2007-06-25, by John Ringland
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This is a brief discussion that touches on Turing machines, neural
networks, universal computation, system theory, system matrix
notation, cosmic consciousness, individual consciousness, systemic
evolution and holistic science.
I previously mentioned the mathematics and its computational
implementation that arose from my metaphysical research in the
article IT
Revolution. Here I'll discuss how this fits in with system
theory, consciousness, metaphysics and the evolution of systems from
particles to civilisation, but first I'll begin by saying a little
more about the mathematical / computational process by describing a
simple way of thinking about it in terms of Turing machines and
neural networks - it is computationally equivalent to a massively
parallel network of neurons but we can work towards it by thinking
about Turing machines. Let me explain in 4 steps:
Step 1: Simple Turing Machine
Consider a simple Turing machine T1 that has a tape of passive
elements that can store data that can be written or read. There is
also an active head that can step along the tape and read the data
from the passive elements. The head has an internal state and it
reads the input data from one element and in combination with its
internal state it maps the input state into an output state that it
writes to the tape and may also change internal state. Different
input/output mappings and state transition mappings result in
different algorithms. This simple scheme can give rise to a universal
computational process that can implement any computable algorithm
where a 2:5 Turing machine is the simplest known universal Turing
machine with 2 internal states and 5 distinct data values.
Step 2: Complex Turing Machine
Now consider a Turing machine T2 that doesn't step along the tape
and read the passive elements one at a time, but instead it can read
in the entire tape as a single input. But it can only write to a
single element. This is equivalent to a Turing machine with a single
passive element that has a large number of data values. E.g. consider
a tape with 8 binary elements, instead of reading single bits one at
a time it can read a single 8 bit value so instead of 8 elements with
2 values it is one element with 2^8=256 values. T2 can read in this
one value and in combination with its internal state it maps this to
a single output value within the range 0-255 in which only one of the
bits is allowed to change and the rest remain unchanged.
Step 3: Single Neuron
Now consider a Turing machine T3 where its internal state isn't
separate from the tape but is instead stored in one of the data
elements so one element, say the first, represents the internal state
of the head and the rest represents the input data. We'll call the
first element here an active element because it is associated with
the active head. So T3 can read in the entire tape which includes
both its internal state and the input data. This is then transformed
into an output state but the only element that it can change is its
active element that represents its internal state and the remaining
data remains unchanged. This is purely an observer of the passive
elements, it cannot change them, it can only observe the passive data
and set its internal state accordingly. On its own this is not a very
universal computational process but is a simple model of a neuron. If
this was all there was the passive data would never change and the
observer would repeatedly observe the same input data and only its
internal state could change. Hence a single neuron is not very
Step 4: Neural Network
Now consider the case of a neural network where every tape element
is an active element with an associated head. Each head reads in the
entire tape and the n'th head treats the n'th element as its internal
state and the other elements as its input data. Each head reads in
the entire data that includes the input data and its internal state,
then it changes state and writes this to its active element leaving
the rest of the tape unchanged. In this case each element of the tape
is the internal state of an observer or neuron and each neuron is
observing the entire tape. Because each element is the internal state
of a neuron and each neuron can change its internal state the tape
elements can continue to change so the input data that each neuron is
observing keeps changing. Because of this the internal state of each
neuron keeps changing and the changes lead to further changes and so
Every neuron can potentially interact with every other neuron so
there is potentially no distance between them but they don't need to
be this interconnected. For example, a particular neuron may only pay
attention to particular neurons or it may give more weight to some
than others, and there may be only a particular group of other
neurons that pay attention to its state. This creates a complex but
localised network of interactions or information channels that binds
certain neurons into functional groups. Some paths may open out to
other neurons for input and output and others may form closed loops.
These functional groups act as systems and as the interactions evolve
the systems integrate and disintegrate as sub-systems form into
super-systems and super-systems decay back into their sub-systems.
Thus a neural network is a "general system" simulator or a
systemic universal computational process.
A Computational Mind
This computational process effectively creates a closed massively
parallel neural network where the state of the tape represents the
internal state of every neuron in that network or the holistic state
of the network. Different initial internal states, neuronal
interconnection patterns and state transition mappings result in
different computational processes. The state of the neural network
can be called a "state of mind" and each state of mind
flows into other states of mind as the configuration evolves. This
scheme can easily be implemented using extended matrix algebra that
liberates it from being constrained to linear systems. In the
extended scheme called system matrix notation (SMN) any linear or
non-linear computational process can be implemented. Refer to Finite
Discrete Information Systems to see how this is done.
Cosmic Consciousness
The network is completely closed, where the network state is the
state of the virtual universe, which is like a dream state within the
mind of a cosmic consciousness. The neurons implement primitive
systems, these are indivisible systems that interact and can
integrate to form compound systems that are functional groups of
neurons. These can further interact and integrate to form higher
levels of systems and thus the virtual universe takes on a system
theoretic structure with systems within systems within systems. The
entire neural network is the largest functional group of neurons and
it comprises the system that can be called the universe. Within this
virtual universe every system can potentially interact with every
other system so there is no intrinsic distance between them but as
they form into functional groups and certain signals need to travel
through a network of systems in order to pass between particular
systems the concept of separation or distance arises. A regular
metric can create any kind of dimensional space (e.g. 3D space) and
non-regular interaction patterns can create other kinds of fractional
dimensional or non-dimensional spaces (e.g. the internet).
