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 what is it that has bought us to this8 comments
13 Feb 2003 @ 02:12, by unity1. Spirituality
What is it that has bought us to these times in history ? This question has been on my mind all day. and although each of us can come up with some answers the thought still remains...what is it that has bought us to these times today.

Here we sit, in the suposedly enlightened 21st century and we are witnessing the most arragantly powerful nation on earth show the most callous disregard for human life. what has bought us to this place ?

The world watches in sheer horror as the war machine of this powerful nation defies the rules of International law not to mention the voices of its own people..who themselves march in their millions.

Calls for impeachment .....who amongst them will stand up and raise their voice...risking their entire career and possibly life to do so...who amongst them inside the congress wil stand up and say no there anyone ?

What can be done to stop this insanity?

Know that when the first bomb drops....all of us will feel the shame and the sadness as millions of people die over our need for oil...why...because we are all one.

what has bought us to this point in time?

This is a war that opens the door to sheer terror ......funny how the human race has the pathological ability to completly deny its own reality

humanity I weep for you.
yet I welcome your return  More >

 My E-Mail Wish List0 comments
picture 12 Feb 2003 @ 18:01, by ming. Internet
My e-mail program is a constant element of annoyance in my life, because it doesn't do the things I'd need it to do, and I get way too much mail for it to work right. It is Eudora 5.2, which is a fine e-mail program as it goes, but I need a whole other level of functionality. These are things I need:

- I need to keep track of my correspondence with different people. It should be easy to immediately see all prior incoming and outgoing messages in chronological order between me and a certain other person.
- I shouldn't have to create special mailboxes and filters to do that.
- Some people have several e-mail addresses, and I might have several e-mail addresses. I still want to be able to see my conversations with one person in one place, no matter what address we used, and no matter how we spelled our name that day.
- When I get a message, my e-mail program should know whether this is somebody I know or not. Certainly it should know right away whether it is somebody I've ever exchanged e-mails with, and it should tell me somehow.
- It should preferably also know if it is a known member of some group I'm in. There are 7000 people in the NCN directory. I'd like my e-mail program to recognize one of those people if they write to me, even if we didn't exchange e-mail before.
- I'd like my e-mail program to have a reasonable assurance that an e-mail really is from the person it says it is. The SMTP protocol allows anybody to enter whatever they like as sender, so I need some kind of ID mechanism built in here.
- I need SPAM recognition that I can train, like Apple's Mail program. I don't want centralized anti-SPAM blacklists, because they work badly and block things that shouldn't be blocked.
- Any message that isn't from somebody I probably know, and that doesn't have proper digital ID, should go into a totally different place than messages that are from real people.
- I need to be able to put a given message into any number of folders at the same time, without creating several copies. I need more dimensions. I want to always remember that a certain message was sent or received, so in principle it shouldn't actually leave my outbox or inbox, but at the same time I might want to file it under several different subjects, and give it various flags, and find it according to any of those keys.
- I want statistics. How many messages do I get per day, how many did I answer, how many did I send, etc.

None of those things are overly hard. Hardest part is probably the digital ID. The rest I could probably program myself, if I had a few weeks with nothing else to do, which isn't very likely. I need similar things for my Instant Messager programs. Actually I want continuity in my conversations across several different applications and platforms. Has anybody solved these things well in a program I don't know about?

 Patriot II - Some pretty spooky stuff8 comments
11 Feb 2003 @ 10:49, by craiglang. Activism
Hi All,

I just read this today, and it made my blood curdle. Read it and I think you will have the same response.

- "Night and Fog" editorial on
- Draft of Security Enhancement Act of 2003
- Article on bill

I'm open to comments here. What do you think?
This is some pretty dark stuff. If it's all true, then the storm is upon us?

