3 Jun 2006 @ 08:31, by jazzolog. Ideas, Creativity
The important thing is to do, and nothing else; be what it may.
---Pablo Picasso
You yourself are time---your body, your mind, the objects around you. Plunge into the river of time and swim, instead of standing on the banks and noting the course of the currents.
---Philip Kapleau
Who whispered, souls have shapes
So has the wind, I say.
But I don't know.
I only feel things blow.
---Stanley Kunitz
John and Grace Tagliabue were photographed in the Muskie Garden at Bates College in 1998 by Phyllis Graber Jensen, shortly before their move to Providence, R.I. John died on May 31.
You can, you do...prepare---sometimes for years---for the last word, the final departure...of a friend, a loved one. But we're never really ready when it comes. Still the shock. The welling up, unexpected sobbing. Breaking down...alone or with a comforting hand upon one's shoulder. It cannot be contained. The grief.
And so it came...yesterday afternoon, while I was down at the garden, the phone call's recorded message telling me John Tagliabue is gone.
Exactly a month ago his last letter arrived announcing the "big operation" would be "tomorrow morning, might take 4 - 7 hours!!" Nearly 83, John had agreed to extreme measures to remove part of a pancreas gone bad. There were complications...and another surgery...and then the final morphine drip. With wife and 2 daughters in the room reading him his poems, John gave us the slip and danced lightly further into the fantastic. May I share with you just a few of the last things he wrote?
++++++++++++++++++++ More >
2 Jun 2006 @ 14:11, by bapty. Social System Design
Many people want a truly human world but few believe it really achievable. Have we any clear idea what such a world would have to be like, and are we going the right way of achieving it? More >
2 Jun 2006 @ 13:25, by petavie. Shared Purpose
Well, it happened again !!! Allright everybody, nobody moves, what is going on ? It seems some of us are meeting all over the planet.
Manifestation, virtual world becoming reality, time to rally the troops, whatever you want to call it, it is great !
Scotty is in Paris, no not Texas, France, gay Paris, grey Paris.
We had a lovely lunch and talk nonstop all afternoon, both of us feeling like we knew each other forever, not just from the net, I think it is more like a soul connection, definitely one from the heart one.
A lovely lady, a beautifull soul, Merci Chris.
A bientot.... Until we meet again More >
1 Jun 2006 @ 19:49, by inanna. Spirituality
I have recently discovered a writer and thinker so brilliant that I am in the process of reforming my entire understanding of my place in this universe. His pen name is Krishna Chaitanya – his real name appears to be K.K. Nair. Because of his influence on my thinking, I have decided to share some personal aspects of my life, which perhaps will help you to understand why I was so open to the worldview of K.K Nair (aka Krishna Chaitanya); and I am sure many of you have had similar questions and feelings. [link] More >
1 Jun 2006 @ 19:09, by b. Communities
This is the height of the mining season in Northern Nevada. Most of the scheduling of leased heavy equipment is over. The claims and properties for the Newciv gold project are centered in the area around the town of Winnemucca, Nevada. The Humboldt River runs through the town of about 8 thousand people.
The main industries in the area are cattle, agriculture and mining. Nevada, known as the Silver State because of the huge deposits found and mined in the 1800’s. Found too were large deposits of gold. Within a fifty mile radius of the town are probably 100 working gold mines which run from small claims working drk stream beds to hard rock digs with rock crushers. The last I heard, one of the biggest mines, the Baron Mine, made a 70 pound “button” of gold every week on its extensive properties.
I have spent a lot of time there in Pershing County in the nineteen eighties and I acquired the rights to a lot of properties in that time period. I promoted, developed various types of gold mines. Along the way I got a real good education in the gold mining business so I have kept my eye out for places that worked for the most production done in the easiest way. That way is to find placer gold deposits that are found in gravel or quartz rock in some dry or wet stream beds. This type of rock and earth can be separated by machine or by using water to screen and separate. After the mining process is over and the ores being milled away from the mining site, the mining site can be restored of reformed. The land is reclaimable. Even when doing chemical processes it is possible after the chemical and electric milling is complete the land can be made biodegradable again. So it is possible to take vast wealth from the land and restore it to its former pristine condition. If you know where it is, register your rights to it and know how to mine, mill, smelt the processed ores.
