MMMark's Whycandoo Room    
 NRDC BioGems8 comments
category picture16 Apr 2002 @ 23:03
Dear NRDC BioGems Defender,

The moment of truth has arrived for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The U.S. Senate is likely to vote as early as Thursday on an amendment to open America's greatest sanctuary for Arctic animals to oil development and sprawling industrialization. Even if you have sent a message to your senators about this issue before, new developments make it critical that you do so again right now by going to [link]

Our defense of the Arctic Refuge is hanging by a slender thread -- a mere handful of senators who are likely but not certain to vote with us. As the critical vote nears, the pro-oil lobby is resorting to increasingly cynical schemes to lure these "swing" senators to their side. Drilling proponents have offered to guarantee healthcare benefits for unemployed steelworkers in return for opening the refuge to oil development. They have offered to guarantee a supply of oil to Israel. More eleventh-hour ploys are sure to follow today and tomorrow. It is an insult to the American people to tie such issues to the fate of the Arctic Refuge. Providing for steelworkers and promoting peace in the Middle East should not depend on destroying our greatest remaining wilderness.

These attempts to cut backroom deals that will sell out the refuge are especially repugnant because the Senate has already voted AGAINST an amendment that would have improved fuel economy standards for cars and light trucks. That single measure alone would have saved far more oil than the Arctic Refuge could ever produce. But pro-oil senators would rather sacrifice America's premier wildlife refuge so that oil giants can sell even more oil that can then be wasted in the world's most inefficient gas-guzzling vehicles. This is special-interest politics at its absolute, public-be-damned worst. It can only be countered by millions of pro-environment messages from people like you and me.

Please do your part by contacting your two senators immediately. If you want to have the greatest possible impact, then **pick up the phone right now** and call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121. Speak to your senators' staff and ask them to tell your senators to oppose any amendment that would allow oil exploration or development in the Arctic Refuge. It will take you only about 3 minutes, but will make a big impression.

If you have less than 3 minutes or you're not within reach of a phone, then go to [link] and send an electronic fax or email (and please take a few seconds to personalize the sample message by adding your own thoughts about why preserving the Arctic Refuge is important to you).

However you choose to contact your senators, *please do it instantly.* This may be our last, best chance to stop the oil giants from plundering America's irreplaceable sanctuary for polar bears, white wolves, and 130,000 caribou.

And thank you, as always, for your continued support of NRDC.


John H. Adams President Natural Resources Defense Council


BioGems: Saving Endangered Wild Places A project of the Natural Resources Defense Council [link]  More >

 NCN LOGS12 comments
category picture11 Apr 2002 @ 15:46
There is some confusion and controversy about the way the logs operate and lacking any policy to guide our community behavior in them, whether creator or commentor. Freedom is a great thing, however it is the abuse of freedom that generates problems and every regulation made to curtail abuse is only an erosion of freedom in itself. I will do my best to clarify the options we have in using the logs.

What is a Personal Log for?
Ming had designated them as "News Logs," but that is restrictive of intent, or at least assumes everyone shares the intention to use them as such. Obviously most of us do not use our Logs in this manner and I personally do not care to post news here when there are better sources and too many of them. Let us just say that Logs are for posting information, things we want to record and/or share.  More >

 The Apple6 comments
picture30 Mar 2002 @ 01:07
Well, I write to inform several who have inquired, and those who might be curious, about my latest experiences to be kept a short story.

I have just completed my annual obligation to file and pay my tax return and I came through remarkably unscathed in what amounted to a 5 day investment of time.

As for CEN, I am trying to get connected with anyone who can bring resources to bear on the problem and thanks to Tricia Deane, "The Queen of Light in Different Colors," I found this site: – which is doing what I advocate without any administrative responsibility. That is to say, petitions on this site are author posted by anyone and the signers are not members of any specific group representing a discriminating set of ethics. That is good and that is bad, but I hope to email with the President of the company, Kevin Matthews and see what he has to say.  More >

 Networking Conscious Evolution1 comment
category picture16 Mar 2002 @ 03:08
Establishing an ever greater network of conscious evolutionists, has got to be a valuable set of tasks to pursue.

- It will save redundant waste of resources and time if we can decide what types of networking are going to be the most important, related specifically to supplying those essential goods and services world-wide. There is no need for us to write software if others are already doing it.
- But we must be able to show credibility in order to establish a network. Peoples questions about their investment must be answerable.
- By networking CE groups specializing in specific things like, FCE’s place of learning, "The Center For Conscious Evolution," other groups can relax to do their thing, while they can also rely on the synergy supplied with data connections, and services provided by the other groups – an interdependent relationship – Sounds like Nature!
- Database design is very important especially for membership, if we are going to network teams of specialists in virtual space, and give legal petitions and declarations.
- We should want to link this power to the aid of every worthy NPO (non-profit-organization) so we can help them do what they know best.

