27 Dec 2002 @ 01:44, by unity1. Spirituality
Let us now share with you a proufound understanding........at the moment of conception there is a spark of light, an explosion of energy and what you call a soul is concived, at the moment of death that spark of light, that which you call a soul, is obsorbed into all that is....in a flash the light that you are , the essence which is you, the product of all your experiences...is dispersed like an explosion, you are but an energy beam of all that exists. You have formed yourself your human form/body and have grown it from within your self. Every cell in your body is infused within you. You as that energentic spark that was concieved, and that which you are is obsorbed into all that is. The you you are and have been as this physical energy spark, is not lost, nothing can ever be lost within all that is. You are expanded, you not ony become dispersed, part of all that is, but you are enriched, you are still you in knowing yourself, yet you are more
Understand this you have never been seperate from all that is, the universe or force. From the entire universe comes you, gathering yourself together to form a physical form, upon death your energetic self/spark is obsorbed, dispersed into all that is.....you are not re obsorbed, for you have always been part of all that is. Your current beliefs hinder your understanding, for nothing can ever be seperate in actuality, all that is is everywhere, so how can anything be seperate from it.
Your trying to name is has helped create the seperation. And why are you here ? why did you do all this....why ? ...because you could ! Life is experiencing. Everything is experiencing. Again your beleifs about life seperate you from your own knowing, and therefore your own experience. There is no mystery of life to uncover, no specific path, no true way to be for all ways are the way to be in life. The beauty and mystery of life is simply that you EXIST. How you live your life is up to you. There are no right nor wrong ways, just many ways.
Many of you consider your life to be a series of experiences, some good others not so good. Still others feel that their experiences are so bad that they themselves are bad, worthless, no good, and your societies tend to reiniforce this. Yet let me share with you....life is simply expereince....and how can you fail at that? No matter what you do in life you can not fail experiencing ! Now .......how do you wish to judge that ?
Understand that your judgements of your experience will determine your life and how you live it.. But know this .....In this moment, you are who you are. You are who you are because of your experineces., every single one of them has shaped you into who you are today. And in a very real sense, you are who you think you are simply by the judgments you place on your experiences.
You are not at the mercy of any past life, nor lives yet to come. You exist in the only place that you can ...the PRESENT. So the choice becomes do you like yourself in this moment, are you ok with your life in this moment. If not why not....and are you willing to change them.....and if not now, then when ?
In your Dreamtime.....sleeping you are all different people.....you are people who know, you are people living life, choosing senarios that will best express your actions or change your actions to best resonante with who your wish to be. The veil between the worlds is thick only because of your understandings and beleifs about dreams themselves. If you did not dream, there would be no movement in your life, your choices are chosen in the dreamtime.....sleeping....and you will discover that without fully knowinng it you will have made the choice to change. Your world depends upon it.....are you willing to overcome decades of inertia and mindlessly following the leader to create from your own inherent knowingness.
The essence of all that is, is love, and you are a portion of that essence, all of you are, there is no getting away from it......you are love at your core, your physical body is powered by the love you are..... energy, the energy of all that is.
For now however it is dulled down by living in fear, subtle fears about making a living, day to day fears of making ends meet and other equaly seemingly important things. You hold your lives in your own hands, or should we say hearts...and minds.....and without the dreamtime sleeping no change would be possible..........
We tell you this also.....there is nothing outside of your self that determines what type of life you end up living and experiencing....nothing....You are all self perpertrating, self generating, self created and self creating beings. You yourselves collectively create the momentum for what befalls you both individually and collectively as a race. There is no thing out side of your selves....no god or force as such that says it must go this way, or this must happen....no....there is no such thing...the choice is always yours and as always so are the responsiblities. You are not a victim in your own lives, let alone your world. You are self determining beings, co creating your world. The collective consciousness .....that which is all of you..... has been termed God, for that is the beleif in which you live....Yet it is not outside of you as you have personified it, no....it is all of you, individually forming a collective consciousness known as humanity....this is the energy that powers your world....not something outside of yourself....but from within....from within all of you.....within the dreamtime sleeping
You are a spark of the divine, and therefore you are divine in nature. The core of you is love, the essence of who you are is love, that is what all that is is. Yet you know not what love is.
Let us share with you....the love that is, is the breath of a cool breeze on a muggy day, the love that is is the first rain drop on a parched desert landscape, the love that is ...is both within you and surrounds you...it embraces everything that you are, for it is you. The love that is, has allowed you to be
Expressed in physical form, the love that is becomes the virbration of joy. The core of you as energy, as a light form is love. When you create your physical form you are love, your form resonates at that vibration or tone. Look at your new borns they are love manifested in its purest sense/meaning/term. How then could you be anything less ?
