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 A Woman Shall Lead Us25 comments
picture21 Jun 2006 @ 11:07, by jazzolog. Religion
Friend, hope for the truth while you are alive.
Jump into experience while you are alive!
What you call "salvation" belongs to the time before death.
If you don't break your ropes while you are alive, do you think ghosts will do it after?


Actually there is no real teaching at all for you to chew on. But not believing in yourself, you pick up your baggage and go around to other people's houses looking for Zen, looking for Tao, looking for mysteries, looking for awakenings, looking for Buddhas, looking for masters, looking for teachers. You think this a searching for the ultimate and you make this into your religion. But this is like running blindly. The more you run, the farther away you are. You just tire yourself, to what benefit in the end?


A human being is a part of the whole called by us "the universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest---a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection of a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of understanding and compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its being.

---Albert Einstein

Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is the first woman to lead the Episcopal Church.
Photo by Michael Houghton for The New York Times

There are many peculiar terms in the Episcopal Church. "Episcopal" is one of them. The word in Latin means "bishop," which hardly differentiates this church from anything known as Anglican throughout the rest of the world. Its members want their own identity in the United States, so we use Episcopal instead of Anglican. Apparently that's only the first of many annoyances we cause.

The physical organization of the church resembles the Catholic, from which it broke so King Henry could keep trying out wives until he found one to suit him. (Not much spiritual inspiration there.) Other Protestant denominations have bishops and such, who are leaders elected in some way or other. In the Episcopal Church there are 2 houses, like Congress: the House of Bishops I suppose is like the Senate, smaller and with more clout; the House of Deputies is similar to the House of Representatives.

The "president" of the whole Anglican Community is known as the Archbishop, and as anybody can become a priest and a bishop anybody could get elected Archbishop too. Well...until now, any MAN could be Archbishop. And to be more specific, any clearly practicing heterosexual man. A priest needn't be married but it's better, if he's going to have some kind of sexual partner living with him, that it be a woman. You know, help with church auxiliaries and picnics, choir practice, Sunday school...that kind of "womanly" thing. I suppose our Catholic friends laugh up their sleeves at how complicated all this has become for us. We have nuns too.  More >

 American ???
picture 20 Jun 2006 @ 11:12, by scotty. Liberty, Sovereignty
This may be the most important article that you have ever read! It deals with your legal status that determines whether you have unalienable rights or just corporate granted privileges. Most Americans think that they have unalienable rights protected by the Constitution. They also think that when they vote they are in fact electing officials to manage their government under Constitutional principles. Most people think that lawyers and judges practice law under a judicial system. Most people think that the government has no boundary. Well most people have relied upon government controlled schools and the media for their information and they have been misinformed!

To read the whole article click this [link]  More >

 Love, the Great Motivator 0 comments
19 Jun 2006 @ 15:57, by vector8. Spirituality
We all share the one love but our experience of love depends on what you're prepared to give. What you're prepared to give is what motivates you. If what motivates you is personal love for your family, friends, job, music, money, personal interests, then that's how much love you are open to experience. Love gives you the resources that commensurate with your motivation; no more, no less. The Queenis considered to be self-less. Thus, what motivates the Queen is serving the Commonwealth. You could say the Queen's experience of love is as huge as the Commonwealth.  More >

 The Betrayal of Krishna – Part 3 - V. Susan Ferguson0 comments
19 Jun 2006 @ 15:51, by inanna. Spirituality

The Betrayal of Krishna – Part 3 - Demotion as Cult Deity
- Krishna Chaitanya -

For those of us who have endeavored to understand the Sanskrit texts of Hinduism and especially the Bhagavad Gita, ‘The Betrayal of Krishna’ may be the most important book we will ever read.
[link]  More >

 2006 Crop Circle..14 comments
picture18 Jun 2006 @ 19:50, by swanny. Extraterrestrials
Note the complexity
and the dynamic symmetry
of this 2006 crop circle.
It seems somewhat verbal.  More >

 Moral Ascension13 comments
17 Jun 2006 @ 13:47, by swanny. Religion
June 10, 2006

What I find so mysterious about Christ is His reputed ascension into a cloud on The Mount of Olives 40 days after Easter. I am puzzled how anyone could ascend in body into a cloud? Seems a bit Star Treks' to me.... Yet reports suggest it happened yet the only real proof of it is the lack of proof.
Well speculation doth run rampant on such things... yet something "must" have happened otherwise how could Christianity have endured these 2000 years hence....
So what remains? What remains is the message and messages of Christ:

