24 Jul 2007 @ 12:45, by anandavala. Technology
Before joining the conversation, please read and accept this Invitation to a Conversation.
I have recently begun to take a new approach, not focusing on
explanations but instead on concrete demonstrations, instead of
producing essays about ideas I'll focus on producing concrete
products such as ontologies, software, etc.
I have also been looking into ways to get the message across. I
have decided to look into developing SMN and thereby giving the mass
consciousness what it wants - this will help to get its attention.
Understanding New Technology
First a quote from an article about XML, B2B and The
XML/edi Group...
/quote Gerry Galewski, a philosopher on information
technologies, gave a provocative explanation on why it often takes
years to truly appreciate the full potential of new technology:
"... when a breakthrough in technology is achieved, it takes
us a while as a culture to figure out what we really have. New
developments are culturally assimilated often based on what has come
before. We can't help but place the new developments within an
historical context.
"Here's an example: In 1844 Samuel Morse invented the ability
to transmit information coded into electromagnetic pulses. He sent
the first message of dot dash dot dot dash from Baltimore to
Washington DC, and therefore people called this telegraphy.
"That first message Morse sent was 'What hath God wrought.'
Telegraphy became ingrained into the cultural consciousness. It was
easy to understand and deploy.
"Fifty years later, Marconi made a technological
breakthrough. He broadcast electromagnetic waves through the air. But
what did he send? The ability to modulate a signal was well
understood. But Marconi sent dot dash dot dot dash. That is what was
ingrained into the cultural consciousness of the time. So people
called this wonderful new tool, simply "Wireless Telegraphy."
Within their frame of reference, they didn't know what they really
had. It took another twenty years for Lee Deforest to apply practical
knowledge that had been around for decades. Deforest had the Eureka
event, and gave us radio. More >
23 Jul 2007 @ 08:37, by feecor. Spirituality
Panoptic was the Word of Yesterday. Is it possible to have a comprehensive, coherent "all-seeing" from a high stand to see the context and have overview? As our society believes in specialisation and ignores the potentials of being both, specialist and generalist ways or constructions are shown to share positions, issues, and perspectives and their combination. The essay reviews the possibility of not only having single, a caleidoscop of images, but to agree upon a coherent unifying generalisation in order to find orientation and see and share contexts, overlaps, and common patterns, and proposes to study the combination of elements or signs forming the "whole" of "all" of panoptic endeavour. More >
22 Jul 2007 @ 16:18, by freo7. Activism
UNLESS YOU CHOOSE CONSCIOUSLY TO CREATE IT FOR YOUR SELF in this moment...NEVER accept another's version of what life is and how things are as they are... just read and resonate with what is ALREADY YOUR EXPERIENCE = your own inner knowing!!
[disclaimer in the title and blurb above]
SOURCE => Gregg Braden's website: [link]
Gregg Braden:
Could the marriage of science and spirituality answer the deepest mysteries of our past, while solving the problems that threaten our future? A growing body of evidence suggests that the answer to this question is an empowering “YES!”
For over 20 years, Gregg Braden has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. Combining his discoveries with the best science of today, his
original research crosses the traditional boundaries of science, history, and religion offering fresh insights into ancient mysteries. In doing so he has redefined our relationship to our inner and outer worlds, while sharing his life-affirming message of hope and possibility.
NOW..Dear Readers Please Compare your ascension experience
with Gregg Braden's
See how your current experience compares with this man's
version of what is happening to him and all the people that
he has interviewed. K?
EXCERPT from "The Art of Resonance" STARTS HERE:
Walking Between the Worlds - A New Journey...July 18, 2007
We are aware that while the planet is under going a shift to a higher
frequency that, because she is a living moving energy system, all who
reside within her energy fields will also experience this realignment.
Firstly what many are experiencing naturally as the planet undergoes
her transformation which is what is termed the 'Creation of the
Lightbody'. So the next few pages will outline the different stages we
may experience as this occurs and how it is manifesting in our own
energy fields e.g. bouts of flu, headaches etc. Secondly as many are
enthusiastic and joyous at these changes, I would like to cover
practical things that we can consciously do to build and increase the
Light quotient in our own bodies.
Tuning ourselves to the higher octaves of Light and changing our
vibrational frequency has been explored extensively in previous
chapters which I will briefly summarize and then add a few additional
techniques to accelerate this process. The process of transition into
Light is a gradual one. We are not matter one day and pure Light the
next. Our energy fields are infused with and realigned to Light
gradually or else we would experience electrical 'burn out'.
Creation of the Lightbody is due to the planet’s current transition
process and is not an optional experience or process. According to
that, the Lightbody is gradually created through the transmutation
of our current physical body as it mutates and absorbs more Light.
Again this is interconnected with the realignment of our energy
fields to higher frequencies and higher octaves of Light and the
following information describes the actual physical process and common
symptoms as this change occurs.
We are all evolving and absorbing Light at our own pace. Some are
consciously working with these changes and so their transmutation is
quicker, some are unaware and are absorbing this Light and change in
direct relation to planetary change. However, one can classify this
creation into levels ...