-Craig  More >

 Frodo has failed, Bush has the ring.5 comments
10 Feb 2003 @ 23:34, by ming. Politics
Long list of some of the best signs from the peace march in Washington D.C. on January 18th:
  • Drunken frat boy drives country into ditch.
  • Bush/Cheney: Malice in Blunderland
  • Who would Jesus bomb?
  • War begins with 'Dubya'.
  • Bush is proof that empty warheads can be dangerous.
  • Let's bomb Texas, they have oil too.
  • How did our oil get under their sand?
  • Daddy, can I start the war now?
  • 1000 points of light and one dim bulb.
  • Sacrifice our SUV's, not our children.
  • Preemptive impeachment.
  • Frodo has failed, Bush has the ring.
  • Look, I'll pay more for gas!
 More >

 We, the Children of a Sentient Planet...1 comment
8 Feb 2003 @ 01:09, by sevenlamb. Activism
We can and must, as a human people get outside our stories and realize that there are now some 50 serious threats which will easily serve to replace war entirely and unite humanity in pursuit of mutual and biospheric survival and uplift. We can admit our error, and act upon it immediately, for should we now choose to continue to ignore, deny, and generally allow their expansion, these threats will permanently sabotage our human and biospheric future, right now. We can now honestly acknowledge, together, that many of the most serious threats to biospheric and human survival are created by our own industry, and our insistence on commerce in punishment, biocide, and murder.  More >

 SeeMePlayMe is open to public.9 comments
picture6 Feb 2003 @ 20:41, by bushman. Internet
Some of you may have heard of They closed couple of years ago, and basicly tossed 1000's of people out into cyberspace, like dust in the wind we landed all over the net, some in yahoo, msn, the whole list of online chat and gamming places. Still, Mplayer was the place, maybe the last bastion of freedom. Some people didn't give up, some people decided to show Mplayer, god rest thier soul for selling out to gamespy, lol. Build it and they will come? And they did, took a few years, and loosing 2 main investors in the WTC, they fought on. I don't know much about how .NET framework, works, but thats what they built SeeMePlayMe around. Being that its new, there are a few things that could be fixed, like, the program is set up for gammers, which I am, lol, But I don't play too many games on the net these days since Im on dial up, lucky to get 26.4. So basicly this program likes fast connection and XP machines the best. Everyone Ive talked to in SMPM love it if they have fast conection and XP. The people that run win 98 do fine if they have fast connection, but some problems in the voice chat and in the cams, like you only hear one person, usualy the one that made the room, same with the cam stuff, for me it wont load the cam at all, but people with 28.8 and above have better luck with the voice than the cam. They will fix these flaws. If your intrested in gamming and you see a game you like you should try it out. If your into meeting people, the chat is awsome sound quality, even if it breaks up bad for me, but it sounds good for those with fast connections, lol. The big differance between Mplayer and SMPM is that SMPM is built with .NET framework, 10 times more secure than Mplayer could ever be made. There are a bunch of game that havent been launched yet, so if you don't see your game, send them an email and ask for it. Yes, you have to pay if you want the power to make a game room, see the cams and voice, turn off the banner/popup adds, and to change your font and font color. If you are useing win 98 and have a slow connection like me, a gold account is the best deal, you get voice/cam, you can put up a url in your room, and get the font controls, but cant block adds, you also get 3 sub accounts. :}
Well heres the address: I would go to windows update first and get the .NET framework, some win98 users may have to get and install the soap tool kit, it will tell you if you need it. I also sugest that you run your scan disc and defragmenter, before getting the .NET framework, and after. Then go to and download the software. If you have a fast connection and or XP, you can just go and download direct from SMPM if you want. Remember this is new, never been done in this way. Out of the dust and ash of Mplayer, SMPM rears its ugly head, to give all a place to play/compeet, chat and to be who they are, or not who they are, lol. P.S. Its free, to use the software, so you dont have to get an account to type chat or join someones game. Also if you see a guy named albert who is the owner, Albert with a red star next to his name , just page him, and ask nicely, he will give you a trial gold account :}  More >

 Poetic License #1
picture6 Feb 2003 @ 17:06, by matrxmuziq. Ideas, Creativity
I am Beautiful...  More >

