16 Sep 2007 @ 03:50, by oasiian. Personal Development
I have returned to this community, and over the last two years and at the completion of my adolescence, I have learned..... More >
14 Sep 2007 @ 20:04, by adi. Spirituality
This meditation has made the following development possible ~ Adi
Greetings Ascending Masters of Creation of the Mother Universe ~
This new portal of Ascending Spiritual Life is now available to anyone who would like to receive its Ascending Spiritual Life Essence.
Greetings Universal Creator Avatars and Avatar Race Family Members ~
Recently another multidimensional portal has opened here at the Universal Living Creation MOTHER CENTER of the Mother Universe [link] .
This new portal is now integrating all of the various spiritual life forces now present throughout this planet, including the many spiritual lives of all of the Lightworkers here, and all of the others here.
This is vastly accelerating the ascension of the entire planetary life and all of the space life forces associated with this planet also.
Adi Avatar
Universal Space Life Creator Avatar of The Original Living Creation Paradise Mother Universal Civilization
Adi Gaia
Universal Citizen
Meditation Focus #175
Attaining Symbiosis and Oneness With All Life
What follows is the 175th Meditation Focus suggested for the next 4 weeks beginning Sunday, August 26, 2007.
1. Summary
2. Meditation times
3. More information related to this Meditation Focus
As one struggles to make sense of our fast-paced march towards an uncertain future, one has to consider what is undoubtedly a cornerstone of Life on Earth and a key condition for a successful transition to a sustainable and enlightened new way of life on Earth. Science has already understood that without symbiosis, Life simply would have not evolved to the utterly baffling level of complexity and yet enduring balance it has achieved through aeons of evolutionary progress. Not a single species lives in isolation, but all depend on the intricate Web of Life for their sustenance and survival. Obviously, the human species is no exception in this regard. Yet, through ignorance and a sheer disregard for the fragile environment on which we all depends for our continued existence, humanity has managed to render asunder the delicate balance that is vital to Life's continuance& - and that, in the geological equivalent of the blink of an eye. What is missing is a deeply felt sense of our own symbiosis and oneness with all Life, an inner, intuitive knowledge that we are intricately connected with everything else and that if we keep pulling out threads from the Web of Life, it is the entire edifice made of all living things that will unravel and collapse, until all is left is simple organisms from which Life will again patiently build up a new tapestry and create a new symphony over the course of tens of millions of years.
Such an outcome is not what we would consciously choose and yet most humans act as if it was precisely what they want to achieve. Such a legacy to our brief blossoming into a technologically potent and yet psychologically immature civilization would appear to be so utterly irresponsible and shortsighted as to be simply unthinkable. We must surely know better! As the pioneering awakeners and most favored elements of the emerging new Gaian civilization, we have a special and unique role in addressing this situation and fostering a conscious redirection of all of humanity's creativity, daily activities and long term thinking towards a true understanding of our sacred role as caretakers and symbiotic stewards of what's left of the richest, most diverse biosphere ever manifested on this living planet. And one of our most crucial contributions to this process is nurturing and attaining within ourselves the innate sense of our Symbiosis and Oneness with all Life and, in so doing, communicating, through the combined power of our unified soulful awareness, this very knowledge to all our brothers and sisters of the greater human family.
Please, accept to willingly set aside 30 minutes or more of your time for the globally synchronized meditations hence proposed to you this Sunday and the next three Sundays to instill in the hearts and minds of all 6 640 000 000+ people now inhabiting the Earth the clear feeling that All is One, that All is Sacred, and that All That Is lives within and through each one of us in Symbiotic Oneness, for the Highest Good of All.
This whole Meditation Focus has been archived for your convenience at
14 Sep 2007 @ 06:17, by vaxen. Government, Public Sector
"For that moment of surrender had brought me back to source and I seized it and still have not let go of it ~ for source is a Unified Field of soul consciousness which lies not only beyond time and space but also deepest within each one of us.
"As such, the last step of ego death is surrender but it is the step that the ego battles with great intensity ~ for the ego was created by the left brain to protect us from psychic pain and to seemingly maintain control through fear. In essence, the ego is afraid of love and our deepest joy ~ because it can't control it.
"However, once we surrender to love we engage a force that is far greater than the ego and its defenses and once we conquer fear ~ we have set the stage to embrace our authentic self, our authentic vocation and our innate joyful connection to source and the Unified Field .
"The journey of the heart is through doors of fear but how reassuring it is to know that the last door is surrender and beyond that door is our authentic self and connection to source.
We cannot escape our destiny and it is divine." -- Allen Roland More >
13 Sep 2007 @ 20:48, by jhs. Philosophy
I had a dream.
