1 May 2006 @ 00:50, by swanny. Music
April 30, 2006
The Great wall of art
plus a little tune
Link = [link]
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30 Apr 2006 @ 22:14, by jobrown. Activism
When exactly did that kind of nonsense start -and more importantly: when will it end?!?! ...and WHY would We, The People, care?... "Let'em kill eachother", huh? it's just that, on each murder of and within THEIR OWN RANKS, they have always killed -and will always do so- thousands of their OWN so called (s.c.) "Lesser Brothers" as s.c. Collateral Damage, PLUS -of course -just as many, if not a LOT more of the Enemy group's 'Lesser Brothers'. THAT, my friend, would always be 'You and me' -from any part of the Human Family at any time (of History)!...
Do we know how much of the so called (s.c. ) "establishment's weirdness goes on in this Day and Age? A lot, I'm sure! [link]
This one goes 'kinda' hand-in-hand with the above one.
And these are just some General Info/more "Hit & Runs" in Todays Socio-Political Reality
[link] More >
29 Apr 2006 @ 17:56, by poetsong. Relationships
Two men intersected as they walked through Kane Park. The blond man was dressed in shorts and a white tank top. He seemed in his late twenties; the other was dark haired, in his thirties, and dressed like a mannequin from the GAP.
They were alone, and by now seemed rather bored with the day, and wanted someone to talk to. The dark haired man asked, "Excuse me...are you red, or are you blue?"
"I'm not quite sure what you are talking about?" the blond replied.
"Oh, don't feign ignorance with me. I want to know if you are red or blue...it’s important!"
The blond said, "My name is Ken, if it makes any difference. Are you visiting, or do you live nearby?"
His attempt at small talk fell to the ground. The other said, "I'm John, but you still didn't answer my question. If you are hiding something, then maybe I shouldn't talk to you at all."
"What's your problem, and why are you in such a huff?"
John looked at him and said, "I can't tell by the way you dress what your political views are. Normally, I can...I'm very good at that. I can't stand Blue State people, if you know what I mean...pig-headed, always want their way. If you're one of them, I don't even want to talk to you."
Ken was apolitical, and really avoided thinking about issues. He was somewhat of a free spirit, who loved life, and wanted to avoid talking about heavy things. Still, he was put off by John's demanding tone, and said, "I'm the son of a coal miner, named Fred, and my mother's name is Alice. She worked in a bakery for six years, then stopped to raise her children."
"Stop changing the subject. You really know how to dance around an issue. I think you're trying to hide your colors. Why don't you admit it!"
Ken said, "I'm getting married to my high school sweetheart next spring. She wants to have kids right away. At first I was reluctant, but I love her and figure it will work out. I'm a physical therapist over at the rehab. The money is okay for a single guy, but I'm worried if we'll struggle if one of us has to quit work."
John said, "Yeah, straight-laced, yuppie wannabe; your looking bluer by the minute."
"Oh, did I tell you I ran track in college, the quarter mile. I had a scholarship; but I gave it up, because I was really into theater, and thought I could be an actor. I sold some poems, and got excited and overnight I thought I was a novelist. It's funny how things go. You know. You wish you turned right instead of left..."
"Ha, you said it, you are one of those right-wieners, I mean wingers, and you should have turned left. We'll forget you then; unless you want to change your affiliation right now."
Ken was puzzled. He'd rarely seen anyone so angry, and was bothered by this instant judgment. He said, "I have a brother who plays in a great rock band, and a sister with blond hair and blue eyes, the spitting Image of Carrie Underwood, except a little taller. She thinks she can be the next American Idol too."
"What's that got to do with anything?"
"When you came here," Ken admitted, "I wanted to know what music you liked, if you draw, or write. I wondered if you had a brother like mine, or whether you were close to your father."
"It was important to me. I wanted to get to know you, who you are. But you just see people as this issue or that issue, and write them off if they don't see eye to eye with you."
"That's not true. I don't hate my dad, and he always votes opposite with me. I just can't stand to be in the same room with him, and I tell him too!"
"Well, my moms a liberal Catholic. My dad is protestant, but doesn't go to church. He's probably conservative by your standards. I don't know what I believe. But we never fight or argue. We don't claw at each other at the dinner table. Sure, sometimes we talk about serious things, where we stand on issues, but when we look at each other we see people, not walking political posters."
"Your house is weird," John contested. "My father would kill me if I brought home a republican. My mom would disown me if I marry a conservative; and she'll never have to worry either! If I find out a girl I'm dating is from a Blue State, I leave her on the curb and let her walk home!"
"Why not ask her before the date begins?"