When the energy essence which is you translates into physical form, the energy essence which is you grows the form. In other words, because you are pure love made physical, that energy, that love that is you, which is all that is, becomes the core energy harmonic of your body. In other words, you being love, your core harmonic in physical terms is love. At the vibration of that which you are, which is love, that energy weaves the body cell by cell. And what is the first organ created by this energy ? YOUR HEART !
And what is it that you have you been taught about your selves and your bodies ? In religious doctrine, you have been told that you are SINFUL....Here is the root of everything you beleif about your bodies and your selves. And why we endeavour to turn you from your religious. For from our perspective there is no truth in them and they seek to entrapp you and hinder the development that is necessary, nay, vital for you to understand your self and the world in which you yourselves co create.
We sense at this time, that the energy within your world and you yourselves are walking up from a deep hypnotic trance that has placed you at the mercy of religious dogma, subverting your inherent knowing and placing abhorant beleifs in your trusting minds and hearts. We watch humanity struggle with its own identity, trying to come to terms with concepts that are based on erronous ideas and limiting beleifs that do not free you from your prediciments, but hinder you even further. We speak to you from our hearts, from the energy of the divine love, that which is all that is, and that which is you. In this sense we will not play your game of feeding your egos, but challenge you to break out of your own self imposed limitiations. We will in a sense burst your self created bubbles of beleifs, by sharing with you the truth of your prediciments, in this way you yourselves can do your thinking and feeling and tap into the vast resoviour of knowledge that is your inheritance of being a divine spark of all that is.
Let us continue......As we have said...you are divine love, merging with all that is at the moment of your physical death in energtic form. That energetic form created for you this body...grew this body within the dynamic of the vibration of love. Meaning that every cell, every fibre of your being IS the vibration of love. Because this is not the common understanding upon your world, many distortions have arisin. One of the many is that you are sinful, that your body your flesh is something to be free of. This is not so, for your body is your spirit your soul essence, and a portion of all that is, how could that be sinful ? You where made in the image of God, and the understanding of God at that time was akin to all that is,... a divine force.... and all that is is love so now, what image were you made from ? The Essence Of LOVE is your image. That is what you where 'made' in the image of . God is not a man, although man is a god in a sense. Yet to a religious person, they would not agree with that for man can never be like god...that is a blasphemy....then what is the point, if the child can never be like its father.
Let us share with you a deep dark secret....The Gods who created you where part of all that is, as are you...but they where not ALL THAT IS...there fore they where not gods in that sense , they were like you are becoming now, sophisticated in your technology enough to manipulate life and create new forms of life through the biology of genetic manipulation.....and so they created you.....in their imigae and likness....and like them you are a spark of infinite divinity the vibration of love. But they where not the God of man as personified by a Father in Heaven who only had one son, born of a virgin. No they where beings who where more sophisticated in their knowing then your race is now. And like your race, they also had ego' and personailites, that demanded aligence to their word...to their laws...and to essentially what was their world...but they did not come from your world...neither did they create your world...for that was always here...remember everything came into being simultatneously as it exists now....simultaneoulsy
What has been handed to you generation after generataion is several stories merged into one....and these are very ancient in your terms....yet you pick up this story in your bibles...and by then it is very old....yet there is an older version still that gives the bible its true meaning but one that must never be openly discussed, for if so the story of mans god will find it has built its house on foundations of sand and will be washed away by the tides of deeper open enquiry....that is why the truth will always be concealed within your religious understanding. The truth of your beginings, the truth of yourselves not as sinful creatures but of sparks of love, part of all that is.
However our essential message for this timing has been posted, and that is that you are in essence love, a part of all that is, and though you are now in physical form, you have never been seperate from the love of all that is for you are in essence love and being love you have weaved your body to the energy of love, which is its core harmonic in which your body functions, anything outside of that vibration is not your core essence and will eventually over time degenerate your body. Your body is not sinful nor is it something to discard in your haste to get to a ficitious heaven. Your body is love made manifest...it is you as manifest spirit, your flesh is just as much spirit as you are there can be no distinction between your body and your spirit for you are one and the same. Both are energy vibrations of love and you form, body and all a part of all that is. There is no seperation between you as physical being and all that is, for you are all that is made manifest in physical form....no more no less.