This is where our philosophy is going to be very important. We have to connect in harmony, not at cross purposes or in contradiction to one another on the root stuff, the basic stuff. We must know the biomechanical, the biochemical, and the biomental systems we are trying to repair our part in. We will not be successful with a selfish approach, or with minds closed to the ideas of others, we must think in Universal terms, so we can get along Universally.

This is a better outline of what I see needs doing. I have written several other posts on the subject of CEN if you care to review them, in my log and the "Subjects" section. Please feel free to comment your suggestions on how we candoo some of these things. Thanks!


PS – I forgot to say anything about raising money, or investing, next one I guess.  More >

 CEN Headquarters Pasadena2 comments
picture14 Mar 2002 @ 20:30
Just wanted to give y’all a look at my Whycandoo workspace and studio on the lower floor of our humble abode. As you can see, I have plenty of computers to keep me busy and musical instruments for distraction, however, my hair is not distracted from its genetic destiny. Rather interesting that today I decided to change all the computer gear and make one super G4 arrangement with enough plastic credit to add a new scanner to the configuration. I just wish I could afford a good digital camera, yet that might abuse you with all the pics I would post – so that goes on the shelf for now.

In general, I am trying to maximize a balance between my time here and the need to earn cash. Jobs have been hard to come by., but now that the "economy is recovering" I feel much better.

I would describe my mission to be one of a facilitator, or better still, to make stuff that facilitates our ability to contribute responsibly, where the old methods show potential pathways, they are not adequate to the scale of our joint mission in Conscious Evolution. I see that we might work on several fronts, which are related and connected; Consensus, Petitions and News web technologies. Blending our voices in various declarations will bring attention that is news worthy. Let it carry our cause into the light of social awareness by every loving means we can find.

I am still waiting for suggestions on the name for our work group and any other suggestions how to expand the amount of assistance we can muster. I believe we should be thinking on the largest scale possible as talent abounds the world round, Philanthropic, Grass-roots, Political, Institutional and Professional. Kim has started us off – what else next?

Namasté  More >

 Moment by Moment2 comments
category picture14 Mar 2002 @ 02:28
When tragedy strikes the world on any scale it is an opportunity to change the forces that created the problem. Usually the aftermath is a direct example of matching negative energy – always accompanied by denial of any complicity or responsibility for conditions that bred such an event.

When tragedy strikes, it is the best time to be active and keep the tiller straight. If we have Lovesense as central human purpose the winds of change won’t blow us off course, and few would dare try to coup the majority voice. We suffer because we are cowards to die for the right to love.

I am a strong advocate of Universal Philosophy for this specific reason. Shouldn’t we have a good reason to die? How hard is it to agree on ethics of goodness? If we can agree in general terms, the pirates won’t be able to play their game, because no one will empower them to even begin the game. On the other hand, we are ruled by the pirates who run the dominant game, so we have to change the rules under duress and take back our right to build spiritual peace.

Every day we have the chance to do it better. Silence and by-standing will only propagate problems through endorsement, where it requires expression of the alternatives to achieve improvement. Yes it matters what we do at home and we should tend our own gardens, but we must also protect the divine system that provides freedom for all our individual variations of life.

I envision days when a person with a gun can’t belittle someone without one. A time when we will not empower acts of violence by defending the right to build and bear weapons; When we will have a personal sense of dignity that will not allow us to be blackmailed for a buck; When we will mob a mugger and cart him down to the police station; When we will refuse to participate in groups that intend selfish objectives at the expense of freedom of others; When we will prevent public servants from lying to us, keep the media from insulting out intelligence and advertisers from selling wares of poison to our children.

The moment by moment our troubles have been made and they can be reformed by making it better moment by moment.

Let us find the song, the voice, the transmission and let love ring out from every "mole hill in Mississippi to the mountains" of Tibet.  More >

 Another Invitation8 comments
category picture13 Mar 2002 @ 14:53
I am most interested in learning what it will take to unite and manage larger groups of people, since we need ways to broaden common interest in addition to local concerns. Many of us are involved in local activities that invest in community health and there are many cocreative people in many groups around the world, but what are the next phases on the road of humanity’s success? Loving ethics are the core of our future and we must remember that moral behavior does not infringe upon freedom, it maximizes it.  More >

 My Log Document0 comments
category picture13 Mar 2002 @ 14:46
I have been writing all my log entries and comments in one Word file since 12/06/2001 and now have 64 pages of personal thoughts relative to Conscious Evolution.