1. FIRST LEVEL => Please Click M O R E ~ N O W More >
21 Jul 2007 @ 22:00, by koravya. Ideas, Creativity
Composite image.
Courtesy: William-Adolphe Bouguereau.
For the landscape, an unidentified digital artist
somewhere out there on the www.
Acknowledgements and compliments.
There's a lot of writing going on out there these days.
Lots of topics, lots of issues, lots of concerns,
All very important.
Maybe I need to chip in.
Well, I'm chippin' in.
So the fire may burn just a little brighter,
for a little longer,
until the first faint grey of Dawn
whispers through the leaves overhead. More >
21 Jul 2007 @ 11:21, by jazzolog. Music
Come back to square one, just the minimum bare bones. Relaxing with the present moment, relaxing with hopelessness, relaxing with death, not resisting the fact that things end, that things pass, that things have no lasting substance, that everything is changing all the time---that is the basic message.
---Pema Chodron
Awakened, I hear the one true thing---
black rain on the roof of Fukakusa temple.
I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is, and not as a comment on my life.
---David Ignatow
On the set of Shall We Dance, 1936, are dance director Hermes Pan, Fred Astaire, director Mark Sandrich, Ginger Rogers, George Gershwin, Ira Gershwin and musical director Nathaniel Shilkret.
Saturday morning, and I'm delighted to read the cover story of tomorrow's New York Times Book Review. Garrison Keillor writing about George Gershwin. I've neglected to report how wonderful I thought Garrison was in the Robert Altman movie about his radio show. I had put off seeing it because Prairie Home Companion can get too cute at times, and I thought a cast of Kline and Streep and Tomlin and Harrelson might be too great a temptation in that direction. And I've heard Keillor personally is pretty aloof and out there, in his own world...so I thought probably this movie is going to be painful.
Besides, for those of us who grew up in front of a huge radio that was bigger than we were---with glowing, radiating tubes in the back that looked like a Flash Gordon outer space city---how many times had we gone to the movies to see an adaptation of a favorite radio show? Yuck! How many were any good? The Shadow? The Lone Ranger? The Fat Man? Arthur Godfrey? A wonderful voice comes out of that dumb guy? Most were about as flat as a Lux radio version of a movie.
But, except when Meryl Streep tries to loosen him up a little, Garrison Keillor is wonderful in the movie. In fact, he makes great fun of himself as someone totally out in his own world. And he nails radio when he tells Lindsay Lohan---who also is wonderful---that nothing ever ends in radio, nobody gets old, nobody ever dies.
But of course the kind of music on the show---oh god, Woody Harrelson and John C. Reilly singing Bad Jokes is worth the price of admission...and by the way, The Behind-The-Scenes feature on the DVD may be better than the movie---I say, the music ain't exactly Tin Pan Alley. Tin pans galore, but we don't hear In The Still Of The Night. So why does anyone think Garrison Keillor should be reviewing a new book by Wilfred Sheed about Gershwin, Berlin, Porter, Arlen, and Kern?
It's probably because, like me, Garrison grew up in the '40s and listening to radio, so what has come to be known as The Great American Songbook is imprinted in our neurons. If we're walking through Central Park with a girl, and Dancing In The Dark begins to play, we may have to turn our walk into a dance that will be legend in the minds of anyone who sees us. Those songs do that to people. They still do it...maybe more than ever. Many rock singers just have to try an album...like jazz players want that one with strings. Opera singers too...and while it used to be horrible to sit through, some of them are starting to get it. I heard Renee Fleming sing You've Changed the other day...and I had to nudge Billie Holiday over in my mind to make room for her.
So Garrison, like Guy Noir, has blues in the night in his sinews. He can set 'em up, Joe, with the rest of us. The rest of us who have heard a tune on the juke box...a tune so devastating there was nothing more to do but get up off the stool, reel toward the door, and out into the lonely night. Maybe she'll be there. More >
21 Jul 2007 @ 02:54, by skookum. Natural Health & Healing
We are bombarded all the time with scents...there seems to be a mind behind the madness! More >
20 Jul 2007 @ 19:17, by a-d. Globalization
Bush Outlaws War Protest -
Citizens Face Full Asset Seizure
From Dave Livingston
Link: [ [link] ]
Bush Outlaws All War Protest In United States
By Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
In one of his most chilling moves to date against his own citizens, the American War Leader has issued a sweeping order this week outlawing all forms of protest against the Iraq war.
President Bush enacted into US law an 'Executive Order' on July 17th titled "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq", and which says:
"By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, as amended (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.)(IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.)(NEA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,
More >
19 Jul 2007 @ 06:11, by skookum. Environment, Ecology
totally true!
pic from this site More >
19 Jul 2007 @ 05:19, by jhs. Science
Contemplating the irony of fate of two of my greatest heroes (and I don't have many, sorry to say), Nikola Tesla and Wilhelm Reich they are, both to arrive in the Land of the Free, only to die in disgrace after giving to mankind some of the greatest, greatest gifts in its history.
