop circle.  More >

 Today's Threads.. Twisting Tighter Tougher & Through to Transformation?6 comments
picture19 Feb 2003 @ 13:30, by jewel. Politics
According to the crazy right-wing AM radio stations and commentators I listen to as I descend from the Morongo Basin to the Choachella Valley every day, in a recent statement Senator McCain tells Clinton and Carter to 'shut up'. (Not, though I can't find this transcript yet in any news searchs!) ....

For example, far right commentator Glen Beck thinks that it's the Clinton's desire to rule the world by 2008. Which won't be too bad in my view. I see Clinton a lot like JFK. Obviously both men sold their souls to the devil to get into office. Clinton I am sure was some instrument with the Iran-Contra funds when he was governor of Arkansas; and it is well documented about JFK's daddy's mob and Hoffa buddies buying votes (see 'Double Cross' by the Gioccana bros). But there is an energy for lack of a better word that both men took on and almost embodied. They 'rose to the occasion' in a symbolic and thus important sense. I was lucky to experience the European view of Clinton in his last year in office whilst I was in the UK. An incredible statesman. Could talk beyond rhetoric without notes for an hour at a time. Yes, I know my conspiracy and liberal friends would say he was just as bad in policy as present King George---and, yes, just like Blair, both men represent a 'labour' and 'democratic' platform that is far more to the right and sold out to corrupt corporate interests. No longer seeming to care about the eroding working/ middle class common folks.... and, I agree.

Yet, there is something inherently cool and smartly hip about Clinton... some Light with a capital L--that one can almost sense or detect in his very presence and in the invisible forces behind what he symbolizes whenever he takes the podium or has a lucid moment captured on camera... That's where I draw my analogy with Kennedy. Also the very atmosphere of business and the culture in the country. Where the money was hot. The idea that information, knowledge and virtual realities possessed an inherent value beyond what the current profit margin was. Of course the dot com bubble needed to burst to some extent. But the money although still corporate and thus still corrupt---was a step in the right direction, not the same power as the old money of tobacco and oil that seems to be behind the Bush camp.

So, Beck says that Clinton is jockeying for UN Secretary-General. Here's a few negative ideas on the matter; ... Sure he is still looking out for his own grandeur and political career. But no matter, I feel he could be well 'used' in these situations. And here Laura Ingraham warns:
"As conservatives long suspected, Bill Clinton's loyalty, as evidenced in this speech, is not primarily to this country. His loyalty is to the liberal European elites who adore both him and the prospect of the world where America is no longer the world's sole super power. (Clinton also warned against US efforts to "dominate and run the world.")

For Clinton, a new UN resolution on Iraq is merely a means to a larger goal-"the chance to integrate the world, to make the United Nations a more meaningful, more powerful, more effective institution." The crowd went nuts.

Bill Clinton is still the biggest figure on the Democratic stage. He still raises the most money. He still exerts influence through Hillary and pal DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe. He is still beloved by Hollywood. Republicans should call upon all Democrats to either embrace or distance themselves from this World According to Clinton. Do they agree with Clinton that the US shouldn't try to be a dominant world force? Do they agree that our main goal should be an "integrated world." Do they agree that we're ripping off the UN by not sending more money Kofi's way?

Meanwhile, if Bill Clinton wants, sometime in the future, to be named Secretary General of a super-sized UN, he already has the campaign theme down pat: America Last."
Similarly, Beck 'warns', what if in 2008 the then UN Secretary-General Clinton is hosting a party for his wife the eve of the election---who will run the world then?

None of these 'warnings' frighten me. Rather a deliver a strange surreal hope and even a promise amist all the current mayhem... if we could make it to 2008.

Maybe the fall of Rome won't hurt so bad if a former Casesar--having been matured, humbled and even more enlightened--is involved with it's empiricism's punishment and potential reform on the global stage... and if Hillary keeps her spine up!  More >

 Humanity's Final Exam8 comments
18 Feb 2003 @ 20:20, by dwig. Philosophy
This is a personal document, a record and companion of my journey toward understanding what I currently perceive to be (at this time) possibly the most urgent crisis for all of humanity, and what can be done about it (by me, and by “us”). I’m also writing it to an audience of others, some of whom I hope will help me flesh it out, and possibly lead to a group document.

Of necessity, it’s a work in progress, and will probably stay that way; that’s why I’ve added a version numbering scheme, inspired by my work in software development.

The crisis is triggered by the impending peak of petroleum production and its inevitable decline thereafter. The “short story” is that, according to several petroleum industry insiders (and their number seems to be growing), the peak is/will be occurring between about late 2002 and around 2010. After that, production will continually decline.

If this piques your interest, read the full document.

Note: It used to be posted here, but I recently noticed that the last of it was truncated. To view it in full, visit it here.  More >

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