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picture25 Feb 2006 @ 14:14, by sprtskr. Shared Purpose
Do you know what is in your food?
Is it genetically engineered?

You don't know --
because they won't tell you...

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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Why don't the food manufacturers and the biotech companies want you to know if your foods have been genetically engineered?

Answer: Because if they are labeled, you will start asking questions such as "Have these genetically engineered foods been safety tested on humans?" The answer to that question is NO!


Question: Doesn't the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) require genetically engineered foods to be safety tested like they do for new drugs and food additives before they are sold to the public for consumption?

Answer: NO! With limited exceptions, under current FDA regulations, companies are not even required to notify the agency they are bringing new genetically engineered products to the market.


Question: How much of the food I buy in the grocery stores contain genetically engineered ingredients?

Answer: Since genetically engineered soy and corn are used in many processed foods, it is estimated that over 70 percent of the foods in grocery stores in the U.S. and Canada contain genetically engineered ingredients.


Question: Are people all over the world eating genetically engineered foods?

Answer: No, all of the European Union nations, Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand and many other countries require the mandatory labeling of foods that contain genetically engineered ingredients. As a result, food manufacturers in all those countries choose to use non-genetically engineered ingredients.


Question: Are you telling me that people in the United States and Canada are eating a lot more genetically engineered foods than in many other countries in the world?

Answer: Yes, citizens in the United States and Canada are engaged in the largest feeding experiment in human history and most people are not even aware of the fact.


Question: What countries are growing genetically engineered crops?

Answer: There were only five countries that grew about 98 percent of the $44 billion of commercial genetically engineered crops in 2003-2004. Those five countries were: the United States ($27.5 billion), Argentina ($8.9 billion), China ($3.9 billion), Canada ($2.0 billion) and Brazil ($1.6 billion).


Question: What can I do to help properly regulate genetically engineered foods so that I can rest assure that these experimental crops will not harm human health or the environment?

Answer: The single most important step you can take is to mail three letters using the U.S. Postal Service. One letter goes to your Congressional Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives and the other two to your state's two Senators serving in the U.S. Senate. The letters request that they support legislation to label genetically engineered foods. We have form letters on this web site for this purpose. Click here for more information.


Copyright © The Campaign .

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 I wanted to add some pictures.6 comments
picture24 Feb 2006 @ 21:00, by poetsong. Visual Arts, Graphics
Digital art is relatively new and who knows where the boundaries will end, especially with 3-D potential. When I create digital pieces, I prefer to begin with something living or a beautiful piece of landscape rather than a color palate, and then build around it. At times I'll leave traces of a mountain or leaf within an abstract picture, tying the art to reality.

Here is a piece of art in progress.  More >

 I is another *23 comments
picture22 Feb 2006 @ 21:57, by uncleremus. Communities

"Are you a captive somewhere? Are you in economic chains? Caught against your will in a spiritual straightjacket? Are you a wage slave or a boss? Do you live off your wits? Have you undergone shock treatment? Do you dispense shock treatment? Were you denied, at some point in your life, your rightful inheritance? Are you an outcast? Do you smoke pot? Do you crack the heads of dissenters? Are you a dissenter, and proud of it? Were you last seen somewhere? Do you want to be seen? Are you even visible? Do you enjoy a sinecure? Do you view life as hopeless? Are you happy? Miserable? Overflowing with existential angst? Do you admire power? Raw power: refined power: power within a velvet glove or in a steel mit? Do you believe there will be a tomorrow? Or are all our days yesterdays? Do you vote? Do you cry? Do you make love? Do you ever go to a movie? Are your papers in order? Are you an expatriate? Has Interpol come after you? Do you still live in your native land? Have you learned yet that the Soviet Union collapsed? Do you care? Are you a student in an exclussive Islamic university? Do you hope to visit Disneyland some day? Have you? Are you a chess enthusiast? Do you play softball? Do you like girls? Have you a girl? Does she truly love you? Are you faithful? Do you prefer the night to the day, or vice versa? Have you ever felt the breeze standing on the end of a pier at dawn? Are you under investigation? Do you believe in God?"

-----21 Feb 2006 @ 00:22 by Quinty

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 Coming Home2 comments
22 Feb 2006 @ 13:01, by vector8. Spirituality
The call to return home never stopped till I returned home.

The other day I met a woman at a bus stop. She said she was freezing. I said it wasn't that cold. She agreed. She told me about the coldest winter she's ever experienced: the winter of 62/63. During that winter everything froze up. She was so cold and miserable, she wanted to return home to St Lucia.  More >

  A Short Traveller's Tale
picture 22 Feb 2006 @ 02:16, by jmarc. Ideas, Creativity

I'd been down at the tavern having some fun with a milch cow when a cull recognised me as the one who put the bite on his jem after I'd gotten him clear on some Bene Bowse last week, but not clear enough that he'd forgot my face, it seemed. Anyway, I didn't see the cull, but he saw me and told the beggar maker who cried beef. The bandog had me in ruffles before I was twig.  More >

 The Seer1 comment
picture21 Feb 2006 @ 23:48, by poetsong. Ideas, Creativity
A lonely Seer dressed in gold-laced robes still walks this earth, appearing and disappearing as he slips in and out of the in-between realm.

Once a king of men, he was selfish and cruel, but no moreso than all the kings of the earth were in the days when evil prevailed. On the eve of the destruction of the world, this king relented of his wicked deeds, and turned to save the perishing from the nations.

The world as it was could not be saved, and was nearly torn in two, but through his efforts a remnant survived and were permitted to rebuild on the new lands that formed.

He was appointed as Watchman over the nations along with a small host of others, to warn them that the very same unseen evil that despoiled all that went before, was still alive and seeking new victims.