My goal for the log, is to only place text in it that will add value to life, and so I can prove myself consistent to me. I do this to create a whole trail, not bits and pieces. When I look back, it looks like I am succeeding for the most part. I told myself that I am going to be a writer - and all of you are helping me grow daily in that task. Beyond all other things I have been forced to become more balanced and less easily shaken from my perch with the exercise. My eyes are more steadily focused on the prize than ever before.

I have big plans you know…

and they aren’t plans for me,

but I will be part of them.

I also have collected a spreadsheet of >1800 quotes of quality, special, timeless thoughts about responsible consciousness. They seem invaluable to the big picture and proof that we did not just drop out of the crib yesterday. They offer inspiration to age old problem patterns, and priceless wisdom of integrity which always holds value for describing success. I find great comfort in the legacy of Conscious Evolutionists speaking the cause for thousands of years before it was hip. We don’t have search to find new answers, for we will always have the same temptations to master.

 What Do We Really Need? (continued)1 comment
category picture12 Mar 2002 @ 17:49
I received this message today which relates to my earlier post about the elementary things we need Universally. Wildhaber’s explanation is more scientific and combines two of my items, Universal Education in "Humanology" & Universal Society of Self Government into a single mental category. He will be in Santa Barbara California this Saturday. I wish I could go, but alas, I must perform on drums in a classic rock trio for three hours that night in another town.

You are invited to a special complimentary 2 hour workshop on fitness and health essentials -- THIS Sat., 16th, at 3 p.m. at 45 Humphrey Rd. (off (San Ysidro exit: head toward beach). Presented by Dr. Bruno Wildhaber, this unique program was developed in Switzerland and taught all over Europe. Called the "Three Avenue Approach", it focuses on the three inter-connected systems governing our physical well-being: the biomechanical, the biochemical, and biomental systems. Dr. Wildhaber worked in Switzerland where he established a clinic/rehabilitation clinic; he is the founder of Neruokinesiology, an adavanced technique designed to reduce premature degeneration and/or facilitate crisis care. And he designed a highly effective fitness-rehabilitation program called Airob-Stretch. Dr. Wildhaber has taken residence in Santa Barbara and is now beginning to share his skills and insights. This workshop is not just an introduction, but in itself delivers important information.

RSVP to Harri Kallio:  More >

 Simmons Sizzles1 comment
category picture12 Mar 2002 @ 02:33
I just want to quote one of our stupendously courageous and kind members now for some feeling I can’t clearly identify:

"So to move Forward, I move Fear-ward."  More >

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  • Thanks For Telling Me

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  • Tell Me About Me

  • 2002-05-09
  • Maintaining Personal Center

  • 2002-05-08
  • The 19 Co-Creator’s Agreements

  • 2002-05-07
  • Letter to Barry Soble of FCE

  • 2002-05-04
  • Stop The Damn Dam @ BioGems

  • 2002-05-02
  • ActForChange - A Call to action

  • 2002-04-25
  • Divisions & Subdivisions

  • 2002-04-23
  • Dear Sharie - Peace

  • 2002-04-16
  • NRDC BioGems

  • 2002-04-11

  • 2002-03-30
  • The Apple

  • 2002-03-16
  • Networking Conscious Evolution

  • 2002-03-14
  • CEN Headquarters Pasadena
  • Moment by Moment

  • 2002-03-13
  • Another Invitation
  • My Log Document

  • 2002-03-12
  • What Do We Really Need? (continued)

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  • 2008-08-26
  • martha: Love's connection is never broken
  • ursula: Yes
  • istvan: Martha, back only a few days ago and
  • martha: What do you know rishi
  • rishi: Never mind the nonsense about birthdays
  • martha: Happy Birthday Mark

  • 2004-05-31
  • ov: One year later

  • 2004-01-12
  • magical_melody: Happy New Year Mark!

  • 2003-12-24
  • spiritseek: Happy Holidays...
  • hgoodgame: What a lovely greeting!
  • martha: Anytime
  • vibrani: I'll be right over!

  • 2003-12-03
  • jazzolog: A Delight And Honor

  • 2003-08-18
  • jeffolsen: Choice

  • 2003-07-16
  • b: Mark
  • vibrani: Ah - thanks!
  • simpleman: SHORT-TERM
  • vibrani: Yes - choices

  • 2003-07-13
  • simpleman: CHOICES!!

  • 2003-07-10
  • vibrani: To each
  • magical_melody: Thanks Mark!

  • 2003-06-09
  • mmmark: Conduct
  • craiglang: Behavior...

  • 2003-06-08
  • vibrani: comments
  • craiglang: I wonder..
  • waalstraat: Mirror
  • jazzolog: Thank You Mark

  • 2003-04-12
  • swan: Yes,

  • 2003-04-11
  • martha: thank you

  • 2003-04-10
  • spiritseek: Well said Mark...
  • invictus: You've got my vote...
  • shawa: _(*)_
  • jstarrs: Amen to that...

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