30 Mar 2006 @ 08:56, by koravya. Activism
Black and White kitty scouts out the back yard under the new moon in the heart of the city. More >
30 Mar 2006 @ 08:03, by i2i. Politics
Goya: Fight with Cudgels [detail]. 1820-1823 – Oil on plaster – 48 1/4" inches x 104 1/2 inches – Prado Museum, Madrid
"Here are two men – possibly brothers – are shown fighting with heavy cudgels – slowly, rhythmically, as though they are driving a post. Their legs disappear into the ground, like Goya's Colossus, yet they appear wedded to the land and so their fight must be to the death. Bitter clashes between monarchists and liberals in northern Spain at this time imply that Goya may have intended this painting as an allegory of civil war."
----Patricia Wright, Eyewitness Art
"Beliefs are what divide people. Doubt unites them."
--- Peter Ustinov
"There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don't."
----Robet Benchley, American Humorist
"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."
----A. Maslow
More >
29 Mar 2006 @ 14:53, by jerryvest. Medicine, Healthcare
We are very pleased to update and report on our Global Touch Project using our 15-Minute StressOut Program to support the health and well being of our Elders. [link]
On Friday, March 17, 2006, our newly formed Las Cruces Health Promotion Team with Elders conducted a county-wide workshop for caregivers and professionals interested in learning how to give and receive “safe, skillful and loving” touch. We had over 50 participants attend our 3hr. workshop and established a core team of volunteers to become certified and to administer our ‘chair type’ massage program.
Following our workshop, our administrative team met to review our project and to plan for follow up workshops in nursing homes and other resources and to conduct regularly scheduled meeting with elders interested in reducing their stress, anxiety and depression. In our city, there are three sites established to give diabetes examinations weekly as this disease has reached epidemic proportions here in New Mexico and West Texas. In the US it is reported that there are over 21 million people who have diabetes.
Because of our successful 'Best Practice' research related to using touch to reduce blood sugar levels and to promote health and wellness of this population our new volunteers are preparing themselves to administer our stress management program weekly in these diabetic centers.[link]
I am hopeful that NCN members and other communities will join with us in developing and administering our healthy touch program for elders on a global scale. More >
28 Mar 2006 @ 10:06, by jazzolog. Environment, Ecology
I have deceived the Buddha
For seventy-three years;
at the end there remains only this---
What is it? What is it?
---Suio's Death Poem
Let us endeavor to live so that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sorry.
---Mark Twain
The snow whisk,
sweeping sweeping,
forgets the snow.
Beth Skabar/Athens News Photographer
Elisa Young, a resident of Racine, Ohio, stands in front of American Electric Power's Gavin power plant, a coal fired facility in Gallia County. Young, a member of the SierraClub's executive committee, is concerned about the impact of the coal industry along the Ohio River on the health of her neighbors and the area environment.
As if divinely ordained, on each side of the United States run mountain ranges known as the Appalachians and the Rockies. The symmetry of the arrangement is satisfying to an element of the American character. So far as I know there is no section of the Rocky Mountains known as Rockalalia or Rockyland or some such. But over here there's Appalachia. The exact boundaries of the region are vague and open to dispute. The mountains themselves run from Maine to Georgia, but "outsiders" tend to think of Appalachia as the place where Lil Abner and Snuffy Smith live...and the people must be poor, lazy hillbillies like them. Popular songs of the '40s gave them attributes of a-feudin', a-fussin' and a-fightin', and doin' what comes natur'ly.
It's true the people are independent, strong of opinion (and prejudice---often proud of it: witness the hilarity of redneck humor), and wary of the government and regulation. They're quick to judge whether or not someone is an "outsider" and often put up little tests to check you out---like for instance even how you pronounce the word "Appalachia." You may come from an area of Appalachia yourself, as I do, but still be considered an outsider if your family hasn't been in the region you're in now for a couple hundred years. Where I grew up we didn't think of ourselves as Appalachia because there was no mining there, and for better or worse it's the poverty left by mining that constitutes in the American mind what Appalachia is. At first, coal and timber promised a lasting livelihood, but exhaustion of reserves and technological progress quickly changed the prospects of entire communities. There are towns around where I live now that haven't had real job opportunities in 3 generations...mostly since the mines pulled out and moved on.
Now our locally owned newspaper, The Athens News, has begun a 3 part series entitled "Cradle to grave: Tracking coal's journey through Appalachia." Its author is Katie S. Brandt, an Ohio University graduate student, who comes from Vernon Hills, Illinois, north of Chicago. Even though she's probably been a student here for half a dozen years, she still might be considered an outsider. But the fact is she's been shown around by someone whose credentials are impeccable...and that's Elisa Young. Elisa lives at Racine, by the Ohio River, trying to work a farm organically that's been in the family for generations. She's surrounded by electric companies, powered by coal, that supply an astonishing array of American towns and cities. Her dilemma has become typical of people whose families have owned land in Appalachia---and increasingly everywhere in the US---which is somehow in the path of commercial development. Do you sell out or stay and fight? More >
28 Mar 2006 @ 04:21, by redwind. Ideas, Creativity
Ya sabemos Que no escuchas... More >
27 Mar 2006 @ 14:13, by poetsong. Spirituality
Within our hearts is a compass, a homing device, searching for meaning and answers. We want to know about eternity and God, and our eyes are drawn to the stars. As a child, there is a “Why?” built into us, and no question is considered sacred, though parents may induce us to suppress our natural curiosity due to their own insecurities.
Where did our “Why?” go?