Individual Consciousness
In the case of individual virtual systems these are functional
groups within the universal network so they are not entirely closed.
Each virtual system is a sub-network within the universal network so
each system is a microcosm of the cosmos. The main difference is that
they are open systems that have an internal network that opens onto
the wider network and they interact with other sub-networks within
the universal network. Whilst the cosmic network is closed and there
is only an inner space, the virtual systems experience having an
inner and an outer space. Within these sub-networks some neurons can
be observing inputs that open outward from the sub-network, which
then stimulate the sub-network to respond and evolve according to its
nature. Some elements or neuronal states can also be observed by
other networks and can thus be used as outputs to influence external
systems. The inputs are sensory inputs into a computational mind and
the outputs are actions driven by the computational mind. In this way
the mind can evolve or contemplate within its own internal space or
it can experience sensory inputs and respond with output 'actions'.
Systems can be primarily contemplative with a large portion of
their sub-network devoted to internal processing or they can be
primarily reflexive with a large portion of their sub-network devoted
to translating from input to output. If they are primarily
contemplative they can process their inputs deeply and form complex
internal spaces of awareness, imagination, knowledge and so on. If
they are primarily reflexive they respond in simplistic ways to their
inputs with little internal reflection.
Perception and Reality
When systems perceive through their senses they are embedded in
the information stream so the perceived systems appear to be objects
in space where the objects are tightly interacting systems or
functional groups of neurons and the spatial distance between them
arises from the interaction separation of the systems where the
information must flow through a network of intervening systems in
order to be conveyed. But underlying this every system is directly
connected to every other system and there is no distance between
anything. At the level of the information flow things don't appear as
objects in space, instead there is a vast flux of information
streaming in every direction and interconnecting everything at every
Complex Systems
As the virtual system evolves from simple systems toward more
complex systems there are a large number of low-level systems that
are highly reflexive to the point of being automatons. These are just
cognitive-feed-through components that can are connected together and
programmed to elicit standardised reflexive behaviours. However the
higher level systems are fewer in number and they are more
contemplative and able to process and cognise information more deeply
and are thus able to engage in more complex and variable behaviours.
In the virtual universe the simplest systems are the most
reflexive and the higher level systems are more contemplative, but
with each system level they also tend from reflexive to
contemplative. As they reach a level of internal complexity they
breach a threshold where they are able to engage in more complex
communication and integration and at this point they integrate to
form a higher systemic level of systems. This is called a meta-system
Systemic Evolution
In the following example I will use many common labels such as
particle, membrane, cell, etc but remember that these are just
perceptual analogies for what are actually virtual systemic
structures or dynamic functional groups of neurons within the cosmic
reality generative neural network. They are dream objects within the
cosmic consciousness and not 'material' objects in space. But when
perceived by systems through their senses and interpreted using a
materialistic paradigm they are thought to be material objects in
The lowest level systems such as particles have almost zero
contemplative capacity and are almost entirely reflexive but these
integrate to form atoms and molecules. At the level of bio-molecular
structures the systems are complex enough to be able to integrate to
form an entirely new level of systems called cells. These prokaryotes
are simple membranes with a DNA-RNA-protein cycle and they persisted
for billions of years as a single cellular ecosystem. Then the
eukaryotes formed which are an outer membrane with inner
sub-membranes allowing for a more complex internal processing so they
are thus more contemplative. Very quickly they produced an entirely
new level of systems called multi-cellular organisms. These formed
ecosystems where the lower level systems are bacteria, insects and
plants, which support more complex systems such as tigers, elephants,
dolphins and humans that are much fewer in number and have much
greater contemplative capacity and less reflexive behaviour.
Humans have developed far greater contemplative capacity than
other animals and we have thereby integrated to form an entirely new
level of systems called organisations, or tribes, societies,
corporations, nations and civilisations. And the process of systemic
creation continues, but all the systems are still just virtual
systems or dream systems within the cosmic consciousness. There is
still just the same neural network but its configuration or network
state is evolving.
Other related discussions here at NCN:
Gaian-Ego Hypothesis The
Scientific Case Against Materialism IT
Revolution Systems
Analysis of Economic Social Engineering The
Mystic Meaning of Original Sin
More articles follow on from these going into other related
aspects (see the bottom of each page). All these issues are connected
because they are all configurations and behaviours within the one
cosmic network. We perceive things as separate and form separate
discourses for them such as physics, psychology, spirituality,
politics, economics and so on, but everything arises from the one
unified source and everything can be conceived of as virtual systems
interacting within a cosmic consciousness. This understanding is the
basis of holistic science.
There is also more detailed information on my website System
Theoretic Metaphysics of Reality.
Best wishes : ) John Ringland
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