26 Sep 2007 @ 13:49, by vector8. Spirituality
As I was waiting for the bus this morning, I noticed an ambulance driving by. The ambulance had to abide by the traffic laws because its siren wasn't on; and no cars moved out of its way. More >
22 Sep 2007 @ 16:23, by jhs. Ideas, Creativity
The White Rabbit, last seen at the entrance to Merlin's castle (witness here [link] ) returned this morning digging around in that part of the Sacred Grove where we hide the most sacred of the sacred plants.
"Where have you been all the time? And what are you looking for?" I asked him curiously.
"One question at a time please," he answered, chewing on something.
"OK, where have you been all the time?" I insisted.
"Oh well, it's like, you know, kind of, like, eh, yeah, that's it, kind of..."
"Since when do you talk like a Modern day American?"
"It's like, kind of adopting to, you know, environment and all this stuff, kind of, you know..."
"This here is the Sacred Grove, and this one is neither in Glastonbury nor in California!"
"I know, you know, kind of, it's like..."
"OK, OK !!! So, where have you been all the time since I've last seen you?"
"Always here where I was, am, and will be. It's YOU who moved around, kind of, or it's like at least that's what you think, you know!?"
"Hmm," I said, "so what are digging there in sacred, secret part of my garden?" More >
21 Sep 2007 @ 03:09, by a-d. Activism
Do we dare to know the Truth of our own behaviour? Only those who truly do/have done so, will be able to go forward and escape the Repeat of History!... Jim Kirwan is one of my favorite Political Writers of all time. And this is a very good one!...
// a-d
One More Time! // by Jim Kirwan [ [link] ]
Jim Kirwan
Actually, this gluttonous festival of consumption began in earnest when Ronnie made it all VERY fashionable with "GREED is GOOD!" (A line from Wall Street memorialized on film).
But that was only the beginning because his polices were founded on this idiotic stone of self-defeat that "Only suckers "give" or give-back to society - "winners" TAKE it ALL, without apologies: and between these two impossibly simplistic statements - the fate of billions of people was sealed.
The world has forgotten just how much people had to suffer these same axioms before: Always the same dominant monsters controlling it all (the MONEY*CHANGERS). In the twilight of the Dark Ages there came into the world what we look back on now as The Renaissance, that 'golden age' that was the artistic and scientific explosion of breakthroughs that coincided with the beginning of the Inquisition, and the penury of most of the ordinary people of the time. In 'art' the church was King, Queen and 'god' to every working craftsman in Europe - and the 'courts' of monarchies were only eclipsed by the Holy Roman Empire of the Church.
Society chose to remember ONLY the Renaissance and skip over things like the Black Death (precursor to everything else - another model for the New World Order's way of death) that killed a third of the existing world then - or the Inquisition that made a total mockery of not only the rights of most human beings, but of any semblance of the individual's right over his or her own life. Because collectively "we" still fail to remember the prologue to our own existence - we must now repeat it at a million times the severity of those early days of massive crimes and tortures so freely dispensed by the rich and powerful.
More >
19 Sep 2007 @ 17:58, by gsosbee. Conspiracy
For more info on the ELF assaults used by the fbi against Sosbee, see:
and see:
From Matamoros, Mexico
June 16, 2007
The series of reports from Sosbee entitled , '' Snapshot of My Typical Day, ''
have evolved into a kind of daily journal to record important events. This Part Two of the Snapshot series is a continuation of the effort.
On the evening of June 14,2007 (prior to Sosbee`s scheduled interview and test the next morning with a **prospective employer from the far East), the fbi assaults Sosbee i n t e n s e l y with psychoelectronics and thereby prevents him from any sleep. The next morning Sosbee is not functioning at peak efficiency during the test and interview process. The fbi also sends Sosbee two notices just before the interview that he was assaulted all night (as seen in the following 2 site meter entries): Note that the entry and exit links for the two site meter references shown below are to
This http of increased sleep deprivation reflects (in its appearance on the site meter) the manner by which the fbi torturers toy with this Target.