 Work3 comments
picture 6 Feb 2003 @ 16:35, by ming. Organizational Development
I'm tired of being a hard worker, rather than a smart operator. I don't know where I picked it up, but I've for years had the strategy of a workaholic in denial. If I just work harder, and put in more hours, and I try to keep up with everything that is thrown at me, I'll be alright. And that worked fine for a long time. At some jobs I've had, people were puzzled that I could get so much done. But my secret was sometimes not much more than that I worked 80 hours per week, and they only worked 50. They slept 7 hours per night, and I managed with 5.

But it is also the choice between whether you're the guy who does the work, or the guy who makes the work happen. I've been a supervisor, and led and managed teams of people, but I've somehow managed to always keep the attitude that I was the guy who'd do the work. Like, for one large programming project, I had five programmers, but it was still me who came in Saturdays, and who took the work home, and who ended up having written 90% of the code. Several times I've been given the choice on whether I'd be the manager or whether I'd be the techie, and I usually chose to be the chief techie.

But where it goes wrong is in the knowledge work of knowing what exactly you're doing, why you're doing it, and what the best ways of doing things are, including who best to delegate it to. Just oneself working harder is often a pretty dumb approach. What has sometimes happened to me is that I've been so busy with my nose to the grindstone, that I didn't notice that everybody else around me got really busy jockeying for position, writing reports, making presentations, protecting their territories, covering their asses, gathering really good information about what they should or shouldn't be doing. And suddenly I realize I have 15 bosses telling me what to do, and I'm the only guy who actually works, and there aren't hours enough in the day to do what everybody wants. And I had spent zero time on maneuvering around and negotiating things, so I have no political leverage.

Recently there was this one part of a bigger programming project I just couldn't seem to get around to. It was writing a very efficient SMTP mailing engine in C. Normally I do PHP programming nowadays. My C coding skills were extremely rusty, and I sort of needed to study up on what to do, and how to do a multi-threaded program. And I kept saying that I hoped to get to it next week. And they were very patient, but after about a year of that, they figured it wasn't going to happen, and instead of using my system they went out and spent 1/2 million dollars elsewhere, on another system doing roughly the same thing as what I had written for them, but which had solved that particular mailing problem. And the ridulous thing is that the piece I needed could have been coded in about a month by an experienced C programmer. And if I had told them that I needed another programmer, they would have said "Yes, of course". But I didn't. I just tried to work harder.

Enough. Time for a different strategy. More with less.  More >

 Reality; An offer you CAN'T refuse.....37 comments
5 Feb 2003 @ 18:51, by spells. Activism
Hi everyone,

It is truly amazing to me that the most profound and relevant (or just any) response I received from all the mailings I have sent out in the last year, was from someone I have never met in England. I say this because I have sent out important, factual and truthful information to you, my acquaintances, friends and loved ones, and never received an honest response once. An honest response would be one that addressed the facts made and discussed and/or debated these points for one find out the truth, no matter what that meant to us personally.

I do realize that most of you probably delete my messages before reading them, but the only one you are hurting or fooling is yourself. You can hide from the truth for a little while, but that will not make it go away. We are headed for disaster, and it is by the hands of the leaders of this country and all those who follow in silence and self imposed blindness.

Just take 5 minutes away from your busy, hypnotised lives to read the following letter. You are running out of time to wake up.....the snooze button on your alarm clock just fell off....


From “Ian”…

Dear Editor,

As regards Iraq, -if it wasn’t so serious; it could be a silly farce or some music hall routine, enacted by low-grade comedians. But it’s deadly serious. There’s a madman leading more than one country in this world, and America is no exception. Bush, no matter how the obsequious Blair talks him up, is crazed, maybe he always was, or maybe his previous alcoholism left him devoid of some crucial brain cells? Either way, he epitomizes much that the USA and the West has wrong with them, the selfishness, the greed, the smugness and the bullying.