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27 Dec 2002 @ 00:35, by ming. Children, Parenting
My little daughter Nadia likes coming into my office to pretend she's me. So, she sits in my chair and gets this really deep voice: "I'm Mr.Flemming". And I ask "What are you doing Mr.Flemming?". I speak Danish to her, but she answers in English. "I'm working on my computer" she says. "Oh, but what are you actually doing on that computer?", I say. "Dot Com" she answers, with great conviction. I don't know where she picked that up from, but it's funny. And then she went and loaded an MP3 file. It is fascinating to see how the generations change, and later generations take things for granted that the earlier generation only learned about along the way. Nadia learned about e-mail first, so she also calls the stuff the mailman brings "e-mail". A cassette tape she calls a "CD". Film cameras don't make a lot of sense to her, and she's never seen a vinyl record or a rotary phone. She hasn't known a world without always-on Internet and digital cameras and cell phones for everybody. More >
26 Dec 2002 @ 12:45, by cho. Politics
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25 Dec 2002 @ 03:26, by ming. Economics, Financing, Banking
The biggest obstacle blocking the emergence of a free and peaceful world is in my opinion the legal concept of a corporation. It is, in principle, very easily removed, as it is only a legal fiction in the first place, and not any naturally occuring 'god-given' phenomenon or right. Corporations only exist because there are laws saying that they can. In practice it will be very hard to change, exactly because the current corporations can put vast resources to use in protecting and expanding their own power.
People should certainly be able to organize themselves and operate as a group or organization. But a corporation is something else. A corporation is allowed the rights of a natural person. However, it has responsibilities and liabilities less than a natural person. And it can live eternally.
These things can be useful and sensible when it is a small group of people who are trying to operate a business activity together. The initial people don't have to be too worried about being personally liable for the potential failure of the business, and the business can open a bank account for itself, and it can be continued even if the original participants drop out for some reason.
But when it grows bigger, there are certain key design features that start to become prevalent. A corporation is controlled by very few people, but the fuel is provided by a great many people, in the form of investments and manpower.
A large corporation might have the will of one person, carrying out one person's plans, and it has the legal right to act in most arenas as one legal person, but it might have the manpower of 100,000 people, and available resources bigger than those of a small country. All in the hands of a handful of people who don't have any personal liability for what the corporation does.
It is very difficult to successfully convey what a horribly bad idea that is. Most of us are so used to the idea of corporations, and most of us have bought the propaganda that they're inextricably linked to free markets. Nothing could be further from the truth. Large multi-national corporations are the anti-thesis of free markets. They are the communist revolution you never even noticed happening. More >
24 Dec 2002 @ 04:01, by ming. Peace
Merry Christmas!
Glædelig Jul!
The picture is from last winter, having a picturesque time in Denmark. Fresh snow was falling almost every day, which was rather lucky, and perfect for feeling in a christmas mood. We were visiting some in-law family out in the country, in Fuglebjerg (Bird Mountain), living in a farm house, with horses. We barely got the car back out of there again, as another 15cm of snow fell while we were inside for coffee. More >
23 Dec 2002 @ 21:11, by craiglang. Spirituality
A couple of nights ago I saw an interesting documentary, aired on Discovery Channel. It was entitled "Jesus the Complete Story". The program had a very interesting take on the mission of Jeshua Ben Yusef (arguably the actual name of Jesus at that time). It looked at the context of the drama, including the politics of the time period, and described some very interesting themes.
One of the biggest themes was Jeshua's mission in the context of the resistance to Rome. He was looking for a way to resist Rome without violence. Many military messiahs had come and gone. Rebellions had occurred, and failed. For long-lasting freedom and reform to occur, the documentary stressed, was that it would not come by military might - Rome was too powerful. The only way that they would be free was to embrace a spiritual path, and nonviolent resistance.
I was struck by the similarity between the situation of that time, and the situation today. In fact, at times they verbally described the Roman occupation, but the visuals on the TV were of Israeli soldiers today, patrolling Jerusalem, the West Bank, etc. So today, while the players are different, the props are arranged differently on the screen, and the weapons have alot more power, the drama is essentially the same. It is a story of political tension, military occupation and resistance - constant rebellion, and simmering hatred.
The tides of history seem to be carrying us closer to war, yet deep within us, the still small voice of God tells us that the answer is seldom if ever force. The spirit is the answer - the only source of real peace.