The referring links to the two entries below are to
p s y c h o t r o n i c s and
p s y c h o t r o n i c b o m b a r d m e n t
City : Frankfurt Am Main
Referring URL
Search Words psychotroni
Entry Page
Exit Page
Visitor's Time Jun 15 2007 10:29:53 am
IP Address 63.229.216.# (Qwest Communications)
Referring URL
Search Words psychotronic bombardment
Entry Page
Exit Page
Visitor's Time Jun 15 2007 12:55:24 am
Sosbee notes that the fbi and the cia and like minded entities can hereby be seen as root causes for much human suffering by interfering with or otherwise preventing actualization (via covert operations, war mongering, etc.) of the work ethic inherent in all of mankind. One social class,or members therein, of our society (i.e.: the government and the wealthy) regularly prevent employment of large numbers of the working class worldwide, even as a selected few garner obscenely large incomes from relatively very small personal output.The reader should also note that the ELF assaults on Sosbee nightly by the fbi are one part of the United States government program to silence critics and to *remove them from the workforce. Furthermore, in a broader sense the United States government (through the fbi and the cia), ultimately and unexpectedly bring upon themselves and the American people a universal condemnation for sub-human ethics in the general handling of political, military and economic issues.
* Coincidentally, see the scientific studies on the indications and implications of periventricular white matter on the human brain (as well as other anomalies) often induced in the targeted person by the monsters in the government of the uSA.See:
**Nova Group of Japan rejects the application after the fbi's libel campaign spreads to Japan.
China also rejects all applications from Sosbee:
Meanwhile, the fbi continues the torture 24/7 against Sosbee as of August 27, 2007.
From Matamoros, Mexico
June 20, 2007
fbi again fraudulently charges an item on my secured credit card
This date I ordered an item on line through Amazon.com ("A"). A few seconds later "A" sends confirmation. However, the fbi enters my account at "A" by logging in ; the fbi changes or modifies the order by placing another item (from collegebooks89) into the shopping basket. Then "A" bills me for the additional item which the fbi *fraudulently ordered. I then tried to cancel the item by contacting all of the companies involved. None of the companies assisted me in my efforts to stop the fraudulent billing. One of the companies, American Watch Company, became particularly aggressive and stated as follows:
"sales@americanwatchcorp.com" to me
Thus, I cancelled all items, closed my credit card, and asked the anonymous sender of the above quoted hate mail to never contact me again.
The fbi continues to tamper with my car and also assaults me with the ELF, now also delivering nausea inducing energy assaults.
* For evidence of previous similar fbi crimes see:
From Brownsville, Texas
June 22, 2007
This date the FTC responds to my complaint against the fbi as set forth above as follows:
"COMPLAINT@ftc.gov" to me
show details 11:32 am (3 minutes ago)
Thank you for contacting the Federal Trade Commission. We entered the information you provided into our shared law enforcement data base. We share this data base with Federal, State and Local law enforcement agencies. Attached is your electronic response, which includes your reference number. Any enclosures can be found at www.ftc.gov under Consumer Protection and Consumer Information section.
Information from consumers like you helps Federal, State and Local authorities investigate possible illegal practices and enforce our laws. Someone from the Federal Trade Commission or another law enforcement agency may contact you if they need additional information to help them in an investigation.
Please visit the FTC's web page, www.ftc.gov, to get free information to help you avoid costly consumer problems.
From Matamoros, Mexico
July 9, 07
This date the Dallas Morning News (DMN) denies Sosbee the privilege of posting a comment in response to false or fraudulent DMN coverage of a fbi story. The DMN sends Sosbee the following message , but does not follow up with a registration permit:
Welcome to DallasNews.com Forums
Please keep this email for your records. Your account information is as follows:
Username: geral sosbee
Your account is currently inactive, the administrator of the board will need to activate it before you can log in. You will receive another email when this has occured.
Please do not forget your password as it has been encrypted in our database and we cannot retrieve it for you. However, should you forget your password you can request a new one which will be activated in the same way as this account.
Thank you for registering.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sosbee notes that the DMN , its administrator,editor and publisher, are demagogues parading in the colors of the American flag, all the while protecting and defending the assassins and traitors of the fbi and the cia. In reality the DMN is become as an extension of the fbi and the cia covert, criminal, and murderous global intelligence operations. The DMN, I charge, is like many other main stream media outlets such as the LA Times and hte New York Times ( ALL FEIGNING AMERICAN VALUES) traitors to the united states of america.
From Brownsville, Texas
July 10,2007
Yesterday Sosbee sends the e-mail shown below to a former friend in the fbi; the associate's name is not mentioned, but Sosbee confirms that the former fbi agent referenced below (with * ) worked in covert, undercover operations in the fbi; after Sosbee sends the message to the former agent, the fbi assaults Sosbee intensely with ELF, preventing sleep all night.