"Pay It Forward
Do unto others as Christ did to others
Heal the sick
Give to the poor
Feed the hungry
Encourage the hopeless
Forgive the sinners
Intercede for others
Love thine neighbor and enemy
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord
Be a Light
Bless the little children
The Beatitudes
Be Humble
Be True
The Lords Prayer
Know Joy more abundantly!
Educate or teach the unlearned
Lead by Example"
Jesus 0 BC

To think one man one Rabbi "knew" and said all that and more.... Where the heck did he learn it. On Earth? From who? Something divine must have been.
Yet maybe there was this moral ascension that was more important than any literal physical ascension, yet then what was the causality of it? What causes a man or society to ascend morally in a kind of quantum leap? Is that important?  More >

 "Staying the Course"30 comments
picture15 Jun 2006 @ 23:12, by quinty. Politics
Russ Feingold for President?

When a new administration finally arrives (if we have a new administration in 2009) it will have a hell of a job reversing the national mood and overall national psyche. That is, if it wants to.  More >

 My Odd Little Dream2 comments
14 Jun 2006 @ 06:21, by skookum. Altered States
Some of this dream is like a memory and some of it is obviously symbolic.  More >

 The Final Frontier?19 comments
picture13 Jun 2006 @ 23:54, by i2i. Spirituality

"It is important for the human race to spread out into space for the survival of the species. Life on Earth is at the ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as sudden global warming, nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers we have not yet thought of."
---Stephen Hawking, June 13, 2006, University of Cambridge

I don't know about that one, shouldn't it be the other way around?  More >

 Roofs and Ceilings9 comments
13 Jun 2006 @ 10:37, by swanny. Housing, Building, Architecture
June 13, 2006

Roofs and Ceilings

Above has mostly been somewhat perplexing to me. What goes above. Is it strong main beams to shelter from the watchers eye or a "see thru" ceiling to gaze and receive the starlit nights and the daylight light from above. Or still is it art that belongs there like in the Cistine Chapel and Michaelanglos wonderous though fading creations.
I did my first ceiling painting at the age of about 16 or so. One of my older brothers chohurts, Earl, I believe commisioned and actually paid me to paint now what was it? a cross or a church or geez I can't rightly recall on his bedroom ceiling. It turned out pretty good it seems for all concerned.
Have you ever slept outside on a beach in summer and dozed under the stars not to mention being eatin alive by the skeeters. There is a sense of awe and freedom to it. Having a natural roof and perhaps the dappaling of a canopy of the leaves of the trees. Tis a comfort to the soul and a joining with the heavens and cosmos of sorts. You should try it. In the raw with no "glass" to obscure the gentle or not so gentle breezes that come with such.
I used to spend my summers as a teen sleeping in the tent trailor we had out back on the patio. Geez it was awful cold at times but the cold sort of made the experience more real and more "learning" and in a way more restful, maybe it was the fresh air.
Once as a child I was sleeping in a tent at the old house and a group of the "enemies" as we used to call the ruffians of the neighbour came at about 5 am in the morning and collapsed our abode and scurried away unseen. Well I suspect it was them but by the time we awoke the culprit or culprits were gone.
When I had my birds it was somewhat odd. They would fly
around my apartment oblivious of the "ceiling" as if inately they could not conceive a restriction on above. They would bump it as they flew until they sort of surrendered to this new concept or limiation on the freedom of flight.
Oh and then there was the time at the old house when I was sleeping on the top bunk of the bunk bed in the basement and suddenly or so something broke or moved and it came crashing down on my older brother who was sleeping below. He was not amused nor the household that awoke in an uproar or was it during the day? Hmmmm gettin old.
Ah ceilings... perhaps I am waxing as per so and so's take but I am truly curious as whats to be done with above. I think art is good though not very enduring and I do have a perchance for skylights though they are problematic of the elements ie: rain and such and to many angles or flatness on the roof seems to have plagued the likes of none the less than F. L. Wright and D. Cardinal so maybe a sculpted roof of some sort of waterproof medium.

Well whatever and good morning and polite thoughts on the subject or dome would be appreciated.

ed  More >

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