Imagine a movie theater filled to the last seat. The lights are off with the exception of the screen, of course. Only the little signs pointing to the emergency exits are glimming forgotten in some obscure corners of the great hall. The volume of the theater's surround sound system is turned to the max. It is nearly impossible to hear the noise of the trucks passing by the theater on the outside.
Much time has passed already, everybody seems captured by the drama unfolding on the screen. Everybody?
There, amongst the crowd, is sitting a lonely person, thinking for himself: what... More >
10 Sep 2007 @ 11:20, by feecor. Environment, Ecology
Today and tomorrow in Berlin, the G8, UN organisations, and Stakeholders are assembling for a new round of climate policy negotiations 3rd Gleneagles Dialogues in Berlin. Keynoters include Gro Harlem Brundtland, and top representatives of the 20+ leading countries in the fields of energy and environment, and their pendants heading the top international organisations in the field.
Talking to Timothy Wirth United Nations Foundation, and Ricardo Lagos Club of Madrid and Global Leadership for Climate Action was very informative, .... please read MORE More >
10 Sep 2007 @ 02:45, by jhs. Communication
Just a few words on some words that have been usurped by various parties in order to confuse or diffuse the clarity of people's thinking:
Originally, pronoia denotes the knowledge (noia) of the inner working and the way things are going, in Hermetic Ifa the knowledge of the Odu, the 256 fractal components of the Multiverse.
Epinoia denoted in gnostics the 'knowledge of the center', resulting in the 'pleroma' effect or, if super-charged with the Girapoli process in a peakstate specific to the polarity invoked.
Paranoia originally was the 'knowledge of the beyond'. Of course, for any modern scientist this would equal craziness and so it has been coined successfully. Congratulations to all those twisters for rendering a sacred term to being the equivalent of lunatic.
Morphonoia, much less known, is the knowledge of the Multiverse via its intrinsic structures, some say 'sacred geometry' as if there would be also an 'non-sacred geometry'. In Hermetic Ifa we explore/exploit this knowledge systematically via Skywork.
I admire Wikipedia, but the terms above one got messed up badly, so don't even bother to look it up there unless you're psychiatrist (that means literally a 'sad soul', hmm) in need of a justification to prescribe some more pills for some more invented 'disorders'...
In a nutshell, if you'd call me 'paranoic', I certainly would feel honored. More >
10 Sep 2007 @ 01:20, by swanny. Spirituality
Sept 10, 2007
For Immediate Release and distribution
At this the 6th anniversary of the event of 9/11 and unprecidented world wide media
broadcast of such that has lent to us this tumultuous world
that has consecquented, we must look deep in our souls and hearts to birth
a new world and earth like as phoeix rising out of the ashes of the old.
How do we envision a new world and day in the midsts of our sorrow and confusion
and mistakes.
We must and do rise above and rework and revision the old into a new and better
Here is my contribution then to that task and awakening.
I call it
The Birth of Love and Joy...
youtube = [link]
enjoy and take up the gaunlet and uphold the honor and dignity of old.
May we all come to live in peace harmony joy and love...
sir ed More >
8 Sep 2007 @ 16:10, by jerryvest. Children, Parenting
Scientific inquiry, research investigation, "finding out," and the like, all have their beginnings in the explorativeness of the child, a neotenous trait of supreme value, which is a never-failing mark of the active mind and the youthful spirit. (Ashley Montagu, Growing Young)
I have been reviewing the literature and writing short articles on the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) and the dangers that exist with this diagnostic classification system for all populations. However, it seems that our children are increasingly being labeled ADHD as having this disorder related to their attention span. I suspect that rather than examine the teaching methods of our schools and the cloning that is applied with the testing services, the kids are being blamed and targeted with having a disease so that they can be medicated and put to sleep. [link]
I am interested in learning if our academic programs, school social workers, teachers, parents and mental health workers in our communities are investigating this scam that is cooked up with the drug industry, psychiatry, the DSM Board and clinical psychology who are the beneficiaries of this disease model? It is estimated that 20% of the child population are diagnosed with this "disease." Over 12 million kids are taking these drugs for a disease that does not exist. Dr. Baughman describes the harmful affects of these drugs and tells us that "...they (the kids) will never be the same.
I have a personal example of these harmful labels when my grandson was identified as having this invisible ADHD disease. For example, he was completing his classroom assignments much quicker than the others in his class so he became fidgety and on edge. Thus, the teacher had a session with his parents and recommended that he get tested for ADHD. My grandson was taken to a medical health center for testing and was greeted by a social worker who indicated that her son probably had ADHD.