The message from Sosbee to the former fbi agent who quit the fbi in order to work for a different government agency:
The intelligence (intel) agencies of the United States represent the heart beat of America; every aspect of American life is affected by intel operation: the economy, politics, public policy. Even the power to wage war is directly affected by cia operations in targeted nations.
When the intel services , such as the fbi and the cia, engage in widespread covert criminal operations (i.e.: conduct strictly proscribed and unconstitutional under our laws and the laws of nations) the government in all branches is tainted. Failure to demand accountability is often the result of a corrupt Congress of the United States; the courts are also complicit in the illegal activities of intel groups as I and others have shown in many cases.
At last the people must also share the responsibility for its homicidal intel groups because some members (and sectors) of the general public benefit from the immoral and criminal intel activities.
Now, here's the rub: when the intel mob is out of control (which is presently the case) its agents, operatives, thugs and assassins are free to engage in widespread criminal actions and is free to violate the United States Constitution with total impunity. They have become in effect traitors, but few among the population will label them as such for fear of reprisal. The intel mobsters are indeed an organized crime syndicate, destroying any individual at will and with no recourse. The traitors whom I refer to are primarily associated with the fbi and the cia; they are largely responsible for the current collapse of our constitutional government.
"The traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation...he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. "
Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman orator, statesman 42 B.C.
I wish you and your wife well.
While you served the fbi rats (no doubt in covert and dirty ways) you at least had the good sense and sufficiently slight moral compass to get out of the murderous fbi.
From Brownsville, Texas
July 15, 2007
fbi applies Sleep Deprivation through i n t e n s e ELF assaults all night on the 14th; then, as usual the serial torturers send Sosbee a message (via site meter entry seen below) that he has been so assaulted.[ Note that the ELF assaults continue 24/7 and on selected nights such assaults are 'turned up a notch'].
P.S. The uSA is correctly seen around the world as a cowardly group of punks and assassins who invite and encourage violent response to their inhumane behavior. The symbol, '911' , is simply a prolepsis of the response that the fbi and the cia seek. Understand, however, that the will of man (i.e. the indominable human spirit)has always countered overwhelming forces with clever and prevailing machinations. Thus, the people here must not be surprised at the next volley of homicidal assaults.Then, the serial torturers send a message to Sosbee (via site meter) that he was so assaulted:
IP Address 72.27.173.#
Time of Visit Jul 15 2007 3:11:12 am
Last Page View Jul 15 2007 3:11:12 am
Referring URL [link]
Search Engine search.yahoo.com
Search Words sleep assaults
Visit Entry Page http: //www. sosbeevfb...art4- increasedp. html
Visit Exit Page http: //www. sosbeevfb...art4- increasedp. html
From Brownsville, Texas
July 19, 2007
ELF assaults are intensified against Sosbee for 12 hours on the nights of July 18,23,*31, 2007.
[For more information on fbi's use of high tech psychotronic weaponry see the report of James Marino, dated and entitled as follows:
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Today The FEDS Use Directed Energy To Attack My Balance
[link] ]
__*Note: the fbi modifies the notices to the Target of impending ELF assaults via the "increased sleep deprivation" page of sosbeevfbi.com, because many readers are tuning in to the mind games that the Target reports; now, instead of visiting the 'sleep deprivation' page to remind the Target of intensified forhtcoming (or recently effected)psychoelectronic assaults, the fbi unlo
This date (September 18, 2007) fbi deletes data from "snapshot of my typical day"
From Harlingen, Texas
September 18, 2007
The fbi (at the direction of the cia) *intensely assault Sosbee with pulse microwave or ELF (directed energy weaponry) on the 16th and the 17th of September, 2007. Also, for two days in a row ( on the mornings of the 17th and the 18th of September) the fbi manipulates the Department of Homeland Security to order Sosbee out of his vehicle for official searches of his person and his car at the Veterans Bridge checkpoint as Sosbee enters the USA from Mexico on these two dates. The interference with the duties of Customs and Border Patrol at the check point has reached the point of absurdity, given the fbi's total surveillance (24/7) both electronic and physical of the person, vehicle and property of Sosbee. This increased torture and harassment follows Sosbee's messages to the cia as follows:
That Sosbee and others are aware of the fbi/cia torture and killing spree globally and that the two corrupt and homicidal agencies need to know how Sosbee and others are responding. Namely, that the identities of fbi/cia agents, operatives, handlers and 'associopaths' (i.e.: associates ) who engage in torture and killing will soon be made public; that anything I can do to assist in the public exposure of these murderous lunatics will be done until I die; that my comments here and elsewhere are not threats, but by all that is holy and graceful in the universe I never fail in my work as promised. The fbi and the cia should know this by now, but their collective pathology prevents intelligent response to patriotic rebellion to a criminal regime out of control.