On one property that I favor a lot I have an old mining engineer report that states there are reserve deposits of a half a million ounces of gold in the ground. At five hundred dollars an ounce that is two hundred and fifty million dollars. It would probably take about five years to get all of that and then restore the land to an even better state then it was before. There is room enough and water there for a community of several thousand people. People who could create a model community of a new civilization way of life. Not a utopia but a productive community based on pragmatic actions based in wisdom. I have offered to fund the infrastructure and create pay for members. I must know who is interested in participating. Will you help?
. More >
31 May 2006 @ 12:10, by vector8. Recreation, Fun
In a field of infinite possibilities, all things are possible including America winning the World Cup, perhaps? And pigs might fly.
In the last few weeks I've been seeing English flags hanging on pub windows and on people's house windows. At first, I thought the BNP (British National Party) was on a massive recruitment campaign, which has to be bad news for a woman of colour like me. It was only later that I realised the flying English flags were part of the buildup to the impending FIFA World Cup. Phew! On second thoughts, football? For a whole month? That's just bloody marvellous that is!
Since everyone has an opinion about football, here's my two pennies worth. More >
31 May 2006 @ 05:56, by koravya. Activism
All so very often, issues of importance to all of us become framed in an Us versus Them paradigm. Who amongst us here harbors for a moment the thought that there is an avenue for agreement, common cause, and coordinated and compatible action between the Rainforest Action Network and the Corporate-Banking Empire. Yes, the RAN, that “anti-capitalist, anti-American, anti-business, illegal, immoral, radical, dangerous, socialist, communist, pot-smoking, draft-dodging bunch of hippy freaks.” What are the possibilities that such an organization might be involved in a reasonable conversation with Citibank, Bank of America, and J.P.Morgan Chase, amongst others? Here is an article which when printed out comes to ten pages, and therefore might take a few extra minutes to read through, and leads to the thought that there might be just some slim possibility for a “shift in the fundamental architecture of the economy”; and that there might come a time in some not too distant future, “when we were looking over the abyss – there would be a quantum shift in thinking that would bring about profound systemic change to the way we deal with food, energy, transport, and manufacturing, changes that would then bring about an ecologically sustainable society in our lifetime.”
Perhaps . . . More >
30 May 2006 @ 15:47, by hgoodgame. Shared Purpose
First Contact: I meet up with my first NCN'er in real life -
I was going to write about the difficulties of traveling with MCS, but decided not to bore you with a sob story that’s (thankfully) over with! So I’m going to jump ahead to a very happy part of my trip.
Originally this journey was for my inner child, it’s all her fault, she’s the one who wanted to ‘see everything’. And I thought the grown-up in me could handle giving her a grand tour. By taking the ‘wrong’ road in Tupelo,for instance, I ended up in a little town called West Point, Mississippi, and in order to correct my mistake, I had to cross the Tombigbee River. It brought back a song from elementary school, much to her delight! One never knows about those wrong turns, they could be just what we were looking for. More >
29 May 2006 @ 23:19, by bushman. Science
Thats right, they are teaching about chemtrails in junior high school, science books. But then, we all knew, "they" would have to, eventualy, right?
"The chemtrails section is found in the Centre Point Learning Science I Essential Interactions science book. Under "Solutions for Global Warming", section 5.19 features a photo of a big multi-engine jet sporting a familiar orange/red paint scheme.
The caption reads: "Figure 1- Jet engines running on richer fuel would add particles to the atmosphere to create a sunscreen".
Anyway, heres the full artical at:
[link] More >
29 May 2006 @ 09:37, by silviamar. Ideas, Creativity
I've written this poem to celebrate the divine
feminine expressed in the nature, in our dear mother Earth, and in ourselves.
I got inspired while walking in one of my favourite parks in Asturias. The picture was also taken there. More >
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