Deep down, I wonder if this wasn't at least part of the real message of Jeshua Ben Yusef. A message of peace and freedom through nonviolence preached by this itinerant preacher and healer 2000 years ago. A message largely lost until Ghandi, made it succeed in our own times.
I wonder if heeding this message now is how we might achieve peace in the present day - a combination of spiritual enlightenment and nonviolent resistance to war. An interesting thought as we enter the (re-located) holiday celebrating His birth.
-Craig More >
22 Dec 2002 @ 22:53, by jewel. Ideas, Creativity
Another eccentric High Desert customer to Paladin Video in Yucca --the most extensive, inspiring, and intelligent collection of films I have ever come across--I was recommended the film Waking Life by Richard Linklater. What got me was his description that it had to do with my favourite theme: are we dreaming awake, or waking from the dream? I have begun viewing this surreal 'animation' that blends between worlds and philosophies of life. It has futurism , biology, one brilliant treatise on the 'truth' behind Satre... and even a wonderful pillow talk between Uma and Ethan, voices beyond their Picasso-esque 'animation' selves....
But really, what is the dream? When do we ever wake up? Is there a point? There must be a point of recognition, of this Great Crescendo as one brainy 'Waking' character pointed out. (I like to think of it as waking the Global Brain, this Epoch into The Future). In this dream of our awakenings... I have written and pondered and fretted... and then spaced and forgot and just got on with the task at hand of feeding a babe and kissing a wounded lover's feet. Though still we continue with The Great Ah-Has of those lucid dreams when we know indeed we are threading the themes of yes, this Waking Life.. and that we Know, the Gnosis is shared with all the I's that are having their way with us... and then, why do we wake up and forget the journey, or the point of it? And, so I answer my own pondering. We cannot know the point, for the ant perspective. We must fly and have the moments of Communion in order to come back and be fragments of beauty once more.. confused and within that, the Eye sees the I but yet again, differently. More >
21 Dec 2002 @ 23:59, by ming. Business
While discussing xpertweb, an interesting system for connecting people with experts through a peer economy, Britt Blaser mentions, amongst several problems with real-world reputation systems:"People no longer work for a living. They hold jobs for a living, which pays better. ..which sort of got me thinking. That isn't just a flippant thing to say. I have a hard time thinking of anybody who really works for a living. When I have work that needs doing, I have a hard time finding anybody who would like to do it, even for money. And, I must admit, I don't really have time to work either. There's nothing I'm available for that you can just come and pay me for and I'll do it. And, looking around me, a lot of people seem to work that way. OK, I can still go and get a haircut and pay for it, and I pretty much know what I'll get. But that kind of thing is becoming more rare.
The times I have been employed by corporations I was always puzzled by the fact that most people weren't really doing anything terribly productive, and it made relatively little difference what amount of work people actually were putting out. I several times had the task of making a computer system that would automate what a certain company was doing, so I specifically had to study what it was that actually took place. And along the way I noticed how rather little it had to do with doing work and accomplishing finished work. For example, it is with some embarrassment I note that I once hired a guy to document a program I had written. He had an impressive resume, and the company had to pay above the norm to acquire him. After a year he left to join a big consulting company, and everybody shook his hand and congratulated him on his great career move and his excellent service to the company. I and everybody else knew, at least via our peripheral vision, that the tangible product of his 1 year of work was 1/2 written page of a suggested outline for the manual. We're talking about an expense of maybe $70K for 1/2 page of writing, which I could just as well have jotted down in five minutes instead of hiring him. But nobody cared, because none of it really matters that much. The company was busy and the organizational chart looked good and the money flowed somehow. And this guy had great relationships with everybody. He was very supportive. I enjoyed working with him.
It is not all crazy. The point is that it is relationships people want, rather than giving or receiving quantities of work. And in some mysterious way, that's actually working. With the people I work for today, I'm an independent contractor, but I've insisted on arrangements where I get paid fixed amounts of dollars per month, but I don't promise any hours of work, and there are no deadlines or anything like it. If they or I are unhappy, we'll change the amount or stop the agreement. But it is not about work. It is about paying attention. It is about being present for whatever comes along in a certain area.