*Note that directed energy assaults continue nightly, unterrupted for several years, but with increasedf intensity when more torture is indicated.
19 Sep 2007 @ 02:54, by freo7. Activism
Indigo Acceleration ... Why it is called a Galactic Uprising
On Terra witness the acceleration of consciousness as humanity is mobilized to action and revolution. The Indigo Revolution comes when it is quiet, in the silence behind the scenes where no one is aware of their designs and there reasons. The Indigos mix within every race and family they are of the future and communicate telepathically. They know it is time and they keep adding to their arsenals of skills. Its all about the networks and the purpose they have been charted on.
Indigos are in telepathic collective creation integrating the microcosmic architecture of subsystems and the foundations of premium innovative synthetic intelligences. They are finding the super symmetry within wave alignment stasis. Deep Sleep is the reprogramming tool where within the delta state the vibratory reduction of frequency allows for restructuring the dimensional bed. The void of the gap between manifestation and creation is found through wave dimensional transmutation as the allowance of the play between the wave and the form are crossed.
In the revolution the movement becomes a series of mirrored continuities as the interchange results in endless reactive harmonics and infinite octave accelerations that cross through the open portal between the microcosmic to the macrocosmic. The expanding energy of conscious awareness of mind which is the increasing active masculine energy of light is counterbalanced by the restorative communal feminine rest within space substance as time energy jumps across the arc of the interrelationship. More >
18 Sep 2007 @ 22:54, by ming. Personal Development
Now, what was I saying? I've forgotten, I'll have to read my own blog.
The trouble with blogs, and microblogs too, for that matter, is that one tends to be locked into one track. It is still a bit too much like publishing.
You know, if you were publishing a monthly magazine, you'd be expected to produce a certain number of articles, good pictures, a certain type of content, a certain number of pages, and it needs to be finished at the right time. In blogs you can in principle say whatever you want on any topic. And in a microblog (twitter, jaiku, facebook), you certainly can, and it doesn't even have to be important or well thought out. But, still, most people will stay within a particular subset of their life.
A lot of my blog friends seem to be living and breathing social software. Cool new technology fits in well with that too. And it is acceptable to talk about that you're going out to lunch, or that you're waiting for a plane to go somewhere. And a few other odds and ends to show that you're human. But, still, most people stay within a certain format and frequency, and mostly expect the same from others, and would frown upon somebody who uses these media differently. Like, if one person sends out 200 twitter messages in a day about the fish in his fish tank, a lot of his friends would unsubscribe. But what if that really was what was on his mind that day, and what he felt needed to be said?
One channel is never enough. We all have many channels in our lives. And we're probably only interested in some of other people's channels, but never all of them. And that's cumbersome to manage with the current software, unless you focus on very few channels that don't change much.
When I bother to write in my own blog here, I write about a variety of changing subjects. I don't feel there's much I couldn't write about, but I feel somewhat restricted in how much I can write about any one thing that I'd consider off-topic of my idea of the general theme.
Right now I'm very busy in a little start-up company I'm a partner in. I could write a post about that. But, really, that has been a lot of my day for a couple of months. So, what if I wrote a couple of posts a day about what I was doing, and what problems I run into? I don't necessarily feel like doing that, but that's part of where my attention would be. So, what if I wrote about Ruby on Rails development for a couple of months? Other people do nothing but that, and that's perfecly great. But it probably isn't what people come to my blog for, and I'd probably lose people who weren't into programming.
Recently my hobby in my limited spare time has been genealogy, tracking down current or long-dead family members. I could write a lot about that, and that might be interesting to others with the same interest. But what if I wrote a couple of posts a day about it here in my regular blog? What if I chronicled my progress in a few dozen twitter/jaiku messages per day? I dare say it would probably be annoying to most people who glance at what I write. I could find a whole bunch of new genealogy friends, but that would be a different crowd, and they might not what to hear me philosophize about the nature of space time, or about social software, or about my programming projects. They'd want to hear it a little bit, to know me better, but they probably wouldn't want the whole channel.
