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 true and false spirituality0 comments
29 May 2006 @ 03:46, by newpeacepl. Spirituality
true spirituality is practical interaction with reality with the aim of happiness - true spirituality is developing realism - overcoming the prejudices that keep us in misery - conquering the ego that keeps saying that it knows the truth, that keeps us closedminded - true spirituality is developing openmindedness, getting the ego under control that insists that it knows everything correctly, that it is a true guide to your happiness - the ego keeps us locked into our prejudices - keeps us unrealistic, keeps us not looking and seeing realistically - the ego blinds us to the blindingly obvious - keeps bossing us around telling us not to bother to check out new things fairly and soberly and impartially - the ego says: you know all you need to know - close your mind and heart to everything new - dont think freely and fearlessly - rely on what you have, on what you think you know - the ego says: dont look and see if your life is perfect or not, dont look for ways you can be happier, just stick with where you are at now, dont grow, dont leave your mind open, you know everything, your way is perfect, cannot be improved

and the ego is so successful in preventing us from seeing realisitically, so successful in burying ourselves in complacency with our present level, that we do not know how miserable we are, we do not know how dangerous we are being, how flawed our way is

the greatest sentence of wisdom, the greatest statement of spirituality, is 'it is good to let lie before one, and thus take to heart, what is, the reality' - which can be expressed this way: 'the beginning of wisdom is respect for reality' - it is easy to fall in love with a theory and get attached to it, so that you stop looking, stop seeing

the greatest optimist is the one who faces up to the biggest probelm - problems can be removed only by seeing them, facing their existence - and the ego is very very good at getting us to refuse to look at things candidly fearlessly - the ego says that we can be happy without facing reality, by living in our ideas of reality - we stop testing our theories against reality - we should be testing every theory against reality all the time, trying to get as close to reality as we can, despite the ego, because our happiness is totally dependent on our realism - all happiness is inside reality - there is zero happiness in dreamland - there is false happiness in dreamland/unrealism, but false happiness is not happiness

the big thing that we are not facing is that we have super hyper extreme injustice - and that causes violence, which destroys happiness - the good news is that therefore we can be super hyper extremely happier - our life has the realistic potential to be much much much better - because we have such extreme injustice, which causes such extreme misery - and that injustice can be dealt with simply by a return to the principles of the american dream - tyranny is totally dependent on swollen fortunes, far greater than anyone could have earned - limit fortunes to the most a person can earn, as the founding fathers intended, and a million problems will disappear - the extremes of overpay [tyranny, undemocracy, state terrorism] and underpay [poverty, anger, war, terrorism] will disappear - - if we move closer to equal pay for equal work, by moving the greatest overpay to the greatest underpay, we can be like 100-fold happier - but we have to doubt the universal prejudice-wisdom of everyone just going for as much as they can get - and we have to doubt the prejudice-wisdom that true spirituality has nothing to do with money - money buys all necessities and most pleasures and powers, ie, most happiness, and true spirituality is pursuit of maximum happiness, so we must get rid of the prejudice that spirituality and material concerns like money have no connection -

we have to open up to the idea that spirituality and justice have some connection - what would spirituality be without happiness?

 TRINIDAD0 comments
picture29 May 2006 @ 00:49, by tenerife. Religion

 Creme de Violette4 comments
picture 28 May 2006 @ 22:59, by ming. Business
Oh, I need to write something about the event I was co-organizer of last week. It is called Creme de Violette. It is Lionel's idea. Speed Consulting. It is like Speed Dating, just different. The basic idea is that one invites some experts/consultants and some business people, and then one has rounds where the participants can go and talk with the experts and ask them questions, and have a little free consulting session in 11 minutes, until the gong sounds and the next round starts.

In France this has been done in Paris, but apparently nowhere else. So, the idea here is to do it in a more relaxed southern way, with good food and wine in a restaurant. And, well, this is the third time we did this. The first two times I was one of the experts, which was quite fun, and even got me an interesting project and a part of a little upstart company.

This time we had more partners participating, and added some new elements, which actually made it a good deal more interesting. The basic idea was to add elements that are "speed" oriented, or that makes something happen in real-time during the evening, and which facilitate the networking. It didn't all work, but it didn't matter too much, as what worked worked well. But I had for example made a database meant to keep profiles of all participants, so that everybody would have a little bio and picture, and maybe a statement of what they offer, or what they're looking for, and that would be available during the evening, and/or before and after, as possible. Which makes it a good deal easier to do networking, as you're able to know who everybody is. I've done similar things at events before, with very good results.

The MC was a well-known talkshow host and public speaker, Yann Fernandez. There was a journalist interviewing participants. A professional photographer taking pictures of everybody. Somebody taking video. Several people who's job it was to help people find each other. Several hostesses.

One thing that worked really well was the production of a newsletter during the evening. In one corner was a little production team with computers. A video projector showed what they were working on at the time. They would get photos from the photographer, the journalist would submit articles, and they would lay it out. All during the evening. You can see the result as a PDF. The idea was that at the end of the evening, everybody would leave with a copy of it. But that depended on a few other technical details that didn't work. Like the WiFi internet connection. And therefore the internet sharing application we had planned, based on a clever invention from a local startup company, Personalité Numerique, which basically turns any USB key into a large virtual disk, from which one transparently can share data with others.