Did Blair, Bush or Israel’s Sharon never hear or understand Bob Dylan’s lyrics in the song “God on our side”? And why did America learn nothing from such escapades as Vietnam? And part of this tragic farce is the blind western allegiance that favours Israel, alongside our disgraceful prejudice against all things Arab or Moslem. Israel is but a little state, with incommensurate influence in the world, it is beleaguered by blind Old Testament style hatreds, by a very divided, intransigent and retributive people. No paragons here! And yet they have such undue sway in world affairs.

One of the factors that really intrigues me is the influence of religions in our world. This applies as much towards Moslem, as the Judaic and Christian religions. In the case of Judaism, apparently God has decreed that people of Arabic descent are on a par with animals or insects, and as easily disposed of, -being little valued as human beings. This is so redolent of Nazi attitudes, -has nothing been learned? In the case of Muslims, something twisted has entered in; whereby some of its adherents have conjured that it’s somehow okay to slaughter, (with God’s grateful blessings), his creatures who hail from other parts of the globe who have Christian crosses or Stars of David, in place of crescent moons, atop their temples. Then there is the closer-to-home example of Christians. I ought to state here that I am of no one religion, -or of them all, so am not partisan to any. But I do respect the founders of all true religions. So it is with profound dismay that I see supposed followers of Christ, -such as Bush and Blair, behaving in a way that completely ignores the words of their professed teacher.

Christ never once endorsed bullying and aggressive warfare. He never said that one state or a single race was superior to all others. He never advocated murder as a way to solve human difficulties. Neither did he, (or any other saint worthy of the title), ever suffer from the dismissive arrogance and egotism that our present ‘statesmen’ display on a daily basis. I think he said things like ‘Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone’, and ‘Ignore the speck in your neighbor’s eye and behold the beam in your own’ etc. Far from warfare, Christ, (as Buddha et al), were strong advocates of peace and humility - and love for others. They were ardent protectors of the poor, the maligned and downtrodden, -were critical of materialism and recommended that we focus on spirituality as a way forwards.

If we look today at Western societies, where exactly can Christ’s teachings be seen being genuinely followed? In the case of the USA, we see the materially richest nation on earth, waving jingo-laden flags in the faces of the world’s poor and ill-used, with a paucity of compassion. We see them greedily guzzling the resources of this planet and tearing up ‘God’s creation’ like there is no tomorrow, and with no reverence for anything other than the dollar. We have the spectacle of the USA reiterating a nauseating patriotism that borders on an obsessive-compulsive psychiatric disorder. We see their (as well as our) youth sliding inexorably towards a way of life that is the very antithesis of everything that Christ recommended, -in terms of a drunken, drugged, sexual hedonism, where sport, shopping, over-eating and electronic amusements are the nearest they or we get to anything resembling devout dedication. And yet? And yet, the USA is full of this pride (a.k.a. ‘a sin’!) about itself, -it wallows daily in selfishness and self-congratulation, it has little respect for human life, unless that life happens to be Caucasian, affluent and with an American accent.

Raised as they have been on the entirely contaminated philosophy and values promulgated by Hollywood and the NRA, their guns equal instant ‘justice’ and ‘liberty’, disregarding all biblical commands, -including that very inconvenient ‘Thou shall not kill’ dictum. Can this really be called Christianity? Were Christ to appear amongst us today, can anyone seriously believe that he would quickly side up with America and all she does and is? Not a chance! He would, -as he did years ago, align himself with the sick, the poor, the downtrodden, and the spiritually pure of heart. He would praise those who work with compassion for humans and animals. He would castigate those who display all of what America and the West stand for today. In short, he would disown the ‘Christian’ USA and UK, and he would likely prefer to spend time with blind Moslem beggars, Columbian street children and Buddhist nuns, than our pompous churchmen, or the aggressive, duplicitous, self-aggrandizing world leaders, -much to the latter’s chagrin...