And there we're even still talking about Subjects, Topics, that one discusses somewhat from a distance. What if I were blogging about the details of my family life, about my personal psychological issues, about my health, or, gee, my sex life. There are lots of people doing all of those things, but generally not at the same time. There are very few combined Ruby programming and sex blogs. And if there are any, it is because somebody came up with a new gimmick, an unusual angle.
So, to get to the point, I'm missing tools for being able to chronicle my own activities and interests, and selectively share some of them with others, and at the same time being able to follow the activities and interests of others, without getting too much or too little of what I'd want to know.
It is not an easy problem to solve. Yes, I could easily use categories and tags to organize the things I write, and I can decide what is published and what is not. But if I then present a list of feeds in my sidebar here, which one can pick and choose from, I'd say that a fair number of people who decide to pay attention to me will just subscribe to all of them. And if they find that a lot of what I'm talking about, in some of those channels, doesn't interest them at all, I'd guess the tendency would be to unsubscribe from all of them. And if somebody had picked just some tags from my selection, they wouldn't easily discover when I go in different directions and write about totally different topics. They'd probably just wonder why I went silent.
The twitter microblogging idea is in part that if the messages are really small, we're perfectly fine with getting the whole feed from a whole bunch of people, even if 90% of what they do has no interest to us. Whether they're at the mall shopping for clothes, waiting for the bus, reporting on a tech conference, or saying something funny, it all just scrolls by, and we can pick out anything that might have interest, and ignore the rest. But that only works as long as these people stay within a socially accepted norm of how much they should post about each thing. 2 or 3 messages about you trying to sell your motorcycle would be fine, but if you posted 50, a lot of people would complain and unsubscribe.
The problem is that everything is in one channel and presented as having the same level of importance. I'd maybe be interested in knowing that a lot of your attention is going into a certain subject and that you've written a lot about it, but I might not want to see it all in the same precious one channel.
It is a matter of peripheral and focal attention. I'd like to know about a lot of things, like what a lot of people are into, but some of it I'd want to know about only peripherally. I.e. I'd know it is there, but not have to pay attention to the details. And other things I'd want to focus on.
So, I want tools that would allow me to do that more fluidly, in a more flexible way than simply subscribing to your one channel, and unsubscribing from it when it bores me too much.
Then there's the growing number of people who walk around with live streaming cameras on their heads all day. See justin.tv. There you have to tune into a particular channel, and you see live whatever those people happen to be doing at the time. Which is a type of reality TV, and quite compelling in its own right. But you only see one channel at a time, so it doesn't quite plug into a similar thing like blog aggregators or twitter channels. But it is related to blogging. I wouldn't mind being able to tune into the live feed of a bunch of friends, and having one screen where I can see all their feeds at the same time, and then focus on any one I want. But other than that, there's no good way of aggregating that at the moment, because it is just too much information.
Anyway, I think what makes the most sense is blogs transforming more into personal information portals, or personal presence portals, and that somebody needs to invent better ways of aggregating such things. Some companies are trying things in that direction, by aggregating your friends' blogs, tweets, delicio.us bookmarks, flickr pictures, etc, in one place. But it is messy, and it does the same mistake of bundling even more things into one channel.
If I should imagine my own blog differently, it would present a number of different kinds of feeds at the same time, leaving out the illusion that there's just one. Yes, I know I can have different things in my sidebar, like my recent Jaiku messages, my location in Plazes, my recent Flickr pictures, but there's probably just one of each, and there's one stream of my most recent messages. Which is kind of what defines a blog: a website format where one posts articles and the most recent one is at the top. And however neat that is, that is what I find limiting. Maybe all it takes is a different layout. Maybe like a newspaper front page where there are different columns. You usually wouldn't feel that it is required of you to read the whole thing through. You'll read the colums that you're interested in, and you're peripherically aware of the others.
Personal portals like Netvibes do that kind of thing, but really as a vehicle for me publishing stuff like I can in a blog. What I need is a blog where I or the visitors can rearrange a bunch of feeds to their liking. And a way of aggregating a whole bunch of people's personal portal information.
I have trouble imagining the perfect way of doing it. But if I didn't have too many other things to do, I'd probably get busy trying to program it. More >
18 Sep 2007 @ 17:57, by jhs. Ideas, Creativity
An omission in my list of Noias was pointed out to me today:
Anoia: the absence of Noia, the knowledge (of Pleroma), or the INABILITY to achieve the same, attributed to a certain interdimensional race of Beings in the Gnostic scriptures (in Hermetic Ifá 'those who eat', namely the energy of Epinoia of others, sic!, pls refrain from calling names in the commentaries, will you!).