"Don't want to ruin it. If I pry she might think I was controlling, and not want to go out with me- in case she's a red state girl. I don't bring up politics until she does. Then if she opens her lip and starts spouting that garbage, she's out on her ear!"
Ken said, "Then don't you ever date my sister!"
"Ah ha! Admit it, you are from a whole family of right-wing fanatic nut-cases!"
"Are you kidding. My sisters a democrat, but she's not a jerk like you. And you are controlling. You demand everyone conform to your viewpoint or you write them off as despised misfits!"
"They are misfits!"
"They're people, John...breathing, eating, people. And if all you see are political issues, then you're missing the best part of life."
"Oh, you're just saying that because you're a right winged nut!"
Ken could see he was chasing his tail, and said, "I hoped to run into a person today, not a campaign speech. And I'd have listened to your viewpoints if you weren't acting like a rabid dog just waiting to bite my hand."
Do we love issues or people? Can we love people despite disagreements about issues?
Once upon a time, people were people; and the world was not polarized. Once upon a time, people didn't size people up and write them off because of a different religion, or different political party.
When we realize that every human has intrinsic value, and is more than a point of view, we begin to look at them as more than a walking issue. They are somebody’s mother, brother, sister, son, cousin, uncle. They had good and bad parents, felt loved and unloved, were secure and insecure. Some grew up rich, others poor, some were writers, others dancers. All of them wanted to love and be loved unconditionally.
Then they had a thought, an independent one; perhaps not as informed as another's. But when did they stop being a person with an intrinsic value, and become a walking issue to be written off?
Anger- in our hearts- towards others, is often due to lack of respect. In a polarized world, peace comes only when we value people as having worth that doesn't wash off with rain. They may be wrong. They may make mistakes. They may need to hear other views. But if I can't see their value, then I'm the one who is lost. More >
29 Apr 2006 @ 12:42, by vector8. Spirituality
"Ohh! Why do you always complicate things that are really quite simple?" Mary Poppins
For a long while I've been straddling two paradigms or models of reality: cause and causeless. I know that Reality is causeless but I've been leaning more into the cause because of habit. In order to experience the causeless as my dominant reality I have to focus on that reality. Focusing on the causeless does not mean a new reality/realm is going to be revealed; in fact, the causeless realm already exists now. Nor does it mean that the cause reality will be erased. The cause reality will still be experienced by those who are focused on that paradigm. More >
26 Apr 2006 @ 20:27, by b. Alternative Money Systems
I am persisting with this project and I hope to reach out to more members of newciv.com then I have been able too. This entry concerns my thoughts on setting up an economic system both for the community here, the future newciv community and for individuals who want to participate and want to be paid in money or... More >
25 Apr 2006 @ 11:57, by ashanti. Travel
The problem with not getting round to writing up an experience while it is still recent is that you become tangled with a million things, and tend to lose the potency of immediacy. Ah well. I'm going for stream-of-consciousness here, because if I try and structure it, I'll get bored and not finish it.
I was in Rome in February (God, FEBRUARY?????? Time is speeding up even faster now) for work. My work took me right into the Vatican - not kidding - and that was quite an experience. Which I'm not going to write about. Except to say that it is all very impressive - all the collections of things and so on. Magnificent, is the word. The obligatory tour of St Peters happened, and the sheer opulance of gold and marble and finest polished woods, the Pietra (safely behind glass), the magnificence and quality of the artwork, the sheer CONTRAST with the cheap tacky throw-away trash of 21st century culture was all very overwhelming.
The castles and old buildings everywhere, the Roman Empire Himself, right at my disposal. On the surface, ebullient and friendly Italians, great sense of style, the best expresso in the world, and still vibrant and passionate.
Figured the two highest selling products in Italy are 1) the Holy Spirit (there are more bars, coffee shops, and corner cafes selling alcohol than I have ever seen anywhere) 2) Brake-pads (the traffic is a kalaidoscopic infinite fractal of near-misses, artfully within a centrimetre or so, mobius-strip style).
Loved the energy of the place - again, a sense of an intellectual landscape that I could comfortably adapt to - a sense of tradition, history, a PAST, that while bloody, was at a higher level than what we have now. Definite remnants of a ruthless empire. Definite evidence of more than meets the eye.
I enjoyed it, would like to go back and explore more of Italy - not just Rome. But not yet. South Korea is next, in a while. Do love contrasts...... More >
21 Apr 2006 @ 22:40, by adi. Spirituality
The ancient ones speak . . .