N. Marion Hage 2/25/06

*All pictures and story lines are the intellectual property of N Marion Hage, and copywritten. Please do not use this information without permission of the author.

Pictures were taken by Susan Demko and Jim Jasterzinski. Photoart and costume were by N Marion Hage.  More >

 Stonehenge6 comments
picture21 Feb 2006 @ 18:55, by sea. History, Ancient World
As promised New articles are appearing at A&AC.

The first series started as a simple article & rapidy became very long. To keep it from becoming one of those annoyingly long webpages I cut it to 3 sections. All on Stonehenge, you will of course find the most commonly accepted theroies, as well as many you might not know exist. I do expect some flaming once again over ideas, but hey... Like the stones themself, somethings never change! :)  More >

 Spiritual Arrogance, Cargo Cults, and the Bug of this Universe7 comments
picture21 Feb 2006 @ 14:50, by jhs. Spirituality
GeZi posted some excellent thoughts about Cargo Cults. A frequent observation for me is the circumstance that the more distant cult members are from their original source, "the more they display the phenomenon of spiritual arrogance".

These days for me are days of contemplation and research, bringing the problem of the "bug of this Universe"....  More >

 Political Fiction---or is it?10 comments
picture20 Feb 2006 @ 08:21, by i2i. Government, Public Sector

Of the people, by the people, and for the people.

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 How to kindle life.1 comment
19 Feb 2006 @ 19:50, by poetsong. Spirituality
All who breathe are living; but not all the living are alive; at least not in the sense that they are enjoying the breath they were given.

If every parent had wisdom and insight and the character to raise children, they would set them on a course toward success. Success is measured by realizing our purpose, and fulfilling that purpose. If I realized my gift, which many people do not, I would be happier for one; but I'd also know how to structure my life.

Humans have to have dreams or we stagnate; and what I mean by a dream is a sense that there is a destiny and purpose; and if we know it, we can take steps towards that goal.

Every "real" dream is going to face roadblocks. The way to success is not paved with pillows. It's often rocky and there are adversaries; and because of that, if we forget we have a dream or don't know what it is, we will wind up in a life of futility.

Futility is expending a great deal of energy and going nowhere. It is the most frustrating feeling, "My life is meaningless and empty; it's a tedious existance."

So if we know we have a gift and a purpose, and a big dream, we are halfway to where we are going, and way ahead of most of the people in the world.

Since few people have wise, mature, parents, ones filled with character who help their children realize their strengths and that they should reach for the stars, dreams get squelched, and some people don't have a clue that they even have a gift, let alone what that gift is.

And since this is reality, it is one of the great gifts in life to be someone who understands and knows how to kindle life in another. In a sense it is within us to breathe life into others so that their dormant gifts are realized and dreams are birthed.

How? Most screwed up people don't need anyone to tell them they are screwed up. Enough people in this world have said, "What's wrong with you?" In fact, when they screw up, they've probably said, "What's wrong with me?"

And they may put up defenses and pretend things are going well when they aren't, but mostly because they've been beaten down. If someone told me I'd never be good at anything, and everything I do falls apart, I start to expect that things will fall apart, and in effect, walk around sabotaging myself.

In order to breathe life, we have to comprehend that it's necessary, that most people don't like feeling trapped in meaningless existance. But we also have to get a sence of what gifts are.

What are kinds of gifts? Well, some are teachers, by nature. However, there are many spheres where teaching is needed. Others administrators by nature, the kind of people who know how to put people in all the right places, watch over details, and organize. Some people are meant to help identify problems and solve them, and in the sense, they are watchmen over society, to help keep things on course. Still others find their meaning in helping people in a variety of ways, planning and performing all the necessary tasks that every function requires. Some have a gift of hospitality, refreshers of souls who can identify others needs, and know what things will encourage them. There are artistic gifts, gardening gifts, and I mean people who think in creative ways how to make everyone's life better, not simply laborers.

Gifts are expressed in countless ways according to natural interests. One teaches children, another college, and yet another may be a motivational speaker. There is no lack of places teachers are needed. Likewise an administrator can also be a movie producer if he has an artistic bent. So, gifts can be expressed outside the box.

We are not happy if we are not using our gifts. In a sense we are always swimming upstream and never with the currents. Life is tedious and boring and we get frustrated because we may be doing what is counter to our nature.

I may be smart in some ways, but I get flustered if asked to organize anything. Yet there are some who can organize an event blind-folded.

In a sense, each one of us is meant to be part of a bigger whole, a community where no one is expendible. And so we all benefit when people find their place.

Once we are aware that people are gifted, in some cases we end up taking the place of perhaps dysfunctional parents by telling people when we realize they have a gift. Now that gift may not seem important to them, because we tend to dismiss whatever we are good at. And so, there is some selling involed, in the sense of saying, "No, you are not common. If I tried to do what you do, it would be impossible. What you do is an art, a gift, and you simply need to learn how to use that.

Next, think big, and work from there. If I can teach, which I believe I can; I may be content telling a room filled with six people how to tie shoes. But since so many others can do that, I want to dream bigger.

When we sense someone has an amazing gift, we need to tell them, and sometimes birth a dream. "Boy, you are so much more talented than most should be speaking in front of audiences..." or "You are always able to identify problems and come up with solutions, you shouldn't be a secretary, you should be an administrator.."

Now this may require a change in our bents because we might be more prone to telling people what is wrong with them rather than what is right with them, and may think by telling someone what is wrong we are doing them a big favor. If someone isn't where they should be, they likely already know it. And it is so much better to kindle a hope than to dash one.

When people are hopeless, and someone births a hope in them, they appreciate it. That person might say something that changes someone's life from an obscure life of frustration to a life of fulfillment.

Nate  More >

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