Wikipedia talks about the derivation from French 'ennui' for the English equivalent 'annoyance', completely ignoring the Latin/Italian prototype of 'annoia'. Oh well, I still love and admire Wirkipedia, of course :-)
But in checking the net, I found the interesting site ANNOY.COM which talks about the super-double-speak US law that makes it a felony to intentional say some something indecent to annoy someone else. Cool BLOG.
Another question I heard was about the difference between Protennoia and Pronoia. The answer is very much beyond this BLOG, let's say that in Hermetic Ifá we'll see the Protennoia as the original, prototypical Pronoia of the Universe, unfolding in a triad (trimorphic); from an idealistc point of view, one could boldy state that the Pronoia of man would be the intentional product of the orginal trimorphic protoennoia, a speculation everyone should decide for him/herself.
Some may complain here that 'Hermetic' equals 'secret' and one shouldn't talk about things like that in public. My view is that those who 'know', know it anyway and those who don't won' bother... secrecy is needed sometimes, of course, but other in those instances, it is being abused to create cult-like organizations with the intent to exploit and/or suppress fellow humans.
'nuff zed! More >
18 Sep 2007 @ 17:55, by jerryvest. Counseling, Psychology
The mind provides us with a vital energy that is responsive to every moment. Developing awareness of this hidden resource is the gateway to real freedom and peace, a true refuge in a crowded and frustrating world. (Tarthang Tulku, Hidden Mind of Freedom)
I am going to introduce some more 'grist for the mill' on the relationship of the mental health industry and the drug corporations or Big Pharmas as they are called. I am also going to introduce the power of the Internet and forums to advance our goals. I will continue to identify the dangers that exist with these powerful corporations while they continue to influence and control their/our clients who wish to participate in our community mental health programs. The psychiatry industry, by virtue of their medical license, have the sanction to diagnose, label, and give every person/patient/client a number that represents a disorder in their DSM handbook.
Today, the NY Times introduced two articles related to the drug industry and their relationship with psychiatry. It is apparent to many of us that the public should be aware of psychiatry, this classification system and why we have such excessive costs of drugs and treatment. Also, the Insurance Corporations are also part of this coalition to control the private records, and to maintain the categorization patients for payment and for auditing purposes, as well.
Abstracted from NY Times article:
Billions of $'s given to doctors by drug companies to prescribe their drugs. How long will our politicians, professional organizations and communities allow this to happen?
Drug company representatives are a major presence. They sponsor Journal Club (where trainees learn to review new data and research), they pay for many of our weekly speakers and regularly offer free dinners for the residents and faculty. They enjoy free access to our mailboxes and regularly detail our trainees in their offices, hallways and in our little kitchen.
This is not uncommon. Meredith Rosenthal at the Harvard School of Public Health reported in The New England Journal of Medicine that the industry spends roughly $15.7 billion annually marketing medications, with $4.8 billion dedicated to detailing individual physicians, or roughly $6,000 to $11,000 a doctor a year.
Studies indicate that most physicians meet with pharmaceutical representatives four times a month.
Studies also reveal that most physicians erroneously believe the representatives do not influence prescribing habits.
When doctors and trainees meet with reps, they change their prescribing habits and are far more likely to prescribe the drugs described, even when they are more expensive or have no benefit over alternatives. They are also more willing to request illogical changes to hospital guidelines that govern which drugs can be prescribed.
Estimates suggest that roughly $1 billion was spent advertising antidepressants to health professionals in 2000.
COMMENTARY; Drug Companies Get Too Close for Med School's Comfort
Published: January 20, 2004
In an 2002 article, Dr. Peterson wrote: ''Despite the lack of evidence of a significant difference in efficacy between older and newer agents, clinicians perceive the newer agents to be more efficacious -- these findings are significant as they highlight the discrepancy between empirical evidence and clinical practices and suggest that other factors influence clinicians' medication choices in the treatment of depression.''
The effect is easy to see in our department. The antidepressants fluoxetine, known popularly as Prozac, and paroxetine, known as Paxil, are now generic and cost patients and insurers pennies a day. Newer, rival drugs including sertraline (Zoloft), escitalopram (Lexapro) and Venlafaxine (Effexor) are 5 to 20 times as expensive.