And one thing is absolutely certain. There is no way Christ would be advising Blair and Bush that they ought to go out and slaughter hundreds or thousands of Iraqi citizens in a senseless, meaningless war that solves nothing at all, but will undoubtedly evoke the (understandable) wrath of those people who the West has blatantly bullied, tricked and ignored for so many years, -causing yet more mayhem and loss of peaceful coexistence amongst God’s creatures in this world.

Heaven only knows what the present incumbent of the Whitehouse gleans from his daily bible readings! Has he got beyond the publishers preface yet? Certainly if he had read as far as the actual teachings of Christ, he might find out that Christianity centers on ‘Loving one's neighbor’, not lacerating him and her, (-and their rag-clad children), from the skies with devilishly designed million dollar armories. Bush would discern that distributing bread for the hungry is more truly the Christian way, than leaving landmines in the ground, which later blast the limbs off blameless shepherd children. He would also cut the crippling debts. The President of the USA and the Prime Minister of Britain ought to take on board that Christ’s message was ‘Suffer ye the little children’, not, ‘Ye ought to make the little children suffer’.

And Bush and Blair could usefully study passages that laud humility and readiness to bow to spiritual wisdom, -not self-righteous arrogance, mendacious diplomacy, and bombastic braggartism.

I don’t have privy information from God, nor a personal hotline, but from everything I can glean, I seem to discern that he or she sees our planet as but one entity, and has no personal favorites among the races. Apparently s/he loves us all equally, -be that black, yellow or white, and his greatest wish is that we all coexist peacefully, revering more that which is spiritual and alive, than worshiping dead material objects and things. We are but one family, called the human race, who, at present, are better at recalling ancient feuds, than remembering the words of the wise. Nietzsche once said: ‘The strong man is good at forgetting’.

Let us not forget that borders between countries are man-made, not God decreed. National flags, general’s uniforms, archbishop’s robes and brass nameplates boasting status, affixed to certain doors in Rome, Paris, Beijing, Baghdad, Whitehall and the Whitehouse are not dropped from heaven by God’s angels, but are made in factories by human hands and machines, -exactly like toilet rolls, baby wipes and pooper scoopers, -which are probably far more valuable to humanity than the former artifacts.

Humanity is in a mess because it pays more attention to Warner Brother epics, than the ethics of brotherhood and the epics of saints, -as once depicted by those who had better credentials to teach us the proper way to live, - (decently and peacefully), -than do the dollar-hungry moguls who own and control the shaping, yet warped, mass media.

So, as ever, the key issue is ‘Choice’. We have the choice to be swayed by the crazy and demented, -as did the people of Germany in WW2, or to decide that our reprehensible leaders be changed and that meritocracy ought rule the day, -electing those who promise genuine ethical reforms that benefit the whole world, not sleazy tax reforms that benefit only the already very affluent in some select mansions of the West...

As we vote, as we protest, as we write and speak out loudly, (or stay quiescently indoors, glued to our TV murders and fictions) so do we create either the prospect of future disasters, –involving pain and ruin; or the saner option, -that of a better world. let's choose, and act wisely and soon!

With hope... "  More >

 The Great Inland Sea1 comment
picture4 Feb 2003 @ 00:08, by koravya. Visual Arts, Graphics
The Great Inland Sea of North Ollin.
Below are the faces in profile
Of the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness,
Face to Face,
Obsidian knife tongue to obsidian knife tongue.
Interpret that as you please.
Speak words of Wisdom,
For my Life and Ours
Depends upon the Truth of our speech.
Each twin emerges from the mouth of a serpent,
The serpent of time as reflected in the movements of our planets,
Meeting tail to tail, at the keystone date, thirteen reed.
*_*_*_ _*_*_*
From my days in Madison, Wisconsin,
I recall visiting the pyramid earth mounds
At a place the western settlers called Aztalan,
For the people who had occupied the place had long gone,
And the mounds were reminiscent of the Mexican pyramids.
_*_*_* *_*_*_  More >

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