Your work is almost complete. You have set your ancestors free. You have also set yourselves free. You have readied the temples for new frequencies. You are now in that space between in which to create a new world for yourselves. No guides, angels or guardians will tell you how to create this world. It is time to stand in your own creative power and manifest the fifth world together.
There are no more messages for you in the fourth world. All that needed to be transmitted in the fourth world has been received. The past will not and cannot offer you anything useful at this time. Don't look back and don't look outside yourself. The truth is not out there . . . it is in you. Look forward inside yourself for you are your own ancestors returned to set yourselves free of the limitations of the fourth world. You have begun to unplug yourselves. You are now ready to prepare for the fifth world that is just ahead of you.
You are being unplugged from this world. To move forward, you must unplug. This is a time between time; A time for you to prepare. It is now time that you meet the Counsel of the Fifth World. We are those who came from the future to anchor keys and doorways to the fifth world. We have left messages for you in sacred sites in the Americas: Palenque, Tikal, Copan and Quirigua are some of the places we have done this. But many sites are still shrouded in jungle . . . yet to be discovered. It doesn't matter if the sites are discovered. The seals to the fifth world have been broken free. This is an amazing time for you all. [link] More >
21 Apr 2006 @ 20:29, by sea. History, Ancient World
Ancient Geoglyphs
Geoglyphs are classified as rock art, which also includes pictographs and petroglyphs. Pictographs are rock paintings while petroglyphs are rock engravings. Cave paintings, drawings, petroglyphs, geoglyphs, hieroglyphs and more have been used all over the world for centuries.
Created by the ancients and left for us to explore and ponder, these symbols held great meaning for those civilizations who created them. Some, like the Egyptian Hieroglyphs, we know to be the cultures written language. Others, like cave drawings, express the daily lives or held religious significance for their designers. There are many however that offers more questions and possible answers then one mind can conceive. Among these are the great Geoglyphs found in locations around the globe.
In South America, the lines at Nazca are of the most famous geoglyphs, but they are hardly the only ones. South of Nazca, about 850 miles, is perhaps the world's largest human figure, etched into the side of Solitary Mountain. The Giant of Atacama at Cerro Unitas, in Chile, about 600 miles south of Nazca, is an incredible 393 feet high and is surrounded by lines similar to those at Nazca. Just 130 miles from Nazca, dug into a sloping hill at Pisco Bay on the Peruvian coast. This drawing looks very much like a candlestick - which gives it the name of "The Candelabra of the Andes". There has been much speculation about the purpose of the 595-foot high candelabra, but no definitive answer. It is constructed in a different manner to the Nazca lines, using trenches up to one meter in depth, and is best viewed from out at sea. It can be seen from as far away as 12 miles. Pottery found near the figure has been carbon dated to 200 BC. Interestingly enough, the Incan city of Cuzco was created in the shape of a puma. Its inhabitants were known as "members of the body of the puma". More >
19 Apr 2006 @ 12:52, by swanny. Social System Design
The Global Social Reality
Me gosh... thats tough... and complex and diverse
and dynamic... Difficult to apprehend.
Almost unmanageable well perhaps unmanageable
hence the need for Moses of the Holy Bible to
impose some "simple laws or commandments" with which to ease the complexity. Yet it becomes even more complex somehow as we are born into the prefabricated framework of life, society and order without the understanding and appreciation of the subtle nuansances and historys perhaps. Born into a dynamic social order or structure that we don't have the capacity to apprehend or understand given the exceeding complexity and then throw nature in the mix and you've got our "controlled human folly" to be sure.
Can we even attempt to understand such? Hmmmmmm Can we properly appreciate such? How much of such is largely taken for granted? Apparently way to much... witness the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.
and then we must coexist with our fellow species to boot
and we are delving into space....
Mind boggling.
Well I suppose a start would be to have Moses ten commands apply more broadly and to the planet and some of its other species as say all mammals as well.
Well we have to start some where.... to gain a sense of order or values or worth.... or perspective...
Is it merely subjective or how would the objectivity enter in?
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19 Apr 2006 @ 11:43, by vector8. Spirituality
I love stroking the back of my neck and my arms because it feels nice. When I can't be bothered to do it physically and there's no one to do it for me, I imagine my hand stroking my neck and my arms. I still end up having the same sensations.
If I can have sensations by thought alone, I dread to think how many times I have done something because of one thought or another. For example, have you ever noticed how people are constantly looking at their watches. Even though I stopped wearing one years ago, from time to time I find myself looking at public clocks; I'm obviously picking up on thought impulses; clocks are sending out signals to check the time, and there are people constantly asking what the time is which makes people check their watches...and so the thought-form ticks on. More >
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