Some people seem perpetually secular-minded, filled with thoughts of the here and now, countless projects and distractions. But this is not our natural state. Children who know they are loved, enjoy being in the presence of those who accept them. They don’t strive. That strife was set in motion because the world/parents/peers sent us messages that weren’t true, making us feel defective. When someone constantly fills their mind with entertainment and data, it is often because they don’t feel comfortable just existing. This does not mean our curiosity is wrong, but when it leads to no rest or peace, it is coming from the wrong place.
Even the “busy-minded” have to push these questions out of their minds when they lay on their beds. So, they fill their head with a constant barrage of noise and stimulation until they collapse in exhaustion, or those questions will return.
But why would people fill their minds with distractions? Why would people be so preoccupied with here and now? Desire to know is a part of our most innocent state. When we first ask “Why?” our view of ourselves is a reflection of our parent’s responses. They’ll tell us if we are shy, or pretty, or stupid, or useless. Of course, no one is useless, or stupid, but we buy into false messages. In God’s eyes, everyone has intrinsic value (they don’t have to earn it) We are at birth valuable, just like a one of a kind Rembrandt, the only one of “Us” this universe will ever know.
A Rembrandt doesn’t have to prove its worth. It doesn’t have to jump through hoops, or score touchdowns or get good grades. It is valuable just because it exists.
If we pictured that God wanted us, liked us, saw something wonderful in us, we would be more inclined to look for God. However, the reality is that people are generally driven by fears, a sense that if God saw them, he would be angry, disappointed, and wind up rejecting them. And so, they avoid God, and more specifically, “God’s Face”.
People will pray, seeking God’s hand, which means, answers to prayer, because in desperation, people might try anything. A child might seek his parent’s hands, but not their face, “Give me the keys to the car…but don’t expect me to spend time with you, getting to know your likes and dislikes, and who you are.”
We generally avoid seeking people’s faces because we fear displeasure, rejection, anger.
And so, deep within the heart, there is something that causes people to withdraw, and turn away.
Fears and anger rule the world. Most mental health problems are based upon fears or anger. Generally speaking, hurts cause temporary pain, but our anger at being hurt can cause a lifetime of pain.
Here is a secret. Your “Why?” was placed there by God himself. That is God’s Spirit wooing us, because contrary to what our hearts may tell us, he wants us to find him.
Here’s another secret. If you are honestly “seeking him”, he will find you. In this journey towards God, you will come to the end of yourself. Your intellect can only take you so far. But be encouraged, because God already knows who you are, and is simply waiting until your heart is inclined to him, and then he will do the rest, which is to reveal himself.
Another secret. God wants you more than you want him, and if you are seeking him, I guarantee you, he will show himself, and he will not be angry. This does not mean he will love everything we do, but God sees the Rembrandt, the value, the gifts, at all times.
No one that is seeking God will be rejected, because your desire to seek God was put in you by God, and it is the most natural thing we can do. He put the homing device in us, because in reality he is calling us to him. He would not call to you if he did not want you, because that is not within God’s nature.
How then shall we approach God? I’m only going to give you some general tips.
Don’t tell God who he is. Let him reveal himself to you. This is no different than if we meet another human. They don’t like it when we define them, but would rather we listen to what they say, and allow them to define themselves. God desires most that you seek his face (who he is/his nature) than his hand. (favors). And here’s a tip, if you seek his face, you will be granted more favors than you can think to ask for. This doesn’t mean we can’t ask for answers to prayers, but keep the giver before the gift. Our heart should be one of appreciation, not one of selfish demands. And any parent can tell the difference between a child that wants us, or only what’s in our wallets. One gives us joy, the other gives us grief. God feels both emotions- make him happy.
Feel free to tell God what you observe, and ask questions. Remember, our “Why?” was put there by God, and he wants us to learn. Any question asked in earnest, “Not a disrespectful accusation” is okay to ask.
Be humble. Humility is simply our realization of what he’s done (as much as we recognize it). This posture allows us to see things that we would miss. People that assume they “Already know everything” are less inclined to listen to what others have to say.
Last, God already knows everything you’ve done, every screw-up, mistake, and downright purposeful action. We don’t have to put up a mask to approach him. In fact, he sees through it, so it only keeps us from seeing clearly, not him. You don’t need to barter or beg for God, though you might feel overwhelming appreciation that he would forgive, and want to tell him that.
Here is word of comfort for you that have lived a horrid life that you are ashamed of. If you say, “I wish God would only forgive me and accept me…” it doesn’t matter if you believe he will, because I guarantee he will.- You cannot even want God if he doesn’t put that desire to come to him within you- that “Want” is his guarantee that he will accept you, and he will not throw your past in your face.
God wants you, and he is waiting. More >
27 Mar 2006 @ 13:22, by vector8. Spirituality
Whenever I’m about to do something, I say “let’s do this” or ask myself “what are we going to do?” I guess it’s because I believe that when I think of myself I am referring to the infinite self, the Us, which is the same self of all. I believe the stories I share are about how the Us is being expressed from my own perspective. More >
26 Mar 2006 @ 05:11, by odamour. Violence, War
I would like to communicate my reflexions of psychoanalyst to you on causes conscious and unconscious of terrorisms and wars, in order to become aware of the more effective actions of assistance to the most stripped ones, which in a state of survival, are ready to die for not that their species dies, and to offer reflexions to most affluent, so that all have the possibility of being released from this more or less unconscious fight for survival, by reflexions and the durable development which offers to help itself has to have vital essence, that is its human ecosystem, habitat integrating a garden to be autonomous in vital energy, to hope to put a term at the wars in becomming respectfull with all individuals on our planetary being.
Sincerely, Magnet O DAmour More >
24 Mar 2006 @ 16:00, by swanny. Recreation, Fun
March 24, 2006
9:00 AM Mst
See more for more...
ed More >
24 Mar 2006 @ 07:21, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
a new one... More >
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