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The Gaian-Ego Hypothesis
This book was started over a year ago but was put aside, however
now it feels like the right time to finish it off and publish it. It
is mostly finished and will be complete in a couple of weeks. Read it
online at www.anandavala.info/GaianEgo/.
Here is a quote of the brief version of the central idea:
“The ecosystem consists of all organisms including ourselves. It
is the body of a planetary super-organism that some call Gaia and we
organisms are cells within that body, just as organisms are cellular
ecosystems. The large scale ecological dynamics involving climate,
forests, mountain ranges and oceans comprise the overall
physiological processes of that super-organism. The interactions
between individual organisms comprise the detailed biochemical
processes analogous to those between cells within an organism.
However we humans are rather specialised organisms because our
interactions channel information and are therefore analogous to
neurological processes. Our human interactions create society and
culture which give rise to the mind of Gaia. Our informal culture,
composed of individual communication and interaction, is Gaia's
subconscious mind. Our power structures and the public discourse,
composed of legislation, institutions, mass media and academia, are
the conscious mind of Gaia. Mass media, diplomatic channels and
telecommunications are the conduit of conscious thought for Gaia.
The feedback loops between mass communication and individual
communication form the space in which culture resonates and comes to
experience itself. Within this cultural/macro-cognitive scenario a
collective ego has arisen that experiences itself as an individual
being and uses society as “its body”. Just as within human
organisms, which possess a complex self-reflective mind, an ego
arises that experiences itself as an individual being and uses the
organism as “its body”.
Whilst there are individuals and elites seeking to dominate and
exploit, things aren't that simple, they are the most conditioned by the
collective ego, which is manifesting through them the most strongly.
There is a deeper reason why whole populations allow themselves to
be oppressed and have done so for thousands of years. The ego within
each of us oppresses ourselves and forms into a collective ego that
oppresses us all. This is an emergent systemic phenomenon that is far
older and more powerful than anything any small group of humans could
create and sustain. All the conspiracies and politics are just
symptoms of this phenomenon and not its real cause. Civilisation has
gone through cycle after cycle of regimes and revolutions, with great
suffering and destruction, and this is perhaps our last chance to
break out of that loop and move on to something new.
The more control that the collective ego gains over “its body”
the more we organisms become enslaved in a subtle yet all pervasive
totalitarian regime. It imposes its perspective and drives the
situation in pursuit of its agendas, thereby destroying the fabric of
both the society and the ecosystem. Just as the human ego conceives
of the ramifications of its abuses as 'ill-health' and 'ageing', so too does the
collective ego fail to comprehend the true cause and only seeks to
eradicate the symptoms in order to continue pursuing its agendas.
As cells within this collective organism our interactions are its
metabolic processes, which make it what it is. If we are
unconsciously manipulated we serve the collective ego but if we are
aware we support the health of the super-organism. Through
communicating our awareness we share it with others and spread the
light of awareness. This casts out the shadows of ignorance, which
returns the entire system to a state of balance and holistic health.”
Read it online at www.anandavala.info/GaianEgo/
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