My daughter is also a social worker and knows the indicators for this fabricated disease and the dangers of labels and drugs. Also, she knows how enthusiastic her son is about learning. She requested that he be given an intelligence test and consequently, the results demonstrated that her son was very high in the 'gifted range'. My daughter said that she helped the teacher by sending additional books and resources that she knew would keep her son happy and actively engaged in learning.
Now my grandson is placed in a gifted classroom and is no longer being judged and labeled. Don't you wonder about parents who don't have the knowledge and skill to advocate for their kids and who trust their teachers and professionals who are giving such damaging labels? Drugs?
I prefer what Pink Floyd has to say about the kids in school who are treated as "just another brick in the wall" and advises the teachers to "...leave those kids alone!" Let kids be kids.
Do read this message and click on the link of this interview with Dr. Baughman, a pediatric neurologist, willing to speak out about this scam and epidemic of ADHD.
I am interested in learning if other parents, grandparents, educators, mental health workers or counselors in our forum are concerned about children being labeled and drugged. Are any discussions taking place in the university classrooms about this abusive behavior and cohabitation of the drug, education and psychiatry industries?
Summary and other Recommended Links-
A sensitive human being could become very sick to their stomach knowing that helping professionals are drugging our kids for money. Many others are in on the decision to drug our kids, but no one will stand up for them. In this website, Dr. Baughman Jr., MD, a remarkable medical professional is making this fraud known. Do pass these messages and links on to your friends and others so that we can voice our protest of this disgusting act of aggression against a whole generation of kids. The kids are hyper because their adult 'models' don't have a clue about how to relate and engage them in children's activities. Learning can be fun. Let the kids be kids.
Also, when 0(zero) tolerance for touch policies are established in schools, our kids will not be meeting their basic human need requirements for giving and receiving physical interaction and love. Common manifestations for lack of touch for seniors/elders maintained in nursing homes are agitation, confusion, hyperactivity, anger, frustration, fear, anxiety, depression, loneliness, isolation and despair. Are not these symptoms also evident with children forced to be in classrooms for long periods of time with minimum physical interaction and nominal physical activities? Our health promotion teams using our 15 MinuteStressout Program, with elders and with youth, have provided relief of stress, anxiety and depression by administering safe, skillful and nourishing touch with these groups.
Finally, I am curious as to why people need to identify themselves with a disease model or a belief that they have a deficit or disordered mind. I would suggest that you may be more accurate to say that your mind is overly active and you have difficulty in concentrating or focusing. I suggest that if these conditions exist, begin observing your thoughts and activities of the mind with meditation. Get to know how your mind works and behaves. Observe your breathing and allow your mind to become open, accepting and allowing. You can free your mind of judgments and labels by designing a daily health plan and practice mindfulness while engaging in exercises that improve your whole being--physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I have learned from clients that labels tend to be as difficult to overcome as the psychotropic meds. You can even make your mind more confused and anxious by accepting these labels as real--they are not. One of my favorite mantras is: "The natural state of the mind is void." (Oscar Ichazo)
I hope that I am not upsetting anyone who believes in these negative labels that are given to them by psychiatrists and psychologists. I believe that creating labels is just a game that is invented to promote and advance their business of treating these symptoms. I suggest that you at least attempt to become mindful and examine integrative or holistic health practices before you fall into the trap of becoming dependent on drugs for relaxing the body, mind and spirit.
Get the real story of press releases and other activities carried out by Dr. Baughman. [Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD: this makes it perhaps the biggest health care fraud in history, but does not a thing to validate it as a disease. Where is the first case report of ADHD-the disease. There is none]
From: NewsTarget Insider
Reply-To: insider@newstarget.com
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 07:18:23 -0700
Subject: NewsTarget report: ADHD fraud exposed - Dr. Fred Baughman
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Dear readers,
In the last 30 years, the field of psychiatry has transformed childhood into a disease through the label of ADHD. That's exactly what Dr. Fred Baughman, a pediatric neurologist and fellow of the American Association of Neurologists explores in this downloadable interview from Truth Publishing.
Dr. Baughman is one of the few neurological experts that is willing to come forward with the truth about ADHD and the mass drugging of America's children. Have you ever wondered why other countries don't have this explosion of mental illness in their kids? Have you ever wondered why people in your parent's generation didn't have these problems? The answers are all right here in this interview.
Plus, Dr. Baughman shares his latest book on the subject, and a DVD warning to parents about the latest epidemic of childhood diagnosis, who is profiting from it, and how the label could hurt their child for life -- not to mention the risk of heart attack, stroke, drug abuse and all the other side effects that children on ADHD drugs experience.