In the last seven years, I have watched our residents prescribe the newest medications almost exclusively.
Do view this short video on "the tragic consequences of drugging our children.
Note: Picture by Mike Connealy More >
17 Sep 2007 @ 09:57, by jazzolog. Violence, War
People in the West are always getting ready to live.
---Chinese proverb
If you're afraid of being grabbed by God, don't look at a wall. Definitely don't sit still.
---Jiyu Kennett
When the mind is not aroused, this is discipline.
When the mind is unmoved, this is concentration.
When the mind is not obscured, this is insight.
Frank Rich is a columnist for The New York Times who focuses on American politics and cultural trends. His column yesterday~~~
Will the Democrats Betray Us?
By Frank Rich
The New York Times
Sunday 16 September 2007
"Sir, I don't know, actually": The fact that America's surrogate commander in chief, David Petraeus, could not say whether the war in Iraq is making America safer was all you needed to take away from last week's festivities in Washington. Everything else was a verbal quagmire, as administration spin and senatorial preening fought to a numbing standoff.
Not that many Americans were watching. The country knew going in that the White House would win its latest campaign to stay its course of indefinitely shoveling our troops and treasure into the bottomless pit of Iraq. The only troops coming home alive or with their limbs intact in President Bush's troop "reduction" are those who were scheduled to be withdrawn by April anyway. Otherwise the president would have had to extend combat tours yet again, mobilize more reserves or bring back the draft.
On the sixth anniversary of the day that did not change everything, General Petraeus couldn't say we are safer because he knows we are not. Last Sunday, Michael Scheuer, the former chief of the C.I.A.'s Osama bin Laden unit, explained why. He wrote in The Daily News that Al Qaeda, under the de facto protection of Pervez Musharraf, is "on balance" more threatening today that it was on 9/11. [link] And as goes Pakistan, so goes Afghanistan. On Tuesday, just as the Senate hearings began, Lisa Myers of NBC News reported on a Taliban camp near Kabul in an area nominally controlled by the Afghan government we installed. It is training bomb makers to attack America. [link]
Little of this registered in or beyond the Beltway. New bin Laden tapes and the latest 9/11 memorial rites notwithstanding, we're back in a 9/10 mind-set. Bin Laden, said Frances Townsend, the top White House homeland security official, "is virtually impotent." Karen Hughes, the Bush crony in charge of America's P.R. in the jihadists' world, recently held a press conference anointing Cal Ripken Jr. our international "special sports envoy." We are once more sleepwalking through history, fiddling while the Qaeda not in Iraq prepares to burn.
This is why the parallels between Vietnam and Iraq, including those more accurate than Mr. Bush's recent false analogies, can take us only so far. Our situation is graver than it was during Vietnam. More >
16 Sep 2007 @ 09:19, by vaxen. Government, Public Sector
This is as good a place as any to place this recent article that I picked up somewhere on the web.
You'll notice two sides in this march on Washington. Pro and anti (Such a GPM!). Great Hegelian dialectic being played out in the streets. Lots of arrests and, as one demonstrator said, "We wanted to show you that it isn't just a bunch of old 60's hippies that are against this war."
Democracy in this country is dead. Of course your pundits harangue the people on and on and on about this country being a Democracy...but it isn't and never was!
Democracy is one of the most febrile forms of Government in existence (In existence? Where?) and always, without exception, leads to the kind of tyranny you see that Amerika really stands for.
The Constitution of no authority (cf., Lysandor Spooner) guarantees us a Republican form a Government (Not to be confused with the party that goes by that name but doesn't know the meaning of res-publica).
A Constitutionally limited 'Republic!' Not an Oligarchy, not a Democracy and not a Dictatorship!
Ken Keysey looked forward to the 90's being a time of great turmoil and change that would make the 60's look tame in comparison. Didn't happen. Perhaps this is the beginning of the 'movement' which spells the death of this tyrannical faux 'Democracy' foisted upon the unwitting of this country by a colony of thieves, deceivers, liars, and jesters perporting to be worthy of leading us!
Enough is enough! Let the drums roll! Let the walls of Jericho fall by the blasts of this new years shofar and let the tyrants run out of their hiding places into the streets to face us! They won't. They'll send their shock troops, their Gestapos, their 'boodle-boys in blue' to strike down old men and women, young girls and boys.
But I assure you their end is near... More >
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