Anyway, overall it was a success, and we'll be sure to develop some of these ideas further. Which incidentally have created a bit of interest from various organizations that are interested in having more effective networking events.  More >

28 May 2006 @ 18:01, by sreevatsa. Space Exploration
COSMOLOGY: Revision; principles; Function; Models; Inter-link Science; Inter-link Philosophy; origins; cosmology in Vedas ; Directional search ; Celestial Index: Celestial Phenomena: Multi-dimensional approach INTER-LINKS: Science; Philosophy; Galaxies; Universe; Plasmas; Electro-magnetic fields; Log-scale Cosmos MAGNETIC FIELDS: ISM; Magnetic fields; Universe; Orientation; Inter-links Electromagnetic Phenomena ENERGY: Concepts; Origins; Creation; Stability; Relative concepts; Retrieval; Galaxy; Inter-Galactic medium; Cosmic Pot Universe UNIVERSE: Tier concepts; Definition; Dark region; Dynamic Region; Glow region; log scale Models; Multi-Universe; Directional search;Cosmic-Pot;Electro-magnetic Universe;Dimensional Search;Three Tier projections PLASMAS: Van-Allen belts; Solar plasmas; Galaxy; Inter-Galactic medium; Universe; Cosmic Plasma ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELDS: Frequencies; Micro-waves; Inter-link plasmas; Galactic Fields; Inter-stellar fields; Expansion; Prime Fields PHILOSOPHY: Evolution; Creation; Philosophy of Cosmos; Dimensional Index; Beyond Darwin CONSCIOUSNESS: Heart; Mind; Brain; Soul-Consciousness; Nature; Divine Consciousness; Sree cakra; Dimensions; Infinite Consciousness; Relative Consciousness; Human Being; Divine Being; Cosmos Yoga Astro-physics:Alternative Cosmology,Beyond Big-Bang, Cosmology,Cosmology Models, Cosmology Structures,Cosmology integration of Scientific fields, Multi-dimensional cosmology,clusters, groups of clusters Cosmic Function: Prime Source, Prime fields,Prime Flows,Modelling KNOWLEDGE-EXPANSION: Development,Consciousness, Mind regions,Origins,Vision SEARCH: Beyond Darwin, Beyond Einstein,Cosmic string, Intelligent design
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 Stop Violence Against Women5 comments
28 May 2006 @ 02:13, by nemue. Activism

This is a subject that most of us in the western world don’t want to talk about. Ritualistic sexual mutilation of females dates back to the fifth century B.C. This traditional practice is a social as well as a health issue that affects the physical and mental well being of the women who undergo it. Although practiced mostly in African countries north of the equator and the Middle-East, concern has recently been expressed that female genital mutilation is also being practiced in the U.S., Europe, and other western countries by immigrants from these countries.

It never ceases to disappoint me that whilst our leaders are only too happy to speak out about so many injustices in the world, on the subject of Female Genital Mutilation they are Silent.

Please help us bring this to the world’s attention. The women and children who are subjected to these barbaric practices deserve better and they need our help. Every signature helps.
[link]  More >

27 May 2006 @ 11:39, by newdawn. Altered States
After reading Marie's post on time travel I felt the need, desire to post the experiences that I have been having lately which are 'time line' related but converse to splitting apart of your life/reality.  More >

 Man On A Fence8 comments
25 May 2006 @ 20:40, by vaxen. Violence, War
"So do I accept the mass extermination of the human herd and shuffle off quietly to the dissenter camp — Camp Ashcroft, I like to call it. In most times these opponents of the herd program would be rehabilitated, retrained, as Orwell suggested in 1984. But now the herd is so big that all these camps have no facilities, no purpose except as secure extermination facilities. Maybe the answer to the fuel problem, ey? Maybe Soylent Green." -- J. Kaminsky  More >

 Grace - Revisited 2 comments
25 May 2006 @ 13:17, by vector8. Spirituality
I believe while there is only one Love there are different expressions of that Love.

There is Love that is acceptance. You can accept someone for who he is without agreeing with his behaviour. You know he is expressing himself based on what he knows or believes. And while you accept others as they are, you also accept yourself just as you are because you know you're always doing the best you can at any given moment. In this respect, acceptance is recognising that every moment is perfect.  More >

 Charlie Jade
picture25 May 2006 @ 10:57, by ashanti. Broadcasting, Media
I am totally hooked on a sci-fi TV drama called Charlie Jade. Apart from the gripping plot, and really cool actors, the thing that reeled me in was that it was shot in Cape Town, South Africa (where I live) and is a joint South African-Canadian production. Cape Town is a really multiverse type of place, and the perfect setting for the story of three parallel universes - the Alphaverse, Betaverse, and Gammaverse. Many of us already think Cape Town is a portal between intersecting universes, so the fact that the Canadians agreed and chose to shoot their movie here has to be more than coincidence! To many of us, this movie is not sci-fi, it is reality. It has everything - Table Mountain, Lions Head, muti-traders in body parts, deserts, gardens, turquoise oceans, Evil Corporations, microchipped populations in two of the universes, a mind-control guru, an alter-programmed killer or two, and explores issues of betrayal under coercion. This really is one of the best TV dramas I have ever watched (I don't watch that many) - in the league of the first Matrix film. In fact, I think it is my favourite piece of pixel-stimulus ever.  More >

 Squidoo lenses7 comments
picture 25 May 2006 @ 10:14, by silviamar. Internet
Some weeks ago I came across the lenses of Squidoo. I think it's a pretty interesting concept and I've set up two lenses there.  More >

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