Read all this and more in "Live with Dr. Fred Baughman," available for downloading now at:
Dr. Baughman shares startling facts such as:
o What group wants four out of every ten children diagnosed as ADHD
o How brain "disorders" lack an objective standard
o Why an ADHD-labeled child will have trouble getting healthcare coverage, getting a job, or getting into the military
o How diseases are created by a "show of hands"
o How parents, teachers and school districts are getting paid for ADHD diagnoses
o How many psychiatric experts are owned by the pharmaceutical industry
o The law the Bush Administration put into action that will REQUIRE your child to be screened for ADHD
o Adult ADHD "recruiting" centers where 80 percent are diagnosed as ADHD
o How the FDA lobbied another country to keep dangerous ADHD drugs on the market after fatalities occured
o Why your grandparents were never diagnosed with ADHD
o What percentage of kids walk out of their first psychiatric visit with an ADHD diagnosis
o How taxpayers foot the bill for every ADHD diagnosis
You'll want to pass this information on to everyone you know with children or grandchildren, so they don't become just another vehicle of profit for the drug industry. The risks are just too great, and too many parents and children have suffered already.
Download "Live with Dr. Fred Baughman" right now and read it for yourself:
[link] More >
6 Sep 2007 @ 10:33, by anandavala. Energy Sources
Before joining the conversation, please read and accept this Invitation to a Conversation.
There are technologies that could replace our dependence on oil, coal, gas and nuclear but for financial and geo-political reasons they have been suppressed. However the motivation is growing amongst various power structures to release these technologies.
This is where AERO comes in.
From the website: http://www.aero2012.com/en/about.mhtml
"Advanced Energy Research Organization (AERO), LLC was founded by Steven M. Greer, M.D., in July 2007. AERO is a new research and development group which will develop and strategically protect new energy and propulsion technologies that will completely replace oil, gas, coal, and nuclear power
AERO is the group that is most strategically ready to develop, disclose and establish the long-suppressed technologies that will enable us to establish a truly sustainable civilization on Earth.
It is time that humanity move on to its next level of development. This cannot happen with the internal combustion engine and fossil fuels. Time is short. Indeed time - and obscurity - are elements that must be overcome for success to occur."
This is the latest initiative by Steven Greer, the founder of The Disclosure Project. Quoted from its website: "The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.
See this video of a recent (2007-08-20) presentation by Steven Greer about AERO and the imminent disclosure and large scale development of energy technologies and the social impact of this, it is well worth watching:
For other related videos see the sidebar at google videos.
Before joining the conversation, please read and accept this Invitation to a Conversation.
3 Sep 2007 @ 15:29, by paretokid. Environment, Ecology
The global market for fish now means that the shrimp, salmon, sea bass, or cat fish could have begun life on in an Indian, European, or Chinese "farm." Since seafood farming is actually farming of both fresh and salt water species, it's referred to as aquaculture.
How much seafood is produced by aquaculture? < http://www.aquaculture.co.il/Markets/world_output.html>
In 2003, World aquaculture seafood production contributed about 40 million tons, or about 30% of total World fisheries production of about 130 million tons. A decade ago, aquaculture contributed merely 17 million tons, making it the fastest growing food production branch Worldwide.
Where is aquaculture conducted? Almost everywhere, in cold climate developed countries, as well as in tropical climate less-developed countries, over all continents:
Asia 37.0 million tons, mostly in China Europe 2.0 million tons Americas 1.2 million tons Africa 0.28 million tons, mostly in Egypt.
Fresh water aquaculture: contributes about 58% of World aquaculture output. Marine aquaculture: contributes about 42% of World aquaculture output.
What is produced in aquaculture? In developed countries: Salmon, Sea bream, Sea bass, Catfish, etc. In less-developed countries: Marine aquatic plant Kelp, various Carps, Nile Tilapia, oysters various Shrimp species, mostly produced in extensive, low grade systems.
OK - sounds good - so what's the problem?
1. Remember the recent rounds of problems with Chinese exports to the US? Now, the Chinese are just as good a people as any other... but just as bad too.
2. Raw and greed-based capitalism could well lead Chinese producers of much of the shrimp now being sold in the US to be as unethical as those who poisened pet foods and slipped lead into the paint of children's toys.
3. Seemingly beneficial traditional integrated farming methods of the Chinese may become the source of mutating a new flu pandemic or other animal to human pandemic disease transfer.
Integrated farming of fish and livestock: [link]
Integrated farming of fish and livestock is an old practice consisting of the culture of fish (or shrimp) associated with the husbandry of domesticated animals such as pigs, ducks, chicken, etc. The aim of integrated farming is the recycling of animal wastes (faeces, urine and spoiled feeds) to serve as fertilizers, and sometimes as food for fish raised in ponds, enclosures and cages.
Food for thought eh? More >
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