I have not yet myself learned to be comfortable with that in situations where I'm the person who's needs some work done. I can see how it ought to work, but it just hasn't become intuitive yet for me. The point is of course that it needs to be a mutually beneficial relationship. I pay attention to these things, and you pay attention to those things, and together we're better off somehow. It is not about me forcing you to deliver certain goods at a certain price. The world is changing rapidly and the future is uncertain, so maybe the relationship model is more viable than a transaction model. But, of course, it needs to be a good relationship, not a bad one. More >
21 Dec 2002 @ 15:32, by sharie. Medicine, Healthcare
I recently visited a nursing home. This was just your average *social security* funded nursing home in our neighborhood. It had quite an elaborate security system - more secure than any home in town I would say. It was very clean, cleaner than any home in the neighborhood I'd say. The floors and walls were spotless. The only distinctive odor was that of pharmaceuticals which permeated the air.
All the residents seemed rather demented. That may have been from the psycho-tropic pharmaceuticals paid for by the public, or the residents may have all had Alzheimer's, brain cancer, mad cow, and dementia.
Everyone seemed rather well-cared for.
I was surprised by how clean and orderly it was. I didn't expect that at all.
I'd been a Psychologist for the state of Illinois, surveying the *public housing* for poor children - the war zone for the innocent. No security system, the floors and walls were filthy, and the stench was unbearable.
Why do they keep the dying alive, on public-funded chemicals, while the innocent children are relegated to inhuman living conditions? Why do they scrub the walls and floors, change the sheets, and cook food for those unable to get themselves out of bed, but let relegate children to squalor? What is this madness?
Because pharmaceutical companies can make millions by selling their drugs to the elderly? It is lobbyists that have done this to our children?
When children are treated like trash, they often grow up believing life is worthless. They have no respect for anyone else's life, and the consequences can be seen in the late-night Emergency Rooms of every major city. They have difficulty functioning or contributing to the community.
To treat children like worthless trash is to sabotage your own future.
What do you believe?
How should public funds be allocated?
20 Dec 2002 @ 11:57, by spells. Spirituality
Dear NCN Members,
Here is my "Holiday Gift" to you. Although most or, at least some of the members here believe themselves to be "Spiritual", they still get caught up in the "Holiday Rush", and forget what our true goals on this planet are. (Evolution as Conscious Beings, not good obligational "Consumers" spending money)
For this reason I offer my gift of truth and reality about this so called "Holiday Season".
Re-defining What is Normal
Let’s take a look at what is considered “normal behavior” during the so-called “holiday season”. The entire Christmas and New Years hysteria, is really a facade which covers up the reality of our out-of-control, materialistic culture. It is a microcosm that represents all the falsehoods of consumerism, and its shallow fixation on material things. What could more easily demonstrate this shallow unnaturalness, than the consumer-orgy we see happening every Christmas? Does anyone every really wonder why these certain days of the year, are so stressful and personally destructive? Isn’t it a little odd that a holiday that is supposed dedicated to Christ is so materialistic, when Christ himself completely denounced materialism?
The following excerpt is taken from an issue of Great Life Magazine, a prominent health publication. It describes what is considered “normal” by this society at the “holidays”…
The article is entitled, “Give stress a vacation” and begins as follows…
“Life’s hectic pace takes a toll on our sanity from time to time especially around holidays, when demands on our time and energy push us into overdrive. When our minds perceive a challenge or threat, catecholamines are released into the bloodstream. They, along with nerve impulses, prepare the body for fight or flight, the survival mechanism humans have relied on for thousands of years to prepare the body for physical activity. Following the response, the body typically returns to its normal state.”
No one ever seems to ask the essential question here, when talking about “lifes’ hectic pace”. Why is life’s pace hectic? Was it always that way for human beings? No it wasn’t. We ourselves make it hectic and insane. Why do we do this? Because we have all been convinced by the cult of materialism, to “perform” and “consume”. It is not life that is inherently hectic or insane, it is our materialistic values which make it so. As the article points out, this lifestyle “takes a toll on our sanity from time to time especially around holidays, when demands on our time and energy push us into overdrive”. Whose demands? Answer…Our own. As “consumers” we feel a constant social pressure and emotional craving for material distractions. We’re so hollow inside (society) we need something to fill us up, if only for the next hour or minute. We feel this because as a culture we’re out of balance, and teetering on the edge of collective insanity. The modern lifestyle is indeed a “challenge or threat” posed to both the body and mind. This threat deranges the mind with artificial stresses, and destroys the body with cancer and various other diseases and nervous disorders. We literally put ourselves in a circumstance of “fight or flight” every day, but particularly at the “holidays”. Why do we do this? Because we have forgotten what life is all about, and that happiness is not found in a pill, an herb, or a box of plastic playthings.
