6 Jul 2006 @ 22:43
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4 Jul 2006 @ 00:05
Non-sequiturs often appear under the form of unintentional (sophomoric), or deliberate (trolling) disconnected comments, or changes in subject.
The comment below was removed either for its lack of clarity as to its purpose (because of style or content) or because of its apparent lack of relevance to the topic at hand from the thread on which it was originally posted by its author.
Not all such comments are sophomoric in nature, nor the result of trolling, so this comment was posted here so as to offer an avenue for those interested in the topic or style (e.g. mediumistic automatism, absurdism, etc.) which might be present in such or such comment independently of the context in which the comment was posted.
The mission of TrollXing is one of understanding. The comment featured on the present post will only remain here with its author's permission and will, of course, be removed upon simple request by its author, if said author signifies in a comment below that he or she wishes the post to be removed. More >
3 Jul 2006 @ 23:34
Non-sequiturs often appear under the form of unintentional (sophomoric), of deliberate (trolling) disconnected comments, or changes in subject.
The comment below was removed either for its lack of clarity as to its purpose (because of style or content) or because of its apparent lack of relevance to the topic at hand from the thread on which it was originally posted by its author.
Not all such comments are sophomoric in nature, nor the result of trolling, so this comment was posted here so as to offer an avenue for those interested in the topic or style (e.g. mediumistic automatism, absurdism, etc.) which might be present in such or such comment independently of the context in which the comment was posted.
The mission of TrollXing is one of understanding. The comment featured on the present post will only remain here with its author's permission and will, of course, be removed upon simple request by its author, if said author signifies in a comment below that he or she wishes the post to be removed. More >