Preparing for the showdown: the UNSEALING of the books of Wilhelm Reich 50 years after his sudden death (how come??) in an American prison, a few days before his release from a ridiculous sentence in, again, the Land of the Free (or so they say in best Orwellian tradition).
Just to be sure, the FDA burned his books and his machines in 1956 (how low can a nation sink?), in the best tradition of the Catholic Church, just recently asserting being the ONLY true Church, what a shame...let's burn those witches, alright...
It makes me contemplate, another time yet, the pain of humans condemning exactly what would help them. Help buttons, yeah, I hear some cry out loud... but what I am contemplating here is the tragedy of the drowning fool who spits on a life vest in disgust because he KNOWS, he KNOWS, a life vest is a superstitious gadget of no real use, because he thinks he knows it all, because he read the news, of course, the news, those news, that tell everything a real man has to know to be happy by telling him all the other shit that is happening around the world at this time. Except, of course, giving a hint, or two, may be, that HE HIMSELF is a SLAVE.
So, to spare all of those who think who still need to write. wasting precious electronic bits, YES, I AM STILL ALIVE, even though I am living just 50+ km (30 miles) East of Sao Paulo. Indeed, I did NOT burn in those ashes of TAM.
Interestingly enough, I passed by Congonhas a few hours earlier, explaining my better half the function of the landing fires that are visible from the freeway approaching the airport, wondering why they were not constantly flashing as they do in Burbank or at LAX.
So, I returned to the jungle in the High Sierra, with few monkeys around (even though they still manage to make a hellish noise), wondering if someone would ever send me an email on the occasion of the worldwide news that a man and a woman having made cosmic love.
In the meantime. my respects to the global news to make sure a tragedy spreads around the world faster than a local would ever know.
Reminds me of that '93 (I think) earthquake in LA. My mother woke me up in the morning, calling me from Germany, informing me of the 'disaster' while I was still happily dreaming along in the Hollywood Hills (Studio City side, to be precise).
Or, some years later, her orders to evacuate immediately because of the San Diego fires (some 50 miles south of there, for non-cals).
Holy cow, I WAS NOT IN THAT AIRPLANE, folks, thanks for your concern!
The last time I flew from Porto Alegre to Sao Paulo Congonhas was on September 7th 2001 with connection to LA scheduled to arrive on 9/11 at 8:50 PST. Alright, alright, I winded up in Tijuana, not the first time, and took a bus to LA because the borders were closed to air traffic.
But that's another story.
End of rant for today. Cheerio...
Going back to wrapping me in layers of metallic and isolating materials... gotta be prepared for REICH DAY (Nov 7) !!!! More >
18 Jul 2007 @ 17:54, by freo7. Activism
UPDATE JULY 17, 2007 firethegrid power hour report from Idaho USA Earth Terra GAIA & Beyond...CLICK HERE: [link] to see all firethegrid power hour follow up to date online now!!
From the garden!! Birds singing (well 2 of them) and horses whinnying all over the neighborhood and my 2 sleepy heads - an aged buckskin AQHA foundation mare, KIT O`GOLD and my latest, a flaming red 2 year old colt, with white diamond between his wide set eyes... DIAMOND`EL... both, laying flat out sound asleep in their pasture below my deck. *My deck is my inner/outer temple you understand. LOL
It took me 45 minutes to just wake up out of the theta state (which I of course gave thanks for because I LOVE IT THERE!!) this morning at 4:11 AM PST. in the last 11 minutes of the global firethegrid hour I felt my spirit soul mind heart and body CLICK into total coordination and a huge magnificent swell of love came down and went out from me and my beloved elementals/bio-body - fire air water and earth - atoms with atoms - radiantly sharing and huge liquid like golden rings of THE ONE LOVE ENERGY that I know so well flowing out from all my 13 personal chakras as if I were a pebble dropped in a pond - region with region radiantly sharing unto the 4 corners/4 directions and filling *all that is* between them! Filling all atoms in all dimensions of Earth Terra GAIA as the very fabric of all that is - UNIVERSE WITH UNIVERSE now radiantly sharing. IT WAS A MASSIVE ALIGNMENT EXPERIENCE 4 me personally!! FINALLY I AM ON THE RIGHT PLANET!!!!!!!!!
I AM AHANDA KAH sii AHA! <= my spirit name it means the TITLE ON TOP!!
aka Brenda & the full brigade of Star God`USes
*This link is a true DIRECT EXPERIENCE ACCOUNT, believe it or not...
Brenda, aka Freo`7 - Idaho INDIGO USA Earth & Beyond...
*Co-Creator of Brenda & The Star Goddesses
- a care2 Lightworker Group: [link]
New Civilization BLOG - Time 2 Wake Up: [link]
CO-Owner: [link]
Pre 7/17/07 Love's Loop Planetary Alerts & Lightworker Group Energy Reports:
[link] - MI-777 & The Planetary Creatrix 2 hour Global Meditation on 7/8/07
AIN'T WE GOT LOVE?!!!!!!!!!
*Does the Universe hear your 'words' or your vibrations? CLICK HERE [link] NOW PLEASE
More >
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