The article goes on to say…
“But the stresses we undergo in modern society rarely require such a physical reaction, and they don’t always have a definitive outcome that causes a return to homeostasis. As a result, we are perpetually ready to fight or flee, but are not truly relaxed or active enough to release the stress. This state can contribute to high blood pressure, inhibited immunity, heart problems and other maladies. So, coping with stress before it all gets the best of us is key.”
Isn’t it interesting how, as a culture, we only think of “coping with stress” rather than just not being stressed to start with? We assume that stress is a given, because we assume materialism is a given. Why are we ready to “fight or flee” and yet are not “active enough to relieve the stress”? Because we’re too busy doing the 40-60 hour work routine behind a desk, worshipping the Dollar as God, and never questioning the values that have been handed to us by an insane society. We wouldn’t need to work like this and “fight or flee”, if we adopted natural values and lifestyles. But it would seem that simplicity and practicality are not enough for the average American…or at least so we’ve been told by the television. We are stressed because we lack the courage to think for ourselves, and question all this nonsense of a credit card, “for a limited time only” world. If you want love and light, then stay out of debt, quit your job, and develop some natural values that place love above the dollar, and your own en(light)enment above a so-called “carreer”. Let the deed fit the word!
The article continues…
“Prescription drugs, such as Valium and other benzodiazepines, are often prescribed to treat moderate anxiety, but they have sedative and addictive effects…”
Sure, why not pop another pill or take an herb, rather than change what is causing stress and death on a mass scale. Take the easy way out, and try to believe that God is coming to clean up our mess for us, or that just saying the words like “love and light” will somehow change a miserable lifestyle without ever having to do anything practical in your life. Spirituality is not just about saying nice things! It’s about living it out in your daily routine! It means questioning what is false regardless of what the neighbors might say!
From the same magazine and month, another article entitled “Why am I Blue?” begins as follows…
“It’s the holidays and you know you’re supposed to be happy, but SOMEHOW you’re more melancholy than merry.. Fortunately St. John’s wort offers a simple way to beat the blues. More than 25 studies have concluded that….
There is no “somehow” about it. We are living the wrong life, and trying to apply ourselves to lies and consumer fictions! Ok, you want love and light? Then just don’t participate any more in the darkness and despair of the dollar-as-God world! Think about the essential meaning of the word “sincerity”! In other words GET REAL about your spiritual practice, rather than just giving concepts you read somewhere a little lip service, through placating pleasantries. Go beyond just words, and actually change your lifestyle, (or not if hypocrisy suits you just fine).
The REAL spiritual practitioner questions everything, and blindly accepts nothing. If you are interested in being REAL, then try not doing Christmas any more! Realistically speaking, how SINCERE is it to give “loving” gifts and “heart-felt greeting cards” to others, just because the calendar says it’s December 25th? Love is not contained in wrapping papers or credit cards! Plastic trinkets and obligatory present-giving are not worth spending months in debt just to pay off. Fulfilling the consumer ideals of the corporate world is not worth suicide via stress.
And then there is “New Years” where everyone gets drunk and tries to pretend how “successful” and “happy” they are, while secretly drowning their indebted, stressed-out misery in another glass of alcohol and pills. Let’s face it, society is filled with lies and misconceptions. Bail out while you still can! Pull your kids out of the public brainwashing schools. Turn off the television, or at least see it for what it is. Quit your full time job, and only work when you have to live simply and naturally. Really focus your life on love, light, health and clarity, rather than “investment opportunities” and private empire building.
The “holidays” are perfectly representative of the whole ridiculous, materialistic way of life. They are literally brimming over with denial and absurd beliefs, such as the idea that giving of material objects expresses love. What bull. Why buy into such nonsense, and then spend the rest of your life fulfilling a shallow ideal, that is not even of your own making? As a culture and as individuals, we need to re-define what is “normal” living and what is not. You can talk about Love and God all you want, but how you live is what demonstrates what you REALLY mean when you say those words.
The only thing a materialist really loves is another paycheck… like a junkie wants just one more fix. We work endlessly to support our habit, not for any noble cause or basic need. That lifestyle is not “normal”.
Think about it.
Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com More >
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Privacy, Security (1)
Publishing (3)
Recreation, Fun (59)
Relationships (19)
Religion (40)
Science (48)
Sexuality (16)
Shared Purpose (30)
Social System Design (47)
Space Exploration (23)
Spirituality (391)
Systems Thinking (31)
Technology (37)
Transportation (9)
Travel (22)
Violence, War (103)
Visual Arts, Graphics (63)
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