FlemmingLeer´s english blog    
 Amazing Denmark: Man survives 3 heart attacks on the same day !0 comments
category picture13 Mar 2004 @ 11:55
Danish TV2 today had short newsflash about a man amazingly surviving 3 heart attacks on the same day!

He first experienced strong pain while preparing to go out hunting and immediately knew something terribly was wrong.  More >

 Dream helps Guantanamo prisoner through hardship2 comments
category picture12 Mar 2004 @ 02:39
No matter what.

Nobody should be treated like the Guantanamo prisoners anywhere. Especially not if we are speaking of USA.

But the collective consciousness (or rather source) works in mysterious ways.

In this case it gave comfort to Jamal al-Harith.  More >

 Spam: clear your mailbox of spam mails from 0spam.com free: 567 blocked !0 comments
category picture12 Mar 2004 @ 02:26
The effect is instaneous and works on all platforms. You can check one account for free and set up a whitelist of approved mail to get through automatically.

It works by adding a filter, by which people sending mail will have to actively click on link to let it pass through to you.

It works ! Since wednesday 10th on an account with some 150+ spams a week, not one f***** spam got through. :D What a relief... Works with hotmail and yahoo.com as well.

0spam.com  More >

 The effect of EUs liberal internal market Veet, baby carriages0 comments
category picture10 Feb 2004 @ 04:07
I think it was in 1987 that the Internal Market of the EC was adopted. Today we now see the sad effects of some of it.

A recent study from a Danish consumer group showed that 7 out of 12 tested baby carriages were so harmful that they were banned from sale immediately !  More >

picture31 Jan 2004 @ 02:02
hmm, what an odd number.

Well, just sometimes I find myself missing having a TV. (Approaching 7 years :D) This is one of them. A couple of month ago MTV apparently broadcasted a concert called 46664.com on november 29th to be exact. 46664 was the prison number of Nelson Mandela during his imprisonment on Robben Island, Cape Town.  More >

 Can we get a witness report?0 comments
category picture31 Jan 2004 @ 01:49
Several newmedia reported a little 3 year old girl survived a 5 days alone in after a tragic car accident. Angel Emery

But just  More >

 CBS censor moveon.org winning ad but accepts bu$h ad for Superbowl night1 comment
category picture23 Jan 2004 @ 22:06
Moveon.org will deliver protests from the site to CBS.  More >

 Rotten Denmark pt. 2 - 100.000 forced labourers used to distort competition0 comments
category picture21 Jan 2004 @ 02:10
As part of the government employment policy, people on kontanthjaelp (social welfare) have to work for the money they get. Often they work on projects, where they assemble parts or do packaging for various companies. They get no extra pay other than their welfare. Of course this benefits the companies involved. Like Bodum coffee makers , Dandy (Stimorol) (Subsidiary of Cadbury Schweppes, Gumlink (various gum products private labels be sold in Aldi, Germany), Jema Plast, Hvidbjerg Vinduer and Aquafresh toothbrushes (Subsidiary of Smithkline Beecham) .  More >

 Rotten Denmark pt. 1 Danish Crown2 comments
picture18 Jan 2004 @ 09:38
Shakespeare was right. There is something wrong in the state of Denmark. The biggest Danish producer of meat, Danish Crown , was under scrutiny after a home video was shown on TV2. The video was shot after ISS personel had finished cleaning. Or so they thought. The picture here is from that video.  More >

 Diebold e-vote software under scrutiny. Flawed or fraud for bu$h?2 comments
category picture28 Nov 2003 @ 16:14
A Georgia group of citizens took the time to reevaluate the 2002 election held last November.

They found several disturbing things:
1. Voting machines was not certified. Under state and federal law, all voting machinery and component parts must be certified before use in an election.

2. Voting software was available on a public FTP, unencrypted and free to all to access.  More >

 Diebold e-voting situation. (Microvote.com, Florida 2000 revisited)2 comments
category picture25 Nov 2003 @ 00:05
Generally this is about the "supreme" e-voting being tampered with. In a recent election in Boone County, Indiana 5,300 used the e-voting, but the software reported 144,000. Of course right down the bu$h alley as the CEO of Diebold is republican and the software is scheduled to be used in the Presidential election 2004.

Spyware weekly nov. 18th ´03  More >

 Analysis of the bu$h tenet debacle4 comments
category picture16 Jul 2003 @ 03:26
In an article by From The Wilderness "Blood in the water" - Watergate II Micheal Rupperts combines various news sources in a very close scrutiny of the a behind the scenes look of the Bush administration and Tenet´s "confession". The news is lined up chronoligically with source.
Blood in the water - Watergate II

[link] July 15 2003  More >

 Iraq: Emergency Appeal to the U.N. from Moveon.org0 comments
category picture6 Mar 2003 @ 09:40
So far more than 550.000 people from more than 200 countries worldwide have signed this petition.  More >

 Danish PeaceWatch0 comments
picture4 Feb 2003 @ 16:17
Since october 19th 2001 a Peacewatch has formed a 7 days peacewatch in front of the Danish Parliament.  More >

 Online gaming in Denmark moves towards esports0 comments
category picture1 Feb 2003 @ 18:26
This year marks a new important step towards making online gaming more acceptable in Denmark and gaining acceptance as an Esport.  More >

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  • Outfoxed: a look behind the curtains at Rupert Murdoch´s Empire

  • 2004-06-20
  • Eureka, maybe not !

  • 2004-05-26
  • 10 million americans have survived cancer

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  • Job prospects for Denmark
  • Waiting....

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  • Evolutionary Healing
  • Danish Digital Signatures flawed

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